Start the era of black technology

Chapter 465 The goal is not clear, how do you fight [third more]

Some time ago, the world's major technology companies have already smashed artificial intelligence. Now Xu Pingan's video has completely subverted people's senses.

It can be said that the promotion of artificial intelligence by major global companies in the early stage has completely become Xu Ping's stepping stones, which makes many technology companies very painful. As Xu Ping's video continues to ferment, their stocks have begun to fall.

This situation makes many technology companies unacceptable, Fack, what is this situation?

Based on past experience, as long as I announce that I have similar research following the mainstream media reports, stock prices will surely soar. Now that artificial intelligence is so hot, stocks will fall.

Many companies have begun to look for reasons. Consulting companies have received a lot of orders. They have to analyze the reasons and start to send people to conduct questionnaire surveys in various places, such as manual questionnaires, computer questionnaires, mobile phone questionnaires, and so on. There are many methods.

After a while, I came to a conclusion that it is not that they have not kept up with mainstream themes, but that people generally believe that their achievements in artificial intelligence are difficult to surpass the Tianqi Group.

An enterprise destined to be eliminated has no investment value.

With this result, many CEOs of technology companies hit the wall with their heads. This result is too shocking.

Established companies are okay, but the life of new startups is difficult, which will be a huge blow to the next step of financing.

In Xu Pingan’s office, neither Qiao Yicheng nor Ding Zhijun had much energy. Losing 100,000 euros to Xu Pingan was not a small figure. Xu Pingan looked at them very comfortable.

"Are you convinced?" Xu Ping'an asked.

"Convinced" and "Convinced" Qiao Yicheng and Ding Zhijun are convinced, the facts are in front of them, and they are not acceptable.

"Well, for the sake of your sincere attitude, one person will be exempted from 50,000 yuan, and it will be deducted from your year-end bonus."

"I don't care about money, what I care about is your vision and courage"

"Apocalypse Technology Company, Apocalypse Game Company, the assets of these two companies are less than one billion euros, you are in charge of such a large company, your own vision must be ahead, otherwise, how to lead the company forward"

"The goal of going forward is not clear. How do you fight and run around like a headless fly? This 50,000 euros is what makes you Zhang Xing" Xu Ping's reprimanding looked at the two.

Only then did Qiao Yicheng and Ding Zhijun understand Xu Ping'an's intentions, and the two of them were convinced at this moment, completely convinced.

"Arrange for the production of mobile phones immediately. Remember, the mobile phones sold this time are our face, and the quality must be excellent to make our brand louder."

"Why foreign products are so expensive and so many people buy them? Isn't it just a good quality? The Tianqi Group brand is the same, it must be high-quality," Xu Pingan said while looking at Ding Zhijun.

"Please rest assured, Mr. Xu, I strictly implement the quality standards and will never discredit Tianqi Group" Ding Zhijun said with a serious expression.

"Mr. Xu, many people call us to ask questions about our artificial intelligence, how can I answer them?" Qiao Yicheng said worriedly, many people are not low-profile.

"Tell them that the artificial intelligence project team is only responsible to me. You don't know what's going on. Push me on. I have to see if they dare to ask me." Xu Ping'an said rudely, Qiao Yicheng immediately nod.

In the past two years, Xu Ping'an has become more and more powerful. Many people have not contacted Xu Ping'an. Instead, they have contacted the branch managers of Qiao Yicheng. Now that Xu Ping'an has taken over, a large number of people will retreat when they know it is difficult.

When the three of them were talking, "Dangdangdang" knocked on the door. "Come in" Xu Ping'an said. Liu Wenjun pushed the door in and reported "Boss, Mayor Zhang is here."

"Please," Xu Pingan said, and Liu Wenjun went out, and soon came in with Zhang Jianbin. Xu Pingan shook hands with Zhang Jianbin and greeted Zhang Jianbin to sit down.

Qiao Yicheng and Ding Zhijun both said hello to Zhang Jianbin and left. Xu Ping An and Zhang Jianbin were left in the room, and no one interrupted their conversation.

"Mayor, what's the matter today?" Xu Ping'an said with a smile, his hands kept moving, changing into new tea leaves and making tea.

"What else can I do? I'm here to ask you, what is the stage of your Tianqi Group's artificial intelligence?" Zhang Jianbin looked at Xu Ping'an and asked.

"It's a far cry, now it's just a more advanced question and answer machine," Xu Ping'an said directly, and Zhang Jianbin narrowed his eyes to look at Xu Ping'an.

Zhang Jianbin didn't believe Xu Ping'an at all. The kind of spirituality shown in the video is not comparable to a simple question and answer machine. This kid did not tell the truth.

"Really, I don't think it looks like" Zhang Jianbin said directly, and Xu Ping'an smiled after hearing it.

"In your mind, what is artificial intelligence?" Xu Ping'an looked at Zhang Jianbin and said directly. Zhang Jianbin who asked in one sentence couldn't answer.

"The so-called artificial intelligence means that the machine can think within the frame, and if you give a vague command, he can clearly understand what you mean. If you don't think, it can't be called artificial intelligence."

"Our starry system does not currently have this capability. It must continue to absorb data and grow. It has decades of accumulation before it can be called artificial intelligence."

"Following orders is one thing, and it's completely different from artificial intelligence." Xu Ping'an explained a little bit, and Zhang Jianbin nodded, simple and understandable.

"According to you, it will take decades for the birth of artificial intelligence," Zhang Jianbin said directly.

"Not necessarily. After so many years of development in the United States, in order to be sure to launch artificial intelligence first, we are inherently weak in this regard," Xu Ping An said very positively.

"What is weak, the technical problem is still the material problem" Zhang Jianbin said directly.

"Environmental issues" Xu Ping'an has a serious expression on his face.

Zhang Jianbin was taken aback. It was a joke if there was any problem with artificial intelligence and the environment.

"The development of artificial intelligence must absorb a large amount of data growth. Eighty percent of the data is collected on the Internet. During the growth process, the logical analysis program is perfected step by step. Many things in our environment are not allowed to be discussed."

"Many words are blocked. In this environment, the growth of artificial intelligence is inherently insufficient. To tell you the truth, I have made a plan. The artificial intelligence project team will relocate to the French Tianqi Technology Company to continue research and development" Xu Pingan looked at Zhang Jianbin said directly.

Zhang Jianbin opened his mouth and couldn't speak. There was nothing to say about this kind of thing, and you couldn't tell Xu Ping An to keep the project. Zhang Jianbin thought of many reasons to persuade Xu Ping An.

With a long sigh, none of these reasons work. You can't change this kind of thing.

"Can foreign countries avoid such things?" Zhang Jianbin said directly.

"There are also restrictions in foreign countries, but the restrictions are much less. Let me give you an example and you will understand that the media in the United States can scold their president. Can our country?

"Ordinary people can go up and pour water on celebrities when they are speaking, is that okay in our country?"

"A product was suspected of curative effect, and it was arrested across provinces after issuing a questioning article. The news report quickly disappeared and was harmonized."

"Wait, there are many things like this. The growth of an artificial intelligence requires all kinds of good and bad information, and the data flow required is very huge."

"After the information appears, distinguish according to the logic program, those are good, those are bad, what is true, good and beautiful, what is evil and evil"

"What is legal, what is illegal, and so on, you must have a clear thinking and cognition."

"After analyzing this information, the logic program can be corrected bit by bit and perfected bit by bit. Otherwise, growth will be impossible." Xu Ping'an looked at Zhang Jianbin and said directly, and Zhang Jianbin nodded.

"Then how does your Fanxing system avoid these problems at present" Zhang Jianbin continued to ask.

"The current release is a castrated version that circumvents all political issues"

"After the project team is relocated to the French branch, it will be improved step by step. The Tianchao is not within this range. In the future, the Tianchao will only run the castrated version, and will not upgrade the full version."

"I'm a businessman, I don't want to cause trouble," Xu Ping'an looked at Zhang Jianbin and said directly, without any joking on his face.

Xu Pingan communicated with Zhang Jianbin for more than forty minutes, before Zhang Jianbin left and sent Zhang Jianbin away. Xu Pingan stood at the window and looked outside, his thoughts a little confused.

It took a while before I returned to the sofa to sit down, took out the phone and started making a call, and it took a long time for Song Xinyun's voice to be heard.

"I told Miao Yiyi about taking a holiday together in August. She has agreed and it's up to you now"

"If you agree, come to Hangzhou in the last three days and I will arrange for someone to apply for a visa for you."

"If you don't agree, you don't need to come over." Xu Ping'an hung up after speaking, feeling upset and didn't want to talk so much to Song Xinyun. This kind of petty temper made Xu Ping'an very annoying.

Song Xinyun, who was sitting in the office in Jinling, listened to the disconnection sound from the phone, with an angry expression on his face, looking at the phone's face being cloudy.

He shouted "Asshole" loudly, raised his hand and threw the phone out.

With a "pop", the phone fell to the wall and fell to the ground.

Song Xinyun looked at the phone with a very aggrieved expression on her face, "Ah ah ah ah" she lay on the table and started to cry. The secretary heard it outside.

After looking through the glass, he immediately started to act, and transferred out the people in the two rooms next to him. The others also heard a little bit, and all of them were very cooperative.

Soon, there were no people in the rooms around Song Xinyun. All the staff were temporarily working in other rooms. I have to say that Song Xinyun's secretary is very emotional.

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