Start the era of black technology

Chapter 451 Deal [Happy New Year's Day to all book friends! Family fun!

"Gentlemen, we want to play in the United States. I believe you have all learned Boeing's methods. We all know what this new engine represents."

"What Boeing will do, it will definitely fight back, regardless of reckless use of various means, which will bring us losses."

"We proceeded quietly, directly put into production, and mass-produced. When our planes are continuously produced, he just wants to play with the means and it is too late. I don't need me as much as the airlines around the world choose."

"At that time, as soon as we announced that the stock price was a problem, creating an all-time high is a matter of minutes for you Airbus," Xu Pingan said directly while looking at the three.

The Norton trio were completely stunned. Xu Ping'an was absolutely stunned. They completely turned the competitor's rhythm to death. The trio looked at each other, and they all saw the slightest complacency in each other's eyes.

"Xu, I'm very fortunate that our collaborators are not enemies" Norton stretched out his hand, and Xu Ping shook hands with Norton in a daze.

"Apocalypse Group will definitely become a history-making company under the leadership of Mr. Xu. I have this confidence. It will be fine if the Tianqi Group is listed. I will definitely spend 80% of my net worth to buy your stock." Hahn looked at Xu Pingan said.

Xu Ping'an smiled and said, "Thank you for looking up to me. Tianqi Group does not need to go public. At least one day, Tianqi Group will not be listed."

"There is a small request, I hope you can agree to it" Xu Ping'an said with a smile.

"You said" Norton said directly.

"I hope that the complete aircraft production line you built in Tianchao can be settled in Province Y. I owe them a favor and need to be repaid," Xu Ping'an said while looking at Norton.

"There is an inland area, there is no port, the cost of spare parts supply will rise a lot," Norton said with a frown.

"What can you ask for?" Xu Ping'an looked at Norton and said directly, Norton smiled, Xu Ping'an said very much.

"Xu, I need your six millimeter wave technology licenses, half of the licensing fee," Norton said directly, Xu Pingan was taken aback, six millimeter wave technologies, those six.

"You can see, this is the authorization I need. If you agree, you can specify the city, and our production line will be settled in your specified city." After Norton finished speaking, he took out a piece of paper from his briefcase and wrote on it What's going on.

Xu Ping'an took it and took a look. For a while, a suddenly realized expression appeared on his face and looked at Norton "Your anti-electronic interference system has broken through."

"Damn, you are too smart," Norton said with an angry expression.

It is necessary to turn off the airplane when the mobile phone is turned on, because after the mobile phone is turned on, the mobile phone frequency band signal will interfere with the flight communication and navigation safety. Nowadays, the civil aviation flight is highly dependent on computer automation, so it is very important to eliminate non-human interference.

Airbus has been conducting research on anti-interference in electronic communications. After years of research, it has now achieved success, but it involves six millimeter wave patents, all of which are in the hands of Tianqi Group.

From the perspective of Tianqi Group’s external authorization, each set of production must be given a profit to Tianqi Group. This makes Airbus uncomfortable. Even if the patent fee required by Tianqi Group is not very high, the total of the six patents is not A small number.

Xu Ping'an thought for a while, and after "Deal" reached out his right hand, Norton shook hands with Xu Ping'an with a smile on his face.

"Let's say, our project needs to be settled in that city. We have to make an agreement in advance. You must not inform the local government of the news that we are going to settle. You must not intervene when talking about it," Norton said while looking at Xu Pingan.

Norton is very sophisticated, and the cost issue is that he is not worried at all. The entire aircraft production line can be set up to get great preferential terms. The cost of transportation from the port city to the destination is nothing, and it can be recovered from the preferential policy.

"Give me two days, I will arrange to notify you," Xu Ping'an said directly, and Norton nodded.

When the matter was finalized, there was no rush. The four of them drank tea and chatted, and the topic turned to the woman without knowing it. After the wind and snow, there was continuous laughter.

At noon, Xu Ping An had a treat. The four people had a good meal. After arranging a vehicle to take the four to the hotel to rest, Xu Ping An returned to the office and immediately started calling.

Soon, the phone went through, "Mr. Xu, you are looking for me" Feng Xia's voice came out.

"Feng Xia, you immediately contact the people in the Legal Department. Anyway, you will get me two thousand acres of land in the eastern suburbs of J City today and tomorrow, and I will tell Huo Minghai to approve the funds," Xu Ping'an said directly.

"Okay, I'll go to handle it right away" Feng Xia said directly, and Xu Ping'an must be a big deal to say so urgently.

After Xu Pingan elaborated on the scope, he hung up the phone and immediately called Huo Minghai to explain. He was relieved that the half-price patent was granted, and the lost half had to be retrieved.

Once the Airbus aircraft production line is settled in J City, the lowest house price in J City will triple. The impact of this big project on the local economy is obvious.

Before getting off work in the afternoon, Chen Qingshan's phone number hit Xu Ping'an's cell phone. Suddenly, two thousand acres of land were reached. What Xu Ping'an wanted to do and what major projects he wanted to carry out must be figured out in advance.

"You tell me the truth, what exactly do you want to do" Chen Qingshan asked.

"I want to build a house as a benefit for my employees and sell it to them at a low price." Xu Ping'an said without blinking. Chen Qingshan's thoughts of slapping Xu Ping'an over the phone line came into his heart. Who believes such nonsense? .

"Peace, don't treat everyone as fools. How many people do you have in J City? Do you need two thousand mu of land to build a house? Even if it is a wasteland, do you change all into villas?"

"I won't approve without a proper reason. The city doesn't need to sell land to make money," Chen Qingshan said very upset but confidently.

Your sister, you don't need to sell land to make money, it's all the hard-earned money I turned in. This sentence shouted in Xu Ping's heart.

Hold the phone and take a deep breath to calm down, "I didn't tell lies, I do have this plan, and there are other projects, I can't say now, it will benefit City J a lot."

"Let's think about it." Chen Qingshan didn't give it in vain, and directly gave a polite remark, Xu Ping's face went black.

"I suggest that you approve it quickly. I contacted a big project here. If you don't approve it, I will introduce it to other cities. Don't blame me at that time." Xu Ping'an directly released the killer.

Chen Qingshan's eyes narrowed, and this is not so simple, big projects, big projects, "what kind of project, I will not pay attention to general projects."

"For projects that require you and Lao Wei to approve, after approving my land purchase, you'd better charter a plane to my side. If you missed it, don't say that I am not interesting enough, you will know it then" Xu Ping'an said directly .

Chen Qingshan was taken aback. It turned out to be something that he and Wei Dongshuo could decide together. This is not a trivial matter, but this is two thousand acres of land, so approval was given to Xu Pingan, even if it is a wasteland close to the mountains, Chen Qingshan is also unwilling.

"I'll think about it," Chen Qingshan said directly. This matter must be discussed with Wei Dongshuo.

"Tomorrow is the deadline. Once they decide to visit other places, it is not my responsibility" Xu Ping'an added.

"You bastard, that's it." Chen Qingshan hung up the phone angrily, making it clear that he was forcing himself in such a hurry.

Xu Ping'an smiled and hung up the phone, "You have forced me several times. Feng Shui takes turns, so I should take the initiative once." He said to himself and left work in a comfortable mood.

Chen Qingshan hung up the phone and rubbed his head. After thinking for a moment, he left the office and went to see Wei Dongshuo. He must discuss this matter with Wei Dongshuo.

Soon, I arrived at Wei Dongshuo's office. Wei Dongshuo was about to get off work. Seeing Chen Qingshan came, he directly greeted Chen Qingshan to sit down and talk about things.

Chen Qingshan said the matter straightforwardly. Wei Dongshuo frowned and thought about it seriously. "He dare to say that, this project is definitely not a small project."

"I also think about it this way. As for Xu Ping'an, the project introduced is too small. I'm sorry for his identity. It's just that we can't determine what the project is. I don't know how likely we can negotiate."

"If I don't know anything, let me grant him two thousand acres of land, even if it is a wasteland that has been abandoned, how do I feel that this kid is under the control" Chen Qingshan frowned and said.

"Old Chen, I'm afraid we have to go in if we know it is a set, and give it to him. He can build the wasteland there is also a good thing for our J City."

"Tomorrow, after completing the formalities, you will ask him what it is, we know it well," Wei Dongshuo said directly, and Chen Qingshan nodded.

The two discussed for about half an hour and still had no clue. They could only talk about it tomorrow. The next day, by the end of the afternoon, the people from the Legal Department had already paid the land purchase and completed all the procedures.

When Chen Qingshan was talking on the phone with Xu Pingan in the evening, he was shocked by Xu Pingan’s words, "My mayor, this project is a big project of tens of billions. You'd better charter a plane with Lao Wei tomorrow. I can only Keep them for one day."

"Foreign investment" Chen Qingshan said directly.

"Yes, foreign investment" Xu Pingan said affirmatively.

"Okay, I will fly over with Lao Wei early tomorrow morning." Chen Qingshan immediately made a decision, and hung up after a few words with Xu Ping'an.

Early the next morning, Chen Qingshan and Wei Dongshuo arrived on a chartered flight. They got off the plane at ten o'clock and got in the car that came to pick them up and went straight to Tianqi Technology Park.

When he arrived at Xu Pingan’s office, Xu Pingan greeted the two of them to sit down and drink tea, and told the news that Airbus was planning to establish a complete production line in China. Wei Dongshuo and Chen Qingshan were directly shocked.

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