Start the era of black technology

Chapter 463 Artificial Intelligence, I am the pinnacle [three shifts, first shift]

Four days later, Chen Zhiping handed over the detailed planning drawings to Peng Yidong. The standards for each piece were clearly marked, and even the standards used for the pipeline were clearly specified.

Peng Yidong is also a technical background. He can understand drawings. At first glance, he feels his scalp is numb. He frowns and looks at Xu Ping An. Twice the same type".

"I know in my heart that Brother Peng should make a budget as soon as possible and we will negotiate the price. Time is tight, and now we can only spend money to buy time" Xu Ping'an said with a smile from the side.

Peng Yidong nodded, as long as you know it in your heart, don't say that I will be asking for prices.

After the two parties settled down for a while, Peng Yidong left, went directly to the airport and quickly flew back to the headquarters for verification. Xu Ping'an repeatedly confessed that this matter must be paid close attention to. Tianqi Group’s renewable resource system has already started in Dunhuang, so don’t delay. thing.

According to the practice of Tianqi Group, all branch locations must do a project that benefits the local area. Dunhuang is no exception. Tianqi Group’s public welfare project is to plant trees and afforestation to create a small wetland.

The local climate in Dunhuang is arid, and having a small wetland will also improve the local climate. The Institute of Botany has sent a team to the local area for measurement.

Whatever your local urgent needs, I will do charity.

It is precisely this stipulation that, as long as possible, all places in the Tianqi Dynasty will definitely exert their best efforts to secure the settlement of Tianqi Group's projects. It is not unreasonable to give Tianqi Group over-standard treatment.

The No. 1 Construction Company of Gansu Province undertook the construction of the renewable resource system project. At present, it has dispatched many engineering vehicles and personnel to prepare. At the same time, it has also obtained the support of the directly affiliated department to upgrade the Dunhuang Airport to a large airport.

Tianqi Group’s investment is a good opportunity for Dunhuang City. It raised a portion of its own funds and the province asked for a portion of the funds, and began to renovate the urban area by adding two open-air canals across the urban area.

The water resources needed by the canals are domestic water recovered from the renewable resource system. After a series of filtering, it is higher than the national irrigation standard.

Now the whole city is a big construction site, some small projects have already started, and the side is busy.

A whole week passed before Peng Yidong calculated the specific amount. The cost reached 4.9 billion. Peng Yidong once again went to Hangzhou to negotiate with Xu Pingan.

In just two days, the two parties reached a cooperation agreement, with a transaction price of 5.8 billion yuan, and the Tianqi Space Mining Company base was handed over to Tianchao Construction Group for construction.

After the contract was signed, Peng Yidong began to call, and the headquarters of Tianchao Construction Group began to dispatch engineering equipment and personnel to Dunhuang. The efficiency was very high.

After finishing his work, Xu Ping'an began to call in the office. Soon, the call was made. "Boss" Barry's voice came over.

"How is the new generation of synthetic steel?" Xu Pingan asked.

"Boss, the progress is not very fast, do you need my guidance?" Barry asked.

Xu Ping'an frowned and thought about "I don't need guidance, are there any products in the institute that are higher than current aviation materials".

"Yes, the new generation of carbon-titanium synthetic fiber can be applied to the exterior of rockets and satellites. It is resistant to high temperature and low temperature, and its anti-corrosion effect is only about 8% higher than the current one, which is not high," Barry said seriously.

Barry is not very satisfied with this product. The main reason is that the space corrosion resistance is not improved, which affects the value. If the outer space corrosion resistance is increased, the price will increase exponentially. Now it feels a bit tasteless.

Xu Pingan nodded in satisfaction. This material is only slightly better than the imported materials currently used by Tianqi. However, after being authorized by Tianqi Group, there is no need to purchase it at a high price.

The price can be reduced by at least 40%, which can save a lot of money, and the cost of 5 billion euros can definitely be saved.

"Contact the external authorization immediately, the price can't be lower," Xu Ping'an said directly.

"I understand that I will immediately send invitations to companies in several major countries, and I will definitely get a fortune," Barry said directly, confident of making a fortune.

"Watching you perform," Xu Pingan said with a smile, and hung up after a few words with Barry.

Drinking tea and thinking about things, "Dangdangdang" knocked on the door, "Come in" Xu Ping'an said, and Liu Wenjun pushed the door in. "Boss, Qiao Yicheng and Ding Zhijun are two managers."

"Invite them in" Xu Pingan said directly.

Liu Wenjun heard this and turned to leave, and soon came in with Ye Changlin, Xu Ping'an greeted Qiao Yicheng and Ding Zhijun to sit down and drink tea.

"What are you two doing together?" Xu Ping'an asked.

"Boss, show you a little game" Ding Zhijun gave Xu Ping'an a mobile phone with a smile on his face.

Xu Ping'an looked at the two people's phone and said, "Mr. Xu, you just need to talk," Ding Zhijun said from the side.

Xu Ping'an looked at the two suspiciously, turned on the phone, and the screen became very sci-fi, and then converged into a 3D cartoon villain with big eyes, cute and cute.

"Commander, I am Fan Xing, my life assistant, if you have anything I need to do, please order directly" Fan Xing said directly

"Play a relatively relaxing music" Xu Pingan said to the phone, and soon, a relaxing music seemed to rise.

Xu Ping'an was totally interested, and he didn't expect to break through so soon.

"Open the news, I want to watch the latest news" Xu Ping'an said directly.

A news interface appeared directly on the screen of the mobile phone, with all kinds of news on it, which dazzled you.

"Filter out entertainment news, I want to watch international news," Xu Pingan continued.

The phone page was adjusted immediately, and all that appeared was international news. Xu Ping'an immediately began various tests. The phone screen also changed back and forth, very smooth.

"Fanxing, what do you think of the international political environment" Xu Pingan asked.

"I'm sorry, Commander, according to the procedure, I don't express any political opinions." Fan Xing's little face had a serious expression, and Xu Ping'an smiled when he heard this.

"Is this our AI?" Xu Pingan said as he looked at the two.

"Yes, this is a specially made phone. At present, it can basically meet people's daily needs. If you want to continue to grow, you need to absorb all kinds of information to accumulate," Qiao Yicheng said directly.

"Mr. Xu, this is the world's first model. It is definitely much more advanced than all known artificial intelligences. I believe that after we launch the market, it will be upgraded again after a few years of growth." Ding Zhijun looked excited.

"How much does it cost?" Xu Pingan asked directly.

"Mr. Xu, the cost is really not low. The cost of this mobile phone accessory has reached 1,400 US dollars, and the labor cost is not counted." Ding Zhijun said with a serious face.

"Really worth it, I can't wait to change my phone now" Xu Ping'an said with a smile, Qiao Yicheng and Ding Zhijun both laughed.

"I plan to launch a limited edition limited edition, the price is set at six thousand dollars," Ding Zhijun said with a smile.

Xu Ping'an was taken aback. Looking at Ding Zhijun, Ding Zhijun was a little inexplicable. "Are you not awake?" Xu Ping'an said directly, with an inexplicable expression on Ding Zhijun's face.

"You sell this kind of mobile phone for six thousand dollars, which is an insult to the brand Apocalypse, and an insult to our smart program."

"Listen to me. You can't give me a cent for one ten thousand dollars," Xu Pingan said, staring into Ding Zhijun's eyes.

Buying for six thousand dollars, the head is kicked by a donkey, is six thousand dollars worthy of our smart program, it is simply a shame.

"Mr. Xu, will this price be too high" Qiao Yicheng said.


"You two are also senior talents who are in charge of large companies with multi-billion-euro assets. How come this problem of courage has never grown. It is not ashamed to sell for six thousand dollars," Xu Ping'an said very upset.

"Ding Zhijun, six thousand dollars per unit, how many units can you sell" Xu Pingan said directly.

"My plan is to have a global limit of 1,000 copies, and all of them are sold without any problems," Ding Zhijun told the truth.

"I'll handle this case, let you see how many units can be sold for $10,000," Xu Ping'an said directly while looking at the two.

"Mr. Xu, I bet that the global sales of a phone for 10,000 US dollars will not exceed 10,000," Qiao Yicheng said on the side. He is also considered a high-income group. You can't do it yourself when you spend 10,000 US dollars on a phone. come out.

"Okay, let's try, the stakes are not high, how about 100,000 Euros"

"Old Ding, do you want to participate" Xu Ping'an looked at the two and said directly.

"Participate, why not participate, I don't believe that such a price can sell 10,000 units" Ding Zhijun's stubbornness also rose.

The bet was over. Xu Ping'an looked at the two and smiled, take your time, let you see how I play.

The next day, Xu Pingan uploaded a video on social networking sites. The video was shot in Xu Pingan’s office. Xu Pingan was sitting on the sofa with a stand in front of him and his mobile phone on it.

"Fanxing, I want to watch a movie starring Galgado"

"Fanxing, I want to listen to Alizee's song"

"Fanxing, I want to watch a TV series starring Long Ma"

"Fanxing, I want to watch the news"

"Fanxing, I want to watch technology news"

"Fanxing, chat with me"

"Fanxing, I want to see the latest clothing information"

"Fanxing, there are wars in the world"

"Fanxing, I want to play a game"

"Fanxing, call Iron Man"

"Fanxing, call the Hulk"

......................... Following Xu Ping's sentence, the phone screen began to follow Xu Ping's The requirements are displayed again and again, very accurate.

[Artificial intelligence, I am the pinnacle]

After Xu Pingan's article was published on the three major social media, the entire international media was blown up, everyone was dumbfounded, and the artificial intelligence in the movie actually appeared in life.

Xu Pingan has already explained that this is his own real experience, not a special tailor-made, Apocalypse mobile phone top-secret plan, [real smartphone] redefining smartphones.

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