Start the era of black technology

Chapter 19 Poseidon Biomedical Company

Instead of driving directly to the hotel, the car went to buy clothes first. Xu Ping'an bought two sets in a row and went to the hotel after buying them.

Degusson accompanied Xu Pingan to go through the formalities in the hotel lobby. It turned out to be a suite, which cost more than one thousand euros a night. He was really rich. After Xu Pingan received the number plate, the two entered the elevator and went upstairs together.

Entering the room, Xu Ping'an put his luggage and said directly, "De Gusong, I don't know how to make coffee, I only make tea. Are you used to drinking?"

"Of course, when I was studying in the UK, I basically drank tea every day," Degusson said with a smile. This is not a lie. Degusson still loves tea.

Xu Pingan nodded and started to boil the water. After a short time, the water boiled and made a pot of tea. Then two cups were reached. The two of them drank and chatted, mainly Xu Pingan inquired and Degusson answered.

"According to you, the Icelandic government now welcomes foreign investment," Xu Ping'an said after hearing Degusson's introduction.

"Yes, the financial crisis two years ago has done great damage to Iceland, and the current economy needs stimulus. The best thing is foreign investment," Degusson said with a sip of tea.

"Dgusson, can you tell me about Iceland's economic structure?" Xu Pingan asked.

"Happy to help," Degusson said with a smile.

"Mr. Xu, Iceland has a small population. The main source of income is fishery, followed by high energy consumption industries such as fishery product processing and aluminum smelting. Other industries are currently not developing very well."

“Before the financial crisis, the tourism industry showed a year-on-year growth trend. Since the financial crisis broke out in 2008, the tourism industry has suffered a huge blow. The number of tourists received in the first half of this year was only one-fifth of what it was two years ago.”

"Correspondingly, the fish processing and refining industries have also suffered a great blow. The global economy has been devastated by the financial turmoil. The decline in consumption is inevitable, and Iceland is no exception."

"Many companies are struggling, cosmetics, clothing, catering, hotels, etc., these companies have laid off their employees. Without sales, there is no capital to maintain so many workers."

"At present, the effect of layoffs is not good, the economy has not improved much, and time can only be used to heal the scars."

"It is the ruling party that urgently needs foreign investment. Investment can lead to employment. The government has introduced many preferential policies, and the intensity is not small. If Mr. Xu is investing now, it is a good opportunity. As long as it can last for two years, It will definitely bring no small rewards" Degusson explained seriously.

Xu Pingan nodded earnestly. Degusson’s opinion was similar to his own. As long as he could survive the current stage, nothing would be a problem. Using the darkness before dawn to explain the current situation fits well.

Drinking tea, the two could talk for thirty or forty minutes. Xu Ping’an was impressed by Degusson’s patience. Many of the things he asked were charged separately. As a result, Degusson explained to himself in detail. Up.

This one has a very good intention. If you give something practical, it is a bit unreasonable.

"De Gusong, do you know anything about Poseidon Biopharmaceutical Company" Xu Ping'an asked, shaking his teacup.

"Mr. Xu, if you are asking about other companies, I still need to conduct some investigations. I know Poseidon Biopharmaceutical Company very well, because my cousin works in this company," Degusson said with a smile.

"Oh, it's a coincidence, can you tell us about the current situation of this company" Xu Ping'an said with a smile.

"of course"

"The operating conditions of Poseidon Biopharmaceuticals are currently very poor. In March of this year, Europe and the United States raised the standards for the manufacturers of dietary supplements and gave a year of preparation time. If the requirements are not met by March next year , It cannot be sold in the EU"

"Poseidon’s production equipment has not been updated for 20 years and is seriously aging. To meet the standards set by Europe and the United States, at least three million euros or more of funds need to be invested in equipment replacement."

"Heraben, the owner of Poseidon Biopharmaceuticals, is unwilling to pay this fee, because this time the financial crisis has suffered heavy losses. The company is now in a semi-stop state, and only about 20 people are working."

"Moreover, the company's previous reserves of raw materials were about to run out. Heraben's request for government support for the loan was not approved, because now the market conditions are clear, and the government does not want its own investment to be lost."

"Heraben now has plans to sell this company, but Heraben's asking price is not low, and there has been no transaction..." Degusson told his own understanding of the situation. Xu Pingan gave an introduction one by one.

"I remember that Poseidon Biopharmaceuticals has a laboratory that has passed the EU seriously. Is it still running?" Xu Pingan asked.

Degusson smiled and was 100% sure in his heart. Xu Ping'an had taken a fancy to Poseidon Bio-Pharmaceutical Company. The company’s greatest value at the moment is this simple laboratory. The production equipment is worthless, and the old equipment, the manufacturer has closed down. .

"It's still running, but there are only five researchers left. This is the result of their general manager Kyle's strong request. For this laboratory, Kyle would not hesitate to quarrel with Hraben three times. Otherwise, the laboratory It’s already been sold out"

"Mr. Xu, if you want to acquire Poseidon Biopharmaceutical Company, their general manager, Kyle, must stay. Seriously, if it wasn't for Kyle's existence, Poseidon would have gone bankrupt," Degusson said seriously, obviously I highly approve of Kyle, the general manager of Poseidon Biopharmaceutical Company.

"De Gusson, Kyle is just a manager. The company has reached the current stage, why not leave?" Xu Pingan asked.

Xu Ping’an is really curious about this. If Kyle is really as good as Degusson said, there is no problem finding a suitable next home, but Kyle is still in the company and insists on not leaving. This is very abnormal. .

"Mr. Xu, many people know why Kyle stayed at Poseidon. In order to repay Kyle, Kyle is an orphan. It was Hellaben who helped Kyle go to school until he graduated from college. Without Hellaben's support for so many years, he certainly wouldn't. There will be Kyle now"

"After Kyle graduated from University, he went to work for Poseidon in Hellaben. I started as a basic salesperson. After five years, I became the general manager of Poseidon. Frankly speaking, if Hellaben could fully support Kyle, Poseidon would not A company is definitely a large company in the European region."

"Heraben is not a bad person, and he has done a lot of charity, but he has a problem that everyone can't bear. He is too stingy. Starting ten years ago, Kyle and Heraben proposed to completely update the production equipment. As well as experimental equipment and increase the number of researchers"

"As a result, they were all rejected by Heraben, thinking that there was no need to invest so much. He kept doing it perfunctorily. Every year, he quarreled with Kyle several times about this kind of things. Basically, Poseidon's employees knew this." Degusson explained it, and Xu Ping'an nodded.

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