Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 967: : In the way of the fairy, one person loses the fairy

"Fight? Do I need to fight?"

Madman Chu stood on the spot, looking into the void in the distance.

He could perceive that there were more than a dozen extremely powerful auras circulating there, an aura that far surpassed Xuxian.

It's... Sin! !

As soon as Madman Chu's words fell, a powerful immortal wave suddenly broke out on the sword crown behind him.

A stunned sword intent rose from the ground, straight into the sky! !

"My son asked, didn't you hear it?"

Jian Guan said lightly.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone couldn't help swallowing wildly.


Is this guy Chu Madman's entourage? !

I rely on!

Such a terrifying breath is a fairy!

Madman Chu, there is an immortal to follow? !

What a terrifying background this must be! !

"Who told me that he was just an outsider without any background? There are immortals to follow, no background? Am I funny!"

"A fairy as a follower? Oh my god..."

It is not only the immortals who shocked.

What was even more shocking was the fairies hiding in the void.

They couldn't believe it when they looked at Jianguan, and they felt that they had heard hallucinations or were dreaming, otherwise, how could such a thing happen?

With a dignified sword crown, the peerless sword fairy who has suppressed an era will actually give a foreign fairy seed as a follower? ?

Am I teasing them here? !

"What the **** is going on?"

A fairy said with a puzzled face, but no one could answer him, because everyone else was equally shocked and puzzled.

"Chu madman, you don't need to compete with others for the spot, but to enter the Shengxianchi, you have to draw lots."

In the void, an indifferent voice came.

The fairy spoke.

Obviously, they didn't want to have any violent conflict with the sword crown, and Madman Chu was able to subdue the sword crown, which shocked everyone.

Before investigating clearly, they did not dare to stop each other rashly.

"Oh, do you still have to draw lots? It's really troublesome. Everyone is a fairy, and it's solved in the most direct way."

Kuang Chu stood with his hand in his hand and said indifferently, "I want to be the first to go in. If anyone doesn't want to, he can shoot at me, or if you go together, I don't care."

This was an uproar.

Many immortals looked at Madman Chu with incredible faces.

"What did he just say? He wants to challenge all the immortal species of the immortal order? Is he crazy?!"

"Can't believe it, how dare he do this?"

"Even if he is Madman Chu, no matter how strong he is, it would be too arrogant to challenge all immortals."

The ordinary immortal species exclaimed again and again, and the immortal-level Taoist immortals who were challenged by the madman of Chu were even more startled and angry!

You know, they are the best immortal species in this fairy world, and no one has ever dared to say such things in front of them.

Especially the characters at the level of the fairy king, staring at Chu Madman almost burst into anger.

"Very well, for so many years, you are the most arrogant alien immortal I have encountered, I want to try, whether your strength is as strong as the rumors." Yuan Wu, the king of immortal species, said coldly.

He stepped out one step, the majestic imperial aura pouring out like a flood, and extremely strong origin fluctuations erupted, crushing the void of the Quartet, "As long as you can beat me, if you want to be the first to enter the ascension pond, I will have nothing opinion."

The immortals in the void didn't speak either, obviously they had acquiesced to this matter, and they wanted to see Madman Chu's ability.

Madman Chu hooked his finger when he saw this, "Come on."

Yuan Wu made a move and blasted out with a punch, the majestic imperial aura and the original wave condensed together, turning into a golden fist.

Madman Chu stood still, gently raised his hand, and his imperial energy exploded with the origin fluctuation, smashing the punch abruptly.

"The prince of the Great Yuan Dynasty, is this the only thing?"

Madman Chu didn't retreat, and said indifferently.

"Pan Yuan Shen Jue, Shaking Thunder!!"

Yuan Wu shouted, the imperial qi and Dao patterns intertwined, turning into a blue thunder light, and with a punch, the thick thunder pillar blessed by the power of the original force hit the madman of Chu like a sea dragon.

"Zunhuang Sword Art!"

The imperial energy surged behind the Kuangren Chu and turned into a golden emperor's magic image. Then, the sword energy in the palm of the emperor's magic image was intertwined and turned into a golden sword shadow to cut out across the sky, the power can break through the void!

Jian Ying and Lei Zhu crashed together.

Only a loud noise was heard.

The Lei Zhu burst into pieces, but the sword energy was like a broken bamboo, slashing towards Yuan Wu, and blasting it directly out!

The power of this blow caused everyone's pupils to shrink suddenly.

One sword defeated the fairy king? !

"This person's combat power is not worse than the rumored one!"

"Even... stronger!"

Madman Chu stood with his hand in his hand. He looked at the many immortal-level Orthodox kings in front of him, and said lightly, "I said, I allow you to go together, don't you take the opportunity now?"

His words made the celestial faces pale.


"I don't believe that he can really beat all of us alone!"

These immortal species all come from different immortal-level Taoist forces. Originally, they were in a tit-for-tat relationship with each other.

But now because Madman Chu is alone, he has become angry with the same enemy. I have to say that Madman Chu has accomplished a feat.

"A thousand wind fingers!"

"No Profound Sword Slash!"

"The Yanlong roars at Qianshan in anger!"

A variety of powerful celestial laws suddenly erupted, and the radiance of the celestial laws was extremely brilliant, blooming in the void one after another.

The Madman Chu, who was in the center of the immortal law attack, stood still like a mountain, standing with his hands in his hands, standing tall and tall, only to see the purple lotus blooming around him, turning into a thousand lotus sword energy, blocking all the immortal attacks.

Boom, boom, boom...

Accompanied by bursts of screams, the whole earth was shaken, and cracks spread in all directions.

Smoke billowed, covering the sky.

Everyone stared at the smoke and dust, where there were violent immortal laws remaining fluctuations, and everyone felt that no immortal species could survive such a terrifying immortal attack.

"Did you make it?"

"Is this guy defeated?"

Among the crowd, a few immortal species did not take action, including Gu Ruqing and Gu Liufang.

They looked at the smoke and the corners of their mouths were slightly tilted, and Gu Liufang smiled faintly, "That person won't be defeated so easily."

When everyone held their breaths, they saw a burst of imperial energy sweeping through the sky like a storm, dispersing the sky of smoke and dust.

And a peerless figure in white appeared The madman of Chu stood proudly, staring at everyone, and said lightly, "Now it's your turn to pick me up."

As soon as his words fell, the surrounding spirits were suffocated, the wind and clouds stood still, and the world seemed to hold its breath at this moment.

Before the move, everyone felt an unprecedented strong pressure, which almost made it hard for them to breathe.

"At the first thought, heaven and earth will die!"

Indifferent words reverberate, and the ringing is suppressed!

Immediately afterwards, circles of purple-red light waves spread and rushed towards everyone, but everyone who was hit by the light waves vomited blood and flew upside down. Even the king of the fairy species could not help but pale.

In just two breaths, the immortals lay on the ground wailing and wailing.

In the world, there is only one standing proudly dressed in white, just like the king of the world!


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