Start the era of black technology

Chapter 446 I'd rather not monopolize the project with the 7.8 billion euros [second more]

Everyone was silent for a while, "Xu, we can't answer you about this matter now, we must go back to the board of directors to make a decision." Daniel looked at Xu Ping'an and said.

"I understand, gentlemen, you have ten days to give me a reply within ten days. If there is no reply, it means that you have chosen to give up. I cannot wait indefinitely." Xu Ping'an looked at everyone and said, all serious. Nodded.

The crowd began to leave. Xu Ping'an returned to the office after sending everyone in the car. He wanted to invite everyone to have another drink at night, but they all refused, and he didn't have the mind to drink anymore.

The next day, everyone left. You must go back and discuss this matter carefully. You can be sure of the project prospects, but how long will it take to realize this prospect? The annual investment of billions of dollars is not a small number. .

Each company invests only five or six billion U.S. dollars in research and development each year. Although it is not high, you must not underestimate it. These companies have a very strong foundation and there is no need to spend particularly high research costs. .

If you count this kind of accumulated and accumulated experimental data background, it is absolutely scary. The idea of ​​these companies is not five years or ten years, but decades. You can have a lot of background accumulated over so many years. Imagine it.

This is the fundamental reason why it is difficult for ordinary other pharmaceutical companies to catch up with these top ten pharmaceutical companies. Why does Xu Ping An invest heavily in scientific research? That is because Tianqi Group does not have this kind of scientific background and must spend money to build a background. .

The experimental data accumulated over decades is the foundation of these companies, and only on this basis can a new generation of products be born. This fundamental gap is not so easy to catch up, and it takes decades of time to invest. Row.

Xu Pingan’s annual investment of tens of billions of euros in scientific research funding is to equalize this gap. You can’t buy it with any money. You can only buy the technology ten years ago. No one will know the technology within ten years. sell to you.

The outside world is speculating about the negotiations between Tianqi Group and the top ten pharmaceutical groups, but neither party has disclosed any information. They just know that the chairman of the two sides sat down and talked once, and two days later, they left Tianchao and returned to the company.

As soon as I came back, I started to worry about the board of directors. Obviously, I was discussing the conditions for cooperation. Time slowly passed. On this day, Xu Ping'an received a call from the shipyard. After evaluation, it turned out that the scientific research ship did not have the value of repair.

The impact of the volcanic eruption has caused irreparable damage to the hull. According to the monitoring of the hull, many places look fine, and the steel plates are already cracked. The repair price is not much different from buying a new one.

A ship worth more than 40 million euros can only be scrapped. This news spread, and many people were surprised, including the top ten pharmaceutical groups that were still in a meeting.

This kind of wastage is really too great, let alone the personnel, just the wastage of the ship is too scary, this is not the end, just a few days after the Apocalypse Institute of Oceanography announced that eight single-person scientific research submarines participated in the rescue They are all scrapped and no longer have repair value.

Adding up, almost 300 million euros of funds have been squandered. This loss is really not affordable for ordinary companies. Scrapped scientific research ships and scientific research submarines will be used as scrap iron after dismantling electronic equipment at a shipyard in Tianchao. Dealing with this is also impossible.

The ten-day deadline passed quickly. Six companies in the top ten pharmaceutical groups clearly responded that they did not participate in the project. Only Roche, Eli Lilly, Novartis, and GlaxoSmithKline responded to participating in the project.

However, the issue of investment needs to be discussed again.

As the plenipotentiary representative of Tianqi Group, Bruce went to the Swiss Roche Group to discuss this matter. Representatives of five companies gathered here to discuss this matter, and strive to obtain a result that everyone is satisfied with.

Unknowingly, half a month passed. Apocalypse Group, Swiss Roche Pharmaceuticals Group, Eli Lilly Pharmaceuticals Group, Novartis Pharmaceuticals Group, GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Group, and five groups announced that they will invest huge sums of money to continue this new humanity. project.

According to the agreement, the four pharmaceutical groups will inject capital to join the Tianqi Group’s new human project. Tianqi Group will account for 51% of the shares. The remaining Roche Pharmaceuticals will invest 2 billion and account for 13%. The remaining three will each invest 1.8 billion. The euro accounts for 12% of the shares.

Every year, Tianqi Group invests 1.2 billion euros in expenses, Roche Pharmaceuticals invests one billion euros in expenses, and the remaining three companies each invest 800 million euros in expenses. The contract period is five years, and the cooperation will be re-negotiated after five years.

The specific work is led by Tianqi Group. Roche Pharmaceuticals Group will send three people, and each of the remaining three pharmaceutical groups will send two senior researchers on related topics.

Tianqi Group needs to invest in a new scientific research vessel and eight scientific research submarines. The expenses of the scientific research vessel and scientific research submarines are not included in the project funds. Xu Ping'an agreed.

The four companies also dispatched a financial officer to have the right to check the accounts. Xu Ping'an also agreed. Is the special fund used? This is very reasonable and there is no need to object.

The Tianqi Institute of Oceanography and the New Human Project team were handed over, and the personnel were redistributed. Starting this month, all personnel costs of the project team will be accounted for separately. Xu Ping’an’s cooperation has given the four companies a lot of peace of mind.

After the news spread, many people were shocked, including the six major pharmaceutical groups that did not participate. According to their estimates, no one would participate in this project. Unexpectedly, four companies participated in this project.

The annual funding of 4.6 billion euros is sufficient for this project. Xu Pingan's Tianqi Group has a large share of shares, but Tianqi Group also invests the most every year, and it is understandable that the majority of shares are occupied.

However, Tianqi Group did not suffer a loss. In order to join the project, the four companies also spent 7.8 billion euros to purchase shares. It can be said that Xu Pingan has made a profit after all the early investment has returned.

Outsiders were shocked. They all thought that Xu Pingan was taking advantage. Xu Pingan directly posted a statement on social media. If there is a slight possibility, he would rather not monopolize the project with the 7.8 billion euros.

Seeing Xu Ping’an’s reply, many people lost their voices. Following the media reports, many things were reported. Xu Ping’an allowed the four pharmaceutical groups to release it. There was government involvement. Xu Ping’an had no choice but to release it. Open.

Xu Pingan was really depressed. After staying in J City for a few days, he left directly and went to Song Xinyun in Jinling to find comfort. Tianqi Island, the new research ship set sail again after the equipment was installed, and went to the submarine volcano to erupt. The area is inspected.

Let’s see if the corals and small fishes can survive. If they can’t survive, we can only find another way. The other scientific research ship started searching for new submarine craters all over the earth to see if we can find them. Similar creatures.

Bannon in Italy reluctantly began to produce scientific research submarines. If it had not been ordered by Xu Pingan, Bannon would never produce it. The sales of small single-person attack submarines are booming, and the profits are much higher than scientific research submarines.

Last year, more than 400 ships were delivered. This year's delivery volume is definitely higher than last year. The new production line was completed only in October last year. This year, the speed and modular production will be released, which is absolutely sharp.

Time passed slowly, early this morning, "I got up, uncle, it's time for breakfast" Song Xinyun called Xu Ping'an by the bed, and Xu Ping'an woke up dazedly.

"What time is it" Xu Ping'an asked.

"It's eleven forty," Song Xinyun said quietly.

Xu Ping An came here not to comfort herself, but to find comfort. Song Xinyun was very dissatisfied with this. There was no alternative but Xu Ping's temperament.

"By the way, I went to buy a small gift in the past few days. Li Rulong's wedding will be here soon. Let's go together. Xu Ping'an sat up and looked at Song Xinyun and said.

"Why don't you let your Yiyi accompany you?" Song Xinyun said with an unhappy expression, dissatisfied with Xu Ping'an taking Miao Yiyi to other people's weddings.

"Why are you jealous of old couples and old wives?" Xu Ping'an said with a smile. Song Xinyun turned white and Xu Ping's turned around. There is really no way to meet Xu Ping's cheeky.

Xu Ping'an smiled, got up directly to wash, took a shower and changed his clothes before leaving home with Song Xinyun for dinner. The two did not go far, so they found a clean restaurant and ordered a few dishes. Began to eat.

Next, the two went directly to buy gifts. Xu Pingan had prepared a gift for Li Rulong long ago. A luxury car of Jihao Company has not been picked up. They communicated with Jihao Company a few days ago and added more than ten. Wan changed to a new generation of luxury cars that had just withdrawn.

Song Xinyun must prepare a small gift to participate. When Xu Mingyang got married, Miao Yiyi gave Xu Mingyang's wife a jade pendant. This year Song Xinyun accompanied Xu Ping'an to the past.

Jumping around, Song Xinyun chose a set of earl couple watches, a set of 85,000, without bargaining, Song Xinyun bought it directly, don't lose money watching the movie, Song Xinyun is really not short of money now.

Prepare at home, and the two set off by plane together for QD. Li Rulong was devoted to politics and had no money. Xu Ping'an was responsible for the problems of the previous accommodation of the brothers.

Directly opened a few rooms in a five-star hotel not far from the wedding venue, Mabo and the others all stayed here, and Xu Ping'an was responsible for the expenses.

The household appliances in Li Rulong's wedding room were arranged by Lin Yide, and they were very complete. People from the branch came directly to install the wiring. Xu Pingan at the top of the building also sponsored a set of micro power generation devices.

The seafood for the wedding banquet was provided by Xu Mingyang, the tea industry was provided by Mabo, and Zhang Wenyuan arranged to travel for the honeymoon after marriage. In Li Rulong's words, with a few brothers, getting married is purely making money.

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