Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 964: : Retreat 3 cents, kill the king of the fairy species, bid farewell to Qingfeng


A word swept out with the skyward killing sword intent.

With the sword crown as the center, the blossoming green lotus blooms continuously, but in the blink of an eye, thousands of miles have turned into a sea of ​​flowers!

This scene changed the expressions of the three immortals.

"This is one of the seven crowns, the strength of the sword crown?"

"This is impossible. I heard that the sword crown has already been abolished by the sword crown. How can he still have such a powerful strength?"

"What the **** does this happen?"

The three immortals looked at each other, puzzled.

Among them, the immortal of Shenhuo Mingjiao passed a different color, and then there was a flame burning in his palm, "Let me try him first!"

Xianyuan surged and blasted out with a palm.

The extremely domineering flame palm print was shot out.

The sword crown stood in place, his expression indifferent.

Before the fairy sword came out, the sword qi spontaneously condensed at the fingertips, and with a stroke in the void, a huge sword qi stirred the sea of ​​flowers and cut it out.

Sword Qi broke open the giant flame palm and cut off towards the fairy.

It was just a move, and the fairy of the **** fire Mingjiao couldn't help but shrink his pupils, his face showed unprecedented horror.

He roared and urged all his strength to block the move.

But it didn't work.

With a tear, the arm of the Shenhuo Mingjiao immortal was cut off abruptly, and the blood of the immortal splashed out and spilled onto the ground.

The earth was burned into a sea of ​​flames by the hot blood.

"With a sword cut my arm, his strength is really restored!"

"The sword crown is the Ninth-Rank Puxian, we can't lower the third-Rank, we are not his opponent, retreat!!" The immortal in the holy city said coldly.


The remains of ancient orthodoxy.

Wu Wuji, Hui Fa and the others could not help being shocked when they sensed the fast retreating immortal, looking at Madman Chu, it was a little weird.

"The fairy retired?!"

"Behind Madman Chu, there is a big background!!"

"Isn't he an outsider? Why is there so much energy that makes several immortals retreat?!"

"Oh my god, this person has an unusual background!"

Everyone talked a lot.

But Hui Fa and Wu Wuji fell into despair.

The fairies have retired...

Who else can come to rescue them? !

Sword Qi shuttled back and forth in the void, only to see the Buddha Dharma phase of blame burst into fragments, and two Buddha statues of blame Buddha also fell to the ground.

Hui Fa was strangled by Jian Qi into a cloud of blood.

Wu Wuji is equally inevitable.

"Chu madman, you can't kill me. I belong to Wutong Mountain, and I belong to a family of sacred beasts. The background is not what you can imagine. If you dare to kill me, you will have a big feud with Wutong Mountain..."

Feng Shangyun said quickly.

"I can kill the immortal species of Shenhuo Mingjiao, so can the holy city immortal species, and the Jinshan Temple immortal species."

"Do you think that I would worry about another Wutong Mountain?"

Madman Chu looked cold.

The sword light of purple lotus shuttled in the void, and Feng Shangyun fell on the spot.

"Now, can your Phoenix Fire still save you?"

Madman Chu sneered.

The people around looked at Madman Chu with amazement.

The four great immortal kings joined forces, and it was like a chicken and dog, completely defeated by the madman of Chu, this kind of combat power surpassed their imagination.

"If it is divided according to the three calamities and nine calamities, this madman of Chu is estimated to be at the level of seven calamities, or even eight calamities."

"But why is there no trace of Lei Jie's baptism on his body?"

"Puzzling it."

The spectators were all discussing that after this battle, the name of Madman Chu would be completely spread throughout the Qinglan fairy world.

One person kills four kings!

No fairy species can have such a record.

Not to mention, an alien species.

Madman Chu condensed the original power in his body and collected the two grieving Buddhas and some other things on the ground.

Then, he returned to Lan Yu's side.

However, Huang Yinghong, who was next to Qingfeng, looked at him with caution in his eyes. After all, he had just killed a phoenix.

Madman Chu didn't care either.

If the opponent dared to make a move, he wouldn't mind killing them all at once.

Anyway, it's not too difficult.

Shortly after.

The sword crown is also back.


Madman Chu asked casually.

"Retired." Jian Guan nodded slightly.

"Retreat? Forget it, your injury is just right, it is not easy to repel them, and I don't expect you to bring back a few celestial bodies."

Madman Chu said lightly.

Hearing this, Jian Guan's mouth twitched twice.

Fairy corpse?

Are immortals so easy to kill?

"I will fight for it next time." Jian Guan said.

Madman Chu didn't say much.


Rather than letting the sword crown kill one, he wants to kill one with his hand.

It's just that Madman Chu also knows that it is still unrealistic to kill an immortal with his current strength.

It may be possible to learn more about the origin.

"There is no place to search for this ancient Taoist ruin, let's leave." Chu Madman said.

"That, son." At this time, Qingfeng hesitated and said to the madman Chu: "I want to go back to Wutong Mountain with Yinghong first."

Madman Chu was not surprised when he heard this.


"Then, goodbye tomorrow."

Qingfeng looked at Madman Chu with complicated eyes. Although the time spent with each other was not long and nothing unforgettable happened to both sides, this person seemed to have made her unforgettable.

Perhaps this is the natural charm of personality.

Some people are born with the ability to penetrate people's hearts.


Madman Chu nodded slightly and said goodbye to Qingfeng.

Anyway, he had mastered Qingluan's physique, and the Yaochi Immortal Sutra had also learned it, and the opponent was of little use value to him.

"Wutong Mountain?"

"Maybe there is a chance to go, Xiaohong has also come to this Qinglan fairy world, but there is no news for a long time, there may be clues there."

In addition to Chu Hong, there is also Yin Honghua.

The news of these two women must find some time to inquire.

When he left, Madman Chu looked at Gu Wuqing and Gu Liufang, who gave him a glance, and Gu Ruqing said, "Friends of Taoism, your kindness is unforgettable. I will repay you in time."

This made him a little embarrassed.

They rescued him, but he has nothing to do with him now, and judging from the opponent's natural strength, he will only be far above him in the future. At that time, the opponent will have nothing to do with him.

"I have an old friendship with ancient immortals, so I don’t need to be too persistent in repaying things." Madman Chu hesitated, and then said: "I’m sorry about the death of ancient immortals. If you need any help, you can come and find I can do what I can."

Sword Crown glanced at Chu Madman somewhat unexpectedly, UU reading www.uukanshu. In his impression, Madman Chu was not so easy to give promises.

It seems that this ancient immortal means extraordinary to him.

In fact.

The ancient immortal is not of great significance to the madman of Chu, but of great significance to the firmament star. It is the other party who came to the firmament star to spread the way of cultivation, so that the cultivation civilization of the firmament star can develop rapidly in the early stage.

On this basis, Madman Chu didn't mind giving promises, and if possible, he would investigate the death of Ancient Immortal.

Gu Ruqing heard this, and he was a little moved.

After the accident in the ancient family, those who made good acquaintances with the ancient family shunned it, and no one was willing to help.

Unexpectedly, in the Qinglan Immortal Realm where this person was not born and unfamiliar, he could meet Madman Chu, who was hundreds of times better than those who had good relations with the ancient family.

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