Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 938: : Ancient Sparrow City Lord takes action, kill all enemies with 1 move

All the properties and background of the Bai family are dedicated to the city lord mansion?

I rely on!

This ancestor of the Bai family was really driven to desperation!

Even this condition can be promised.

Everyone was amazed.

And City Lord Guque was also bright when he heard that, even though the Bai family was destroyed, he could also return to the Bai family's property.

But it is difficult to take care of it.

The existing property in the City Lord's Mansion is already enough for him.

But if you can control the lifeline of these industries and completely subdue the Bai family, it will be much more valuable than destroying a Bai family.

I have to say that City Lord Guque was moved.

Moreover, Madman Chu showed strong combat power. After the opponent destroyed the Bai family, could he really keep the opponent behind?

far away.

In a restaurant.

All the monks noticed the movement of the Bai family, and were so shocked that they all ran out to watch.

There was only an old man holding a wine jar and drinking. It was the sword crown of the past. He burped a wine and said, "The Bai family, you really provoke an incredible character."

"As for Ancient Sparrow City Lord, heh, I hope you can make the right choice, otherwise it will be a nightmare waiting for you."


"Well, since the Bai family has this sincerity, then I promise you that I will deal with the outsider who killed my son first!"

City Lord Guque made a decision immediately.

He looked at Madman Chu, with cold killing intent bursting into his eyes.

A golden-yellow spear appeared in his hand, with Dao patterns intertwined on the spear, revealing an extremely domineering atmosphere.

The power of the imaginary immortal also broke out!

"The soldiers obey the orders and kill outsiders!!"

The Lord of Ancient Bird City snorted coldly.

"Kill, kill!!"

The killing sound shook the sky, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers surrounded Chu Madman.


Looking at the hundreds of thousands of soldiers surrounding him, the Madman Chu laughed without fear, "solve it all at once, and save trouble later."

The blade in his hand deflected, and a sword slashed out boldly, the majestic sword aura pouring out like a torrent, rushing into the army.

Suddenly, tens of thousands of soldiers turned into blood mist and exploded!

Immediately afterwards, he took out the purple fairy bow again.

When the bow was stretched, the emperor's air flow revolved, and a wave of tyrannical celestial waves broke out.

Suzaku hovered, and thousands of fire feathers swayed out like a torrential rain.

Thousands of fire feathers and thousands of arrows!

Another large group of soldiers fell!

Not only that, this arrow of fire feathers is condensed from the Phoenix Fire. Wherever the Phoenix Fire goes, it burns the void and imperial energy. It instantly turns the surrounding area into a sea of ​​flames. When the cultivation base is not high, it touches the Phoenix Fire and turns into ashes on the spot!

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of thousands of soldiers suffered heavy casualties!

However, the ancient bird city lord and several high-level generals have not even reacted, seeing this scene, their eyes are divided! !

These are all the elite troops of the City Lord's Mansion, and they spent a lot of resources to cultivate this army.

But now, he was slaughtered by the madman Chu!

Their hearts are even bleeding.

The monks around were also horrified.

"It's terrifying, this outsider is so terrifying, he actually controls this large-scale attack on the immortal method!"

"Not only that, it is... the Phoenix Fire. The flame is suitable for mass destruction, not to mention the Supreme Phoenix Fire in the fire. With the arrow magic method, tusk, it is really surprising."

"The city lord is probably going to be stunned."

Just as the Mad Man Chu was massacre, City Lord Guque couldn't sit still, and he held a spear and killed him.

Not only that, but the high-level generals of the City Lord's Mansion also moved.

The ancestors of the Bai family were naturally not idle.

He was forced by Madman Chu to the point where he is now. On the court, he can be said to hate Madman Chu most.

He even hated the ancient sparrow city lord who had murderous hatred with the madman Chu.

The Dao Master of the Bai Family, the Dao Master of the City Lord's Mansion, plus the two imaginary immortals of the Bai Family's ancestors and the City Lord, these forces attacked the Mad Man Chu together, their aura, overwhelming the world, shaking the world.

The little fox behind Chu Kuangren was trembling with fright.

"Don't worry, I am here."

Madman Chu's voice rang in her ears.

Amazingly, the fear in her heart was really dispelled a lot.

All kinds of attacks roared in, the mighty power, and the madman Chu slowly closed his eyes in the face of such a scene.

In an instant, the little fox seemed to feel the noisy attacks, howls, etc. all disappeared.

At this moment, the world became extremely silent.

The next moment.

Madman Chu opened his eyes. They were a pair of eyes that didn't seem to have any emotion, but showed infinite mighty power.

Everything in the world held his breath at the moment he opened his eyes.

As for the ancient bird city lord who attacked the Madman Chu, the ancestors of the Bai family and others felt as if they were feeling something, and their eyes gradually showed horror.

They seemed to want to hide, but it was too late.

"At the first thought, Wan Lai is silent!"

An indifferent voice sounded without the slightest emotion.

The madman Chu’s imperial energy and thought power exploded to the extreme at this moment. Not only that, the cold air of the immortal body and the fire of the divine phoenix are also integrated into this move. It is blessed by the power of the origin, the power of the heavens, and the seal of proof. The next eruption turned into circles of purple and red light waves spread out!

When the light waves pass, the heaven and the earth are pale, the sun and the moon are dark!

The universe is turbulent, Xuanhuang subverted!

Even the Taoist master appeared fragile under this attack, after being touched by the light wave, it was easily crushed into blood mist and exploded!

The Taoist is like this, let alone other people?

The children of the Bai family, the soldiers of the City Lord's Mansion, countless people fell one after another under this purple light wave, and their lives seemed extremely small at this moment!

"no no……"

Bai Yeyue, the fairy species of the Bai family, looked at the purple-red light wave approaching, and tried her best to resist, taking out all kinds of life-saving things.

But it still has no use.

After the light wave passed, Bai Yeyue, like everyone else, turned into a cloud of blood. In the face of this power, there is no difference between the fairy seed and the grass mustard.

The purple light wave only raged for a few breaths, but these few breaths made countless people feel like a century.

so horrible!

That power shocked everyone!

Today's White House has completely disappeared.

Hundreds of thousands of troops and the Bai family's children were all gone, and there was not even a more complete skeleton.

Under that power, most of them turned directly into blood mist.

There was only a strong smell of blood in the air.

And in that **** mist, dressed in white clothes like snow, standing peerlessly, even in purgatory, it still looks extremely refined.

"Monster, UU reading monster..."

"How could there be a fairy like you...Could it be that you have already started to become a fairy road?!!!"

Among the stumped limbs, the two virtual immortals of City Lord Guque and the ancestor of the Bai family still breathed, looking at Madman Chu in horror.

They have been scared almost crazy.

So many masters were destroyed by Madman Chu! !

If the other party is a fairy, that's okay, but the other party is just a fairy seed, a young fairy seed! !

"How is it possible? Why? Monster?" Hearing the words of the two, Madman Chu reduced the power of Heaven's Dao and chuckled, "Looking at the sky from the bottom of the well, how can you see Tianwei? Let alone the sky outside the sky!"

With a wave of his sleeve, the golden red phoenix fire roared out, instantly burning the **** qi present.

The ancient bird city lord and the ancestors of the Bai family were also swallowed by Huang Huo, and they fell completely in a short while.

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