Start the era of black technology

Chapter 409 The second generation of heavy metal extraction technology in water

Zhang Jianbin, Xiao Jianguo and others all called Xu Ping'an and asked about this. Xu Ping'an explained one by one. To be honest, electronic metal waste cannot be recycled perfectly and must be studied and perfected.

When I called Xu Pingan, both Province Y and cities that have already launched a renewable resource system received inquiries about the effect. Wei Dongshuo and Chen Qingshan were no exception.

The pieces of information were collected, and the people in the relevant departments were shocked when looking at the various data. They really didn't expect Tianqi Group to have achieved this level of garbage disposal.

However, I am also very troubled by Xu Ping’s plan to eat alone. From the statement issued by Xu Ping’an, it can be seen that this is not intended to be authorized. If you want to eat alone, you really want Xu Ping’s to spread globally.

When I think about it, I feel short of breath and my eyes are a little red.

Although Isabella already has a company under her name, the company's management staff are all configured by Phil. Xu Ping'an does not interfere, and Isabella is completely relieved, and has begun to integrate the company with other companies.

At the same time, personnel are arranged to conduct a comprehensive investigation and design a perfect recycling area for renewable resources. Without repetitive construction and waste of resources, construction will start after the plan is completed. At that time, purchasing equipment will be a climax.

Originally, Xu Pingan planned to invest a part of the funds directly to help complete the completion. Phil directly refused. The proud Phil could not accept this kind of charity, saying that he would pool enough funds to start this project. Xu Pingan shrugged and did not mention this matter. Up.

After staying with Isabella for more than ten days in DM, Xu Pingan left, Isabella went to school, and Xu Pingan went to the British Institute of Renewable Resources. He had been expecting the results mentioned by Gilbert for a long time.

After staying in the hotel, he took a rest overnight, and the next day he took people directly to the Institute of Renewable Resources. Root is now the captain of a team of the Institute’s security team. This type of important breakthrough is all transferred and protected by the Black Fox headquarters.

It can be said that Rutte has been trying to figure out what the breakthrough is for some time ago. The result is that there is no way. The security protection of key projects is very strict. The four protection systems operate at the same time, 24 hours a day. .

Even if there is a power failure, the self-contained power supply in the research institute can support 36 hours. That time is enough for other security personnel to arrive, and it will be difficult for you to break through.

Lu Te has a mission. Whenever the research institute makes breakthroughs in major projects, he must find a way to figure out what the results are. Tianqi Group's continuous investment for several years has entered a period of technological explosion.

Before Ruth could figure out what the result was, Xu Ping’an arrived. Ruth looked helpless. If you want to get in touch with such core secrets, you must become Gilbert’s deputy or security manager. The current level is not enough.

Moreover, all Apocalypse Research Institutes have stipulations that what project you are working on and the progress of the project shall not be discussed in any place other than the research room. If it is discovered, you will be expelled from the research institute directly, and you will be held legally responsible.

This is a stipulation in the confidentiality contract. After more than 20 illegal regulations were strictly enforced, the researchers in the institute have now accepted this regulation and started to implement it seriously.

Therefore, even if you are the security staff of the institute, you don't know what projects these researchers are working on. The confidentiality work has been done to the extreme.

The security personnel have also signed an agreement not to ask any researcher any questions. Once discovered, the same confidential procedures will be implemented, and the lighter will directly sue you, and the more important will directly make you disappear.

According to Ruth's understanding, there were almost a hundred guards who disappeared. This is also the fundamental reason why Ruth did not dare to go beyond Lei Chi. There is a department within the Black Fox Security Company responsible for carrying out this matter.

Root watched. Gilbert and Xu Ping'an shook hands and walked into the experimental building together. No one but the researchers were allowed to enter, and Root could only defend from a distance.

Gilbert handed Xu Pingan a pair of eyes and earmuffs. Xu Pingan took it and put them on directly. Gilbert turned to the other and said, "Cech, let's start, let the boss see your results."

Cech nodded at Xu Ping'an with a smile on his face and went down. The experiment officially started. Three huge metal pipes went directly into the pool. The water in the pool was transported from the River Thame. There was a huge next to it. The equipment, there are three empty pools.

After Cech checked the equipment, he began to greet the people to start the equipment, and the huge equipment began to operate. Xu Ping'an watched from the side, and the water from his eating flowed through the equipment into the other pools for five times in a row.

Finally, I opened the device and took out six plates from the inside. Five of them had obvious color differences, and the last one was variegated. The researchers began to detect these powders.

Xu Pingan took off his earmuffs and eyes, and waited for the results with a look of anticipation. For about forty minutes, Cech came over with the test report, his face was joyful, and there was a person next to him holding a plate. There are six small plates.

"Boss, this is the latest test report. We have successfully extracted six metal elements. The remaining metal materials are quite mixed and can be mixed into it for re-extraction in the next experiment," Cech said with a smile on his face.

Xu Ping’an took the report and looked at it carefully. The joy in his eyes couldn’t be restrained. Extracting metal elements from seawater is a technology against the sky. If it succeeds, Tianqi Group will really stand. Invincible.

"Will the refined water cause changes to the marine environment" Xu Pingan asked directly.

"Yes, this is a good thing. Before the industrial age, the content of heavy metals in seawater was very low. We obtained precious seawater hundreds of years ago from a glass bottle on the sea floor."

"According to the test of the seawater in the glass bottle, the metal concentration is very low, almost insignificant. Now, we can extract tens of grams of metal elements from half a ton of pool water, which is enough to show how polluted the seawater is. serious"

"If we extract metal elements from the ocean on a large scale, it will be very helpful to the restoration of the ocean ecology, and now we can use nature's clean energy as energy, and the cost is basically negligible," Cech said seriously.

The second-generation sewage heavy metal extraction technology is the result of Cech. Cech has been working on this project since the establishment of the British Renewable Resources Institute. The new first-generation sewage extraction technology unique to Tianqi Group is the result of Cech.

Sewage heavy metal extraction technology is not a sophisticated technology. Many countries have this technology, but it has low efficiency and high cost and has not been widely promoted.

The reason why Tianqi Group's sewage treatment meets the standard is because the latest generation of sewage heavy metal extraction technology has broken the original pattern in one fell swoop, greatly reduced costs and increased the extraction efficiency, so that sewage treatment has achieved amazing results.

The second-generation technology was studied the year before, and the annual cost was as high as 700 million pounds. Gilbert, who was annoyed by this gold swallowing beast, planned to stop this project. Xu Ping’an approved to proceed, because Cech’s research has already started. The right path.

Xu Ping’an showed Gilbert the relevant technology the year before, and Gilbert stabilized and began to pour resources into the project. At the same time, he began to quietly guide Cech’s research not to deviate from the right path. Now he is finally watching To the result.

"Gilbert, this project is sealed, top-secret level, and Dr. Cech's bonus has been doubled. After two years, this technology will be promoted and the second bonus is being issued" Xu Ping'an said with excitement.

Cech next to him was also happy, and he knew exactly how much money he would get. When the first generation of technology was completed, the institute rewarded Cech with a bonus. Then, when Xu Ping'an reformed the reward plan, Cech got one. Bonus.

"Thank you boss," Cech said directly.

"Don't thank me, this is what you deserve, everyone in your team is treated like this, I hope you remember the confidentiality regulations" Xu Ping An looked at Cech and said.

"I understand" Cech, as an old man in the institute, knows the power of confidentiality regulations.

Gilbert had already announced Xu Ping'an's decision to other researchers nearby. Everyone began to cheer again and again. Gilbert pressed down with both hands to stop everyone from cheering.

"Everyone, everyone knows the confidentiality regulations. I don't want to see anyone who violates the regulations. I believe you all know what happened to those who violated the regulations before. Don't force the institute to do things that you don't want to do."

"We have abided by the agreement, and you must also abide by the agreement. This item is a top-secret level. You are very clear about what it means."

"Well, you can take a break today, and the bonus will be credited to your account when you pay the salary," Gilbert looked at the crowd and said directly, and everyone began to cheer again.

At noon, Xu Ping An, Gilbert, Cech and a few major researchers went out to eat together. Xu Ping received a treat and everyone had a big drink. They all relaxed and took a rest in the afternoon.

After getting off work at noon, Rutte drove away from the institute, came to a very remote bookstore, walked in and started to browse books in front of a row of bookshelves.

"What's the result?" A voice rang from behind Root.

"The project is sealed, top secret, my position is not enough, and I don't get any information. Judging from Xu Pingan's happy expression and other performances, this is a remarkable breakthrough, which can definitely bring him a lot of profits," Rutte said directly.

There was silence, and the person behind was not talking, "Route, you need to work at the French security headquarters of Tianqi Group" A voice came over, Root's face was black.

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