Start the era of black technology

Chapter 478 Boeing Crisis

The agreement was reached, and the five people had a drink together in the evening and further discussed some specific matters. The next day, the four chairman left Tianqi Island.

Xu Pingan called Sun Wenbin over and explained that "the weight loss project team was separated from the new human project team, and a separate area was set aside for research experiments in the Tianqi Institute of Oceanography."

"Buildings can only be built on the ground, underground buildings are not allowed to enter. You must set permissions to prohibit outsiders from entering. You know the importance of underground projects and arrange for personnel to strengthen security."

"I understand that I will make preparations. The researcher's authority is limited to their laboratory, and no entry is allowed in any other place." Sun Wenbin already understood what Xu Ping'an meant.

Xu Ping'an nodded, and asked Sun Wenbin to immediately rub his head after asking some more things. This time he could only do that. He made a mistake in his calculations and lost a big profit project.

I felt a little depressed, so I left the room and went for a walk outside. It is picturesque and the air is fresh. Taking a walk is good for the body.

Time slowly passed, and there are still a few days before the traditional Christmas holiday in the West. Airbus Group issued a global media invitation letter, asking all media to verify a miracle.

Xu Pingan smiled when he saw this. Airbus has now learned to be a gimmick with Tianqi Group. Needless to say, Airbus's European company has completed the production of the first batch of hydrogen-powered aircraft and has undergone test flights.

I took out the phone and dialed it directly, and soon the phone was connected. "Mr. Xu, what's the matter?" Ji Xueyi's weak voice came over, and Xu Ping'an was taken aback.

"Are you okay, are you sick, and weak in how you speak" Xu Ping'an said directly.

Ji Xueyi patted herself on the head, "Boss Xu, it's one o'clock in the morning, how can I be energetic".

Xu Ping An was a little embarrassed after listening, and forgot about the jet lag. "Sorry, I forgot the jet lag, or if you continue to sleep, I will call you back in eight hours."

"Just say it, now I can't sleep even when I lie down" Ji Xueyi said helplessly.

"After you wake up, immediately concentrate your funds on shorting Boeing stocks. Airbus is about to announce the hydrogen-powered aircraft. You know what this means," Xu Ping'an said directly.

"I made arrangements immediately. I have been paying attention to this matter. Three billion US dollars have been reserved and useless. I will proceed immediately." Ji Xueyi is in spirit, but Boeing is very fat.

"You take a break first, now you can't do anything, you can arrange it after work," Xu Ping'an said directly.

"I understand" Ji Xueyi agreed, and hung up the phone after chatting with Xu Pingan for a few words.

Xu Pingan hung up the phone and began to re-appropriate, directly calling Yoko Watanabe, with exactly the same content, and fully shorting Boeing stock.

Yoko Watanabe did not know about the hydrogen-powered aircraft. After asking about it, he knew what to do. Hydrogen energy can reduce fuel costs by more than 60%. No airline can refuse this temptation.

After the task was arranged, Xu Ping'an relaxed, and this time he could make a good payment. At least the newly purchased island construction cost could be earned, and he was in a good mood.

Time slowly passed. On this day, major media reporters from all over the world gathered at the Airbus Group headquarters in Toulouse, France. Instead of holding the press conference hall, they were specially arranged in a large warehouse. The huge space was crowded.

Soon, Norton, the chairman of Airbus Group, appeared. The flashes on the scene flickered. Norton waved his hand and the scene fell silent.

"Thank you all friends from the media for coming. Today, I will announce a major event, a plan to change the aircraft industry."

"Through our unremitting efforts, the Airbus hydrogen aircraft was officially born" Norton announced this event loudly.

Immediately after the lights behind Norton were all turned on, an airplane with smooth lines appeared in front of the world, and everyone began to license the license plate, the hydrogen-powered airplane, which was the first in the world.

"Everyone, don't worry, I will give you time to ask questions after the announcement. At the same time, I will ask you to take photos of our hydrogen aircraft Century. It is completely open to you" Norton said with a smile, and the reporters began to calm down.

"Let me introduce to everyone that the flying cost of this kind of hydrogen-powered aircraft is very low. Compared with the old aircraft using aviation crude oil, the fuel cost can be saved by 68% for the same flying distance."

"In addition to reforming the fuel, the outer layer of the Century aircraft has also been upgraded. According to our tests, the anti-lightning and anti-electromagnetic interference capabilities are improved by 22% compared to any aircraft in the world."

"At the same time, we have also made changes in the interior decoration. Passengers can use mobile phones, tablets and other devices in the cabin without affecting the aircraft."

"Everyone is here. Birds in the air are the biggest threat to aircraft. After we use new materials, the impact resistance has been increased by 35%, and safety has been greatly improved."

"The most important thing is that hydrogen-powered aircraft is very environmentally friendly and will not produce the four greenhouse gases that are produced when fuel is burned. We have only one earth and we must take care of it."

"For our planet, please choose to take a hydrogen-powered airplane and contribute to environmental protection!"

Norton’s words were recorded by the media, and many people were excited. Airbus is the pride of European aerospace, and the European media must be hyped.

Everyone knows that Boeing is in trouble, and the two largest aircraft manufacturing companies in the world are fighting.

"Excuse me, is this kind of hydrogen-powered aircraft unique to Airbus?" A reporter took the opportunity to ask questions first.

"No, I want to make one point here. The aircraft hydrogen engine is a patent of Tianqi Group. We have an agreement. This aircraft hydrogen engine can only be authorized by two companies in the world."

"Airbus Group is one company, and Tianchao Chuanneng Aviation Industry Group is another. Only these two companies can produce hydrogen-powered aircraft. Without the permission of Airbus Group and Chuanneng Aviation Industry Group, Tianqi Group shall not authorize other companies." Norton announced this directly.

Many people have a suddenly realized expression. They all remembered that it was Norton who took the lead in selling Airbus engine technology to Tianqi Group. Now it seems that an agreement has already been negotiated.

"Excuse me, Mr. Norton, has Airbus Group already received orders? Has the Chinese company started producing hydrogen-powered airplanes?" a British media reporter asked.

"I can tell you very clearly that we have received orders from eight companies, including Tianqi Group, for a total of 140 aircraft."

"As for when Tianchao Chuanneng Aviation Group will launch its own aircraft, I don't know. At present, Airbus is the only company that has finished hydrogen-powered aircraft." Norton smiled and answered reporters' questions.

Next, Norton calmly answered the questions of the reporters on stage. After more than 40 minutes, he invited the reporters to take photos of the Century. Today's press conference was very successful.

Xu Pingan smiled at the live broadcast. At the beginning, there was an agreement with Airbus Group and Chuanneng Aviation Group. Whoever launches the hydrogen aircraft first, Tianqi Group, will purchase 30 at a time, all of which will be allocated to Tianqi Logistics.

It now appears that Airbus is leading, not because the Sichuan Energy Aviation Group is slow, but because it has lost time in analyzing the carbon-magnetic supercharging technology for hydrogen engines.

Otherwise, they will never lag behind Airbus Group at the speed of the sky. The two companies have different technological accumulations, and their understanding of carbon magnetic supercharging technology is also different.

The press conference is not over yet, and the people watching the live broadcast have already started to act. Financial institutions responded very quickly and immediately began to increase their positions in Airbus Group stocks.

At the same time, all you can do to liquidate Boeing's stock, you know why, this moment is more efficient. If you are one step faster, it means that you can earn more and accompany you less.

Soon, the shares of Airbus Group rose rapidly just like riding on a rocket. Correspondingly, the shares of Boeing in the United States began to plummet wildly.

Two days before Christmas, Airbus Group gave Boeing a big gift, and at the same time, it also gave a big gift to the US stock market, which completely disrupted this Christmas.

Anyone who buys Boeing stock will definitely be uncomfortable this Christmas. Sitting in the room with the fireplace, there will be no warmth in the heart, cooling off the cold.

Saving 68% of fuel costs means that all airlines around the world cannot be stubborn. The fuel costs saved are pure profits.

Not only did Boeing’s stock fall, but the price of international crude oil began to fall again. Aircraft no longer use aviation fuel. This is a huge negative for international oil prices.

Many oil-producing countries hate Airbus Group and Tianqi Group. Your sister, you have nothing to do with it. Oil applications have lost a huge market.

The stock price of General Motors in the United States has also risen rapidly. Hughes can really wake up with a smile when he sees this result. The brainless Eric Oil Company gave the golden mountain of hydrogen energy to General Motors.

Hugh was very relieved, and his grievances against Martin were much less. You must thank Martin for opportunities.

The directors of Eric Petroleum Group have a collective gloomy face. Martin, a bastard, if he didn't use any means to calculate the Apocalypse Group, now Eric Petroleum's stock has soared.

It's all money. Now it's cheap and universal. Martin is a bitch.

Hughes couldn't see Martin anymore. After Eric Petroleum reconciled with Tianqi Group, Martin was sent to the bottom of the Pacific to travel, and he would never be back in his life.

It caused such a big loss to the company. Some time ago, they made a lot of money by relying on super fuels and super engines. They lost money. All of this was caused by Martin's selfishness and must pay a price.

Boeing’s stock plummeted so fast. Everyone clearly felt that there were several forces that were collectively shorting Boeing. Who didn’t know, and I’m afraid that if they finally knew who was shorting, they wouldn’t stop.

Qualcomm Group, Microsoft Group, United Arab Fund, etc., as well as Tianqi Group, are all powerful companies. The people who were at the dinner before the Magic City participated in the Davos meeting all shot.

Boeing’s big piece of fat was bitten by a pack of wolves. It depends on who ate more. One invested more money than one. At the close of the day, Boeing’s stock price had plummeted 56%.

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