Start the era of black technology

Chapter 432 Wolves peeping [third more]

Originally, the Tianqi Group and the University Alliance did not talk about this matter, and they did not interact with each other. Now it has been revealed by the media that the students who have graduated are angry with the community. It turns out that it is not their own bad luck, but the Tianqi Group is blocking us.

As soon as the classmates were opened, they began to call friends and friends, unanimously demanding that the school be fair. If the school had disclosed the matter a long time ago, he would have to transfer whatever he said.

Under the anger of the crowd, the university alliance has a very difficult life. If you want to change this passive situation, you must act.

Directly find a lawyer to sue Tianqi Group for discriminating against the eight universities and find justice for the students. The statement is very simple. We train high-level talents. Tianqi Group discriminates against our Chi Guoguo by doing this, and it is hard work for the students. Blow.

Xu Pingan also received the report and browsed the Internet. With a look of boredom, he directly posted a statement on Weibo.

I think the quality of education in other universities is better and can cultivate ethical talents. This matter can be evaluated by other schools to see if I am doing it right.

If other universities think that the quality of their education is poor and the students they train are scum, I will immediately change it.

Immediately after that, Xu Ping’an directly circled dozens of universities in a dense number of universities. The meaning was very simple. When it was time for you to speak, you were very clear about the result of not speaking.

Rogue, this is the opinion given to Xu Ping'an by many university management. Xu Ping'an is very clear about what Xu Ping's intentions do. He has to say nothing. If he does not speak, it means he admits that the students he has trained are scumbags.

Xu Ping’an’s prudent eyes have been taught by everyone. From the fact that no university alliance student has entered Tianqi Group in recent years, it can be seen that it is not only Tianqi Group, but many companies have also consciously blocked eight universities. .

These companies all count on Tianqi Group to live. Once Xu Ping An is unhappy because of this, their business will be over. They know exactly what Xu Ping's character is.

Soon, many universities began to issue statements in support of Tianqi Group's decision, and then severely praised the students who graduated from their own schools. The students who graduated from their own schools are all useful talents in the society with comprehensive development of morality, intelligence, physical education, and art.

In the end, it expresses contempt for the University Alliance. There are eight universities on one side and dozens of universities on the other. The talk is full of enthusiasm, but there is no Apocalypse Group.

Seeing this result, many people couldn't help but smile. Xu Ping'an was really upset. It was really clever to let universities attack each other and fight with poison.

Relevant departments are just getting bored. Who doesn’t know that the University League and Tianqi Group’s troubles are still going to end. This time the action is very fast, each hit 50 big boards, and the media immediately changed the direction of the wind and started reporting on XX News of the star cheating.

Xu Ping’an’s attitude is very simple. It is still the conditions of the year, and the decision cannot be changed. If I don’t cooperate with you, I can’t say that I am breaking the law.

As time passed slowly, students from Tianqi University of Science and Technology began to report to the school one after another. There were no comments on receiving passes, bedding and daily necessities. They were all famous brands, and they knew the prices of these items.

The construction is still underway. For the time being, I will settle in the old dormitory and move in after the renovation of the new dormitory is completed. Everyone has no opinion on this point. They are all aware of the conditions of the new dormitory and look forward to the completion of the new dorm.

Dr. Luck, Professor Nilun, Dr. Karen, Miao Yong, Zhou Qingping, Lu Xinyan, Zhu Hongyun, Carol, Cui Tianyi, and Professor Polis, these ten have also begun to prepare, and those abroad have also begun to arrange and prepare Set off for the Tian Dynasty to attend the opening ceremony of the University of Science and Technology.

On this day, Xu Ping'an received a call from Murphy. The satellite has been assembled and can contact the rocket launch company to launch it. Xu Ping'an seriously thought about it, and just spend some money to launch it in China.

After all, the success rate of domestic rocket launches is still very high. Wu Sikai was immediately brought over to discuss. The next day, Wu Sikai went to contact the Tianchao Rocket Launch Group.

Xu Pingan made a call to Zhu Hongyun and immediately began preparations. Once the rocket is launched into the sky, the entire Tianqi Group's internal system will be upgraded to start a new generation of supercomputer system.

In the future, the company's system will be run by this new supercomputer, and the efficiency will be doubled. Information encryption, firewalls and other systems will also be fully upgraded. This is the advantage of having a dedicated satellite.

Five days later, Wu Sikai came to the news that for 70 million US dollars, Xu Ping'an directly agreed. The price is not high, only about half of the foreign price, and one-third of that in Europe. The success rate is even higher.

At present, 90% of the international rocket launch orders have been basically taken away by the four countries, China, the United States, Russia, and Japan. These are the four countries with the highest rocket launch success rate.

In terms of launching medium and large rockets, only the Celestial Kingdom, the United States and Russia have the highest success rates, and Japan's success rate is not small. However, Japan does not accept orders for medium and large rocket launches.

Xu Pingan made a call to Murphy and immediately arranged the launch. The launch site was in Tianchao, and the satellite was transported to the designated airport, which was directly taken over by the Tianchao Rocket Launch Group.

The next day, the French Tianqi Technology Company and the Black Fox Security Company began to get busy. The communication satellite is not small in size and light in weight. Special vehicles must be used.

The vehicle is not easy to find, or after Hall contacted the Airbus Group, he used the Airbus Group's vehicle. The technology company paid a fee of 100,000 Euros. This price is a friendly price, which is really not high.

Time slowly passed, and Airbus's largest aircraft in the world took off from France and flew directly to the sky. There was a piece of cargo on the aircraft, the communications satellite of Tianqi Group.

Time slowly passed, until the satellite entered the warehouse of the Tianchao Satellite Launch Group, Xu Pingan, and he was relieved. The rest of the time was to wait and wait for a suitable time to launch.

Zhu Hongyun's leading security department has been busy for some time recently. The company handled a batch of electronic equipment, which was quickly bought by other companies because the price was half the price of the new one.

Even if Tianqi Technology has been using it for several years, in the eyes of many companies, it is also advanced equipment, at least a lot more high-end than its own company, and it is very good at calculating with a small amount of money.

New equipment accessories are already in stock, and only a few need to be purchased from abroad, and they are also available in stock, and they will be shipped directly after receiving orders from Tianqi Group.

Zhu Hongyun led people to re-lay and install, especially the internal optical fibers of the company, all using the latest graphene optical fibers, as well as various gateway routers, which are definitely more than a generation more advanced than the outside world, absolutely luxurious.

This kind of graphene optical fiber is directly connected to the server of Hangzhou Telecom Company, and the technical staff of the telecom company are all scornful.

Even if the domestic upgrade to 5G network, this kind of optical fiber is a higher grade than the telecommunications company. It is a one-time investment and there is no need to consider this issue in the next ten years.

At present, the headquarters of Tianqi Technology adopts backup servers. The main server is in the upgrading stage, and it is understood that there is no mess at all, and all projects are proceeding in an orderly manner.

Kane left the company again with the project team and samples of the single-man aircraft, and went to the Northwest to conduct more demanding experiments to further improve it. It is expected that the single-man aircraft exchange competition will not be completed until October.

Tianqi University of Science and Technology held the opening ceremony as scheduled. Xu Ping'an did not show up. If he did show up, he would take the lead. Chu Wutang was responsible for everything.

There was a lot of media on this day. After all, it is a rare scene for so many big bowls of the scientific community to gather together. Everyone is wearing school uniforms. The students have already been tailored when they register.

At the gate of the school, the use of four large characters is very conspicuous. This is the purpose of Tianqi University of Science and Technology. The name of Xu Pingan is written below.

Putting what you have learned into practice, this term first appeared in the "Han Shu·The Biography of Hejian Xian Wang Liu De".[To the effect] To study from objective facts, to draw laws.

There is no way to verify who said it. Xu Ping'an took it with a cheeky. Anyway, there is no suffering, and other people will not pick Xu Ping's fault because of this.

After the happy ceremony, Xu Pingan invited Dr. Luck and others to have a meal. The students had to prepare for the next half month of military training. This is a must-do subject, and international students are no exception.

After a few days of busy work, and after the personnel left one after another, Xu Ping'an recovered calm and took a long breath, and finally he could relax.

Within a few days of rest, Bao Xing came to Xu Ping'an with a look of excitement. The new generation of metal waste treatment has broken through, and a new factory can be established in the provincial capital.

By the way, report on the progress of the plastic waste treatment project. Everything is going smoothly. The plastic waste is restored to pure plastic particles, and all the data meet the food-grade use standards.

"Okay, start immediately. Once the metal waste treatment is completed, the renewable resource system will be comprehensive." Xu Ping'an is also very excited, and the lowest-level energy cycle system has been completed.

After the excitement, Xu Pingan explained some things to Bao Xing and then let Bao Xing execute it. Sitting on the sofa and starting Zhejin alone, once the system runs through, it is not so simple to promote it globally.

There are many countries, enterprises, and organizations that stare at the Tianqi Group’s renewable resource system. They all know the value inside, and they all want to share a share. Not to mention, there are many people in the Tian Dynasty staring at it, which can be described as a pack of wolves. .

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