Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 973: : Leaving the ancient battlefield, the heart of the 7-string piano, and the ring of th

The sun fairy falls!

This scene caused a moment of silence on the battlefield.

Behind the Kuangren Chu, there is a grieving Buddha hanging in the air, and the blood-colored Buddha light shines across the world. There is an ancient Qingluan mirror beside him, the mirror surface flows, and the reflections seem to shone through the mountains and rivers, and the stars are broken, and the mystery is incomparable.

"Again, another fairy artifact?!!!"

"Moreover, this immortal artifact seems to be much stronger than the three-headed six-armed grieving Buddha. Where did he get so many immortal artifacts, and one more powerful than one, where did he get it?"

Everyone was confused.

Immortal artifacts are things held by immortals, and some immortal species are also owned. They are all characters with profound chances or backgrounds.

But even if there are immortal artifacts, they are mostly ordinary immortal artifacts.

But the madman of Chu took out one piece which was a heavenly weapon.

That ancient mirror could kill the Yanri immortal in one fell swoop, and it was probably even more terrifying than the heavenly immortal weapon that could allow an immortal seed to exert such power!

"Is that Qingluan mirror?!"

In the crowd, a monster clan couldn't help but shrink his pupils slightly after seeing the ancient mirror next to Madman Chu, showing a look of surprise.

Why did the Qingluan mirror that the Supreme Demon Court was struggling to find appeared in the hands of a human race, what was going on? ?

Madman Chu didn't know that he had a Qingluan mirror and was seen by someone with a heart. Even if he knew it, he didn't care.

This Qingluan mirror was left by Qingfeng, and I don't know why, when the other party left, he didn't ask him for the Qingluan mirror.

However, this fairy weapon is powerful, and since the other party didn't ask him for it, he was also happy to keep it in his hand as a hole card.

No, an immortal was killed as soon as he shot!

"What a horrible fairy."

"This thing is at least the level of a real fairy."

"In the Qinglan Immortal Realm, there are still real immortal artifacts?"

The rest of the immortals who did not participate in the siege of Madman Chu couldn't help feeling shocked when they saw that the Immortal Yanri was exterminated.

Kuangren Chu held two immortal weapons, looked at the void, and said indifferently: "I wonder who else wants to kill me?"

As a fairy, he was openly provoking the fairy!

This scene amazed countless people.

Among contemporary immortals, Madman Chu is the only one.

And when things reached this point, the other immortals did not act rashly. Not far away, the four immortals who surrounded the sword crown were shocked by the combat power displayed by Madman Chu. They were slightly distracted, allowing the sword crown to seize the opportunity and break with one sword. Prince Kaiyuan’s domain immortal law rushed out.

The sword crown came to Chu Kuangren's side, "Master, are you okay?"

"A half-waste fairy can't hurt me."

Madman Chu said lightly.

Sword Crown looked at Madman Chu, and couldn't help being shocked just like everyone else. Even if he was a half-worn fairy, he was also a fairy.

"Everyone, do any of you want to do it?"

The sword crown looked at the other immortals, the green lotus immortal sword in his hand had sword light circulating, and the violent sword intent swept all directions, making all the immortals jealous.


Nan Ke's face was a little ugly.

It was the limit for the four immortals to hold the sword crown. Now that the Yanri immortal is dead, the sword crown has also got rid of the restraint. If he wants to kill the madman of Chu again, no fairy is willing to face the resentful Buddha and the Qingluan mirror.

The immortal killing bureau is disintegrated!

It ended with the madman of Chu beheading the Yanri immortal.

"Oh, if no immortal is willing to take action, then we will leave." Madman Chu put away the Qingluan mirror, and said lightly against the Buddha.

It's not that he doesn't want to solve the other immortals who besieged him.

It was that the strength of these immortals far surpassed that of the Yanri immortals with broken arms. Even with the Qingluan mirror in their hands, they did not have full confidence in winning, let alone the sword crown's current strength.

Then Madman Chu took people away.

Seeing his leaving behind, everyone's eyes were complicated. Today they thoroughly know what it means to be someone outside a person, there is a heaven outside!

Even the king of the fairy species does not stand at the apex of the fairy species.

There is also a madman of Chu who can fight against the sky!


After leaving Shengxianchi, Madman Chu did not continue to stay in the ancient battlefield, but went to rest in Tianluo City for a few days.


In a restaurant.

Madman Chu was sitting on the edge drinking.

The diners around looked at him with jealousy in their eyes.

Obviously offended the holy city, clearly killed the city lord of Tianluo, but still dared to appear in such a fair manner to drink in the city of Tianluo.

In this world, few people have the courage of Madman Chu.

But they also had to admit that the other party had the strength and the ability to do so. After all, the madman Chu was absolutely unique among the immortals in the contemporary Qinglan fairy world.

"Congratulations to the host for drawing the god-level prize Lyre Heart."

Madman Chu who was in the lottery was taken aback.

Lyre heart?

I got a god-level prize again.

Although he has a lucky halo blessing, the chances of drawing a god-level prize in a short period of time are still very small.

I only picked the Ten Thousand Magical Lotus seeds a few days ago, and I thought that there would be nothing to gain in the next period of time.

Unexpectedly, now I got another lyre heart.

Lyre heart, what is this?

Madman Chu opened the inventory and looked at the introduction.

There are various physiques in the world, but there are also various talents and supernatural powers, such as Qingluan's Eye of Qingluan, Moonlight Fox's ignorance of prohibition...

This lyre heart is also a kind of talent.

It's about the talent on the piano.

A monk with this talent has unique conditions in the Qin Dao, can quickly learn all the piano music, hardly need to practice, can easily become a Qin Dao master.

Even becoming a Qin Xian is a sure thing.

It is the talent that the world's luthier dreams of.

"Although I don't specialize in piano art, it is better to have this talent than not to have it." Madman Chu murmured, and then extracted this talent.

He was originally the great master of Qin Dao, and now after adding this Qixian Qin Xin, he feels that his understanding of Qin Dao has reached a new level.

There was a glimpse of surprise in his eyes.

Then, he stretched out his hand slowly and fiddled in the void.

At that moment.

In the entire Tianluo City, the guqin in the hands of all the luthiers actually played automatically, and the sound of the guqin sounded throughout the city, shocking everyone.

A luthier looked at the Guqin, which automatically made the piano sound in front of him, swallowed and swallowed, and his face was shocked, "This, this is the proving by the violin!! Someone proving the Dao by the violin! Someone has proving the Dao by the violin, becoming a piano immortal, in addition to the crown, Qinglan immortal world There is another Qin Xian!!"

At this moment, the heaven and the earth resonated, with Tianluo City as the center, the strong and mysterious Qin Dao origin wave spread out.

It's hundreds of millions of miles away.

In a mountain village by the lake, UU read www.uukanshu. com Wanqin resonates, and the beautiful piano sounds flow.

In the villa, countless luthiers looked at the guqin in their hands, with a dull expression, unable to believe what they saw before them.


At this time, a piano sound resounded from the depths of the villa, the sound of the piano spread out, and Wanqin gradually returned to calm everywhere the sound of the piano was everywhere.

"It's the owner."

"Unexpectedly, in this Qinglan immortal world, in addition to the owner, there are people who have become Qin Immortals."

Deep in the villa, in the attic, a woman in a white dress looked at the guqin in front of her, and smiled faintly, "Someone has become a qin fairy after me, oh, I am not alone."

When the woman was pleased, beside her, a guqin that had been in the dust for a long time suddenly slammed and made a sound.

This scene caused the woman's expression to change drastically, her beautiful eyes widened, "Nine Heavens Ring Pedestal... actually rang?!"

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