Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 926: : The abacus of the ancestors of the Bai family, refining the fairy crystal

Bai family.

Today's Bai family is particularly lively.

The news that the ancestors of the Bai family came forward to protect one person has long been spread, and some elders in the Bai family complained about this matter.

After all, the current Bai Family is at odds with the City Lord's Mansion, but they still have to protect an outsider. Isn't this adding fuel to the fire?

But it was the ancestors of the Bai family who did this, and they had nothing to say.

But Madman Chu is different.

An outsider, they have no good feelings.

"When I came to the Bai's house, I still covered my face with aura, and it was not a good person to hide it." A young man murmured.

The few people next to him also deeply agree, anyway, they are preconceived, how they look at Madman Chu now is not pleasing to the eye.

But the Chu Mad people didn't care about their remarks.

"Friend Daoist Chu, I came here this time mainly because of the sky fire and cave sky." The ancestor of the Bai family said lightly.

"Tianhuo Dongtian..."

Madman Chu's eyes lit up.

While collecting information, he had heard of the fire cave sky.

It was a place where Taoist called Tianhuo lived. It was an ancient powerhouse, and even reached the level of immortals.

But later, the Heavenly Fire Taoist fell, and his cave mansion also disappeared. It was not discovered until recently.

The Bai family was one of the discoverers. In addition to this, there were also several forces, such as City Lord's Mansion, Shenhuo Mingjiao, Blue Cloud City and so on.

These forces are preparing to send people to explore the cave.

"Tianhuo Dongtian is the residence of the Taoists of Tianhuo, and there are many restrictions in it. I hope your Excellency can use the moonlight fox's ability to explore this cave for me. Of course, the treasures obtained will be divided between you and my Bai family. How about?" Bai The ancestor said with a faint smile.

"I'm three and seven, it's too much for you to take advantage."

"This Heavenly Fire Cave Sky has been jointly blocked by several of our forces. It is difficult for outsiders to enter. Fellow Taoist Chu, I can let you be the representative of the Bai family and enter the exploration. This is already a great blessing, let alone treasures. You should feel satisfied if you are divided."

"I worked hard, you only got one quota, and then you sat and enjoyed it. Whatever you think about it, I think it's a bit uneconomical."

"Then this, five to five points?"

The ancestor of the Bai family said.

Madman Chu smiled indifferently, "No, just as you said, three or seven points, it's just me seven, you three."

"Friend Chu, you are too much, don’t forget who rescued you just now, and if you didn’t have my Bai family, you wouldn’t be able to get in to the fire cave that day. You still want to score seven or three, don’t even think about it. miss you."

Beside, Bai Yeyue said with a deep face.

"Then there is nothing to talk about."

"Okay, then according to Daoist Chu, you are seven and three."

The ancestor of the Bai family took a deep breath and said.

A strange color flashed across Madman Chu's eyes.

Oh, did you really agree?

"Then it's settled."

"There are still a few days before the appointment to explore the cave sky. Fellow Daoist Chu will temporarily stay at my Bai family these few days."

The ancestor of the Bai family said, let the Madman Chu go to rest.

After the Madman Chu left, Bai Yeyue said in a puzzled way: "Ancestor, seven-thirds is too much, why did you agree to that kid?"

"Huh, seven or three points? He doesn't want to get it at all."

The benevolent ancestor of the Bai family suddenly flashed a haze in his eyes, "It's just that this person has good strength and can be used by me temporarily. When the exploration of the sky is finished, whether it is the treasure in the cave or the moonlight fox, my Bai family... …I want it all!!"

"That's it."

Upon hearing this, Bai Yeyue also showed a sneer.


The Bai family arranged a house for Madman Chu.

Kuangren Chu imposed some restrictions on the place where he lived. Except for the little fox, everyone else could not come and go freely.

"Boss, that Bai family seems to be unkind."

The little fox reminded him.

"Oh, do you think I don’t know something that even you can detect? It’s just that I was a little interested in the Fire Cave Sky that day, and they had no good intentions. Am I the lamb to be slaughtered? It’s still unknown."

Madman Chu gave a playful smile.

The little fox couldn't help but think of the spectacular scene of the dragon and the phoenix on the Way of Ascension. He couldn't help but mourned for the Bai family for three seconds in his heart.

This group of guys don't even know what a terrifying person they have hit their idea on!

"Well, I want to refine the fairy crystal, you can protect me from the side." Chu Madman said lightly.

He took out a milky white prismatic crystal the size of a baby's fist, which was a fairy crystal he got from Hong Xue.

"Faculty?!" The little fox was excited when he heard the words, then immediately stood up straight, patted his chest and promised: "Don't worry, as long as I'm here, no one will want to approach you."

"Then it will work."

Madman Chu began to refine the fairy crystal in his hand.

The little fox did not dare to disturb, and then watched the surroundings.

She was a little excited.

Guardian eh.

Generally speaking, when a monk is looking for someone to protect the law, he will only find some people he trusts very much, and Madman Chu seeks her to protect the law. Doesn't that mean that she has been regarded as a trustworthy person, oh no, fox?

Thinking of this, the little fox felt very happy.

She looked at Chu Kuangren's brilliant and handsome face, and she didn't know what she was thinking, her face was a little blush.

"No way, no way, don't think about it, the boss trusts me so much, I must check it well and don't let others come close."

The little fox shook his head and said.

At this moment, Madman Chu, who is refining the fairy crystal, does not have any sense of the outside world. He has three souls, and he separates one soul to pay attention to the changes in the outside world, which is equivalent to protecting himself for himself.

It's the same with or without a fox.

He will not easily hand over his safety to others.

Let alone a fox who has not known each other for long.

"This little fox, what are you thinking?" Madman Chu saw the little fox's face change, and he couldn't help but shook his head secretly.

It didn't take long for Madman Chu to completely refine the fairy crystal in his hand. He felt that his original power had grown a bit, although it was not obvious, he could indeed feel it.

"The role of fairy crystals is more reflected in the strength of the existing origin, but it is unrealistic to rely on a few fairy crystals to open up new origins. Immortality and physical fitness will still be the focus of my future practice. The most important..." Madman Chu whispered.

He got up to go for a walk.

"Hey, boss, have you finished refining the fairy crystal?"


"This, this is too fast!"

The little fox was dumbfounded and glanced at the sky outside, the sky was bright, it only took a night.

Is Xianjing so easy to refine?

The little fox was a little confused.

In the end, she can only be attributed to Chu Madman being different from ordinary people.

"Big guy is worthy of being a big guy, everything is extraordinary!"

The little fox sighed with emotion.

Then, UU read, she followed behind Chu Kuangren like a little tail.

"Friend Daoist Chu is going out?"

Madman Chu just walked a few steps before he met Bai Yeyue. When the opponent saw his direction, his eyes flashed slightly.

"Don't worry, I won't leave until Tianhuo Dongtian's affairs are over," Chu Kuangren said lightly, and immediately walked past the other party, leading the little fox out of the Bai's house without looking back.

"Hmph, find someone to follow him." Bai Yeyue snorted coldly, and then said to Xu Kong.

Soon a few shadows followed Madman Chu.

"Madman Chu, the celestial giant... Hmph, even if it's the celestial giant, but after all, it's just an outsider. After the events of the sky fire and cave sky are over, I will let you fall."

Bai Yeyue's eyes flashed a touch of coldness, and he was just a super immortal, but compared to Madman Chu, there was a big gap.

This gap in talent made him jealous.

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