Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 942: : Reactions from all sides, 12 kings of the fairy world, demon atmosphere

The emergence of the ancient battlefield has made all Taoisms move.

Immortal realm, Shenhuo Mingjiao.

In a cave, three flames of different colors suddenly roared out, there were red fire, blue fire, and black fire.

And a kind of flame represents a kind of sacred fire on the sacred fire list.

The entire Shenhuo Mingjiao was shocked.

"It's the Scarlet Blood God Flame, the Sea Sky Crystal Fire, the Yin Minghuo! It's the Son of God, it's the Son of God who has left the gate!!"

"Master Shenzi has been in retreat for ten years and finally left."

All the Shenhuo Mingjiao followers who saw this scene were overjoyed, looking at the source of the flame, there was a fanatical color in their eyes.

In the Shenhuo Mingjiao, only one person has three types of Shenhuo on the Shenhuo list at the same time. That is the first **** child of the Shenhuo Mingjiao, Huo Shenhuang, and one of the few fairy kings in the Qinglan fairy world!

In the flame cave sky, a stalwart man walked out, surrounded by divine fire, his aura was so strong that he disturbed the aura of heaven and earth.

His eyes were like torches, looking into the distance, "This strange aura is an ancient battlefield rumored to be, has the ancient battlefield appeared yet?!"


There was a strange color in his eyes.


Somewhere in the mysterious place full of huge phoenix trees, several groups of figures shrouded in golden red flames are communicating. These figures, vaguely visible with gorgeous wings, are not like human monks.

"The ancient battlefield was born, what do you think?"

"Even this kind of place has been born. It seems that we can't escape the world anymore. Let the Feng Zihuang Girl experience it."

"Alright, as for the New Phoenix Girl, she has the pure blood of the Divine Phoenix in her body. She is awakening, so she won't bother her for the time being."

"In addition, I heard that an outsider was able to use Phoenix Fire recently. This matter must be investigated and Fengzi can contact him. If this person is harmful to my Phoenix Clan, kill it on the spot!"


Soon after, the gorgeous phoenix and phoenix flew out of Wutongyuan.

And on an island in the sea of ​​immortality.

There was also the sound of dragon chants echoing.

Then, the two mighty dragons soared out of the island.

this day.

Phoenix out of parasol trees!

Dragon out of the ocean!

It means that the beast has entered the world!


In a huge giant city.

A young man wearing silver armor and holding a long spear shone bright in his eyes, "The birth of the ancient battlefield will mean that the immortals have gathered. Perhaps, I can find an opponent for my blood-drinking gun!"

The blood-colored spear in the young man's hand trembled slightly, and a boundless and fierce aura suddenly gushed out from it.

"No trace, although you have done your best to be a true teacher, but you must know that there are people outside of you. Don't be arrogant and complacent." Next to the silver armored man, a man stood with his hand holding his hand, his body was filled with celestial glory, and his aura was extraordinary.

This person, the Lord of the Holy City, one of the seven crowns, the gun crown!

"Yes, Master."

The young man said lightly, but there was a hint of disapproval in his eyes, "By the way, I heard that the lord of the ancient bird city under the holy city was recently killed by an outside god. Is this true?"

"Well, it's true."

"Well, I hope I can meet this person when I go to the ancient battlefield this time. I will pick off his head and promote the power of my holy city!"


"In today's Qinglan fairy world, there are twelve kings in the younger generation, referring to the twelve fairy kings!"

In an empty mountain range.

The madman of Chu held the Qingsang Heavenly Book in his left hand, and according to the instructions of the Heavenly Book, his right hand condensed water and gas into a needle, which was healing the sword crown.

And Jian Guan was talking about some things about Qinglan Immortal Realm.

"This includes the Huoshen Huang of the Shenhuo Mingjiao, Wu Wuji, the personal disciple of the Lord of the Holy City, and the Young Master Sword Master of the Burial Jianhai..."

When talking about Burying Jianhai, a cold color flashed across Jianguan's eyes.

The madman of Chu frowned slightly, "Heal your wounds and calm your mind."

"Yes, son."

The sword crown nodded and gradually returned to calm.

"Buried Jianhai? It sounds like a kendo force, why is this young master called the king of swords?" Madman Chu asked curiously.

"The son does not know that the monks who buried Jianhai are not sword repairs, but sword repairs, burial swords, burial swords, and swords! Their practice purpose is to prove that the sword is above the sword!"

"And the Lord of Burial Sword Sea is the most powerful monk in the swordsmanship of the Qinglan Immortal Realm today, an immortal...sword crown!!"

The madman of Chu shook his head and said: "The weapons of the world are mostly born for wounding and killing people. The essence is no different, let alone the difference between high and low. The purpose of Buried Jianhai's practice is simply boring."

"The son is absolutely right."

"The twelve kings of the immortal world, are there only twelve immortal kings in this world?" Chu Madman asked again.

"Not only that, these twelve kings are just twelve immortal kings that are well-known, and there are more or less some immortal kings hidden by various avenues, such as Wutong Mountain and Shenlong Island, which are always hidden from the world. They must be more than one fairy king."

"Oh, there is a beast race in Qinglan Immortal Realm?"

"Yes, it's just that although they are sacred beasts, it is rumored that their bloodline is only thin among sacred beasts. Even so, they are still sacred beasts. They cannot be underestimated. They can be said to be one of the most powerful forces in the Qinglan fairy world. Now." Jian Guan said.

"Among the outsiders, is there a fairy king?"

Madman Chu asked with a look.

"It used to be, but outsiders are suppressed by the aborigines and it is difficult to develop. Most of them are attached to the great traditions, but because of the status of outsiders, they will be more or less rejected. Only one of the twelve kings is Duguyu The foreign ones are now attached to Linghuang Mountain."

Jian Guan thought for a while, and then said: "These are the intelligence of the previous years. Recently, the Qinglan Immortal Realm has manifested outside, and a group of outsiders have poured in. Among these outsiders, except for the son. , Whether there is a new fairy king, this is not clear. UU Reading"


Madman Chu collected the water vapor in the sword crown, "It seems that the immortal ancient battlefield will be more interesting than Tianhuo Dongtian."

Beside, Jian Guan sensed the injuries in his body.

Compared to before, he is much better, and now he can use a bit of strength, which makes him more desperate towards Madman Chu.

"With a few more treatments, the injury in your body will be almost healed." Madman Chu said with a glance at him.

"Thank you, son."

"Big guy, big guy, I found a restriction in front, will there be any treasures in there?"

At this moment, the little fox ran over and said.

Madman Chu was also a little interested when he heard the words, "Go and see."

The little fox led Madman Chu with a sword crown to the front of a cave. This cave seemed ordinary, but inside it was densely packed with powerful restrictions. Once it entered, it would be subject to fierce attacks.

"This prohibition is not natural, and it is an artificial prohibition, and there are people in this cave... well, no, this breath is a monster."

"The breath is disordered, it seems to be hurt, forget it, this matter has nothing to do with us, let's leave." Chu Madman said.

And just as they were about to leave, a few golden streams of light suddenly swept over in the distance and fell around the cave. A burst of tyrannical killing intent immediately enveloped Madman Chu, the little fox, and the sword crown.

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