Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 980: : 9 celestial rings resonate, 1 sword to cut the dragon, I am your master

Behind Jin Yi, a blond old man suddenly appeared.

A powerful immortal power swept the audience.

Suddenly, the expressions of everyone present changed, and Qin Guan's gaze also sank, "It seems that Shenlong Island has come prepared this time."

"Nine Heavens Ring, we are bound to win."

The blond old man said lightly.

"Then it depends on whether Shenlong Island can be taken from me."

Qin Guan gave a cold snort.

This Nine Heavens Ring Pendant is her beloved thing, she can find a master for it, but she doesn't allow others to take it by force.

The breath of Dragon Immortal and Immortal crashed together, and the terrifying coercion caused the surrounding luthiers and monks to fly upside down.

"My dear, the Nine Heavens Banquet has become a battlefield for immortals."

"This is interesting now."

The piano crown and the figure of the blond old man disappeared in place, and then they collided in the air, erupting with a loud roar.

A guqin appeared in Qin Guan's hands.

I saw her licking her fingers, and the sound of the piano spread out.

The blond dragon fairy also gave a low voice, waved his hands, and a series of terrifying dragon energy erupted, tearing the sound of the piano apart.

The battle of immortals is extremely powerful.

The coercion enveloped this world.

On the other side, Jin Yi saw that the piano crown had been dragged, he looked at Jiuxiao Ring Pei, and continued to reach out and grab it.

This time, no one can stop him.

But at this time, there were strings condensing in the void, blocking him.

"Is this a ban on the piano crown?"

"Hmph, the immortal is indeed powerful, but what you can deploy in a hurry can be a bit more powerful, but it is useless."

Jin Yi snorted coldly.

Dragon Qi boiled and turned into huge dragon claws to grab it.

The immortal banned it from shaking, but it was not broken.

Jin Yi saw this, his eyes condensed, "Oh, it seems I underestimated you, Qin Guan, but you can only do this step."

He took out a golden spear.

Xianhui on the spear is amazing, but it is a fairy!

"Break for me!"

Jin Yi stabbed out with a shot, and with the blessing of the fairy, the power of this blow was so powerful that it gradually dismantled the restrictions left by the piano crown.

"Qin Feng, you and I act together to stop this person."

Shang Chanjuan said to Qin Feng.

But Qin Feng hesitated when he heard this. He said: "Don't do useless work anymore. We are not his opponents. Anyway, this Nine Heavens Ring is useless for us, just give it to him."

Hearing this, Shang Chanjuan stared, "Qin Feng, the Nine Heavens Ring Pedestal is Master’s beloved thing, do you just watch it be taken away? Where do you put Master’s face? ?"

"If you don't make a move, then I will do it myself."

Shang Chanjuan shot again.

Upon seeing this, Jin Yi gave a cold snort.

A dragon qi shot out, sending the opponent out again.

"I can't help myself."

Qin Feng shook his head and said.

When the disciples next to Zhuangnai saw this, they couldn't help but frown.

Although Shang Chanjuan is indeed not Jin Yi's opponent, he is also a person from Jiuxiao Huanpeizhuang anyway, and as a senior disciple of the mountain villa, Qin Feng, not only does not help, but is still ridiculing.

Is this really the big brother they know?

It's too disappointing.

Bang, bang...

All the restrictions left by the piano crown were broken.


And just when Jin Yi was about to come into contact with the Nine Heavens Ring Pei, I saw this ancient Xianqin suddenly vibrate, and then there was a loud sound...

When the strings moved, the grand sound wave suddenly broke out! !

Jin Yi took the brunt and flew out!

This scene stunned everyone.

Even with the fiercely fighting piano crown high in the sky, the blonde dragon fairy couldn't help but stop, looking at Jiuxiao Ring Pei, in surprise.

Seeing Xianqin hanging in the air, Xianhui was stunned, and a mighty imperial force spread out like a tide.

"The Nine Heavens Ring Pei... ringing?!"

Master Tianyue's face changed.

Everyone was stunned by this sudden change.

The guqin, which hasn't sounded for many years, has actually made a sound!

"What is going on? Why does it ring?"

"No one played it just now!"

"Well, who can tell me what happened?"

"Look at that guy..."

At this time, the crowd exclaimed.

I saw a young man in white walking out of the crowd and slowly walking towards the Nine Heavens Ring. This man was exceptionally handsome, with celestial splendor on his body, and there was a kind of unconventional air in every gesture.

More importantly, there was a wave of the power of the Qin Dao origin in this person, which was actually resonating with the Nine Heavens Ring Pei! !

At this moment, everyone knew.

Jiuxiao ring wear, so people speak! !

It seems that this person is the violin master who has been waiting for many years!

"It's him!"

Yuan Xu, Qin Feng and others couldn't help being surprised when they saw Chu Madman.

In the crowd, some people recognized him.

"It's Madman Chu."

"He would actually show up at this Nine Heavens Banquet, so powerful and mysterious the origin of Qin Dao, this person is actually proficient in Qin Dao?!"

"Not only that, he can also resonate with Nine Heavens Ring Pei!"

Everyone was amazed again and again.

Qin Guan looked at the Madman Chu, and was also extremely shocked, "This kind of fluctuating Qin Dao originated from the Qin Immortal a few days ago!!"

"It turned out to be him..."

Xueqin was also a little confused.

Madman Chu said that he knew the piano, and said he knew a little bit.

She believed it, but now who will tell her what is going on in this scene, is this a little understanding? !

The madman of Chu walked towards the Nine Heavens Ring Pei step by step, and the strong fluctuation of the origin of the Qin Dao pervading his body spread to the entire villa.

All the guqin in the field seemed to be manipulated by an invisible big hand, making bursts of piano sounds automatically.

Wanqin resonates! !

"You want to take the Nine Heavens Ring Wear, you dream!"

Jin Yi snorted coldly.

He was bound to win this Nine Heavens Ring Peel, and saw that he raised his hand to urge the Dragon Qi, injected the fairy weapon in his hand, and shot it at Madman Chu.

But above the sky, the blonde dragon fairy's expression changed.


But it was too late.

The Madman Chu's sword fingers condensed, and he swiped in the void with his hand, with a dozen sources of power blessed on it, turning into a purple sword light.

With sword light passing by, purple lotus blooms!

In the crash, the golden dragon's energy shattered directly, and Jin Yi was too late to dodge, and was torn in half by sword light on the spot!

This sword completely shocked everyone present.

That Jin Yi, but the dragon clan fairy species!

Its combat power is as strong as the king of the fairy species!

But just like that, he was killed by a sword!

What kind of strength is this? !

"Killing the King of the Immortal Seed casually, it turns out that the rumors about this person are actually true!!" Yuan Xu said, swallowing his saliva.

Qin Feng was at the side, too scared to speak.

In his heart, there is a sense of powerlessness.

Incomparable strength, incomparable talent, incomparable appearance...

Originally, UU read he thought that as long as he could play the Nine Heavens Ring, he might still have a chance to compete with the other party for the heart of the Xueqin.

Now, the Nine Heavens Ring Pei rang because of the opponent.

He is defeated! !

Lost thoroughly! !

Madman Chu slowly walked in front of Jiu Xiao Huan Pei and stroked the body of the piano with his fingers, causing the guqin to tremble lightly, and the graceful piano sound reverberated.

"It's you who resonated and led me to come?"

Madman Chu whispered.

Jiu Xiao Huanpai trembled, as if responding.

"Very well, since that's the case, I will be your master from today!" Chu Kuangren said lightly.

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