Start the era of black technology

Chapter 437 Global trade starts with you! [Third more]

Other countries will definitely not stop it. Let alone the fact that Xu Pingan purchased technology last year to benefit groups in eleven countries. The millions of euros are not a small figure, not to mention that this is a non-governmental exchange, and it is customary for the government not to interfere.

What's more, the Apocalypse Group has released the news for everyone to witness history. It must be that the single-person aircraft of the Apocalypse Group has made a huge breakthrough. The fact that ordinary people cannot understand this does not mean that these politicians do not.

People all want to see how the single-man aircraft of the Tianqi Group can reach this level. Xu Ping'an dares to say that and he must rely on it. All of the four major media in the United States have come to live broadcast, and they are embarrassed to say that they steal technology.

The number of tourists to E City is increasing day by day. The rooms in star-rated hotels have already been booked, and they were booked with a 40% price increase.

This year, E City has fully absorbed the experience of last year, and the problem of insufficient accommodation has been fully resolved. Many two-story board houses have been built, and many yurts have been added.

More people live in a yurt, which is economical.

If there are fewer people living in board rooms, you can choose single rooms.

The single-person aircraft exchange meeting has not yet started. In order to promote the company's own translators, the benefits of being one step faster are very obvious.

The price is not cheap. The low-profile version can only perform a single translation. There is only one translation language, priced at 120 euros, and the high-profile version, with six languages, is priced at 350 euros.

Both versions come with a two-month service fee, one month service fee of 50 Euros. This service fee is collected by the manufacturer and Tianqi Group. It is 37%, Tianqi Group charges 70%, and the manufacturer charges three layers.

When there are more translator manufacturers in the future, the competition is fierce. After some translator manufacturers go bankrupt, Tianqi Group will continue to charge patent fees, but the service fees will not be affected in any way. It wants to have higher income.

Because 30% of the dividends from the manufacturers belong to Tianqi Group, there is no need to distribute them to your manufacturers. This has been written into the contract. If the company goes bankrupt or the actual controller changes, Tianqi Technology Group does not need to distribute any dividends to the manufacturers. .

Each translator has a unique account embedded in it. Your company cannot change this. Only Tianqi Technology Group can change it. As long as you do not owe fees, you can enjoy it freely. Will affect consumers.

This set designed by Xu Pingan is darker than the Apple tax. If you want to use it happily, the payment is inevitable. It will bring a lot of income every month. With the addition of patent fees, it is definitely better than producing it yourself. Make money, but also more easily.

People who can travel from afar are basically those who don't need money. The sales of the high-profile version are very high. You can see the two people face to face and communicate with the translator at any time on the street, which is very relaxed.

Correspondingly, the catering business has been greatly improved. It is normal to meet new friends to have a meal and exchange. This year, the catering business in E City is definitely hotter than last year.

Xiang Qianjin and Zhou Changkun couldn’t keep up with each other. Although the money spent this year was a little bit more, Tianqi Group’s donations have also increased, not to mention that there are more tourists than last year.

Other than that, the amount of invoices received has increased in a straight line, and tax refunds can be paid for consumption in other countries. It is known that if you want to refund tax, you must provide procedures, and legal procedures are inseparable from issuing invoices.

Most people in the country don’t know these things. People who play around are quite aware that they ask for invoices for meals and lodging. If you suspect that the invoices are false, you can directly complain to the phone announced by the relevant departments. The invoices issued by the merchants are directly linked to your tax. .

Therefore, the increase in tax revenue for events held in E City is very scary. This is also the fundamental reason why other cities want to compete for this project. Everything is for profit.

There is no loss in cooperation with Tianqi Group. This view has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Although it is said that E City has invested a lot this time, Tianqi Group did not let E City suffer. It directly donated 30 million yuan, which is 20 million more than last year. .

How can this kind of good reputation not be welcomed by local governments? Any local government in the world will welcome enterprises such as Tianqi Group to settle in, and it will give quite favorable conditions without saying more.

Many manufacturers who have obtained the authorization of translators can't see the sales status of the products for the company, all of them are irritable, and the expressions that had been a little worried are now gone, only jealous.

The sales of more than 600,000 translators made everyone jealous. How much it costs, the cost is less than 40 Euros. In order to sell the company for how much money, the boss can bear this kind of profit.

In addition, among the more than 600,000 translators, the sales of high-end versions accounted for 87%. The net profit of selling a unit is several hundred euros, and the authorized manufacturers are going crazy.

They all did the same thing, called the engineering team directly, and had to speed up the progress for me. The opponents are already on the market, and you fucking are still daunting, you have to compensate us for our losses.

In China, Boss Ma’s secretariat was directly sent to the construction site to monitor the progress, and the construction must be pressured. No one could accept this loss of profits.

Abroad, the manager of the French authorized company Bedy Group personally went to the construction company to catch the opponent's boss, and it was a curse, so he didn't do anything. The result was that the construction site started day and night.

It can be said that they are all anxious.

After seeing the statistics, Qiao Yicheng directly announced the data, and at the same time, gave the translator a fire.

Tianqi Technology Group announced that at present, China, Russia, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Portugal, Iceland, Denmark, New Zealand, Austria, 14 countries have completed the installation of the translation service area.

These can travel around the world and communicate with people from all over the world in their native language without obstacles. It is a great promotion for social interaction and trade.

Seventeen countries are currently installing servers. Anyone can do international trade, anyone can become a boss, and anyone can become a millionaire.

Global trade starts with you!

Millionaires are not a dream!

The emergence of translators has directly lowered the threshold of global free trade. Communication is not a problem, and then the price is left. You can discuss the price face-to-face with the manufacturer.

There is no shortage of people in all countries in the world who can endure hardships. The good days of those trade intermediaries who made money with the advantages of convenient communication will be completely ended. This is definitely a good thing for weak manufacturers.

This propaganda was directly launched in places other than the United States, and it was in full swing. Many companies in many countries also issued statements about when the domestically-produced translators are expected to be launched, etc., which set off a wave of enthusiasm.

In order for the company to wake up when sleeping and enter the market quickly, this dividend is really big. Singapore has just started construction and it will take half a year to produce finished products.

People in Singapore couldn't wait. Someone directly gave Weiwei an order of 50 million euros, and a Russian company also gave Weiwei an order of 20 million euros.

A total of seven overseas orders were received for the company. After the news came out, it made the company that has obtained the authorization to produce uncomfortable. This damn money belongs to me, and now it has been taken away for the company.

The organizing committee of the single-person aircraft exchange meeting began to issue notices to various groups to gather together and charter flights to the sky, and everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Five days later, three hundred and sixty-seven teams have arrived in E City. They have settled in designated factories and started deploying their own aircraft. This year, many groups’ aircraft have been replaced with shotguns.

Not to mention, the appearance design has been greatly optimized, which is divided into two aspects. The first is simplicity, and the second is full of science fiction. You want to own one at first glance.

The number of tourists to E City directly climbed to the peak. Xiang Qianjin and Zhou Changkun were both painful and happy. No one thought that the number of tourists this year would be worse than last year. According to statistics, the number of tourists has exceeded 1.6 million .

This number has surpassed the number of tourists last year by more than 500,000, and it is still increasing rapidly. It is estimated that it is very possible to exceed 2 million. Increasing accommodation has become the current top priority.

The emergency plan was launched, a new batch of prefabricated houses began to be built, and construction continued day and night. Thousands of workers began to be busy. The merchants in E City were going crazy. There was a thought in my heart, purchase, purchase in large quantities.

Cattle and sheep from the surrounding provinces began to be shipped frantically to E City. Roasted whole lamb was liked by many people. The demand for lamb was greatly increased, which completely exceeded the restaurant's estimate.

The owner of a roasted whole lamb restaurant consumed 220 lambs last year and prepared 250 lambs this year. As a result, they were sold out in just a few days, and they went crazy to contact the source of the goods.

The profit of a roasted whole lamb is around 3,000 yuan, so how can you not worry about it?

There are other consumptions, all of which have surged wildly, making everyone miscalculate. Consumer goods manufacturers have started to transfer their goods wildly. The goods from other provinces around are transferred to Hubei, which is busy.

The headquarters of Tianqi Group is also busy. Wu Sikai and Wei Dongshuo are still in the capital, hoping to quickly approve them, so that they can use this conference to build the reputation of Tianqi Group's single-person aircraft.

The related plans have been turned in. The two of them drank every day and persisted with the anti-alcohol medicine. Wu Sikai called Xu Ping'an to see if Xu Ping'an could do better.

“You call the Investment Promotion Office of Province Y, Sichuan Province, and Shaanxi Province and tell them that the single-person aircraft project will be located in one of the three provinces. Now you don’t make any effort and you are directly excluded,” Xu Pingan said directly.

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