Start the era of black technology

Chapter 455: Cooperate with Acting Well

"How did you recycle" Xu Ping'an asked curiously.

"Reverted to raw materials, it can be made into fiber threads by spinning from new yarns, and it can be remade into fabrics. It is amazing. A few are 34% of normal new materials. The cost advantage is huge and it is in full compliance with the quality regulations of various countries. Bert said very positively.

"How does this project plan to promote" Xu Pingan asked.

"Boss, this industry has formed a perfect industrial chain at present. We havetily intervened and it is not worth the loss. Authorizing the technology is the best way to ensure our continuous harvest."

"We maintain an authorization in each country, and many customers will cooperate with us. They have their own industrial chain. There is no problem with recycling old clothes. Using our technology will bring them big money."

"One more, you can give them an upright excuse to regenerate resources" Gilbert said with a smile.

"Hahahahaha" Xu Ping'an laughed, patted Gilbert on the shoulder and laughed and walked forward. Gilbert already knew his thoughts very well, so he didn't need to worry too much.

When the last project was inspected, Xu Ping’an stopped, turned around and waved, and everyone else left, leaving Gilbert with Xu Ping’an. Xu Ping’an asked, “How is the heavy metal extraction project going on?” .

"Boss is still undergoing intense experiments. Although it is currently possible to extract heavy metals from seawater, the cost is very high and the efficiency is very low. It needs to be upgraded."

"According to the meaning of the boss, there is no guidance, so the progress is relatively slow. According to their current speed, I am afraid that it will be difficult to achieve the predetermined goal within five years." Gilbert said seriously. This technology is not that simple, it is a very complicated one. Kind of technology.

"Did you communicate with Chen Fansheng?" Xu Ping'an continued to ask.

"Communication, the progress there is currently slow, of course, this refers to our internal speed, if it is placed in other research institutes, it is already fast," Gilbert said directly.

"You can increase the speed appropriately, control the breakthrough within two years, and be more secretive. You should know how many pairs of eyes are staring at your institute now," Xu Ping'an said while looking at Gilbert.

"I understand that I usually try not to contact these researchers. At most, I will meet with everyone to count the experimental materials they need. They will not gain anything from me," Gilbert said very positively.

"Don't be careless, have you forgotten about Rutte? We discovered it. We didn't. Who can guarantee whether there are any commercial spies in those researchers." Xu Ping'an reminded him, and Gilbert frowned.

"I understand. I will be more careful. I won't make fun of my life" Gilbert said seriously, Xu Ping'an nodded and led Gilbert into the last project team location.

After communicating with the researcher for a while, after saying a few words of encouragement, Xu Ping'an left.

"Follow your ideas, and communicate with Chen Fansheng in advance. It is best to cause the researchers to communicate and collide with each other to generate a spark of wisdom." This is what Xu Ping'an gave to Gilbert when he left the institute.

The next day, Xu Ping'an did not go to inspect the football club because Isabella came and hadn't seen it for a long time. She had to go crazy together. Darina was very upset about this.

"Xu, it will be summer vacation in a few months. I want to meet your two girlfriends in the celestial dynasty," Isabella said while looking at Xu Ping An, who was taken aback.

"Why do you have this kind of thought" Xu Ping'an was surprised, not sure what Isabella's intention was.

"It's normal. I want to see what they are like. We all know each other's existence, but we haven't met each other. We don't know how you plan to solve this in the future. Therefore, I think we are very necessary. See you," Isabella said with a natural expression in her clothes.

Xu Ping An was just about to speak, but Isabella raised her hand to cover her mouth, not allowing Xu Ping to speak.

"I didn't make a joke with you, you arranged it in advance, and we will have a vacation together. If you can't do it, I won't be seeing you." Isabella sat up and got out of bed and went to the bathroom to wash.

Xu Pingan also sat up, picked up a cigarette from the bedside table and lit a cigarette. This major problem had to be resolved. Xu Pingan has not yet figured out how to solve it.

Embracing the left and the right is not that simple, the law is not allowed, and there is a price to pay for breaking the law.

After smoking a cigarette, Xu Pingan also got up, went directly to the bathroom to wash, took a shower and came out with Isabella, changed clothes and went straight to breakfast.

Today, Isabella accompanied Xu Pingan to the Apocalypse Rangers Football Club to watch the game. This was the first home game after the completion of the new stadium. Ranieri performed very well.

This year the team has been running well. They have won the FA Cup and qualified for the European League next season. They have successfully completed their goals. Tomorrow's game will be the third last game in the Premier League.

Apocalypse Rangers VS Crystal Palace. The Apocalypse Rangers have completed their goals for this year. It can be said that they have no desires, but today's game must be won because Xu Ping'an came to the newly completed stadium to watch the game for the first time.

Moreover, this is the first game in the new stadium. If you lose, let alone Xu Ping An, the fans will not agree, neither will the head coach, nor the club management.

Therefore, the pressure on Ranieri is not small, the Crystal Palace team is also desperate at the moment, has been relegated successfully, even if all the last three games are lost, it does not matter.

However, the head coach of the Crystal Palace team can't afford to lose, and it is very likely that get out of class will be dismissed again. The team has lost the last two games, and the pressure is not small.

Therefore, today's game is very interesting. Xu Ping An came to the club accompanied by Isabella. The club general manager Visoka led the management to welcome Xu Ping's arrival at the door.

After getting off the car, Xu Pingan shook hands with Visoka and the others and entered the company directly. First, he went to the company's meeting room to listen to Visoka's report. The head coach was not there and he had already started tactics in the locker room.

"According to you, the stadium for today's game was completely full," Xu Ping'an said in surprise. This is a stadium that can accommodate 70,000 people.

"Boss, the price of our tickets has not risen, so many people have directly bought annual tickets. Just now I reported that the data of 79,000 sets of tickets sold is the data after repeated financial verification."

"We set aside 25% of the tickets for the visiting team, and according to statistics, all of them were sold. Today, the new stadium is definitely crowded," Vysoka said with a smile, and Xu Ping'an nodded with a smile.

"Pay attention to safety and prevent fights," Xu Ping'an said with a frown. It is not a trivial matter for so many fans to make trouble.

"Please don't worry, boss, we have already conducted a box with the police. Any football hooligans on the police blacklist are not allowed to enter the stadium. At the same time, we have temporarily hired security personnel to sit in the isolation zone."

"There are two barriers between the fans on both sides, separated by two meters, and three meters high are covered with barbed wire. Don't climb if you don't want to be injured. We have already explained that there are a lot of stickers on the barriers. Climbing causes injuries. Not responsible," Visoka said directly.

Xu Ping'an nodded and felt relieved. Then Xu Ping'an asked about youth training and business operations. Vysoka arranged in an orderly manner, fully demonstrating his talent.

"Boss, there is something for you to decide. The Chinese national football team will contact us and plan to have a friendly game with us during the summer transfer period. The head coach is more opposed, you see..." Visoka said here Don't say it.

China is a big market. If you want to open up the market, you have to deal with the Football Association. Vysoka is in favor of playing friendly matches, Ranieri is strongly opposed to each other on this issue.

"Seriously, I really dislike this, but sometimes I have to sacrifice for the market, let Ranieri take the reserve team to go, and cooperate with the acting well."

"You have to get it right, the cost must not be less, and you can never agree if you don't give enough appearance fees." Xu Pingan directly set the tone, and Visoka immediately agreed with a smile on his face.

"You have one that is well-made, jerseys, scarves, hats and other sports products are developed very well, just to take the route of parity. Now the economy is not good, and people don't have much money."

"Because the Apocalypse Cruiser Club is my industry, it still has a certain influence in the celestial dynasty. The development of these peripheral products is placed in the celestial dynasty. It directly cooperates with and only sells online. It is clearly announced that it is not a flagship store. All the purchases are fake"

"The price is controlled at about two hundred yuan. This price is basically affordable, and the ones you buy are genuine products. You will have an unexpected surprise." Xu Ping'an looked at Visoka with deep meaning.

Visoka was shocked at first, the price was a bit low, and then when he saw Xu Ping'an's eyes, his head immediately turned around. The boss is a celestial man and a business tycoon. He must know the celestial market better than himself.

"I understand, I really want to know what surprises there will be," Vysoka said directly, and Xu Ping'an nodded at ease.

"Let me tell you a real case. Many years ago, the Tian Dynasty had a movie shown in the whole country, with a dime per movie ticket, and the final gross box office revenue was more than 100 million."

"Of course, this may have a lot to do with the lack of film and television works at the time, but you have to consider one point. Although the price is not high, the cost is low. Large quantities will also cause qualitative changes."

"Every jersey sold has a number printed on it, and then a few numbers will be drawn for exemption, which will definitely stimulate sales. When you launch a commercial promotion in China, try to recruit those who have experience in online promotion and planning. I promise not to let you down." Xu Ping'an exhorted again.

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