Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 969: : One after another created the fairy method, Nanke's calculation

Madman Chu still stayed in the Shengxianchi.

He was working on an abacus, only to see his mind move, and an extremely violent suction burst out of his body.

Suddenly, the surrounding waves were rough and the waves splashed.

Madman Chu sucked a large amount of water into his body like a whale swallowing water. He was about to use the water from the Ascension Pond to irrigate the **** lotus!

This rising fairy pond is the essence of natural water wood.

It is the most suitable nutrient for Shenlian!

The **** lotus seed irrigated by Shengxianchi water began to take root and form a bud in a very short time.

And this is not over yet.

A lot of lotus petals unfolded, and the lotus became a supernatural lotus.

On the lotus petals, there are mysterious Dao patterns flowing, and the madman of Chu urges the power of the origin of the sword to merge into the petals.

In an instant, the power of the origin evolved.

Madman Chu looked at the lotus petals, his mind seemed to be drawn into an ethereal realm, and countless ways and mysticism came to his heart one by one.

If it is a person with insufficient understanding, I am afraid that it will be overwhelmed by the mysticism of this law in an instant.

But Mad Chu did not.

His comprehension is extremely astonishing, and he can be called a monster. Not only did the countless Taoist mysteries not dazzle him, but it allows him to quickly find the rules and deduce the sword skills based on these Taoist mysteries.

At this time, the Shengxianchi water continued to pour into the lotus seed, and the second petal gradually formed. When the madman of Chu saw this, his heart moved, and another source of power was injected into it, thereby evolving the source of Taoism.

The madman of Chu moved the three souls of heaven, earth, and man together.

The three souls comprehend the lotus of ten thousand dharma together.

A kind of fairy method, he quickly deduced.


outside world.

The sword crown was guarding the restriction, preventing people from entering and disturbing the madman Chu baptism, but suddenly, a strange energy fluctuation came from the ascension pond, and then, the aura between heaven and earth surged into the restriction.

"How is this going?"

The sword crown froze for a moment.

It's not just him.

outside world.

Several immortals also noticed the change.

"This is how the same thing?"

"How could such a movement suddenly appear in Shengxianchi?"

The immortals looked at each other, urging the immortal consciousness, wanting to perceive what happened in the ascending immortal pond, but their immortal consciousness was not yet close, they were intercepted by the restriction placed by the sword crown.


The sword crown hummed, the sword intent filled, and the fairy consciousness was cut off one by one, "Everyone, my son is undergoing a baptism. You extend the fairy consciousness and want to peep, it would be too rude."

"Sword Crown, what happened here?"

A fairy asked coldly.

"It has nothing to do with you."

Jian Guan said indifferently.

"Let's watch the changes first," a fairy said.

Shortly after.

Just listening to the mysterious Taoist sounds began to reverberate, it was the sound of the Great Avenue of the Universe, and the pupils of the immortals who were present shrank.

"In this situation, did Madman Chu create his own magic?"

"Isn't it a baptism? How can he become a self-made immortal law, and he is not even a fairy, how can he create a self-made immortal law?"

"What's the situation?"

The immortals were puzzled.

Jian Guan's heart was also a little confused.

What did the son do inside?


Madman Chu absorbed the water from the Shili Pond and watered the **** lotus seeds.

Soon, on the top of his head, a seal of proof was condensed, which meant that he had created a kind of magic.

But soon there was another seal of proof.

The second kind of fairy law, success.

God lotus species, from first grade, to second grade, to third grade...

Madman Chu, with his powerful understanding and the help of the **** lotus, is actually constantly creating immortal methods. Once such things are spread, the entire Qinglan universe will be shaken.

You know, creating an immortal law, this is something that even immortals would have to spend countless efforts to accomplish.

Four, five, six...

In less than ten days, eight stamps of proof appeared on the Madman Chu's head, proving that he had created eight immortal methods.

"Big brother, this is going against the sky!"

Beside Shengxian Pond, the little fox was shocked.

In front of them, the Shili Shengxianchi had disappeared at this moment, not even a drop of water.

They were all absorbed by the **** lotus seed.


The Madman Chu's head once again has a seal of proof.


Nine kinds of magic!

Outside the Shengxianchi, the immortals are a little uncontrollable. They can perceive that in the Shengxianchi, the vigorous and mysterious Taoist sounds are reverberating one after another, countless auras are condensed, the golden lotus is springing, the dragon and the phoenix are auspicious, and so on. Elephants are constantly appearing.

The movement has far exceeded the movement that ordinary immortals can cause when they create their own magic, and it has lasted for ten days.

"No, you must figure out what Madman Chu did inside, unexpectedly making such a movement."

"Wait, he will always come out."

For some reason, the eyes of the immortals present jumped, always feeling that something bad was about to happen.

"Hey, there is news."

At this time, an immortal said, taking out a piece of jade slip, "My holy city's investigation of Madman Chu is here."

He threw the jade slip in his hand into the air, and saw segments of images and a lot of text information reflected in the jade slip.

Soon, everyone knew exactly what the Madman Chu had done after he came to the immortal world.

"From this survey, Madman Chu is indeed just an outsider. He is in this Qinglan Immortal Realm and he should have no background."

"How can the sword crown follow him?"

A fairy said curiously.

"Look at this piece of It says that Madman Chu and the sword crest met in the ancient bird city. At that time, the sword crest was formed by an old drunkard. It was very sloppy and extremely disappointed."

An immortal clicked on an image, and an old drunkard appeared on it, just like the sword crown of the past.

Looking at the sword crown in the picture, everyone was completely unable to associate it with the energetic peerless sword fairy.

"We can speculate that the sword crown at that time had not recovered from a serious injury due to a battle with the sword crown, and was reduced to a useless person, but the sword crown in front of us was in its heyday. The true sword fairy must have something to do with the madman Chu. , Maybe the other party restored the sword crown."

"And this is the reason Jianguan follows the other side!"

The holy city immortal said vowedly.

His words made everyone look at each other.

"The sword crown has been seriously injured for many years and has not recovered. How did Madman Chu do it? Does he have this ability?"

"Could it be that the other party is still not a doctor?"

Everyone felt incredible.

A medical immortal is too rare. In the contemporary Qinglan immortal world, they have not heard of a doctor whose level has reached the level of medical immortal.

"I know, it's hard to believe, but only this explanation can explain why Jianguan follows Madman Chu, but after abandoning all the impossible, even if the remaining possibilities are unthinkable, that is the truth!" Said.

This person is an immortal in the holy city, named Nanke.

Hearing what he said, everyone believed him a little bit.

"Kuangren Chu healed the sword crown and let him follow it. This is easier to accept than there is a terrifying orthodoxy behind Chu Kongren. In short, since we know why the sword crown is following the other party, then we don't need to worry about anything. Son, can't stay!!"

Nan Ke said coldly.

The immortal king of the holy city was killed by the opponent, and he wouldn't let it go so easily.

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