Maintaining the current state is the best situation. Several companies have more or less cooperation with Tianqi Group. If the Tianqi Group is really forced to develop products to replace them, then it will become a strong competitor.

This strong competitor must not be allowed to appear. This is the unanimous will of several giant companies.

So far, the company has suffered a blow. Tianqi Group has not suffered any blows. If there is a choice, several giant companies are unwilling to launch an attack on the company.

After the company announced its complete withdrawal from the U.S. market, R&D expenditures directly increased by 3 billion U.S. dollars and began to focus on building its own systems. The company is very big, and there are already two closed systems, Apple and Tianqi.

If the company is abandoning the Android system to build its own system, the position of Android among the top five mobile phone sales companies in the world will be very embarrassing. If you want to support the Democratic Party to come to power, the Democratic Party cannot come up with a suitable candidate.

Many big companies in the United States are worried about this.

On Apocalypse Island, Xu Pingan made a phone call with Song Xinyun and Miao Yiyi. For one thing, Isabella will also appear on vacation at the end of July, and the three of you will meet.

Song Xinyun fell off the phone when he was angry, but Miao Yiyi was silent and did not give a clear answer. Xu Ping'an was also a big head for a while. Let's talk about it in a few days. This matter will always be resolved.

More than half of the overall elevation project of Tianqi Island has also been carried out. It is expected to be officially completed this year. After completion, the entire Tianqi Island has been elevated by three meters. Various drainage facilities are available and it has strong resistance to heavy rains.

The satellite R&D control center is also under intense construction. The underground building has been completed. The above-ground building is expected to be completed in another two months. The decoration will be completed in one and a half months, and the operation will begin.

The Apocalypse Institute of Oceanography has started the management of the Bay of Plenty in New Zealand. The first step is to use high-power turbines to create strong currents and remove two layers of silt on the seabed of the Bay of Plenty.

There are still a lot of toxic substances in these two layers of silt, which must be cleaned up before the treatment can be started. The diver stirs the silt on the seabed with a rake, and the silt will be taken away by the current.

It’s been several months since we started from the shore, and it’s expected that it will take some time to complete this goal. Hundreds of people are employed to do this kind of work, and the cost is not low.

Many countries are working on the project of the Tianqi Institute of Oceanography. Once the ecology of the Bay of Plenty in New Zealand is perfectly restored, the Institute of Oceanography will receive a lot of orders. The coastal ecology of many countries has begun to smell bad and must be treated. Up.

The new human project team has launched a new round of research in the original place. According to the survey, a small number of coral insects and small fish have survived, and the number is very small.

Immediately began to carefully restore the surrounding ecology to expand the habitat of these two species, hoping to increase the number to meet research needs.

Many countries have issued warnings that for the sake of mankind, no one can go to a sea area to disturb research. Anyone who violates the rules will be sanctioned. This is a warning issued by the five standing council states. No one dares to take risks to do things.

It can make people immune to most cancers. This is a product that everyone needs. If you dare to stop this kind of research, those who are sick may kill you with a gun. This is not a joke, it is very likely to happen.

A dying person can do anything, this is a certain conclusion that I want to give in my heart.

After a few days of rest on Apocalypse Island, Xu Ping'an set out again, targeting Japan, and went to Japan to inspect the investment branch of the Apocalypse Group. He had already notified Yoko Watanabe.

The financial staff of each branch of Tianqi Group is directly dispatched by the headquarters, and they are not changed all the time, but are rotated every two years. This year, the financial staff of the Japanese branch of Tianqi Investment Company has also been replaced.

The first thing the new financial staff does is to conduct a comprehensive review of the accounts. It is your responsibility if you do not review what will happen in the future, and no one dares to care.

Last year, the Japanese branch turned in a profit of US$3.8 billion, which is not much. You must know that the amount of funds that Yoko Watanabe is responsible for has reached US$5 billion.

The reason why the profit is not high is because the international market is like this. The financial industry has siphoned off the profits of many entities through borrowing interest rates, and the evil results have begun to appear. This is not a country’s problem, but a global problem.

The emergence of a financial crisis is actually a major reshuffle plus the evaporation and redistribution of profits. Every time this situation occurs, financial institutions suffer heavy losses.

The celestial dynasty and the suppression of the financial crisis are not a good thing. Failure to break the pattern and redistribute benefits will cause the foundation of vested interest groups to become inherent, and people will lose their normal channels for promotion. Then it will be a terrible thing.

In a hot spring hotel in the suburbs, Xu Pingan and Yoko Watanabe were in a hot spring. The two had a romantic experience once, and now they have no discomfort in the hot spring together.

"Yoko, what do you think about your future?" Xu Ping'an asked, with a relaxed expression on his face. The pressure in his body has just been released.

Yoko Watanabe had just brushed her teeth and rinsed next to him, and came to Xu Ping'an and sat down "Boss, I know what you mean, I won't ask for anything."

"I have a thorough view of marriage. My parents are the best example. They have been in free love and have been together for ten years. In the end they divorced and became enemies. From that time on, I gave up on marriage."

"I don't plan to get married in my whole life. Even if I have a boyfriend in the future, I can live together and never get married. To a certain extent, the marriage certificate is meaningless."

"Single is good, it will reduce a lot of unnecessary quarrels and troubles" Yoko Watanabe said with a serious expression. This is the first time I have talked to someone about my plans for the future.

For Yoko Watanabe with this kind of thinking, Xu Ping An didn't know what to say. Xu Ping An had communicated with many people about this type of problem, and found that the younger the person, the more he recognized this idea.

It's nice to be alone without getting married or having children.

When Xu Ping An just wanted to say something, Yoko Watanabe said again, "When I save enough money, I will quit my job and go to various countries around the world to play. If I am happy, I will live in this country for a period of time. a place"

"According to the current trend, in two years or so, I will submit my resignation," Yoko Watanabe looked at Xu Ping'an and said directly, not joking at all.

"Sigh..." Xu Ping'an sighed and said nothing. There was no way to deal with this kind of thinking.

Yoko Watanabe smiled when he saw Xu Ping'an's expression, and turned to Xu Ping's arms to hold Xu Ping's neck...

Xu Pingan stayed in Japan for a week before leaving Japan and flew directly to Shaanxi Province. He first inspected the Institute of Botany, and then inspected the single-man aircraft construction site.

The speed of the celestial dynasty is really not a joke with you. In just two months, the foundation of the factory area has been completed, and the personnel have been mobilized to other projects around to help. After the foundation is solidified, they will come back for other tasks. A lot faster.

A large group of people accompanied Xu Pingan around the construction site. Xu Pingan returned to the hotel and began to listen to Delbert's report. It took a long time for Delbert to finish the report.

The entire single-man aircraft factory is not that simple. It also contains environmental protection factories, photovoltaic power plants, wind power plants, micro-grid layout, and so on.

The area is very large, and the environmental protection factory is built independently, so that the sewage inside the factory will be directly discharged into the environmental protection factory to prepare for the next step of the renewable resource system.

BJ City has also launched a lot of infrastructure construction. A water system network that crosses the two circles of the city has been built in the city. In the future, sewage will be directly discharged into the water system network after treatment to increase the humidity of the city.

The environmental protection capability of Tianqi Group is universally recognized. With the taxation of single-person aircraft in the future, the municipal government will also have sufficient funds to transform the city.

"When will the ordered equipment arrive?" Xu Ping'an asked.

"Boss, we have an agreement with those equipment manufacturers. They will start to transport equipment one after another in two months. It is estimated that it will take three months to complete the transportation."

"Single-person aircraft parts will start shipping in four months. At that time, our warehouse will be completed and put into use, without delaying our trial production," Delbert said on the side, knowing exactly what Xu Ping'an wants to ask.

"Does anyone place an order now?" Xu Ping'an asked with a smile.

"Boss, we have received orders so far. There are a total of seven orders, all of which are national orders. The largest order is from the Celestial Kingdom."

"I communicated with them. The products of this order will be put into use in 20 cities to prepare for single-person aircraft assessment. Other orders are also about the same." Tonino gave a brief report on the side.

"How many employees do you expect to hire" Xu Pingan asked again.

"Boss, we did a calculation. More than 9,000 people are required to work in two shifts, not as security personnel," Takada Kaede said on the side. The recruitment ratio is not small.

"Feng Gao, when recruiting, you must remember not to cooperate with those labor dispatch companies. The employees recruited by Tianqi Group need them to work stably, and those dispatch companies will draw their hard-earned money."

"Direct recruitment means that all recruiters from dispatch companies are fakes. All applicants go directly to our designated locations to sign up, conduct a unified physical examination, and select qualified employees," Xu Pingan said directly.

"Hi, please don't worry, boss, I will arrange this," Takada Kaede stood up and said. He is in charge of production, and Kaeda is responsible for recruiting workers.

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