Start the era of black technology

Chapter 284 Is it necessary for me to pester you with some bullshit sovereignty [third more]

The cost of more than six billion euros in a year is prohibitive. Everyone understands why Xu Ping An did this. Xu Ping An's rise is because of super fish oil. Xu Ping An has tasted the benefits of technological advancement, so he is so willing.

Tianqi Group is making a lot of profits. A considerable part of these profits are used in scientific research. Xu Ping’an’s approach has also been praised by many leaders in the scientific community. It is believed that there are more Xu Ping’s in the world, and human science and technology will enter an explosion Growth years.

Many countries around the world have cooperated with Tianqi Group Research Institute. Thousands of companies have signed authorization cooperation agreements with the research institute. These companies are all over the world. Why does Xu Ping An of Tianqi Group have such a big influence?

Because of these patent authorizations, once Tianqi Group stops the authorization, many companies will directly stop production, causing immeasurable losses. Another rogue method by Xu Pingan is also very famous.

So far, apart from the continued supply of super fish oil to Vietnam, other products will definitely not flow to Vietnam. Moreover, the technical authorization also has a statement that the products cannot be sold in Vietnam. Xu Ping’an is so spicy that many countries are very jealous.

"Do we have a chance to share the pie?" Abbes also asked with eyes wide open.

"It's difficult. Xu Pingan's food alone is famous all over the world. From super fish oil to super paint, when did you see Xu Pingan cooperate with others, and another, Tianqi Group does not need money, and does not need foreign capital investment at all."

"The chances of us wanting to intervene are really difficult. According to my analysis, Xu Ping'an would rather give up the purchase of the island than let people intervene. The state-owned funds of the Heavenly Dynasty have approached Xu Ping'an many times, but Xu Ping'an did not agree. It shows Xu Pingan's determination to eat alone," Tyron said, shaking his head.

"Tellen is right. We have no possibility of things that the United States can't do. In the celestial dynasty, Xu Pingan would rather bear heavy taxes than carry out share reform. You can see Xu Pingan's mindset" Burns followed Said something.

"Let’s stop discussing it. Go to the Prime Minister’s Office and talk to the Prime Minister. Be prepared to fail to meet expectations." Tyron said. Burns and Abbes both nodded, and the three stood up and went downstairs together. .

On the second day, the preliminary contact was launched. According to the information provided by the countries, Tianqi Group arranged for people to conduct field investigations. After the investigation was completed, further consultations began. Liu Wenjun had already released a message. The current quotations from Tianqi Group It will never be accepted.

If the price cannot be reduced significantly, Tianqi Group will abandon the purchase of the island and will go to Europe to negotiate with Africa. There is no need to waste time here. Get this reply from Liu Wenjun, so that everyone has a clear mind.

Time passed slowly. Early this morning, Robuffy came to Liu Wenjun, and the two of them felt crazy without saying a few words. "No, that is Niue, not the small coral islands, Niue. There are fresh water resources, a certain amount of infrastructure, 3.5 billion euros, you are robbery."

"Mr. Robafy, these conditions can also be given to us by other countries. I received several quotations last night. The price is half the price of the previous few days. Therefore, Niue is worth this value," Liu Wenjun said, shaking the glass in his hand.

"The sovereignty we sold to you, do they give it to you? You can do whatever you want with the sovereignty. This is not a level transaction" Rob Buffy looked at Liu Wenjun and said.

"Sovereign and non-sovereignty is worthless to us. Our boss does not intend to be a king. We just need a small island as a research base. Other countries have also said that we have signed an agreement. The island will be under our free jurisdiction for a hundred years. Their country’s legal constraints"

"If the new government or the leader of the country intends to change the agreement during our purchase, the agreement will automatically be changed to the agreement for the sale of sovereignty. This agreement will be endorsed by Australia and New Zealand and approved by the national referendum of the country of sale."

"You said, do I have to entangle you with some bullshit sovereignty?" Liu Wenjun looked at Robafy and said.

Things went well beyond Liu Wenjun's expectations. The South Pacific island countries wanted to sell the islands in exchange for funds too eagerly, and directly offered conditions that were difficult to refuse without Liu Wenjun's opening.

Robuffy was dumbfounded. The craziness of other countries was still higher than that of him, and he made things simple.

Robafy took a deep breath and calmed himself down. "Liu, Niue is different from him. I showed sincerity from the beginning of my contact with you. We don’t need to be so troublesome. The area of ​​Niue is not their coral island. Comparable"

"Similarly, the agreement between us will also be endorsed by other countries, and it will also go through a referendum. Compared with other countries, it saves a lot of trouble. If it is because of the price problem, I can back down, 8 billion euros."

"With a land area of ​​more than two hundred square kilometers, how many research institutes you can establish, no one will interrupt your research," Robbuffy looked at Liu Wenjun and said.

"Mr. Robafy, you have to consider two points. Extreme weather and submarine volcanoes. The South Pacific is no longer suitable for living. At least two disasters will be experienced in a year. God, these disasters will bring us more extremes. Big loss"

"Our Apocalypse Group is rich, but we can't waste money on natural disasters. The Americans said that the army is not used to fight against the tsunami. Similarly, our money is not used to fight natural disasters."

"For those innocent people, 4 billion euros, the price is not low. You know very well the quotations I made to several other companies. If there is no more than 500 million euros, you should think carefully." Liu Wenjun looked at Robbuffy directly Said.

"That's because their small island is small. What we sell is more than two hundred square kilometers of land, and with sovereignty, your boss can become a king at any time," Robafy said, staring at Liu Wenjun.

"Our boss doesn't care about sovereignty, and we don't want to be a king. The price of four billion won't increase. If you don't agree, we will give up." Liu Wenjun did not let it.

Robafy would definitely not accept this price, and began to bargain with Liu Wenjun. At this time, the captain of the guard, Hydra, came over with a piece of paper, handed it to Liu Wenjun, and said a few words in Liu Wenjun’s ear. , Liu Wenjun's face changed directly.

Carefully looked at the piece of paper in hand "Mr. Robafy, the quotation just now does not count. I need to leave New Zealand immediately. Right away, a hurricane will sweep across the South Pacific countries, and Niue cannot be avoided."

"You can take a look. This is the latest weather forecast. I am going to Australia soon. I hope that when I come back, you will give me a price that satisfies me, because at that time, your opponent was more willing than you" Liu Wenjun said After passing the paper to Robuffy, he made a request.

Robafy took the paper and left Liu Wenjun’s room. After entering the elevator, he began to look seriously. It’s okay if he didn’t look at it. The whole person was stunned. The paper also slipped from his hand. He knew that he had no capital. Liu Wenjun bargained.

This is the latest two hurricane warning notice from New Zealand. The first one is that a huge hurricane near French Polynesia has been generated. According to observations, it has reached the third-level standard and is changing to a fourth-level hurricane. Class hurricane, the destructive power more than doubled.

The Meteorological Department has already figured out the course of the hurricane. An arc encompasses seven island countries. The entire territory of Niue is covered by the hurricane, which has a certain impact on New Zealand.

The first hurricane has little impact on New Zealand, but the second hurricane will land in New Zealand. The location of this hurricane is only a few hundred kilometers away from New Zealand. As long as full preparations are made in advance, the losses caused by this hurricane will not be Big.

Just in case, Liu Wenjun chose to leave and went to Melbourne, Australia, and waited for the two hurricanes to pass before returning. At that time, these people would definitely be more anxious.

The news of the hurricane is public and cannot be concealed. All countries on the path of the hurricane are uncomfortable. They come here again. It used to be once a year, but now it is twice a year.

Each occurrence will cause a large number of deaths, infrastructure damage, and immeasurable losses. Immigration has become the only way out for these people. But immigration is not that simple. All countries have increased their immigration policies. If you have no money, don't expect a country to accept it. you.

These high-level leaders all know that after this hurricane, the negotiations with the Tianqi Group will be even weaker. This matter is not their own choice, and they all set off to return to China. Even if they know that a hurricane is coming, they must return to their country. Return to China to discuss seriously. This thing.

Time passed slowly. Four days passed. A category four hurricane formed and once again swept across the South Pacific countries. One day later, a category two hurricane landed in New Zealand and caused certain losses to New Zealand.

After the hurricane, the inherent disaster relief procedures started, and the disaster relief work was carried out in an orderly manner. At this time, the report of Tianqi Group's acquisition of the Trident Institute of Oceanography was sent to the relevant authorities in Australia.

The report on Tianqi Group's acquisition of the Mermaid Institute of Oceanography has also been sent to the relevant departments in New Zealand.

The Tianqi Group’s report clearly stated that after the completion of the acquisition, the two research institutes will be merged into the Tianqi Marine Comprehensive Research Institute and relocated to the experimental island to continue marine research.

In Wellington, Robafy and a few confidants are in the study, all frowning. "Let’s talk about it. I analyzed that the representative of Tianqi Group Liu Wenjun will be back in the next two days. We must come up with a plan." Said, shaking the glass in his hand.

"What can we do, the weather group is too dark, so we want to buy our island with a little money, but we sell it together with the sovereignty. This little money is deducted from New Zealand, and the deduction for the nationals is basically nothing." Jim said with a black face.

Everyone is busy with Robafy for money. If you can't get the money you want, why use so much energy? If you have already invested so much, no one buys it, which means everything is lost.

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