Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 924: : The cost of entering the city, the malice of outsiders, let your city lord come

"Outsiders, if they want to enter the city, they have to pay their spirits first."

"Oh, how much."

Madman Chu said lightly.

"One million catties of spirit."

"One million."

Madman Chu pondered for a while, not too much, he threw a universe ring in his hand, and said lightly: "Take it!"

"This is for one person, and there is one more."

A guard pointed to the little fox and said.

Kuangren Chu turned his eyes to her, "Do you have spiritual essence?"

The little fox said pitifully: "Big brother, my Universe Ring was taken away by the Beast Hunter, and half of it was gone."


Madman Chu threw another universe ring.

The guard saw this scene, his eyes lit up, and he weighed the two Universe Rings in his hands, "Tsk tsk, the net worth is quite thick."

"You can go in now."

"Go in, remember, as outsiders, give us an honest duty and don't make trouble." A guard warned.

Madman Chu did not speak.


This Qinglan Immortal Realm is really malicious to outsiders.

"and many more."

Just as the two were about to enter the city, a voice suddenly came, and a man in black armor came up.


"I have seen the general."

The guards salute respectfully.

The general took the Universe Ring in the guard's hand, and then said lightly: "If you want to enter the city, you have to pay another 100 million spiritual essence."

Madman Chu frowned slightly, "Why?"

"Because she is a monster."

The general pointed to the little fox and said indifferently.

"Is there a difference?"

"I wouldn't like these hairs and armors. If you want to enter the city, you have to pay the spirits, otherwise, just get out of me."

The general said coldly: "Look at you casually throwing out two million catties of spiritual essence, and it is not difficult to figure out another 100 million."

Not far away, a young man rode into the city slowly on a lion, without any hindrance.

"Why can he enter? Isn't he riding a monster race?"

Madman Chu pointed to the young man and said.

"Huh, don't talk nonsense, do you pay or not."

The general snorted coldly.

The guards next to him saw this scene with a lot of fun.

"You are just trying to cheat us. The identity of the monster clan is just an excuse." The little fox was very angry.

"Nonsense, fast!"

"you guys……"

The little fox gritted his teeth with anger.

Madman Chu stretched out his hand and rubbed her head, and said lightly: "I didn't want to cause trouble, but it's a pity that someone has to make an inch!"

When the words fell, an invisible thought force gushed out.

That general was just an ordinary Taoist master. Wherever he could withstand Madman Chu's thought power, he was crushed and crushed his bones and flesh, and his whole person fell to the ground like a puddle of mud, no more breath.

Seeing this scene, the other guards paled with fright.

"You, you dare to make trouble in the ancient bird city, outsider, don't you want to live?!" a guard said in horror.

"Who caused the trouble first?"

Madman Chu raised his hand and took back the two Universe Rings he had given before, and then took the little fox straight into the city.

The guards stood there, not daring to stop them.

Their strength is not worth mentioning compared to Chu Madman.

"Quickly, go and report to the City Lord's Mansion!"

A guard said quickly.


After entering the city, Madman Chu felt that many people looked at him and the little fox with some scrutiny.

"Oh, such an obvious outsider aura, it looks like he just came to Qinglan Immortal Realm recently."

"Tsk tusk, the little fox next to her looks quite cute, and judging from his breath, he is still a Taoist master."

"Tao Master? Oh, that's great."

Many people pointed at the two Madman Chu.

But they didn't take any measures against them. After all, although they didn't have a good opinion of outsiders, they didn't want to cause trouble.

Not to mention, the little fox is still a Taoist master.

"The people in the fairy world are too unfriendly to us."

The little fox frowned, couldn't help but get closer to Madman Chu, as if this would make her feel more secure.

"Normal, resources in any place are limited, even the fairy world is no exception, let alone a broken fairy world, and we are here for the opportunities and resources here?"

"For them, we are here to compete with them for opportunities and resources. It would be weird to have a good impression of us."

Madman Chu said lightly.

With that, he came to a restaurant.

After ordering two pots of wine, he leaned against the window, and his thoughts flowed, spreading out in the ancient bird city, collecting all kinds of information.

Ancient Bird City, City Lord's Mansion, Three Aristocratic Family, Immortal Orthodoxy, Shenhuo Mingjiao, Tianhuo Dongtian...All kinds of intelligence came to mind.

These will become the basis for the next move of the Mad Chu.

"Outsiders, who allowed you to drink here."

Suddenly, a young man brought a few people to the two Madman Chu, with strong hostility in his eyes.

"Don't disturb me, I'm gathering information."

Mad Chu said much lazily.

He raised his hand to exert his thought power, the majestic thought power exploded, wrapped a few people, and then flew directly out of the restaurant.

"Damn, this outsider is too arrogant."

"Damn it."

"What a powerful mental power."

The young people are planning to go up to the Madman Chu to settle accounts.

But at this time, a uniform sound of footsteps sounded, and hundreds of soldiers were rushing towards the restaurant in full gear.

"what happened?"

"What are these people going to do?"

The head of this group of soldiers was a young man in silver armor. He looked at the restaurant and shouted coldly, "Listen to me the outsider inside. You are already surrounded. Hurry up and grab it!"

The monk in the restaurant was shocked.

"The city guard wants to arrest outsiders?"

"No, leave now, lest you be harmed by Chiyu."

Everyone dared not stay, and hurriedly left the restaurant.

Soon, the originally lively restaurant became extremely deserted. Except for the Madman Chu and the little fox, there was only one old man curled up in the corner, holding a wine jar, drunk, and unkempt.

"Boss, they seem to have come to arrest us."

The little fox looked at the soldier outside and said.


Madman Chu killed a guard at the city gate. It would be strange if the city lord of the ancient bird city didn't take action.

"What should we do now?"

"Respond to the ever-changing." Madman Chu has sensed that in this ancient bird city, the strongest is only Xuxian.

With his strength, it is enough to cope.

"Outsiders, I'll give you another chance. If you don't come out and get caught, you will be at your own risk!" The silver armor general said coldly.

" Take a bite of an outsider, don't you also come from outside the immortal world?" Madman Chu glanced at the general and said.

From the opponent, he also felt the same foreign breath as him, although it was very weak, but it could not hide his perception.

It seems that the other party has been in this immortal realm for a while, otherwise this foreign aura would not be able to fade to such an extent.

"you wanna die!"

The silver-armored general's face sank, as if irritated by Chu Madman's words, "Give it to me, and rectify them on the spot!"

With an order, the soldiers rushed out towards the Madman Chu's place, and the momentum exploded, and the emperor's cultivation was all.

But then, these soldiers seemed to have encountered an irresistible force, one by one burst open, turning into a rain of blood!

"You are too weak, if you want to kill me, let your city lord come in person, maybe, there is still a chance."

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