Start the era of black technology

Chapter 448 This way of talking and communicating is so enjoyable [fourth more]

"You have made a lot of money, what are you doing so smartly?" Zhang Jianbin said when he looked at Xu Ping'an.

"Boss, I plan to start the Apocalypse aerospace project. Don't expect any results without hundreds of billions of capital investment. You know the cost of this project. What if I don't work hard to make money," Xu Ping An said rudely.

Zhang Jianbin was taken aback. He didn't expect Xu Pingan to dare to play aerospace projects. Although the state allows private aerospace projects, private companies have never entered this project on a large scale. There are only a few small companies that carry out small projects.

Technology is a big hurdle. The investment in space projects is huge, and the average enterprise really can't afford it.

"Do you have this kind of technology?" Zhang Jianbin asked.

"Not for the time being, it doesn't mean that there will be no in the future. The global recruitment is solved," Xu Ping'an said directly.

Zhang Jianbin thought for a while, but couldn't figure out why Xu Pingan suddenly had the idea of ​​entering the aerospace industry. "Ping An, what do you think, you know the risks of this industry."

"My idea is very simple. In the future, the aerospace industry will be the mainstream. As you know, the single-man aircraft project will be launched at the end of this year and will be popularized within a few years."

"Brother Zhang, the times have changed. First, clean energy has begun to gradually expand globally. This is an irreversible trend."

"Secondly, various high-tech breakthroughs are constantly being made. Human life is already changing. The sky has not changed much. You can go to Europe to investigate."

"The farms over there have generally adopted a clean energy system. Not only does it use electricity without spending money throughout the year, but it also earns a little pocket money by selling electricity."

"Thirdly, communication equipment is being upgraded, and many countries have already started 5G construction. After 5G is fully covered in the future, people's lives will undergo great changes."

"Fourth, after the popularization of single-person aircraft, traffic and travel will be greatly changed. It makes no difference if you can't live in the urban area. In the suburbs, there is electricity and internet, and the space is large and very comfortable."

"Fifth, shopping can be simple. It's nothing more than driving or using a single-person aircraft to go to the hypermarket. Buying more than one batch at a time can keep you away from the noise of the city."

"With the advancement of technology and the development of wireless broadband technology, people really don't need to live in the urban area, and there will be decentralized living. This is the trend of future development, which was unstoppable at the time."

"When everything is popularized, what is the goal of mankind, there is only one left, and that is outer space, colonization of the planet, the increase in the number of human beings and the deterioration of the environment will force human technology to develop into space."

"You know the advantage of being one step ahead. I must be involved. This is an indispensable part of enterprise development. In fact, many international giants have begun to develop space technology."

"It's just that they don't invest much, the outside world doesn't know it." Xu Ping'an briefly explained, and Zhang Jianbin then knew what Xu Ping's thought was.

"Peace, don't be too far-fetched. Going to a space colony planet is not that simple. It will not be easy to achieve in a hundred years. It is more important to do things now than anything else" Zhang Jianbin said directly, and Xu Ping shook with a smile. Shook his head.

"I'm really not too far-sighted. It will take less than a hundred years for humans to colonize the planet. Other than that, you know the super fuels and super engines of the United States. With other technologies, you can completely achieve soft landing on other planets."

"The weight of the new generation of spacesuits has been reduced by half, the flexibility of astronauts has been greatly released, and the birth of other high-tech new materials, what all these mean, the speed of human beings to space is accelerating."

"Brother Zhang, take a good look. In five years' time, the world will behave completely differently from the present, and the speed of social development is beyond your imagination" Xu Ping An said with deep meaning.

Zhang Jianbin doesn't know how far space technology has been developed, but Xu Ping An knows very well how many countries are secretive technologies, but Protoss has never relaxed its monitoring in this regard.

Zhang Jianbin thought for a moment. According to Xu Pingan, aerospace technology has taken a step forward. When the aerospace technology is exclusively for civilian use, human life will surely usher in tremendous changes.

"This kind of thing is not what I worry about. I am only concerned about the problem of urban garbage. It is time for this problem to be solved without delay."

"Tianqi Group's renewable resource system has been running for so long in Province Y. I have seen various data. It is indeed gratifying. It is also a good thing to promote the country and the people."

"I will contact several surrounding cities to ensure that we will provide you with a sufficient supply of waste. There are no fewer people here than in the renewable resource ecosystem in Province Y, and there are more industrial waste than in Province Y."

"Let's start with me first, I will stand up to any problems," Zhang Jianbin said while looking at Xu Ping'an, with a serious expression on his face.

The words were said to be this way, Xu Ping'an was embarrassed to refuse, so he nodded and agreed. The two took out a map and drew a range, drank tea for a while and Zhang Jianbin left.

After Zhang Jianbin was sent away, Xu Ping'an felt a moment of emotion. It was not easy. He shook his head and returned home. He called Wu Sikai and asked Wu Sikai to come over in advance to prepare.

Zhang Jianbin is very courageous and courageous in his work. He will have results in a few days, and Wu Sikai will need to negotiate investment policies with various local governments.

The next day, Xu Pingan went directly to the Science and Technology Park and began to inspect the three companies. The first stop was the game company. Xu Pingan was a bit surprised by Ye Changlin's achievements last year, and he had to take a look in person to feel relieved.

"Mr. Xu, please look at a special project" Ye Changlin said mysteriously. Xu Pingan was really shocked. What special project does your game company have.

"Where is it?" Xu Pingan asked.

"Upstairs, I'm all closed on that floor. No one can go up without an ID badge, and I have to verify the eye iris and palm prints. I have already studied the key points."

"Once we make a breakthrough, I am sure to double our performance," Ye Changlin said very confidently.

"Don't brag, if I look disappointed, you look good" Xu Ping'an said directly, Ye Changlin smiled, and took Xu Ping'an directly to the upper floor.

Encountered two teams of security personnel along the way. Ye Changlin verified that he entered for three consecutive times. As soon as he entered, Xu Ping'an heard many people shouting.

"Frost Arrows", "Vajra Talisman", "Palm Thunder", "Tian Lei Zheng Fa", "Mila Enemy in the Immortal Formation"...............This kind of shouts are endless, let Xu Ping'an was surprised.

Ye Changlin stood with Xu Ping'an and watched, watching the people in a room playing games, the operator in his hand, shouting in his mouth, all of them were very energetic and concentrated on being very dedicated.

"Mr. Xu, I solemnly introduce the voice control system of fairyland civilization"

"The PC game has developed to the present point, many players have practiced hand speed, and many players have their brains and thoughts fast but cannot keep up with the hand speed. They are at a disadvantage when doing PK."

"Therefore, we began to secretly develop the voice control system. You can control the movement of the personnel, and the move can be done by speaking. You can call out the corresponding spell name, and the character will automatically release the spell. The hand only needs to operate the character. Up"

"In this way, the intensity of PK has suddenly risen several levels, and the playability is higher. By talking, you can bargain with other players when trading goods, so as to increase the degree of player communication."

"The game is also a big community. You can meet many friends if you can communicate with each other at will. In this way, a lot of software can be deleted, and there are no need for so many extra plug-ins in the game..." Ye Changlin I carefully introduced this system to Xu Pingan.

After listening to Xu Ping'an, he really became interested. Online games can be played like this. This is equivalent to deepening the strategic layout of team battles, and there are more tricks that can be played.

"Let's go, I'll have fun first." Xu Ping'an was really excited, Ye Changlin smiled, and took Xu Ping'an into the room, and directly prepared a computer for Xu Ping'an.

Xu Ping'an started to play, especially during PK. It was very enjoyable. It was completely different from the previous silent performance. The whole person was thrown in, and Ye Changlin was not disturbed by the side.

Time passed slowly, suddenly stopped, and the machine crashed. How could this man Xu Ping's stand it? "I rely on" and slapped the keyboard, turning his head and looking at Ye Changlin angrily. He needs a reasonable explanation. , Otherwise, Ye Changlin looks good.

"Mr. Xu, it can't work. We need to install a supercomputer to control it. Otherwise, this kind of lag will inevitably occur," Ye Changlin said helplessly. The speed of ordinary computers is simply not enough.

After listening, Xu Ping's suppressed his anger, took a deep breath, looked at Ye Changlin and asked, "Does this system have any requirements for the player's computer?"

"Yes, players must upgrade the CPU, and the new generation of open CPUs can support this gameplay. We need to communicate with the CPU manufacturers in advance to let this high-performance CPU go on the market in advance."

"At the same time, the minimum memory must reach 24G, sound card, graphics card, etc., all need to be upgraded, otherwise, there is no way to support this system"

"Technology is not a problem. The main reason is that these manufacturers are unwilling to release this technology too early. Once this technology is opened up, the original old products will face unsold conditions. This is the biggest problem," Ye Changlin said directly.

"I'll solve this. Is it not enough for the server to run the current supercomputer?" Xu Ping'an continued to ask, already determined to promote this kind of gameplay. This kind of talking and communicating gameplay is too enjoyable.

"It's best to add a supercomputer. I discussed with the technical department. The best solution is to equip each group of servers with a small supercomputer, so it can be very smooth," Ye Changlin said directly.

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