Start the era of black technology

Chapter 480 The Era of You Taking Advantages and Lying Down and Making Money is Over

The business owners of the Tian Dynasty, no matter how big or small, see this result, they only have deep admiration. The facts are there. From this incident, we can see the influence of Tianqi Group in the world.

When can one's own company have this kind of influence, not to mention reaching the level of Tianqi Group, even if it is 10%, it will be satisfied if you die.

While these people were feeling emotional, Tianqi Group once again issued a statement that from now on, Tianqi Group’s patent authorization will be charged globally.

The news spread directly caused an uproar in the business world. Many companies were shocked. The global authorization is unified. In the future, it will cost a lot of money to purchase Tianqi Group's patents.

Wei Dongshuo and Chen Qingshan are also shocked. They do not understand why Xu Pingan did this. The patent licensing fees of domestic companies are generally lower than those of foreign countries by half. Now they are unified, many companies will not be able to afford it. From.

At present, there are as many as 2,000 domestic companies that have patent cooperation with Tianqi Group. Now the price has risen, and there will be a flurry of turmoil immediately. Many companies are beginning to worry.

Zhang Jianbin saw this statement in his office, and he sighed long. His hunch was correct. Xu Ping'an really wanted to unify the patent licensing fees, and the days when domestic enterprises took advantage are gone forever.

The domestic riots started, and only the foreign media received unanimous praise and commented one after another. This step of Tianqi Group is a key step towards a large international enterprise, and it is not far away to become a standard international giant.

Many countries have also followed up to comment. Tianqi Group’s approach is considered a qualified international giant, and equal treatment is the basic quality of an international enterprise.

These media are pulling hatred for the Tianqi Group, worrying that the matter is not big enough, they must pull enough hatred for the Tianqi Group.

Blitz, the word can perfectly describe the intentions of these media.

Chen Qingshan called but didn't answer

Wei Dongshuo called but didn't answer

Zhang Jianbin called but still didn't answer

Qiao Liangqing called but continued to not answer

...............Xu Ping'an just doesn't answer the phone.

Soon, Xu Pingan, the official website of Tianqi Group, published an article explaining in detail the original intention of the unified patent licensing fee this time.

Tianqi Group is a celestial enterprise. In the spirit of common development, Tianqi Group has been paying only 48% of the normal foreign patent licensing fees for domestic enterprises.

The purpose of this is to hope that domestic enterprises can produce competitive products after obtaining low-price authorizations, so as to obtain better profits. With good profits, they can invest R&D funds to update products and increase competitiveness. .

Chinese companies have a weak foundation and must invest a lot of money in research and development to keep up with the international situation, but the results are very disappointing.

After domestic companies have obtained the patent authorization, the profits obtained are not invested in research and development, but invested in the financial and real estate industries to speculate and obtain greater benefits.

In the past few years, these companies have made great profits. If you are not willing to develop and upgrade if you are not short of money, then I don't need to give you preferential prices.

Tianqi Group’s R&D expenditure last year reached 24 billion euros.

After the full unified fee, you will get more research and development funds to enhance your research strength.

Tianqi Group’s R&D investment will not decrease. This year’s R&D expenditure will definitely exceed last year’s amount, creating a new high for R&D investment.

Constant self-improvement is the foundation of Tianqi Group's development and growth!

The era when you take advantage of it and lie down to make money is over!

After Xu Pingan's article was published, many people were silent after reading it. Many bigwigs looked at the article without saying a word, and their desire to send someone to talk to Tianqi Group about this matter was also gone.

Xu Pingan did not tell lies. The bigwigs know what those companies are doing every day, just like the new energy subsidy policy issued by the state.

The original intention is to subsidize companies so that you can increase your R&D efforts.

The result is not good. All of them have become a tool for making money. Real estate speculation is the largest real estate speculation group. Companies are experiencing delisting crisis or ST hat crisis. It is very simple to make a profit. Selling dozens of apartments can easily achieve profitability. .

After so many years of subsidies, there is still a huge gap between technology and foreign countries. This is why, insiders know what is going on.

Sometimes too much control is a kind of poison, and many big brothers have a sense of understanding in their hearts.

Many entrepreneurs who are really committed to R&D have smiled knowingly, knowing very well that the time for shuffling has come, and the business life will get better and better, because the upgraded products are fundamentally different.

The market will make the best choice, and those low-tech products will face greater competition.

Entrepreneurs who wanted to do things also extinguished the flames in their hearts. After this article appeared, public opinion completely changed. Quite a few people expressed support for Xu Ping's statement.

While everyone was still discussing this matter, Tianqi University of Science and Technology directly issued a statement that once again shook the entire celestial dynasty and made many people feel incredible.

Tianqi University of Science and Technology has become the first batch of students to enter the junior year. So far, all the first batch of students have begun to earn monthly salaries.

Many companies recognize these students, and give a minimum monthly salary of 5,000 Tianchao currency and a maximum of 30,000 Tianchao currency. Once these students graduate and formally enter the job, their monthly salary will be doubled. These conditions have already formed a legal contract.

Products or equipment designed by 327 classmates were purchased by companies. Of these 327, 31 entered the ranks of multimillionaires, and all the others entered the ranks of millionaires.

The King’s international students are currently all earning monthly salary for positions in their own companies, with the lowest income reaching 8,000 local currency monthly salary, and the highest reaching 400,000 local currency monthly salary.

Sixty-seven of them have entered the ranks of multimillionaires.

Among the students of this year, 87 will join the major research institutes of Tianqi Group.

In the three years since its establishment, Tianqi University of Science and Technology has achieved a total of 199 major scientific and technological achievements and 622 small-scale scientific and technological achievements.

It was a deep fry, everyone was surprised. Unexpectedly, Tianqi University of Science and Technology had achieved this kind of results, including the relevant departments.

Then Ronghua Group, one of the top ten domestic enterprises, issued a statement that for the same position, it would rather accept students with a junior college degree from Tianqi University of Science and Technology than other people with a doctoral degree.

In terms of actual hands-on ability, there is too much difference between the two. Students who graduated from Tianqi University of Science and Technology can meet the needs of enterprise technology, but doctoral students need up to three years of training to barely adapt.

In addition, the company accepted ten students from Tianqi University of Science and Technology. During the six months, the company carried out three transformations in its production lines, product upgrades, and R&D departments, creating a profit of no less than one billion for the company.

We believe that giving Tianqi University of Science and Technology students a monthly salary of 10,000, and a salary of more than 30,000 after graduation, is completely in the company's interest.

After this statement appeared, it completely pushed Tianqi University of Science and Technology to the forefront. A pilot private university could achieve such an achievement, which blinded the eyes of many university management.

Many university managements have a look of envy and hatred. They know more. The professor certification of Tianqi University of Science and Technology is different from the national certification level.

Publishing your papers in international scientific journals is not considered as a certification condition. Everything is certified based on your actual scientific research results, and then you receive a subsidy from the school.

The various benefits are quite high, and R&D funding is even more terribly sufficient. If you don’t ask them, you must work hard to get R&D funding.

At this time, Tianqi Logistics Group also came to join in the fun. Cao Deshun directly announced that Airbus Group will deliver the first batch of ten hydrogen energy cargo aircraft to Tianqi Logistics Group.

With these ten hydrogen energy cargo planes, Tianqi Logistics' transportation costs will be further reduced, and the efficiency can be increased by 20%. Tianqi Logistics will not increase prices this year.

You know, after the end of this year, many logistics companies have started to raise prices. If the price is not raised, it will not work. After the implementation of the new highway management method, transportation costs have risen linearly, and profits have been further diluted.

Now that Tianqi Logistics has announced that it will not raise prices, it will definitely usher in a wave of customer growth peaks. Tianchao's logistics industry has begun to reshuffle, and those who can't continue will definitely go bankrupt.

Peng Yidong has been watching various news reports in the hotel these days. Unexpectedly, Tianqi Group is so fierce this year. It will be a big deal at the beginning of the year, and then various methods have firmly occupied the headlines of major media.

With so many media reports, if calculated as advertising costs, 700 or 800 million each can't be taken down, and he has an expression of envy.

"I can come up with the budget tomorrow, and leave after signing the contract. It's too damn exciting."

"They are all companies, so why is the gap so big" Peng Yidong said to himself.

At noon the next day, Peng Yidong received the budget from the company. It was not low. Two deep-water terminals and one airport would cost 6.5 billion in total for these three projects.

Seeing this price, Peng Yidong took a deep breath.

After tidying up, I left the hotel and took a bus to the headquarters of Tianqi Group. Before Peng Yidong arrived at Tianqi Group, another domestic news broke.

As the representative of Dongdongwang Logistics, Liu Dongdong signed a contract for fifty hydrogen energy cargo aircraft with Chuanneng Aerospace Industry Group. The fuel aircraft currently owned by the company is directly processed at half price.

Don’t replace it. The cost pressure makes also very uncomfortable. The cost will drop a lot after replacing it with a hydrogen aircraft. Otherwise, it will need to lay off employees.

Being good to logistics employees has always been an important role for Liu Dongdong, and he must stick to it. Therefore, buying a hydrogen-powered cargo plane is a matter of course.

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