"Yes, although the quality of education in our university has not been tested, it is a great resource for us to let so many large bowls of scientific community lectures. This is a great resource for those who are determined to do something in scientific research. A rare opportunity," Chu Wutang said directly.

"Well, there is still one week before the registration deadline. After the final statistics are calculated, I will go to the city to coordinate. I hope the city can help us arrange the examination room at that time."

"This is not just a problem in the examination room. The person who comes to the test is definitely not alone, either with a parent or two parents. By then, the accommodation consumption of these people will also greatly improve the city's economy."

"Especially the problem of accommodation, this is a huge challenge. You all know the situation in E City at the beginning. So many simple board houses are built to meet the peak passenger flow," Xu Pingan said while looking at the three.

"Yes, we are also very worried about this. There is no support from the city during the test. It is difficult for us to complete the test." Ji Huai'an followed. Ji Huai'an is very clear about the situation in E City. At that time, Ji Huai'an went to see the solo aircraft exchange. It's a match.

"Have the exam papers been finalized?" Xu Ping'an asked.

"It's already in progress. I asked General Manager Chen Qilin for help. I found a few rooms in the security company. The teacher who gave the test has already closed. When the test is over, I will restore my freedom to avoid the leakage of test questions to the greatest extent," Chu Wutang said directly.

"Not only at the stage of preparing the questions, but at the stage of copying the exam papers, it must also be closed. After the students finish the exam, all possibilities of cheating must be eliminated before the closing is released.

"I will let the technology company provide a shielding system, and all signals in the inspection will be shielded. It is impossible to cheat using high-tech means."

"Our first batch of recruits must be truly elite talents," Xu Ping'an said seriously.

"It must be so. The quality of the first batch of students is very important. We must strictly control it. Only in this way can we become famous in two years," Ji Huai'an followed.

Xu Ping'an nodded, asking for this kind of thinking, "How is the project in the new school district going?"

"The construction is still under intense tension. Last year we received special approval to start construction after September. The progress of the project is very fast. The main construction of the dormitory building has been completed, and we are currently in the stage of installing doors and windows and taking water and electricity."

"The six laboratory buildings are expected to be capped at the end of this month. It is planned to be more than 70 laboratories, large and small, covering all departments. The experimental building of the teachers in the school can be capped next month."

"The teaching building needs to be capped in August..." Chu Wutang introduced the change in detail, and Xu Ping'an nodded and was satisfied with the progress.

Xu Pingan discussed with the three for a while, and the three of them left and would arrange statistics. Xu Pingan drank tea for a while and left the office, and went to the city government to seek assistance from Chen Qingshan.

Including the large number of people, the examination room, invigilators, student seat numbers, etc. will all need to be arranged manually, and only government departments can complete such a large project.

After being informed that Xu Ping'an entered Chen Qingshan's office, Chen Qingshan went directly to a glass of water and handed it to Xu Ping'an, "Your boss Xu, come here in person today, let's talk about something."

"Isn't this for the mayor, come and visit the mayor" Xu Ping'an said with a smile.

"Don't come to this set, you have something to say," Chen Qingshan said directly, Xu Ping'an's docile routine is no longer good.

"I'm here to ask for help. The number of application forms submitted by the University of Science and Technology has reached more than 400,000, and the application will end in about a week. According to Chu Wutang, the data will continue to grow rapidly in the past few days."

"Hundreds of thousands of people sign up for the exam, even if only 70% of the people come to take the exam, I can't arrange it. I hope the city can help me with this matter" Xu Ping'an said directly, and Chen Qingshan was taken aback.

"There are so many people" Chen Qingshan looked incredulous.

"There are so many, among which more than 90,000 foreigners have signed up. They are so crazy, the quality of school education has not been tested and they have rushed over." Xu Ping'an looked helpless.

"You don't even look at the limelight of your Tianqi Group. You just swipe the screen around the world at every turn. Who dares to care about the university you founded? To tell you the truth, my nephew has signed up too," Chen Qingshan said directly, and Xu Ping'an was taken aback.

"What's your name, I'll take care of it then" Xu Ping'an said directly.

"No, it depends on his own level. It will be even more uncomfortable when he fails to pass the test and can barely keep up with the average score." Chen Qingshan directly rejected Xu Ping's proposal, Xu Ping'an nodded and gave Chen Qingshan a thumbs up.

"Let's go to Lao Wei to discuss it together. With so many candidates, coupled with the parents who accompanied these candidates, it must be a huge flow of people, and there must be a proper arrangement," Chen Qingshan said directly.

Chen Qingshan considered more issues than Xu Ping'an, and Xu Ping'an did not experience many things of this kind. Chen Qingshan had to go through it once a year and already had a wealth of experience.

A week passed slowly, and the month was over. The official website of Tianqi University of Science and Technology announced that it would no longer accept applications and began to count the number of applicants. Early the next morning, Chu Wutang and three people came to Xu Ping An with accurate data.

Xu Ping'an took the data and looked at it. He was shocked "Is there any mistake?" he was really shocked by the data.

"We have checked it five times. There are 740,000 domestic applicants and 190,000 foreign applicants." Chu Wutang looked at Xu Ping'an and said seriously. The three of them were shocked when they saw the data.

"There are more than 900,000 applicants at home and abroad, and we only enrolled 3,500 people. This ratio is incredible." The expression of astonishment on Xu Ping'an's face has not subsided.

"Mr. Xu, we can't complete this admissions exam without the support of the city. There are too many people," Chu Wutang said directly.

"There is no need to worry about this. I have discussed this matter with Mayor Chen and Senior Official Wei. When the time comes, the relevant departments in the city will deploy manpower to cooperate. This time the enrollment assessment is absolutely completed successfully," Xu Ping'an said directly, Chu Wutang three Everyone was relieved.

Xu Pingan immediately took out the phone, called Chen Qingshan, and hung up after saying a few words, "Wait for Mayor Chen to come over and discuss this with us, and we must complete this enrollment assessment smoothly." .

"With the cooperation of the city, there must be no problem at all," Ji Huaian said directly, knowing the organizational capabilities of the relevant departments.

"Is the printing house contacted?" Xu Pingan asked.

"We have already contacted and signed a contract with the printing factory of the city prison. They are responsible for printing and confidentiality. After the printing is completed, the prisoners involved in the work are temporarily isolated and restored to normal after the examination."

"It takes about two days for plate making and one day for printing. We only need to close it four days before the test. The test time is three days. Chinese, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, history, six subjects"

Dai Wenxue gave a detailed report, and Xu Ping'an nodded. This is the best way. Everyone began to drink tea and waited for Chen Qingshan's arrival.

"Mr. Xu, what did you think at the time, why did you want to purchase so much land around the school?" Ji Huai'an looked at Xu Ping'an and asked.

The land purchased by Xu Pingan is not only enough to build a university, but there is also a lot of surplus land. I didn't understand it before. Now it seems that Xu Pingan is a long-term layout.

"You don't want to think about who is taking over the university. The people around the university rely on what to make money. If nothing else, just renting a house, they will die in a year."

"Since I got involved in the university, how can this part of the money be earned by these people? I will directly develop a community where all the houses inside are used for rent, and there are thousands of facade houses underneath."

"The gate of the school is facing the community, and there are no exits in other directions. How much money can I earn in a year, or my community investment will return in a few years."

"How can the fat water flow into the field of outsiders? I really want other people to buy land around to build a house and make a fortune. Isn't this slap me in the face? How can I make such a low-level mistake," Xu Ping'an said directly while looking at the three.

The three of them admire the five bodies, and Xu Ping'an's vision is long-term. He has already calculated this kind of thing, and he can't accept it.

For about half an hour, Chen Qingshan brought people from the relevant departments over. Everyone was shocked to see the number of applicants. After the shock, it was ecstasy. Finally, a high-level university was about to appear in the local area.

A group of people started to make plans in the conference room. Xu Ping'an and Chen Qingshan were drinking tea in the office. It was enough to leave this to the professionals, and the two only needed to master the general direction.

It was almost noon when the plan was announced. After Chen Qingshan and Xu Ping'an had heard of it, they had no opinion and immediately implemented the plan. Xu Ping'an had a treat at noon. Everyone had a good meal, and they were busy tomorrow.

The next day, the number of applicants for Tianqi University of Science and Technology was announced on the official website. At the same time, it was announced that the number of international students enrolled was only 1,400, and there were only 200 students in each discipline. You should know that the number of foreign applicants is nearly two. 100,000 people.

Domestically, 3,500 people were admitted, and the king admitted 1,400 people, for a total of 4,900 people.

Everyone who saw the announcement of Tianqi University of Science and Technology was shocked. No one thought that there would be so many people signing up, and there would be so many foreigners.

Many media have reported and conducted detailed analysis, including the world-class faculty, world-class experimental equipment, super-class student incentive scholarship program, etc., and a comprehensive analysis from many aspects.

Many people regretted after reading the report. They knew that they had let their children sign up. They thought that Tianqi University of Science and Technology could only provide college diplomas and had no future. Now it seems that they have missed the opportunity. Many people have begun to regret it. .

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