Start the era of black technology

Chapter 453: This Technology Is Important

"Don't worry, we don't interfere with your project. We are going back to settle accounts with Xu Ping'an." Qiao Liangqing picked up the cup and said, then touched Chen Qingshan. The two of them ate in one bite, and looked at Xu Ping'an with miserable expressions. Laughed.

Now that the words have been said, there is no meaning in keeping secrets. Keeping secrets means losing face. Wei Dongshuo told the project about the project. Qiao Liangqing and Zhang Jianbin were taken aback.

I rely on, the complete aircraft production line, is this a damn small project? This damn is a tens of billions of large projects.

The two cold lights of "brushing" and "brushing" were directed at Xu Pingan. Qiao Liangqing and Zhang Jianbin both clearly expressed their dissatisfaction with Xu Pingan. Wei Dongshuo and Chen Qingshan could see clearly. The two of them looked at it and knew it would be the result.

If it had not been for Qiao Liangqing and Zhang Jianbin that they would not intervene, the two would never say what the project was. Now, the result is almost the same as the two guessed, and Qiao Liangqing and Zhang Jianbin are very angry.

"Ping An, I asked Lao Qiao that I am not bad to you. You can't go to J City for any good things." Zhang Jianbin looked at Xu Ping'an and said directly, Xu Ping'an was dumbfounded.

"Brother Zhang, the gap between your two places is too big and there is no comparability. I promise, this is the last time. Next time there will be any projects, I will stay in Hangzhou first." Xu Ping'an finished speaking, took the wine glass and ate it directly, expressing himself Attitude.

Wei Dongshuo and Chen Qingshan expressed their views that the others would not compete with Hangzhou after this project. This made Qiao Liangqing and Zhang Jianbin feel better. The two understood that after the project in City J, it will be guaranteed in the next ten years. There is no need to fight anymore.

Today’s meal was rather depressing, and I didn’t drink less. Xu Ping’an was even helped downstairs. Zhang Jianbin didn’t miss him, not on his identity, but on the friendship between the two.

The next day, Xu Ping'an got up early and started running and exercising. He took a bath and had breakfast before exercising. He didn't go to the company, but went to the hotel. Today, a few people from Norton left and had to meet.

When they arrived at the hotel, Norton and several people were already prepared, "Xu, there will be a delegation to City J within a week, and I hope we will strengthen cooperation in the future."

"I think as long as we have a win-win mentality, we will definitely work together again" Xu Ping An shook hands with Norton and Norton nodded to understand Xu Ping's meaning.

The two parties met for a while, and Xu Ping'an arranged a vehicle to take Norton and the others to the airport. Similarly, this time he left by chartered flight and took Norton away, and Xu Ping'an took the car to the company.

When I arrived at the company, I started to call after drinking a few sips of tea and directly contacted Liu Changkong, a senior official in C City, Sichuan Province. The phone was soon connected.

"Why Mr. Xu is free to call me today?" Liu Changkong said with a smile. He met Xu Ping'an a few times and ate a few times. In the last solo aircraft project, the spare parts manufacturer in Sichuan Province won Fewer orders are good for Xu Pingan's senses.

"I can't afford it. The senior officials helped me a lot in the last single aircraft project. There is a project here. Only two companies worldwide are authorized, and the first is authorized to Airbus Group."

"There is one airline group that I am optimistic about in Sichuan Province. If there is no problem, take them to Hangzhou. Let's discuss it in detail. This matter must be kept secret and kept secret," Xu Pingan said seriously.

"Oh, this is a good thing. Don't worry, I will take the relevant people to wait for a visit soon." Liu Changkong already understood what was going on. After all, the Airbus Group transferred its engine technology to Tianqi Group at that time.

"Then I'll wait for the senior officials to arrive" Xu Ping'an said with a smile, and the two of them hung up after a few polite sentences.

After thinking about it, Liu Changkong understood that Xu Ping'an is still paying people's favors. The Sichuan Aviation Industry Group is a state-owned enterprise engaged in the aircraft and fighter aircraft manufacturing industry. Needless to say, this is a benefit to the Sichuan Aviation Industry Group.

Liu Changkong stood up and left the office and went straight to the office of a senior official in Sichuan Province. This matter must be reported. With the support of the superior, it is also a good thing for Tianqi Group.

A few days later, Liu Changkong took the person in charge of the Sichuan Aviation Industry Group to the Tianqi Science and Technology Park. Xu Ping'an first communicated with Liu Changkong. Liu Changkong's expression changed and he nodded seriously.

"Mr. Xu, don't worry, dare to disclose secrets and engage in national laws," Liu Changkong said seriously, and Xu Ping'an nodded.

"Senior officials, let's go to the laboratory and take a look," Xu Ping'an said directly, and Liu Changkong nodded.

Xu Pingan took a few people to the aircraft hydrogen engine laboratory, and asked a few experts from Chuanneng Industrial Group to feel it. These old experts were all shocked and could not understand the principle at all. Ratio is the same.

Airbus engineer Bobby, who was also from Tianqi Group, understood the carbon magnetic supercharging technology. Xu Ping'an explained to everyone and repeatedly emphasized that it must be kept secret. This technology is of great importance.

Liu Changkong also emphasized confidentiality on the side. The two leaders of the Sichuan Aviation Industry Group promised to implement the top secret protection plan. As for the other terms, they are trivial.

The next day, Tianqi Group signed a patent technology licensing agreement with the Sichuan Aviation Industry Group. In the afternoon, Liu Changkong left with a CD-ROM with detailed drawings and technology.

After finishing the stall, Xu Ping’an was not idle. The person in charge of the computer hardware manufacturer also arrived. There could be more than 20 people. Xu Ping’an signed a confidentiality agreement with these people first, and then took them to go. Experience the voice control system.

Playing the game directly, nothing is more direct than experiencing it directly. The game is installed with an international version, and the link is also with an international server. Because of the speed of the Internet, there is a bit of lag. Xu Ping'an explained it all.

It’s okay if I didn’t experience it. After the experience, I was shocked. The online game can still be played like this. I understand the attractiveness of this new gameplay to players. Those who don’t play very much are attracted. How could those players not be attracted? .

In the small conference room on the side, Xu Ping'an talked about the difficulties he was facing, and at the same time distributed the required technical indicators to everyone. Upgrades must be comprehensive upgrades. Many presidents frowned.

The upgrade is simple, the technology is ready, and it can be launched on the market, but what about the products that have been produced is not a small problem.

"Mr. Xu, when will your system mature so that we can make a plan to launch new products" Bronson, President of Intel Corporation, asked directly.

"It can be fully mature in about five months" Xu Pingan said very positively. Many people were relieved, and many others frowned. They have just invested heavily in new products to transform the production line. Is it necessary to rebuild now? , This is not a small expense.

"Mr. Xu, is it going to promote this technology next year? We have just invested heavily in the production of a new generation of motherboards. It is not a small number to invest heavily in it," said Xia Houzhi, the chairman of Suoshuo motherboards.

Not to mention it, I just read the technical indicators. Only the company's latest generation motherboard can meet the requirements. According to the plan, the latest generation motherboard will be launched on the market two years later.

"Yes, this year's new generation of products has been arranged, and suddenly the upgrade is too fast, our old products are difficult to digest," a graphics card production group boss said directly.

"Everyone, do a good job of calculating your accounts. Even if you invest in new products now, it will take two years to popularize 10%, and five years to reach a 70% penetration rate according to market acceptance."

"You have produced a new generation of products, and we are launching this kind of voice-activated gameplay. What do you think will be the penetration rate? Will it wait five years to spread 70%"

"How much profit is there?" Xu Ping'an said, looking at the crowd.

Many people have tangled expressions on their faces. This new gameplay will surely be popularized very quickly once it is launched. Players will not endure this torture, and the profit is very clear.

"If I were you, the first thing now is to notify the production department to stop production, speed up the processing of the products that have been produced, and pave the way for huge profits in a few months."

"Playing games is about to enter the era of shouting out. This is the future. I don't need to say more about the result of going against this trend. Products are not eternal, but making money is eternal." Xu Ping An looked at everyone and said this. .

Everyone was silent. Soon, the boss of a manufacturer couldn't bear it anymore. He left his seat and took out the phone and started calling, "Stop production, cancel all production orders, immediately, immediately."

Hearing this roar, everyone looked over and was very surprised. This is Miao Songtao, the chairman of Linekong Group, a manufacturer of memory sticks. Linekong specializes in manufacturing storage products. Many people sighed and couldn’t stop it. Live, let's start preparing for clearance.

"Mr. Xu, I hope you promise to go public in six months, so that we have enough time," Bronson said while looking at Xu Ping An.

"Okay, I agree to this. I will be on the market in six months. I hope you will not be careless. The product is not good, but it will affect the brand reputation. Players will never suffer a second loss. Fictitious data will last forever. "Xu Ping'an said, looking at everyone.

Many people nodded their heads. What Xu Pingan said was a disease in the industry. Many products sometimes fail to meet real data. Only large manufacturers strictly abide by this rule and cherish their brand value.

Many small manufacturers don't care about this at all. After playing a brand, they immediately register a brand. They only look at the short-term and medium-term benefits, without considering the long-term issues.

"By the way, there is one more point. When we expand our promotion, we will choose two levels: the best configuration, the basic configuration, and the low-end configuration cancel."

"Game development requires higher and higher hardware requirements, and low-end configurations can't last long, so they can be cancelled directly to save time for players to complain," Xu Pingan said again.

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