Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 920: : I met the Zijin Immortal on the Way of Shengxian, I kept it for fun

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The little fox comes from an advanced spiritual civilization in the Azure Emperor galaxy, and that civilization is dominated by the monster race.

And the little fox is the saint of the fox demon clan, but she was not born in that civilization, but from outside.

"When I was very young, I went to visit Sanniang and the others with my father, but later, my father threw me there. This throw is hundreds of years old. I just came out to find me this time. Dad of responsibility, I heard that he seems to have gone to some fairyland..."

The little fox confessed his affairs on the battleship.

After hearing the words, Madman Chu showed a thoughtful look, "How are you sure that the immortal world your father went to is this immortal world?"

In this universe, there is no complete immortal realm for a long time, and the fragments of the immortal realm scattered all over the cosmos are the fragments of the fairy realm.

Perhaps, the little fox's father went to another realm of cruel immortals.

"I don't know, but I thought, it's all immortal world, maybe there will be any clues, so it came."

"that's it?"


Madman Chu glanced at the little fox, the trail master's cultivation base, such a realm is considered good, it is no wonder that he dared to venture out.

It's just that she was unlucky, and soon after she came out, she met someone from the Beast Star, and was almost captured and enslaved.

"Big brother, look, we are almost on the way to Shengxian."

The little fox suddenly got up and exclaimed, and pointed to a place not far away that was shrouded by Xianhui. There was Shengxiandao.

There are countless monks in the way of ascending immortals.

Many of these monks stopped in front of the white stone pillars, looking at the patterns on the pillars, as if they were comprehending something.

The little fox couldn't help being a little strange when he saw it.

"Boss, what are they looking at?"

"It should be like comprehending these stone pillars."

The little fox couldn’t help thinking, “I’ve heard Sanniang and the others say that the way to ascend to immortals in the immortal world is very magical. I don’t know if it is true or not."

"Ancient rumors are hard to distinguish between true and false."

Madman Chu said lightly.

In the universe, there are many rumors about the fairy world.

But how true or false these rumors are is not known, especially for young monks such as Kuangren Chu, the age of the broken fairy world is too old for them to know how many years ago.

It may even go back to the last era.

Twenty-nine thousand six hundred years is the first year, and twenty-nine thousand six hundred first years is the cosmic era.

A cosmic era is a very long time for immortals, and there are very few immortals who can survive an era.

Madman Chu maneuvered the warship to approach Shengxiandao.

And this time.

A young man stepped in slowly in the Way of Ascending Immortals. The young man walked calmly, with a hint of arrogance between his brows.

When he stepped into the Way of Ascending Immortals, the white stone pillars on both sides suddenly shook, a dragon shadow and a phoenix shadow hovering above him, the meaning of auspiciousness permeated, making many people startled.

"This is a superb fairy."

"Yes, this way of ascending to immortality will only respond when it welcomes the immortals, but it can also react when encountering some immortal species. This young man is not easy."

"I heard that not long ago, when a fairy of the Azure Emperor galaxy walked through the Ascension Road, there were ghosts of ten dragons and ten phoenixes hovering. The scene was spectacular, so it must be a huge fairy!"

"A fairy of that level, as long as there is no accident, there is at least a 20% chance of becoming a fairy, which is much better than us."

"Yeah, nothing compares..."

Countless people talked a lot, looking at the young man with the dragon and phoenix on his head, his eyes were full of envy.

The young man came to the end of Shengxian Dao in the eyes of everyone's envy, and walked into the door leading to the realm of Remnant Immortals.

"In a sense, this Ascended Immortal Dao is also a tool for testing the qualifications of immortal species." Madman Chu muttered.

Next to him, the little fox nodded, "There is only one dragon and one phoenix. If you go up there, you must be at least ten dragons and ten phoenixes."

"Then you will be honored."

Madman Chu smiled lightly.

At this time, several more warships approached not far away, and one of them was approaching Madman Chu.

"Friend Chu!"

A surprise sound came from the warship.

The madman of Chu only saw Jian Sanjue, Duanmuhong and Shui Qianhua, the Tianjiao fairy species of the first-class purple-gold galaxy in the Venus sequence.

Obviously, these people intend to enter the realm of remnant immortals.

And it was Jian Sanjue who called out Madman Chu.

He looked at Madman Chu, "Friend Chu Daoist really came too."

"I have seen you all."

Madman Chu nodded slightly, he noticed that in addition to the fairy species of the Zijin galaxy, there were some fairy species of other galaxies.

"Friend Chu Dao, let me introduce to you, they are immortal species from Fengyun Galaxy, this one is Hongxue, he is Yun Qianliu..."

Jian Sanjue introduced a few people to Madman Chu.

Madman Chu nodded in response.

And these immortal species from Fengyun Galaxy were also secretly looking at Madman Chu. On the way, they heard Jiansanjue talk a lot about Madman Chu, and they were very curious about this man.

"Apart from looking good, there is nothing special about it."

The young fairy Yun Qianliu curled his lips secretly.

The Madman Chu now has been promoted to the Lord of Heaven, and his aura is restrained, it is difficult for ordinary monks to see his cultivation. UU reading www.uukanshu. cm

But some clever monks can find him unfathomable.

Obviously, even though this Yun Qianliu was also a fairy, he was not much better than Jian Sanjue, and he couldn't find the cleverness of Madman Chu.

There was only one immortal species whose name was Hongxue. He looked at Chu Kuangren with a dignified color in his eyes, as if he had encountered some powerful enemy.

"This breath... is so deep that you can't figure it out, what kind of realm this person has reached?" Hong Xue was surprised inwardly.

"Hey... Brother Hong, look."

Suddenly, Yun Qianliu found something. He looked at the little fox behind Chu Kuangren, staring at the faint silver crescent mark on his forehead, "Is she the rumored moonlight fox?"

Moonlight Fox, a powerful monster comparable to a sacred animal.

Its supernatural talent is even more attractive.

"It might really be."

"Monster, fox ears, crescent mark, tusk, these are all consistent with the characteristics of the moonlight fox, it is very likely to be the moonlight fox."


Hong Xue, Yun Qianliu's thoughts of several immortal species converged, looking at the little fox, their eyes gradually became fiery, and they almost immediately took a shot.

"Friend Chu, is this the monster you raised?"

Yun Qianliu pretended to calmly said to Madman Chu.

The madman of Chu nodded slightly, "Yes."

"This little fox, I see it is very well-behaved, the fairy road is long, and it's okay to have a pet to accompany you, I don't know if Chu Daoist is willing to cut love?"

Yun Qianliu said.

"I'm sorry, this little fox, I keep it for fun, and I don't intend to sell it." Madman Chu stretched out his hand and rubbed the little fox's head, let alone, it feels pretty good.

The pink fox ears of the little fox suddenly became more pink, and her face flushed, but she did not refuse, and stood still.

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