Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 956: : Comprehend the Immortal Sutra, the feeling of Lan Yu, the madman of Chu leaves

  Ghost crying in the Ling.

   The madman of Chu had completely swallowed the bone-eroding poison fire with the Phoenix Fire, and became the resource of the phoenix fire. Not only that, he also realized the source of poison through this bone-eroding poison fire.

   Now he has nine original powers in his body!

   The power of the nine origins, and it is also the power of the nine different attributes, this spread out, enough to scare a large number of people.

   "Nine sources of origin, not enough!"

"Before I can create my own origin, I must control more of the origin power so that I can continue to suppress those half immortals who set foot on the road to become immortals, even... immortals!" New 81 Chinese net update The fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   Before he could suppress the half immortal.

   This made him have a very bold idea in his heart. If he has enough roots, can he compete with the immortal?

   "Maybe, you can try it."

   "But before that, I will first comprehend the Yaochi Immortal Sutra."

   The madman of Chu took out the Qingluan mirror. After spending this time with Qingfeng, he had completely mastered the opponent's Qingluan physique.

   Although he could not grasp Qingluan's eyes, he could easily use the imperial energy that Qingluan's physique stimulated.

   With a thought in his heart, Qing Luan's physique was activated, and the emperor qi whistled out of his hand and injected into the Qing Luan mirror in his hand.

   Suddenly, I saw the brilliance of the Qingluan mirror, and in the vaguely, there are countless mysterious characters appearing, but it is a...Xianjing!

   Yaochi Immortal Sutra!

   First glimpse of the Immortal Sutra, the madman of Chu suddenly felt several incomparably mysterious origin fluctuations from it, and the whole person was shocked!

   This Jade Lake Immortal Scripture contains more than just a source of fluctuation!

   The madman of Chu didn't dare to neglect, so he quickly immersed himself in it.

   And this enlightenment took much more time than he imagined.

one year later.

   Somewhere in Ghost Cry Ridge.

   A burst of tyrannical bright waves broke out!

   Lan Yu waved the scepter in her hand and smashed a resentful spirit into scum. After one year of experience, she made considerable progress.

  In addition, before the madman Chu retreat, he gave her a residual elixir, and now she has been promoted to the realm of the master.

  Looking at the resentful spirit blasted into scum, Lan Yu frowned slightly, seeming to be dissatisfied with his strength, "It's just an ordinary master resentful spirit, I have to spend so long."

   "If you are a son, you don't even need to make a move, a single thought can kill him thousands of times. I am too weak now, not even a fairy giant, how can I follow the son?"

   Lan Yu took a deep breath, somewhat upset.

   Not far away, the sword crown walked slowly, and said lightly: "Not everyone has the talent of a young man, Lan Yu, you are already pretty good in the fairy seed, don't be too persistent."

   He didn't know how to comfort Lan Yu.

   Not everyone can be as amazing as the Madman Chu. Some people don't work hard, but his innate conditions have determined his achievements, and Lan Yu is an immortal species restricted by innate.

   is not an immortal body, there is no immortal blood, and although the comprehension is not weaker than any immortal species, but it is not abnormal to the point of Chu Madman.

   The only thing that shines is perseverance.

   But sometimes it is difficult to stand out by relying on perseverance alone.

   "Can I just stop here?"

   Lan Yu said unwillingly, his breath was a bit disordered.

   "Opportunity!" Jian Guan took a deep breath, "Opportunity, if there are enough opportunities, maybe you can soar into the sky!!"

   In the fairy world, there is no shortage of such examples.

   What opportunity did the ordinary monk get, suddenly he became a dazzling monk Tianjiao, admiring everyone.

   But that kind of opportunity is too rare.

   "Opportunity." Lan Yu murmured. When the opportunity was said, it was too vague. Who knows if it is possible to encounter it in this life.

   She seemed to think of something and looked into the distance.

"what happened?"

   Sword Crown asked curiously.

   "I don't know, but recently, there is always an inexplicable throbbing in my heart. In the distance, there seems to be an inexplicable call."

   The sword crown was taken aback.

   an inexplicable call?

   "Could it be that you were too thirsty and uneasy?" Jian Guan said euphemistically.

   Lan Yu rolled his eyes and said, "Although I am a bit urgent, it is not an illusion. I can still tell the difference."

   She pointed in a direction in the distance, "The call is very real. It came from that direction just a few days ago."

   "Is there any chance to call you?"

   Sword Crown looked strange.

   Does this opportunity come just after all?

   This luck is too good.

  The son of luck?

   At this time, Qingfeng and the two little foxes also walked up, holding a pile of treasure medicine, broken fairy artifacts and the like.

   Ghost Cry Ridge, there are many treasures, some of which have a lot of natural restrictions, which are difficult to enter, but these are not a problem for the little fox, her magical powers are enough to make her come and go freely.

   This year, she has harvested the most treasures.

   "What are you talking about?"

   "Talk about chance."

   Lan Yu talked about what she felt.

   "Sometimes, a monk can always sense something unseen on a whim. Maybe there is a great opportunity to wait for Lan Yu, but now the son has not left the customs, should he wait?"

   Qingfeng said.

   "The opportunity is fleeting. Where can I wait, Lan Yu, I will accompany you." said the little fox, looking eager to try. The fastest computer terminal of the new 81 Chinese website: https://www.@x81zw@@


   Lan Yu hesitated.

   And just now.

   Chu madman's cave suddenly trembles wildly.

   A forceful and terrifying imperial spirit swept out!

   This imperial spirit made Jian Guan's eyes constricted.

   "What a pure imperial spirit, the son obviously has not survived the three plagues and nine calamities, but how can his imperial spirit be so terrifying?!"

   "What did he do?"

   Rao is also a bit puzzled that he is a sword crown.

   "It's the son!"

   "The son has left the customs."

   Compared with the sword crown, Lan Yu and the women are overjoyed.

  At this time, there were several tyrannical origins bursting out in the cave, which was even more frightening than the imperial spirit.

   A stock of origin is full of vigorous killing air!

   is the origin of killing!

   A stock is full of strong vitality fluctuations. UU reading

   is the source of life!

   There is a sense of dying in the original flow, which is chilling.

   is the source of death!

   An illusory origin, elusive.

   is the origin of time and space!

   The flow of four completely different original powers made this world tremble crazily, and the resentful spirits in the entire Guikuling Ridge couldn't help shaking.

   "The origin never seen before!"

   "Is this the original power that the son has newly realized? And this wave...horror!!" Qing Feng said in shock.

   Then, an even more shocking scene appeared.

   I saw a peerless white figure in the cave slowly walking out, surrounded by Xianhui, and there was an ancient bronze mirror floating next to it.

  The light of the ancient mirror is flowing, and there is infinite power surging.

   The mirror light flashed, as if it could shine through the mountains, rivers and stars!

   Seeing the ancient mirror, Qingfeng was stunned.

   "That, that is Qingluan Jing!!!"

"How can it be!"

   Qingluan mirror is not only Qingluan can activate it? !

  Why can madman Chu use it? !

   "Those stocks are fluctuating, is it because he has already comprehended the immortal scriptures in the ancient mirror?!!!" Qing Feng took a breath.

   That is the Jade Lake Immortal Sutra!

   The celestial scriptures practiced by Queen Mother Xi, the strongest among the immortals! !

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