Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 990: : Enter the book sea again, the peculiar source of enlightenment, enlighten all beings

There are hundreds of teachers in hundreds of academies, but there are only twelve gold lecturers, that is, Mr. Twelve standing in front of the madman of Chu.

Madman Chu is now the thirteenth.

That is Mr. Thirteen.

The gentlemen of Hundred Colleges, even the immortal dare not underestimate this title, because they represent Hundred Colleges.

One of the oldest orthodoxy in this Qinglan fairy world.

Madman Chu agreed to become Mr. Thirteen, because he would continue to learn knowledge from the sea of ​​books. In addition, having an academy as a backing would also be able to shock those immortal-class Taoisms who were unruly towards him.

Kill two birds with one stone, why not do it?

Since then.

There is one more Mr. Thirteen in the hundred academies.

An all-rounder Thirteen who has read many books.

And this news has spread to hundreds of academies, and even some immortal-level Taoists have also received the news.

After learning that Mr. Thirteen was a Madman of Chu, some Taoists who were hostile to Madman Chu were so angry that they screamed.

"Kuangren Chu actually joined a hundred colleges? And not as a student, but as a gentleman?!"

"The gentlemen of the academy are all knowledgeable people, why can a Madman of Chu become the 13th gentleman of the academy?"

"Really, if you want to do to him now, you have to weigh it up. Hundreds of colleges are not a force to provoke."

"The dean, but one of the peak existences in the Qinglan Immortal Realm, it is said that this person's cultivation has reached the heavenly immortal."

"Kuangren Chu, he has such good luck..."

Within a hundred colleges.

After Madman Chu became Mr. Thirteen, he coached for a while.

Then, he plunged into the sea of ​​books again.

This time, he stayed in the sea of ​​books for half a year, absorbing the knowledge in the sea of ​​books almost crazy.

Today, his Nine Ranks Three Element Soul Refining Art has reached the seventh rank, and his soul has become an immortal soul. Coupled with the special nature of this god-level exercise method, his understanding has improved greatly compared to the past.

Heaven, earth, man, and three immortal souls work together to absorb all kinds of knowledge recorded in the sea of ​​books.

Its speed is much faster than when I came to Shuhai last time.

Coupled with the blessing of the vision of poems and books in his belly, in this short six months? The countless classics recorded in the sea of ​​books have almost been read and thoroughly understood by him alone.

This feat? It is unprecedented!

In the sea of ​​books.

Madman Chu is still reading books and gaining knowledge.

Next to him, Mr. Si looked at him and couldn't help but admire, especially when he looked at the handsome and flawless face of the other party? It was even more pleasing to the eyes. For a while, he was a little silly.

But at this time.

There was a mysterious brilliance circulating in the Madman Chu.

It is the vision of poems and books in the belly.

Mr. Si returned to his senses and couldn't help being surprised.

You know? Madman Chu has been able to control this vision very well. In recent months, this vision has not appeared much.

But now? Why did it appear again?

Before she could figure it out? I saw the mysterious brilliance of Chu Madman getting more and more dazzling? Numerous characters surged? There were bursts of Taoist singing.

Immediately afterwards, in her shocking eyes? That mysterious brilliance mixed with countless characters? It turned into a golden light and went straight into the sky!

Void? Endless aura surging? Golden lotus blossoms? Dao sound arrays, there are dragons and phoenixes? Qilin stepping on the sea, four elephants rising and so on, the whole Qinglan fairy world seems to be shaken.

Deep in the academy.

The white-haired old man suddenly opened his eyes and looked towards the sea of ​​books? His eyes were shocked, "This, this feeling is..."

The entire academy shook.

The gentlemen came to the sea of ​​books together.

At the gate of Shuhai, Mr. Si was stunned.

"Senior Sister Si, what's the matter?"

Mr. Seven asked.

"Don't ask me, I don't know."

Mr. Si shook his head.

At this moment, the rebirth of the abnormal change, only seen in the golden light, suddenly a strange source of power emerged.

At that moment when the power of the origin emerged, all the gentlemen and even the students were in their bodies, and in their minds, there seemed to be some mysterious insights, and some of the past practice problems were answered.

For a while, everyone gasped.

"This, what kind of original power is this, I just feel the fluctuations, and I have a feeling of suddenness."

"My God, what a mighty force is this?"

"This kind of origin, I have never heard of it!"

Even the well-informed gentlemen felt shocked.

At this moment, a crane came into the sky, and on the crane, sitting a gray-haired old man.

"Of course you don't know the origin, because even in the ancient complete immortal world, there are very few people who can comprehend the origin of enlightenment." The white-haired old man exclaimed.

"Meet the dean."

Mr. Zhong paid a salute.

The visitor is the dean of Baijia Academy.

"The origin of education?"

Mr. Da's eyebrows frowned slightly, and then his pupils shrank, "According to the rumors, the origin of the most sacred masters of a hundred schools of learning?!"


The dean nodded, "Unexpectedly, in my lifetime, I can actually see someone who can comprehend the origin of this education."

Enlightenment is one of the most peculiar origins between heaven and earth.

It can make ignorant people generate wisdom, can make rebellious beasts become tame, and can make all living beings follow the rules...

"The power of the source of education is very mysterious, even if I have exhausted my life, I can't comprehend it at all. I didn't expect that a young fairy would be able to comprehend it."

The dean said with emotion: "Even if this person does not become an immortal, he can cultivate thousands of celestial species, peaches and plums all over the world, and become a famous teacher with eternal fame!"

"If he has enough chance, he may even have the opportunity to become a character like the most holy masters of the academy, and to teach sentient beings."

Hundreds of academies have profound backgrounds, and can even be traced back to the complete fairy world, which is the fairy ancient period of the last era.

In that era, each of the most sacred masters of the hundreds of academies was a powerful person in the fairy world.

Such a character, even the dean must look up.

The golden beam of light that reached the sky gradually converged, and the surrounding visions and countless mysterious characters also disappeared.

"Is it the source of education? It's really an unexpected gain."

Madman Chu recovered from the vast ocean of knowledge, and he also felt the changes that had occurred in him.

Unexpectedly, after studying and comprehending hundreds of classics and the vast sea of ​​books, he unexpectedly realized the power of this source of enlightenment.

To educate others, it is necessary to have a knowledge literacy far higher than that of others. Mad people in Chu have been absorbing all kinds of knowledge crazily these days, and perceiving the origin of this education, although it is unexpected, it is reasonable.

And this source of enlightenment is different from the various source powers that the mad people of Chu had previously This source is very mysterious. He feels that the various knowledge he has learned during this period is under the effect of this source of enlightenment. It is more convenient to integrate it.

In addition, my own savvy, learning ability, etc. seem to have increased to varying degrees.

"One of the most mysterious origins between heaven and earth, really extraordinary." Chu Madman smiled lightly.

However, to teach sentient beings is still not the way he wants to go.

This kind of thing is too tiring.

He is very lazy, and he needs the help of Ruyan Elder and Linglong to manage an empire.

Let him teach sentient beings?

forget it.

Who loves to go, who goes.

In this way, a bright avenue to the sky was placed in front of Madman Chu, but he was abandoning his shoes and would not go.

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