Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 946: : Lan Yu's desperate situation, Chu Madman's killing intent


Kuangren Chu and several people found an inn to stay temporarily, and at the same time they were inquiring about various information, and then they planned to enter the ancient battlefield.

"The resentful spirit in the ancient battlefield is too terrifying. I heard that today another giant of the immortal species has fallen inside."

"These resentful spirits are all formed by the fragmentation of the fairy soul and combined with resentment. The strength is of course terrifying. It is said that there are terrifying resentful spirits comparable to the immortals in the depths of the ancient battlefield. It is terrifying just thinking about it."

"However, although this ancient battlefield is dangerous, there are many treasures of fate. The elixir and immortal artifacts occasionally appear. Although most of their power has been lost, it should not be underestimated."

The monks who went to explore the ancient battlefield were all talking about it.

Madman Chu was listening.

"This ancient battlefield is only a corner of the ancient battlefield, but this corner alone is so terrifying, it is hard to imagine the scale of the battle that shattered the entire fairy world in the past."

Some people couldn't help but sigh.

Many monks were also lost in thought.

That kind of battle is no longer what they can imagine.


At this moment, a powerful energy burst out in the distance, and there seemed to be someone fighting in Tianluo City.

The attention of the cultivators was immediately attracted.

"Under what circumstances, if someone dares to make trouble in Tianluo City, aren't they afraid to lead the city defense army?"

"Go, go over and take a look."

Little fox, Qingfeng also looked into the distance curiously.

"Boss, are we going to see it?"


Madman Chu said lightly.



A white figure with wings on its back was flying by, and several figures behind him were chasing after him.

"Huh? What kind of monster is this?"

"It's not like it, it doesn't have a monster energy, it should be some kind of human race, the universe is so big, there are all races, it's not uncommon."

"Dao Master Realm..."

The people on the street looked at the streamers and talked.

Soon, several powerful birds and monsters suddenly appeared in front of the white streamer, blocking her path.


Lan Yu's face became cold.

She raised her hand to urge the imperial energy in her body, the power of light exploded, and the white spears condensed in the void and shot out.

Although several monster beasts were repulsed, they soon caught up with the streamers behind them and surrounded Lan Yu.

"Yuren, a small Taoist, where do you think you can go?" a young man sneered.

"I have no grievances or enmity with you Beast Hunting Stars, why do you pursue it like this?" Lan Yu said coldly.

She is just a small Taoist master, facing a fairy giant like Young Master Hunter Star, she has absolutely no power to fight back.

If it hadn't been for some of the life-saving things that Madman Chu had taken from the Purple Star Civilization and the Black Blood Tower, he would have been caught long ago.

But now, those treasures have been used up.

She was a little desperate in her heart.

"You killed so many monsters, shouldn't you make up for it? Tsk, Yuren, this kind of peculiar race, I rarely see the Beast Hunter, I want to catch you as a collection."

The young master of the hunting star was amazed.

The Yuren clan is not unique to the sky stars, but also on some other life stars, all of which belong to alien species in the human race.

It is also found on the Hunting Star. Because of its excellent appearance and fighting talent, it has suffered a lot of hunting and killing. It is now an endangered species. Even the Young Master Hunting Star has not seen a few.

Not to mention, it is an outstanding feather man like Lan Yu. That sacred and bright aura is absolutely unique among the feather man.

This is also the reason why he pursues Lan Yu so hard.

"Outsiders, what are you doing here?"

At this time, the city defense army rushed over.

The leader was a middle-aged general. He looked at Lan Yu and others present with a cold look in his eyes.

The young master of the Beast Star was not surprised by the arrival of the city defense army. He directly took out a red token with a flame pattern engraved on it, "I am a preparatory son of the Shenhuo Mingjiao. I am capturing outsiders. Please give the army to someone. Face, we will solve it soon."

Seeing this, Lan Yu frowned slightly.

It's been a while since I came to Qinglan Immortal Realm, and she had already known what outsiders were not to be seen here.

But I didn't expect that the young master of the hunting star joined the **** fire Mingjiao so soon, and he became a preparatory **** son.

The middle-aged general pondered for a while, the background of Shenhuo Mingjiao is no worse than the holy city, and Tianluo city is only one of 108 cities...

After some weighing, the middle-aged general said: "Since Shenhuo Mingjiao is doing things, then we don’t care about it. By the way, some of the gods of Shenhuo Mingjiao are now guests in the city lord’s mansion. They are also my Tianluo city guests. Do you need our help to arrest this person?"

"Ha, that couldn't be better, please block the retreat of this person by the army, catch her, and let me come personally."

Young Master Hunter Star smiled.

"it is good."

The middle-aged general nodded and blocked all the way around.

"Even if I die in battle, I will never give in!"

Lan Yu took a deep breath.

There was a decisive look in her eyes, white flames were burning on her body, and her breath continued to rise.

The vigorous and bright breath continues to spread out like the tide.

"Oh, the method of burning life, but this kind of method can improve you by a realm at most, how can you be my opponent."

The Young Master Hunter Star disdainfully said that he is the pinnacle of the great master, and even realized a source of power, which can be described as a giant of the fairy seed, otherwise he would not be able to join the divine fire Mingjiao and become a preparatory god.

As for Lan Yu, the mere Dao Master, even if it burns life, is not his opponent, the gap between the two is too great.

"Even if you die, it doesn't matter. I will make a specimen of your body and store it well."

Young Master Lie Beast Star shot, a palm blasted out, the majestic Emperor Qi burst out, blasting the life-burning Lan Yu to vomit blood and fly upside down.

"Oh, I can do it lightly. If I break you, then this specimen will not look good."

Young Master Hunter Star grinned.


Lan Yu snorted coldly, the surrounding retreat was blocked, and there was a powerful enemy like Young Master Hunter Star in front of her, she could only fight to death!


the other side.

Kuangren Chu was drinking at the inn, but suddenly, a bright breath came from far away, causing his face to change slightly.

"How could this breath..."

He stood up abruptly and looked into the distance.

In the next instant, he disappeared in place.

The little fox looked at each other with sword crowns.

They felt a little puzzled. It was the first time they saw Madman Chu so nervous. What happened?

"Come and see."

"Maybe it has something to do with the previous on the street.

The city defense army blocked the way.

Young Master Hunter Star made a move and raised his hand to completely suppress Lan Yu. The power of the immortal giant is not the enemy of Lan Yu.

"The next trick is to thoroughly understand your life."

Young Master Hunter Star looked at Lan Yu, who was sullen and sneered. When he raised his hand, the emperor's energy and Dao patterns were intertwined, forming a vicious beast phantom.

Just when he was about to start, suddenly, a ruthless killing intent fell from the sky and enveloped the world.

Feeling this killing intent, Lan Yu smiled.

She knew that the bright breath she released was not in vain.

"The son..."

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