Start the era of black technology

Chapter 412: The Impulse To Spit Blood

"When you arrive in Holland, can you get rid of everything?" Xu Ping'an asked directly, Rutte was taken aback, and then he lowered his head and said nothing.

"I'll give you a suggestion. You can seriously consider it. Stone is a lawyer. Just continue to be a lawyer. Don't use those illegal methods. Once they are mastered by others, there will be endless troubles."

"As for you, don't you think the current life is very boring? You can join the Tianqi Group with peace of mind, and be truly tied to the Tianqi Group. Your future is bright. Think about it."

"To live again in the Netherlands, the pressure of life is not small, you need to start all over again, work hard again, not to mention whether there are other organizations staring at you, no one knows, after all, you have left the Tianqi Group, what else is Tianqi? The group can't come forward," Xu Pingan said directly looking at Rutte.

Root frowned and began to think. It took a while before he raised his head and looked at Xu Ping An, "What do you need us to do" Root asked vigilantly.

"Stone will continue to be her lawyer. You can go to Gavin to report for recovery training. On the face of it, you are the security system auditor of the security company. In fact, do what you are good at. You know me well. What does it mean?" Xu Ping'an said with a serious expression looking at Rutte.

The squadron captain of the special forces squadron is not something that ordinary people can be. He must have strong strength. Root has this kind of strength. Although his skills are degraded now, this is not a problem. Just a restorative training. Can be recovered.

Tianqi Group currently lacks this type of talent. Regardless of the many people on Gavin's side, people who can reach the level of Root, Hairin Fengjiao.

Both Gavin and Xu Ping'an are very clear about this, and they can only study and train them slowly. There is no other better way. People like Root simply look down on ordinary mercenary companies.

Mercenary companies with less than 100,000 people would never consider it.

"Even if something goes wrong, you know exactly how much the company's pension is. Besides, it is not easy to die." Xu Ping'an said with a smile, while Rutte lowered his head without saying a word.

After taking a sip of tea, Xu Ping'an looked at Rutte who was silent. "You can go back to discuss with Stone. At the same time, convey the news that I will organize a high-level meeting with you. Tell them the truth. I want to talk to them. You still have Stone business"

"If you want to go to war, just refuse. You can bring this to your connector and ask him to hand it over to the top of their organization. The time is three days. I only wait for three days." Xu Ping An looked at Lu Te and said the last sentence directly. words.

After Xu Ping'an finished speaking, he wrote some words directly on the sticky note on the coffee table, folded it and put it in an envelope, sealed it and handed it to Rutte, "You'd better not read it. It's not good for you to read it. can watch".

"Thank you" Rutte said while clutching his stomach, took the envelope, and looked at Xu Ping'an when he turned and left.

"You only have three days to think about, and you won't wait until it expires," Xu Ping'an said directly again. Lut, who had already reached the door, stopped for a moment before opening the door and leaving directly.

Stone at the door looked at Rut's stomach with blood stains and his face changed drastically. He went directly to help Rut. Rut shook his head and motioned Stone not to speak. The two went straight to the elevator and took the elevator to leave.

The two left the hotel and went directly to the door of a pharmacy. Stone entered the pharmacy and bought a lot of medicines and immediately came out and returned to the car. Rutter bit a roll of gauze in his mouth and began to disinfect the wound on his stomach.

Without anesthetics, it would be very painful to directly use alcohol for disinfection. Stone next to him saw that his guilt became greater, all for himself. If it were not for his own Root, he would not do such dangerous work, and his tears came straight down. .

"Don't cry" Rutter spit out the gauze in his mouth and said, Stone was very obedient and began to wipe his tears.

Soon, Rutte bandaged his wounds, the vehicle started to start, went directly to a store to buy a set of upper body clothes, and went directly to the joint location after changing in the vehicle.

"Wait for me here, don't get out of the car no matter what sound you hear, understand?" Root looked at Stone and said, Stone nodded, Root took a deep breath and got out of the car with the envelope.

When I came to the bookstore and started to read the books, the time was not very long, and a cold voice came from behind, "Today is not the date of meeting, what do you want to do" with strong dissatisfaction in the tone.

"I confessed to Xu Pingan. He wants to talk to the senior management of the organization. This is his letter to the senior management of the organization. If you don't want to be disappeared, don't open it."

"I don't know what the content is. I did all this to protect myself. Xu Ping'an said that if I want to go to war, I just refused my request. Goodbye." Ruth turned around and put the envelope. Turn around on the bookshelf beside this person and leave.

The man picked up the envelope with a complicated face and looked at it. There was an urge to open it. Lut's words appeared in his mind again. The expression on his face was changing back and forth, and finally he sighed and encapsulated the letter. Left in the pocket.

Palaffi Manor, located in the eastern suburbs of London, covers a large area. It is the ancestral property of the Campbell family. In the evening, Earl Campbell opened a letter in the study.

Palaffi Manor is very beautiful. In a simple sentence, Earl Campbell smiled when he saw this sentence, "You are really amazing." After speaking, he smiled bitterly and shook his head, took out the lighter and burned the letter directly. .

The matter is clear, Xu Ping'an already knows who is in charge of Lu Te's profound organization, regardless of the three lines between Lu Te and Campbell, it is useless, it is still controlled by Tianqi Group.

The next day, the four old men went to the Palaffi Manor to meet with Campbell. The five people discussed and the result was reached. Campbell sent a butler to Xu Ping An and sent a letter to Xu Ping An inviting Xu Ping An to come to the Palaffi Manor in the evening. dinner.

Xu Pingan received the letter at the hotel and smiled after looking at it. He said to the butler, "Go back and report to Count Kebel, I will be there on time in the evening."

The housekeeper nodded, bowed to Xu Ping'an and left. Xu Ping'an picked up the book next to him and continued to read. It was nothing more than negotiating terms. Xu Ping'an was very patient.

In the evening, Xu Ping’an set off in a car. The convoy went straight to the Palafi Manor. When they reached the door, they entered the manor smoothly. The vehicle was good. After Xu Ping’an got off the car and left with the housekeeper, the guards began to insure their guns. Open, defensive stance if possible.

"Xu, you are welcome to be a guest, I'm Campbell." Campbell greeted Xu Ping An at the gate, and Xu Ping shook hands with Campbell with a smile on his face.

"It's also my honor to come today" is a standard polite remark.

"Here, please, I have a few friends here, let’s have a meal together" Campbell said directly, Xu Ping’an nodded and the follower Campbell walked towards the restaurant. He didn’t know that they thought they were old friends, and couldn’t tell. The two met for the first time.

"Xu, let me introduce to you. This is Mitchell. You should have read Mitchell's information. I won't introduce more." Campbell said while looking at Xu Ping'an with a smile.

"Of course, our two companies still have cooperation." Xu Ping'an said with a smile, and admitted openly. Although Campbell was smiling on his face, he obviously felt that he had underestimated Xu Ping'an.

"Of course, the cooperation with Tianqi Group has brought us a lot of profits, and you are welcome to come" Mitchell said very politely, not caring that Xu Ping'an has mastered his information.

"This is Cecil"

"This is Messi"

"This is Tobin" Campbell made an introduction for everyone, and then everyone sat down to have dinner together.

They were all talkative people. This meal was filled with constant laughter. After dinner, everyone went to Campbell's study to talk together. Campbell directly opened a bottle of red wine, handed a glass, and talked slowly.

"Xu, the organizational structure of our organization is very strict. From Rutte to me, there are three levels of liaison staff. How do you master our intelligence" Campbell went straight to the subject, and it was time to discuss business matters.

"It should be clear that I and the Americans don't deal with you very much," Xu Ping'an said after taking a sip of red wine. Campbell and others nodded seriously. Several people know this very well.

"The U.S. people have an advantage. When the money is in place, everything is not a problem. I paid 30 million euros. The details of your organization are on my desk."

"By the way, including the sixth person who didn't show up today, Bartley," Xu Pingan said with a smile.

With embarrassing smiles on their faces, Campbell's several people unanimously covered their chests. The flesh on their faces was trembling and paralyzed. It turned out to be the Americans who came forward.

"We are your fucking allies" Campbell shouted in their hearts. They sold us for a mere 10 million euros. I really couldn't accept this fact. The urge to vomit blood was very strong.

Wait for me. This is not a play. It is not the privilege of your Americans to sell your allies, and so will we.

For a while, Campbell and other talents can be regarded as slowing down. "Xu, how do you plan to solve Ruth's matter" Campbell asked.

"What price do you need?" Xu Ping'an asked back, and Campbell looked at each other.

"Xu, we know that you have a lot of good projects in your hands, and the profits are not small. How about we cooperate and give us a profitable project? We have invested a lot in Lu Te over the years," Campbell said while looking at Xu Ping An.

Xu Ping An nodded, Campbell's request is not excessive, "How about our cooperation next year?" Xu Ping An said directly.

"Yes, can you know what the project is?" Campbell said directly.

"Single-man aircraft" Xu Ping'an said directly, and Campbell's people were taken aback.

"My Tianqi Group's single-man aircraft project has made a major breakthrough. It can be said that it has taken shape and is currently in the stage of safety performance testing."

"After the promotion of this year's single-person aircraft exchange conference, we will launch the finished product at the end of the year or next year. The cost is only a little higher than the cost of a car."

"This fee is nothing to the rich. It is still hydrogen energy, and no environmental protection organization can say anything."

"The distributorship in the UK I can give you as much as you can sell is up to you. I guarantee that your price is 5 percent lower than that of any European country," Xu Ping'an said with a smile.

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