Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 931: : The prestige of Huanghuo, the ancient bird city mainly kills

"Is this guy... a monster?!"

Bai Yeyue looked at Madman Chu with horror.

His heart was shaken.

Is it this kind of monster that the Bai family wants to calculate? !

"No, no matter how strong it is, it's just a fairy seed. The strength must be limited. I have a virtual fairy in the Bai family."

Bai Yeyue comforted herself in her heart.

The rest of the immortals who were defeated by Madman Chu also looked at Madman Chu with a dull expression, as if they were dreaming.

But the pain in the body is telling them that this is a fact!

Hundreds of immortals made their moves, but they were defeated by a single move by one person, and the other party may not have done their best.

"Monster, is this guy really an outsider?! Is there such a horrible thing about Tianjiao among outsiders?!"

"This person's strength is a bit abnormal."

"Even the immortal giant has passed."

Everyone was terrified of Chu Madman's strength.

The little fox not far away danced with excitement.

"The big guys are really big!!"

Madman Chu's figure flashed, came to the little fox, touched her head and said lightly, "Wait for me here."

After the words fell, his figure flashed and disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, he had already reached the depths of the treasure house, where the endless purple flames were burning.

He walked on foot where the Zitianhuang flames were burning, covered in white clothes like snow, wherever he went, the flames were automatically isolated.

"Huh, anyone can approach Zitian Huangyan?"

Huoshen Xiao, who was already very close to the furnace, noticed the approach of Madman Chu, and his eyes couldn't help showing a strange color.

"No matter who you are, leave me immediately!"

Vulcan Xiao said coldly.

"I want this kind of fire."

Madman Chu said lightly.

"You are presumptuous!!"

Huo Shen Xiao's face became cold, he turned around and slammed a palm at Chu Madman, the golden flames turned into huge fire waves.

But it's a pity that Huoshen Xiao is a powerful immortal giant for others with amazing strength, but for Madman Chu, his strength is not much different from the other immortal species.

He gently raised his hand, and the imperial spirit swept out like a storm.


Huo Lang was smashed by the imperial qi, and then smashed on Huo Shen Xiao's body, the powerful force made him almost vomit blood.

"So strong! Fairy species giant!"

"I didn't expect this kind of arrogance among outsiders!"

Huoshen Xiao's expression changed, and then, he roared, the imperial qi on his body was mobilized to the extreme, and the immortal law fluctuated.

"Shen Huo Tian strikes!"

Accompanied by a roar, Vulcan Xiao pinched a mysterious seal technique with both hands, and the majestic fire wave swept out of him, turning into a flame tornado, completely engulfing Chu Madman in it.

"Huh, be burned to ashes in the flames."

Huoshen Xiao sneered.

"You flame, the temperature is not enough."

But in the next instant, an indifferent voice came from the sea of ​​flames, and then, a strange breath spread from the flames.

In the golden flame, a golden red flame suddenly appeared, and the flame flickered, engulfing the surrounding golden flames in an instant.

Huo Shen Xiao seemed to see something incredible, his pupils trembled frantically, "This, this breath, how is it possible!"

Madman Chu walked out of the flame.

He was surrounded by golden red flames, the golden flames emitted by the Vulcan Howl, the purple and blue flames all around him had to retreat in front of the golden red flames, and the Zitianhuang flames in the furnace were also trembling inexplicably.

Vaguely, there was a divine phoenix shadow hovering in the golden red flame.

Horror power, shocking the world!

"Huang, Huang Huo!!"

"Impossible, how could there be a phoenix fire on your body, how could a human being able to master the flame of a divine phoenix!!"

Huoshen Xiao said in horror.

Huang Huo, that is the flame that can only be controlled by the Divine Phoenix, and the Phoenix Fire is known as the essence of all fires, ranking third in the Divine Fire Ranking! !

Compared with this purple sky Huangyan, I don't know how many times it is better.

Of course, Madman Chu's current cultivation base was not enough to fully exert the power of the Phoenix Fire, reaching the third level of the Divine Fire.

But what shocked Vulcan Xiao was that Madman Chu was a human! There are humans who can control the fire of the Divine Phoenix! !

This is completely different from the record of Shenhuo Mingjiao!

"Damn, who are you?!"

Vulcan Xiao asked.

"I don't need to answer."

Madman Chu gently raised his hand.

At the fingertips, a group of golden red phoenix fire was circulating.


The golden red phoenix fire burst out!

For the cultivators who practiced the way of flame, Huang Huo suppressed them too much, and the expression of Vulcan Xiao changed, urging his emperor's energy to shoot a flame, but he was still easily blown out.

"No, this person holds the Phoenix Fire, and my strength is not enough to compete with him, so I must leave quickly!!"

Huoshen Xiao said with a solemn expression.

I saw him let out a long roar, and forcibly absorbed the purple sky flames scattered around him into his body, "Take my move, Shenhuo clone!!"

The purple sky flames that had been sucked into the body by the Vulcan Howl spewed out, turned into a clone, and attacked Madman Chu.

And his figure flashed and flew towards the distance.

Madman Chu urged Huang Huo to wrap his fist, and then blasted the flame clone into countless sparks.

Vulcan Xiao took advantage of this opportunity and quickly fled away.

"Heh, let you go today, I hope you can find some fun for me." Madman Chu smiled faintly.

It is not difficult for him to kill Vulcan Xiao. With his current strength, there are ten more Vulcan Xiaos. He wants to stay, but the other party can't leave.

It's just that this kind of immortal species that can be killed at will is really boring. When they become stronger, they will be more valuable to be killed by him, and the harvest they can get by killing them is even greater.

Then, Madman Chu looked at the Zitianhuang flames in the furnace, and stretched out his hand to grab it directly.

You know, this is a kind of sacred fire. If a monk who does not practice the way of fire and does not have a unique method, he will directly reach out and grab it, fearing that it will be burned to ashes in an instant.

However, Kuangren Chu had a strong physical body, and coupled with the Phoenix Fire body, this purple sky flame was not a threat to him.

He grabbed the fire, and even found a few elixir in the pill furnace. Although the medicinal properties had passed away severely, it was a good harvest.

"Huanghuo has the characteristics of devouring thousands of fires and strengthening itself. This sacred fire happens to be the best resource for the phoenix fire." Madman Chu's mouth was slightly raised, and the fire was wrapped in the phoenix and he was directly inhaled into his body .

Then, he scraped in the treasure house.

Outside the treasure house.

The little fox had a panoramic view of everything that happened in the treasure house. "The big guy is the big guy. What kind of fairy giant is not an opponent at all."

She was very excited and felt that she was really hugging her thigh.

However, she didn't realize that behind her, there was a pair of malicious eyes staring at her, and that person was Young Master Guque.

"This fox, consider it a moonlight fox!"

"That day, that person was able to bring this fox to restrain freedom from coming and going because of the magical power of Moonlight Fox!"

Young City Master Gu Que’s eyes flashed with fiery color, “This fox is only a small Taoist realm. With my strength, she will be able to subdue her in an instant. The monster is now looking for treasure in the treasure house, as long as I have enough Hurry, you can take the moonlight fox and leave here before he can react!"

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