Start the era of black technology

Chapter 195 We are almost digging into the gold deposit in this gold mine [third update, ask for vot

"Forty million euros a year, we accept, when will it begin" Fore said directly.

"Your security network center needs to be upgraded, and some equipment needs to be replaced. I will send the catalog to your e-mail address. When you have completed the update as required, find someone you can trust to contact me. I will install a defense system through the network. The ultimate control password is given to you"Zero directly said the plan.

"No problem, how do I need to contact you after completion" Forr asked very calmly.

"When you are finished, I will contact you within three days to install, and I will pass the operation manual to you. This is the account. You must handle it before the installation of the device. Goodbye." Zero disappeared after saying.

A box appeared in the middle of the computer screen, with a bank name and account number on it, and a timer below it. It disappeared automatically after three minutes. Fore took a picture of the account directly with his mobile phone, and then turned off the computer and did it to everyone A shutdown action was made.

Everyone understood what Foer meant, and turned off the phone directly. Only then did Foer let out a long breath, "The strength of the other party is higher than we expected."

"He can control our phones at the same time. It's incredible. Can network technology reach such a level?" Lang Li frowned.

"This shouldn't be a difficult task. We cover WIF signals here, and we can indirectly control our mobile phones if we control WIF on the other side. However, this kind of technology can't be done by ordinary people"

"Fol, you have always been responsible for network security, this time you are also responsible for it," Haili said directly.

"No problem, I'll complete this task," Foer said directly, and everyone nodded.

Everyone began to discuss the zero, and the matter just left a deep impression on everyone. Mrs. Bach now more or less realized why Xu Ping's eyes showed fear.

The existence of zero is indeed scary.

A day later, Xu Pingan contacted Mrs. Bach. Mrs. Bach came to talk with Xu Pingan for a while, and solemnly handed Xu Pingan a black envelope with the website address, account name and password.

The account cannot be changed, and the password can be changed three times a month. After the account, Mrs. Bach left.

In the study, Xu Pingan turned on the computer and entered the website address. The webpage of the official website of Venus Housekeeping appeared. Xu Pingan directly entered the account password and pressed the confirm button, and the webpage began to change.

The web URL began to change, and after several consecutive changes, a user interface appeared directly. Xu Ping'an slowly introduced the viewers, especially the role of star ratings, and saw very carefully.

I also checked my star rating. It turned out to be a five-level one-hundred-star. Xu Ping’an smiled on his face. Not bad. He gave himself the top standard of identity, which is more than 300 million euros and 500 million euros, which is a one-star level. client.

Customers at each level are divided into three sub-levels: White Star, Blue Star, and Venus. Accumulate according to your consumption and employee evaluation, very detailed.

It is no wonder that foreign game companies are so knowledgeable in the construction of the power system and rules system. It turns out that this kind of thing has gone deep into all aspects. Although this kind of accumulation has not developed quickly, it can be accumulated step by step, and the achievements are limitless.

After browsing the relevant rules, Xu Ping'an went directly to the homepage. Just when he clicked it, Xu Ping'an had a shocked expression on his face. The photos of several European celebrities that are very familiar to the eyes came into view. The stars of this level are also Venus The escort is incredible.

There are countless beauties of various colors in Europe and the United States, and Xu Ping’an saw that all of this page is already famous.

There is another category that is not very famous after debuting for a while, and the price is a lot lower than the star.

The last category is new stars who just debuted, models who just debuted, and stars who just debuted.

In short, it has everything you need, and it will definitely make you picky.

Xu Pingan took a few deep breaths before reluctantly shutting down the webpage. Today is a long experience, and you have learned about the corruption of capitalism, which will definitely open your eyes.

In the next few days, Xu Ping An met with Deputy Mayor Hall and several members of Parliament sponsored by Tianqi Group. Macron has now been promoted to Minister of Economy, and I can only regret not being in France.

However, Xu Ping'an still visited Macron's wife and had a few meals at Macron's house. Macron's wife still remembers Xu Ping'an, because Xu Ping'an was the only Asian who Macron invited to eat at home.

After giving an inexpensive gift, Xu Ping'an left after a conversation, the cautious manager.

After the Paris event was completed, the next stop was Italy. This time Xu Ping'an was not single anymore. Through the website of Venus, he directly clicked on a new Italian model star, Michel.

Mihir is 20 years old this year and has been in the Milan modelling industry for two years. He has attended a lot of various brand conferences, but he can't become popular. According to the current situation, I am afraid that I will need to quit in a few years. The modeling world.

This is a bowl of youth rice. If you miss the golden age, it is difficult to have suitable opportunities. There will be few endorsement contracts. The decline in quality of life is inevitable. An accidental opportunity was introduced by a senior in the modeling industry. Joined the dark web of the Venus Group.

People from the Venus Group contacted Mihir and asked Mihir three times. Everything was voluntary, and no information was allowed to be disclosed. Once a leak occurred, the result would be to make Mihir disappear from the earth.

Mihir seriously considered for two days and signed a voluntary contract with the Venus Group. After a month of short training and a comprehensive physical examination, Mihir’s information was posted on the dark web. It depends on Misch. Your luck.

Venus's intelligence network is very powerful. Joined personnel and rich people will be disqualified from the dark web once they develop infectious diseases. Every year, someone will be removed from the dark web.

The rich are no exception. Every year, the rich must undergo a comprehensive physical examination in a large hospital. Those who have not submitted a report will also be removed from the dark web.

The reason why the Venus Group Dark Web is recognized by so many people is not unreasonable. This kind of comprehensive service for both parties is very well done, and security is required by everyone.

In the Genoa Seaside Holiday Villa, Darian, the general manager of the Apocalypse Equipment Research Institute, was chatting with Xu Pingan on the beach outside, reporting the current progress of the research institute, and a vehicle carried Mihir into the villa.

"The new generation of biogas power generation equipment needs to speed up, and I hope that a breakthrough can be made this year" Xu Ping'an finished taking a sip of juice.

"Boss, in about three months, we can complete the design. The day before yesterday we have broken through a key technology, thanks to a special fermentation product of the Austrian Institute of Biology"

"Information convergence can really greatly increase our probability of breakthrough. According to the original plan, we need to look for this fermented product everywhere. Now, everything is not a problem. It is really going to be completed. The effect is more than three times that of Norway's biogas power generation." Darian said with a smile.

"This is really a good thing. Pippen, Austria, called me the day before yesterday and said that the technology of drying and processing domestic waste into a new generation of fertilizer has made a major breakthrough. Now you have given me another good news."

"I believe that a new generation of municipal solid waste treatment projects will soon come out." Xu Ping'an has a smile on his face, and he has seen a steady stream of money coming to him in the distance.

"I congratulate the boss first," Darian said with a smile, while Xu Ping'an laughed hahahaha.

The richer Xu Ping'an is, the better his life will be, and the easier his life in the institute will be. This is linked to his own personal interests.

Mihir was led by the bodyguard captain Kent into the villa and came to Xu Pingan’s bedroom. "Miss Mihir, this is the bedroom of the boss. Remember, this, this, and this, don’t touch these three places. Otherwise, no one can save you."

"I understand" Mihir replied earnestly, knowing that if he violated the rules, he would not end well.

"You take a break, the boss is outside talking to people about things" Kent turned around and left.

Kent left the villa and went to the beach, whispered a few words in Xu Ping'an's ear, Xu Ping's waved his hand, and Kent left directly.

"Darian, are there any problems with environmental protection? Are there any shortcomings at present?" Xu Ping'an asked calmly.

"Boss, we can solve the environmental protection problem. The biggest problem now is to get rid of items that are not household garbage. A lot of household garbage is wrapped in packaging. This kind of packaging is very troublesome."

"Most of them are plastic, and there are other packaging materials. Paper product packaging has no effect. Other packaging materials will have a large impact. This is the biggest problem."

"At present, the project team led by the professor is focusing on solving this problem and designing a set of equipment that can sort out these packaging materials. Once completed, the biogas power generation equipment can be completely shaped," Darian said very positively.

"Domestic waste collection, sorting, fermentation and power generation, after fermentation, biological treatment and processing into fertilizers, the regeneration of plastics is also a key issue, which requires a breakthrough in the British and the Chinese Recycling Institute."

"I thought about this a little bit simpler" Xu Ping'an said with a frown.

"Boss, I believe a breakthrough will be made. The collision of East and West wisdom will produce a perfect result. We are already digging into the gold deposit layer in this gold mine, and we must not give up," Darian said seriously.

"Yes, it is impossible to give up at the current level. You hurry up here, and I will inform them to speed up," Xu Ping'an said, looking at the sky in the distance.

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