Start the era of black technology

Chapter 440 This is a business war

"Mr. Xu, we will continue to cooperate in the exchange meeting two years later," Xiang Qianjin said while holding a glass of wine with Xu Ping An.

"It depends on the skills of Brother Xiang and Brother Zhou. Both you and I know that this year's single aircraft exchange competition has caused a huge sensation. Where to hold next year, I am afraid that the above will give a reference opinion." Xu Ping'an tactfully said Said.

Xiang Qianjin and Zhou Changkun both nodded, understanding what Xu Pingan meant. For average development, I am afraid it will be difficult to hold it in E City in two years, and other cities will definitely use their best efforts to compete.

The three of them were separated blindly. Xu Pingan returned to the hotel and rested directly. I didn’t know that many people had already set off for the Heavenly Dynasty and went to J City. They planned to discuss with Xu Pingan about the agency of the single-person aircraft, rushing to become a distributor Quotient.

No one is stupid. You can see the huge economic value contained in it. Campbell in the United Kingdom is no exception. He came to J City by plane in person to have a good talk with Xu Pingan.

Xu Pingan did not return to the headquarters. Instead, he received a call from the Tianchao Rocket Launch Group and went to the launch base. The Tianqi Group’s communications satellite was about to be launched.

The Apocalypse Technology Company has completed the hardware upgrade and is waiting for a comprehensive system upgrade after the satellite is launched. The Apocalypse Satellite Control Center in France has also started to get busy, ready to receive signals at any time.

Outside, the discussion about the single-person aircraft has not weakened at all. In order for the effect of the company's translator to be affirmed by tourists, under a wave of publicity, a few more orders have been added.

Time passed slowly. On this day, the rocket lifted off and the communications satellite entered the scheduled orbit. Xu Ping'an had been pulling his heart down, shaking hands with several big men of the Rocket Launch Group.

Through contact, the Apocalypse Satellite Control Center on the French side has received the signal. After the two parties communicated, they took over the control of the satellite. This time the cooperation was successfully concluded.

Tianqi Group’s system was out of service for one day, all network offices were shut down, and the game company also announced server maintenance. In fact, Tianqi Group’s main program was fully upgraded.

Zhu Hongyun and many people were busy spinning, sending out instructions one by one to activate the program, monitoring abnormalities at any time, until four o'clock in the morning, it was over, everyone was relieved.

At nine o'clock, everyone started to work normally after they went to work, and they obviously felt the speed increase and the fluency improved a lot, including the speed of data exchange in several major research institutes.

Rather, these data are all encrypted. Zhu Hongyun led people to conduct several experiments, and the intercepted data were all irregularly garbled and could not be used at all. The correct translator must be used for translation.

This requires you to connect to the Apocalypse system, and translate according to your authority. If the authority is not enough, it is also garbled, and the security is improved by several levels.

After the successful operation of the satellite, Xu Ping'an breathed a long sigh of relief. This big project is finally completed. The special satellite phones used internally are already in production, and no one will be able to monitor these satellite phones in the future.

Although there are not many projects launched by Tianqi Group this year, the single-person aircraft alone has caused global shock. This is a project that changes the progress of mankind.

Kane was also interviewed by a number of media. The media gave Kane a very high evaluation. Western media even carried out large-scale publicity, especially in Canada. After all, Kane holds a Canadian passport. .

However, the Canadian side is very curious about Kane's joining the Tianqi Group. Why are these scientists automatically sent to join the Tianqi Group one by one, so many people feel sour.

Kane told the media very clearly that he found Tianqi Group, and found that Xu Ping An was on vacation, and he took pains to personally find Xu Ping An to promote himself.

The reason is simple. Xu Pingan respects scientific researchers and Xu Pingan values ​​his own credibility. This answer makes many people puzzled. Isn't everyone else credible except Xu Pingan?

Many media have conducted interviews with many scientists. As a result, 98% of people believe that their first choice would be Tianqi Group if the situation permits. This result is unacceptable to many people.

Tianchao, City J, Tina has arrived with three senior talents, and these three senior talents are all excited in their hearts. They are very clear about what company they will take over. Everyone sees the success of Tianqi Group’s single-person aircraft. get.

Two of the three know each other, one is Tonino, the president of the Swedish Carret Group, and the other is Delbert, the vice president of the Italian Ferrari Group. Both of them know each other and are both big companies. , Have had direct exchanges with each other.

The last one is a Japanese, Kaede Takada, the head of the production department of Mitsubishi Motors. Last year, Mitsubishi Motors and Suzuki Motors caused huge troubles to the two companies because of tampering with their fuel consumption data.

As the Minister of Production, Kaede Takata undoubtedly became a member of the backer. Deco headhunting company seriously investigated. According to internal documents of the Mitsubishi Group, Kaeda Kaede has submitted four written requests to replace the carburetor, but the results were rejected. .

It can be seen that the scandal of Mitsubishi Motors' tampering with fuel consumption data has nothing to do with Kaede Takada. As the Minister of Production, he has done his best, and the production plant of Mitsubishi Group in Japan is notoriously high in efficiency. This is inseparable from Kaede Takada's management.

After some consideration, they were also recommended. The relevant materials of the three had been submitted to Xu Ping An for review in advance. After Xu Ping passed, the interview was arranged.

Today, take an extra day off because Xu Pingan is conducting other interviews. The head of the elementary school provided by Korn Ferry International has already been identified. Today, I came for the interview. Tina and others have a day off. The interview will be held tomorrow.

Ding Baokui has six years of management experience in public elementary schools and five years in private elementary school management. All of his positions are principals and he has achieved outstanding results.

He Chaorong has four years of management experience as the director of the teaching office of public elementary schools. He has three positions in the teaching office of private elementary schools in Japan, two years in private elementary schools in the United States, and three years in private elementary schools in Singapore.

Qu Yiming has four years of management experience as vice principals in public primary schools, and eight years in management experience as vice principals in private schools, an international education giant.

It can be said that all three of them have rich experience in elementary school management. There is no shortage of theory and practice. They have their own ideas about primary school education at home and abroad, and they belong to those who are interested.

Xu Pingan communicated with everyone for an hour, and he also talked to himself about the concept of elementary school. All three of them gave their opinions, and Xu Pingan chose the rest.

Xu Ping’an considered the result for a long time. He Chaorong stayed as the principal, Qu Yiming stayed as the vice principal. Ding Baokui was unsuccessful because Ding Baokui’s practice was still the old one. He relied on squeezing to improve student performance. The concept of Ping An is incompatible.

The next day, the people from Korn Ferry left with Ding Baokui, and He Chaorong and Qu Yiming had a detailed discussion with Xu Ping An. This time Xu Ping An was to explain his own considerations.

The two recognized Xu Pingan's philosophy and were willing to join Tianqi Group. Next, they will formulate a learning management plan based on Xu Pingan's philosophy.

Xu Ping'an gave the two a week off, and went back to arrange the things at home and went to the Tianqi Group headquarters to go through the formalities and enter the job, ready to take over Tianqi Primary School and adopt the new teaching policy.

After leaving them generously, Xu Ping'an began interviewing the people Tina had brought over. The results were available in one afternoon. All three of them stayed because they all had a strong desire to join Tianqi Group.

After a detailed communication, Delbert, the vice president of the Italian Ferrari Group, became the general manager of Apocalypse Single Aircraft Company, the president of the Swedish Carret Group Tonino served as the deputy general manager, and Gao Tianfeng served as the deputy general manager and production minister.

The reason for this decision is that Delbert understands fashion better than Tonino, and a more important reason is that Delbert's age advantage is very large, and the age of forty-three is when he is young and powerful.

Tow Nino is over fifty years old. As a deputy, it is necessary to make up for Talbot’s lack of experience. Kaede Takata is still in the business. The production of single-man aircraft requires very high management requirements. Kaede Takata is the best candidate. .

After the decision was made, Xu Ping'an gave the three people a 15-day holiday, went back to arrange things at home, and then came to Tianchao to join the job, set up a management team, and officially launched the single-person aircraft project.

At the same time, both the official website of Tianqi Group and the official website of Tianqi Technology Company have listed the test data of Tianqi Group's single-man aircraft. People who know how to do it are very shocked after reading it.

The data of the single-man aircraft of the Tianqi Group completely kills the data of the single-man aircraft of various countries. There is no comparability between the two. The single-man aircraft of the Tianqi Group can be concluded as a mature product.

One day later, the management measures for single-person aircraft formulated by Tianqi Group were also announced. After careful study, personnel from relevant departments in many countries stated that it is completely feasible.

There are clear regulations covering all aspects of factors ranging from the single-person aircraft driver’s license assessment standards to the daily use and management of single-person aircraft. Even if the national conditions are different, adding a few items is not the main one, at most it can make up for it.

Obviously, Tianqi Group’s single-person aircraft project is deliberately deliberate. This makes many companies extremely unhappy. Your sister, you have calculated everything and launched it on the market. We don’t even have a chance to drink soup.

Many national media have begun to report on the topics that Tianqi Group has focused on, but they have had a counterproductive effect. This is a business war, which is extremely versatile. This report has become the name of Xu Pingan's business strategic plan.

Business grand strategist, this is the title given to Xu Ping by some media. A US media compiled a comprehensive article based on the speculation of various media on the Tianqi Group's single-man aircraft project.

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