Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 936: : Where is your self-confidence, the actions of the ancient sparrow city lord

Ancient Bird City.

In the city lord's mansion, the face of the ancient bird city lord was gloomy, and under him were a few generals who had just returned from the sky.

He already knew the news of the death of Young Master Guque.

"The White House!!"

"You are looking for death!!"

The face of Ancient Bird City Lord was so gloomy.

He stood up, and the aura of Xuxian completely broke out, covering the world, "Order the soldiers, I want to conquer the Bai family!"

Hearing his words, the general below nodded, "Yes!"

But suddenly, a white light flew over.

The white light was a paper crane.

The ancient bird city master frowned, "This paper crane... is the method of the Bai family's communication, what else can they say?"

He opened the paper crane.

A few lines of fine print appeared in front of him.

"Oh, the ancestor of the Bai family said that he would give me an explanation for letting me rest my anger. He wants to... kill Madman Chu?!"

"And afterwards, will I offer elixir as a gift?"

After reading the words on the paper crane, the ancient bird city lord revealed a pensive color.

The generals next to each other looked at each other.

"City Lord, do you still send troops?"

"First send someone to pay close attention to the movement of the White House."

Ancient Sparrow City Lord said.

"it is good."

"The ancestors of the Bai family, no matter what tricks you want to play, kill my son, this matter will never let go."


Seven days later.

The ancestor of the Bai family has returned to the Bai family with the Madman Chu.

As soon as he stepped into the Bai's house, Madman Chu felt a peculiar breath filling the surroundings. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he said lightly to the little fox next to him, "No matter what happens, stay with me and don't leave."

The little fox nodded.

Soon, several people came to the inner hall of the Bai family.

Apart from the ancestor of the Bai family, Bai Yeyue, there were only one or two respected Bai parents in the inner hall. It seemed that there was no other person.

"Friend Daoist Chu, now can you please take out the treasures you got in the sky fire cave this time and distribute it."

The ancestor of the Bai family chuckled.

"At this?"

"Yes, don't worry, just follow what I said before, you are eight and two, you will definitely not want you more." said the ancestor of the Bai family.

"Oh, I'm not worried about this, but the wealth is touching, so many people gather together. If this is taken out, what if some people can't control themselves and grab it?"

This made the two white parents very unhappy.

One of them said: "Friend Chu Daoist, are you saying that we cannot control ourselves? You are too underestimating us."

"You can, what about them?"

Madman Chu looked at the void behind the few people, and said lightly: "Including you, the 72 Bai Family Dao masters who are in this inner hall now can stand their breath, won't they take action?!"

Hearing his words, everyone's complexion changed instantly.

Especially the ancestors of the Bai family, "Do it!"

The ancestor of the Bai family gave an order, and immediately retreated with the others. Suddenly, countless lines flowed and turned into a dense net, covering the Madman Chu and the little fox.

"Unexpectedly, it was discovered."

"This person's perception is not trivial."

"Fortunately, I managed to catch him."

The two white parents said in relief.

The Madman Chu looked at the big golden net woven with Dao patterns around him and couldn't help but chuckle and said, "Oh, the Dao tool specially used to restrain people is still a top-notch heavenly tool. This thing is rare."

"Huh, Madman Chu, you have been blocked by us now, I see what you can do!" Bai Yeyue sneered.

"Blocked? Just rely on this instrument?"

"Chu madman, don't be foolish. This Tianluo gold wire mesh is the top heavenly artifact. Even if the Xuxian is trapped in it, he can't escape. Although you have strong combat power, it is not easy to figure it out."

Bai Yeyue sneered and said: "Mad Chu, now I can give you a chance to kneel down and beg for mercy, maybe we can spare you not to die."

These days, they were too aggrieved by the madman of Chu.

Can't beat and beat, and can't scold and scold.

And the arrogant and almost defiant attitude of the other party made them extremely angry, but they wanted them to greet them with smiles, for fear of exposing their purpose and stunning them, so that Madden Chu would be guarded.

Now, seeing Madman Chu being trapped, Bai Yeyue and the others couldn't wait to see Madman Chu deflated.

"Yes, Madman Chu, quickly kneel down to us and beg for mercy."

"As long as you call Grandpa twice, our Bai family may be able to spare you a living and reward you with a few bites of food."

"Haha, Madman Chu, you also have today!"

Listening to the mocking words as if venting resentment, Madman Chu's expression was calm, his eyes looked at everyone like a group of clowns.

"On the way, you bowed to me with a pitiful appearance. The difference is really big from the face you have now."

Madman Chu said.

"Damn it, that's all to paralyze your defenses!"

"You dare to mention it, asshole, you will be cut off later to vent your hatred!"

Hearing Madman Chu mentioning the incident on the road, Bai Yeyue became even more annoyed, and their expressions were pale with anger.

"Kill me? I don't know where your confidence comes from."

Madman Chu said indifferently.

Then, with a clang in his waist, he was out of the sheath!

The sword body like a white jade slashed across the void, and the purple sword aura seemed to sweep across all directions.

The big golden net was stirred by the sword air and swayed constantly.

"It's useless, you can't break it!"

Bai Yeyue said.

"is it?"

The Madman Chu gave a chuckle, and the original power in his body poured out.

Under the blessing of the power of the seven origins, the power of sword energy has been greatly increased, and the big golden net was suddenly torn into countless pieces.

The remaining sword energy swept out like a violent wind, and several of the Bai family's children who were closer were torn in half by the sword energy on the spot.

"No, go back!"

The ancestor of the Bai family pulled Bai Yeyue away.

At the same time, urging the imperial qi to resist the raging sword qi, along with the sweep of the sword qi, the entire White Mansion was in turmoil, and the ground, pavilions, stone mountains... everywhere were cut out with staggered sword marks.

In the blink of an eye, there was no good place in the White House.

The dead and wounded are even more numerous.

One by one lay on the ground, wailing again and again.

Madman Chu stood on the spot, holding Kunwu in his hand, white clothes like snow, indifferent to the tragic scene around him, and said indifferently: "Since the Bai family can't help but attack me, then I have to invite you to die!"


Outside the White House.

Teams of soldiers have already taken action, under the leadership of Taoist-level generals, the entire White Mansion has been surrounded by water.

And above the sky, a pair of cold eyes were staring at the internal situation of the White House. This person was the Lord Guque.

"City Lord, the Bai family has already started. It seems that they are really going to kill Madman Chu and apologize for you."

Said a general.

"Huh, make me apologize? Are you kidding me? They are clearly killing the donkey. After using Madman Chu, they want to kill him. No wonder the ancestor of the Bai family came forward to protect this person. It turns out that this person was accompanied by a moonlight fox. He wanted to use the power of the man and the moonlight fox to get the most chance treasures in the sky fire cave."

After seeing Moonlight Fox, City Lord Gu Que guessed the thoughts of the ancestors of the Bai family, with a sneer on his face.

"City Lord, the outsider's strength is different. It seems that he is not an ordinary fairy giant, and the Bai family seems to suffer a bit."

"Don't worry, the Bai family's heritage is more than that. We watched from the sidelines, ready to take advantage of the fisherman's profit."

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