"Notify Chen Qilin immediately and let Chen Qilin conduct an internal audit of the Poseidon branch. Our rule is that each country's share is distributed in batches. Why is there a one-time distribution to South Korea? This matter must be investigated to the end, regardless of the involvement. Who"

"Notify Wu Sikai to cooperate with Chen Qilin, find out and directly prosecute, and tell Wu Sikai that I want these people to squat in prison for a lifetime," Xu Ping said with gritted teeth.

Super fish oil is divided into three shipments according to the share of each country. The reason for this arrangement is to prevent unforeseen things. Now that the Koreans have taken the share for the whole year at one time, there must be internal staff to cooperate. These people are not worthy of forgiveness. , Must be severely punished.

"I will execute it immediately" Darina said.

"Also, you immediately go to Hall, let Hall hold a press conference to announce that starting today, all products of Tianqi Group will withdraw from the Korean market and stop all cooperation with the Korean city."

"If there is a patent authorization that we have granted to a Korean company, we will also announce that it will immediately stop the authorization. If the Korean side violates the patent law and continues to produce, we will sue in the Chinese court and require the Chinese court to order a suspension of domestic sales of Korean products to protect our rights and interests. "

"Second, immediately notify each branch in my name, immediately hold a press conference to withdraw from the Korean market, and terminate all cooperation with South Korea," Xu Pingan said directly.

"I will execute it immediately" Darina said, already aware that Xu Ping'an was angry.

After the call was hung up, Xu Ping’s heart was still very angry. The Koreans made Xu Ping’s heart very angry. The Americans are so beautiful. They are not famous for allowing South Korea to come forward. They can only be angry with Korea. Get angry.

Since we want to play, let's have a good time, Xu Ping'an looked at the sky with a gloomy expression.

The outside world is watching how the celestial dynasty reacted. This time the Americans deployed missiles to the door of the celestial dynasty. This is not a trivial matter. The last time the Soviet Union deployed missiles at the door of the United States, it almost triggered a nuclear war. No one knows what to do.

Some people wanted to see how Xu Ping’an reacted. Xu Ping’an’s rogue nature would certainly not be the case. On the same day, Darina and Liu Wenjun issued orders in the name of Xu Ping’an, and they directly told Huo. You contacted.

After discussing it, various French media have been notified by Hall that they will hold a press conference in the municipal auditorium tomorrow to make a major statement on behalf of Xu Ping An.

The media were excited, and it must be the counterattack of Tianqi Group, and immediately began preparations. Tomorrow morning, they will send elite soldiers to the municipal auditorium to participate in the press conference.

At the same time, the various branches of Tianqi Group have also received notices to start preparations in accordance with Xu Pingan's order to inquire about the patent authorization of companies cooperating with Korean companies, and will directly announce the suspension of authorization when the press conference is held.

The night passed, Xu Ping'an and Isabella added supplies and continued to move forward. The Paris Municipal Auditorium, where reporters dispatched by the media gathered, Hall appeared when the time came.

Although he was not young, Hall was full of energy at the moment and appeared on the stage in a formal suit. The reporters began to take pictures. Hall pressed down with both hands, and the scene fell silent.

"Thank you all friends from the media for coming, everyone has worked hard," Hall finished, and bowed to the reporters when he made a mistake, and he was very polite.

"I believe everyone already knows what happened in South Korea, so I won't say more. We protest against South Korea's unreasonable accusations and refuse to accept South Korea's accusations. Today, on behalf of Mr. Xu Ping An, President of Tianqi Group, I announce a decision. "

"From now on, all Tianqi Group products have been withdrawn from the Korean market, and all cooperation with all Korean companies has been terminated. When will it resume, I will wait for the president's notice. Thank you." Hall turned and left without explaining at all.

This is a sophisticated approach. It gives reporters plenty of room for association and freedom to play. Soon, each branch will issue a statement. At that time, reporters will write a report that they are not afraid of doing things.

Newspaper information transmission may be a bit slow. A statement issued by Hall on behalf of Xu Ping An has appeared on the Internet. Tianqi Group has cut off all cooperation with Korean companies and the news has begun to spread.

Immediately after the afternoon, the various branches of Tianqi Group began to issue statements, severing all cooperation with Korean companies, and at the same time announced the withdrawal of patent authorizations for Korean companies, directly sent written statements and received receipts one after another.

The news on the Internet surprised many Koreans, especially Korean Internet companies. Thousands of companies have settled in Apocalypse Mobile’s software stores and can easily make a lot of money every month.

Now that Tianqi Group has completely withdrawn from the Korean market, it has just received a notice from Tianqi Mobile Company that all software has been removed from the Tianqi mobile phone ecosystem. The company's main source of income is gone, and the next step can only be bankrupt.

These companies are in chaos. The boss started, and took to the streets with banners. People from the entire company joined in. After the company was over, their jobs were over. Now when it’s time to make trouble, they started to march and demonstrate with slogans.

South Korea is also an aging society, and super fish oil is inseparable. The next day, after the major media reported, many people began to mess up, planning to buy a certain amount of super fish oil in the drugstore.

At the same time, the South Korean side also held a press conference to announce that South Korea has extracted the share of super fish oil for the whole year of this year, and there will be no problems with this year's supply, just when South Korea officially announced the news.

South Korea’s largest pharmaceutical company Daewong Pharmaceutical, which is the general agent of Super Fish Oil, began to explode in seven super large frozen warehouses storing Super Fish Oil. The huge explosion sound can be heard throughout Seoul. Seven huge black smoke plumes, Thick black smoke hit the sky.

The entire press conference venue was shocked. Everyone was panicked. The scene was chaotic. There were shouts of people everywhere. After the reporters ran out, they immediately contacted others to ask what was going on. They learned that it was Daxiong Pharmaceutical. The big warehouse exploded and immediately became excited.

I drove the car and rushed to the Big Bear Pharmaceutical Company’s super warehouse, faster than the fire truck. There was chaos near the super warehouse. The glass of all windows had been shattered, and many people were injured. There are no reports of casualties.

The chaotic scene made it difficult for the firetruck to move forward. When the firetruck arrived at the scene, the fire had been burning for two hours. The firefighting began immediately. The fire brigade was stupid, and water could not extinguish the fire. This is not ordinary Fire.

Immediately allocate a special fire extinguishing agent, bubble fire extinguishing agent. When the fire extinguishing agent was delivered, almost three hours had passed. The momentum of the fire was a little weakened. The firefighters understood this situation and understood that it was already burning. It's almost there.

However, it was time to fight the fire. After more than two hours of fighting, the fire was extinguished. The executives of Daxiong Pharmaceutical Company listened to the report with a dark face. One director vomited blood and fainted. The others were also for a while. Panic sent people to an ambulance.

All the super fish oil purchased from Tianqi Group for the whole year was turned into ashes. The Korean side saw that the faces of everyone in the report were gloomy, and everyone knew in their hearts that only Tianqi Group President Xu Ping'an dared to do so.

A group of South Korean high-level officials held a press conference at the scene to announce the incident. South Korea is facing a stage where there is no super fish oil supply. The fire has temporarily caused no deaths. Only some people were injured by broken glass and other objects. No fight, full disclosure of the situation around the scene.

In front of the major media, South Korean officials gritted their teeth and vowed that they must be investigated to the end and that the arsonist must be arrested. The national intelligence agency will cooperate with the police department. A group of high-level officials are already full of anger.

I originally thought that I had stored enough super fish oil to clean up the Tianqi Group with confidence. Knowing that Xu Ping'an was so vicious and directly bombed Korean stocks, this lawless act must be punished.

South Korea began a detailed investigation. Xu Pingan saw the result through a tablet in the tent, with a slight smile on his face, "Xu, is this really what you did?" Isabella asked next to him.

"Just kidding, I don't know how to go to Korea to blow up their warehouse. Besides, there are not twenty-four hours since I got the news. I just want to send people and I don't have enough time."

"It must be the ghost of them internally. They set up a hatred target to divert the attention of the domestic people and make excuses for their high-level despicable behavior," Xu Ping'an said dismissively.

Isabella nodded to the side, thinking that what Xu Ping'an said was reasonable, and it must have been done by South Korea.

The scenes of this big bang spread all over the world, and many people were surprised. They directly raised a level to Xu Ping’s rogue, and the word lawlessness was placed on Xu Ping’s head.

The Americans Hansen, Wade, and Dick were also shocked. They didn't expect Xu Ping An to dare to do this. This move was really too ruthless. They cut off the reserve of Korean super fish oil in one fell swoop, and the domestic people should not want to buy it To a bottle of super fish oil.

The celestial dynasty was also in shock at home, and Europe was also in shock. The United States was no exception. It never thought that Xu Ping'an would have such courage and such a rogue.

Wei Dongshuo and Chen Qingshan looked at each other in the office, and both sighed for a long time. They didn't know how to comment on what Xu Ping had done, especially at this juncture.

"He has become lawless," Chen Qingshan said with a long sigh, and there was silence in the office.

In Hangzhou, Zhang Jianbin and Qiao Liangqing were also shocked. They stared blankly at the video about the Seoul Big Bang in Han, and there were no more bottles left in the stock of seven super large warehouses. This method made people Frightened.

Xiao Jianguo and Liu Shuheng were also discussing this matter in the office. The two were calmly analyzing whether this matter was done by Xu Pingan. After analyzing and analyzing, the possibility of Xu Pingan sending someone to do it remains high. It is in line with Xu Ping's style.

The canthus must be avenged, and the third-shift revenge does not wait until the fifth-shift revenge. There is no idea that a gentleman will avenge him for ten years. If there is a grudge, he will retaliate immediately. This is Xu Ping's style.

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