Start the era of black technology

Chapter 490: The total investment is up to 20 billion pounds

In the manor, Isabella held a pot of tea and a cup on the coffee table, smiled at a few people, and left. The environmental agencies of France, Britain, and the two countries looked envious when they saw this place.

This is a princess, so empathetic, this bastard Xu Ping can really enjoy it.

Xu Pingan looked at it carefully with a document, but did not notice the expressions of the two. This document was a plan proposed by Britain and France for ecological problems in the English Channel.

At present, the Tianqi Institute of Marine Ecology has a real successful case of global marine ecological restoration. Although other companies also promote their own cases, the big guys are very clear about what is going on.

The marine ecological restoration cases of these companies have a lot of moisture. The marine ecological environment of the English Channel is too bad, and many companies have contacted the governments of the two countries.

But the two countries dare not give out a contract. Xu Ping’an said that eight billion euros would not accept this business. It can be seen how difficult it is. The quotations of four and five billion are for the real estate, not for Solve the problem.

"Mr. Calle, I, Tianqi Group, will not participate in this plan," Xu Ping'an said with a smile on his face. After speaking, he put the plan on the table.

Calle is the special commissioner of the British Environment Agency, and he came to discuss this matter with Xu Ping'an with his French counterparts. William has reported Xu Ping's original remarks. In addition, the situation is not optimistic.

This matter cannot be resolved with the power of one country alone. After the high-level discussions between Britain and France, they sent personnel to discuss cooperation with Xu Ping An.

The plan just given is the first one, requiring the Tianqi Institute of Marine Ecology to eliminate the bacteria on the seabed. The price of 2 billion pounds is obviously a tentative agreement.

"Xu, if it's because of the price, we can negotiate," Kallai said while looking at Xu Ping An.

"Mr. Calle, I negotiated with William about this matter, and provided our inspection report to your government. Even if I paid an eight billion pounds contract, I would not accept this project."

"The ecological deterioration of the seabed cannot be changed in one or two years. It will take at least five years to resolve the stock of viruses and bacteria. Will you give me five years?"

"One more thing, in the past five years, we have to spend about 1 billion pounds every year, and the budget you gave is only 2 billion pounds. What should I do, lose money to do this business?"

"If we really want to cooperate, we must show sincerity. I think Mr. Calle knows what I mean," Xu Ping'an said directly.

"Xu, I understand what you mean, if you increase the investment in manpower and material resources, can you see short-term results?" Corey asked from the side.

Corey is a member of the French side, a marine ecology expert, sent over to discuss with Xu Ping An can reduce a lot of trouble.

"Corey, you are very aware of the power of seabed bacteria. You said how much money you need to invest in a short period of time. Even if your two countries are united, are you willing to pay this fee?" Xu Ping'an looked at Corey and said directly .

Corey shook his head slowly, clearly aware of the difficulty in it, this time if it wasn't impossible, he would not be willing to participate in this matter.

Kalai is not a technical person, and he can understand the expression on Corey's expression. The difficulty is more difficult than he thought, frowning and thinking seriously.

"Xu, is there a way that doesn't cost so much," Kallai asked.

"There are ways. First, we can only temporarily solve the problem of the virus here. We are not responsible for the restoration of marine ecology. Second, ban fishing. If fishing is prohibited for more than 20 years, the ecology will gradually recover." Xu Pingan said directly One sentence.

That kind of bacteria can be solved, and it can be solved by adding another kind of fungus. A quick solution to this problem has a big sequelae, that is, the recovery time of marine ecology will be delayed for a long time.

Kalai frowned and banned fishing for 20 years. This is impossible. "Xu, if you give you three years, how much can you achieve? Can't you restrict fishing after three years?"

"Yes, but can you stay restricted?" Xu Ping'an asked back, and Kallai smiled and stopped talking.

"I have a plan here. Take a look. If you can, you don't need to invest a lot of money immediately, and the goal of governance can also be achieved." Xu Ping'an finished speaking and threw out the plan that had been prepared.

Carle and Corey took it over and began to look back. It seemed that this plan was a collective discussion within the Institute of Oceanography, and within ten years, it would basically be possible to restore the English marine ecology.

The first is that fishing is prohibited for three years, and no fishing is allowed. Anyway, the fish and shellfish resources here have been infected, and even if you catch it, you cannot sell it.

The next day, three years later, the designated fishing license will be issued. The net fishing method is adopted. After the fishing cage is placed under the designated area, you can collect it again after a period of time, and you can only fish once.

The Tianqi Institute of Oceanography will plan 50 locations where fishing cages are arranged. The harvest depends on God’s will. This fishing method needs to be maintained for a minimum of ten years.

Article 3, the annual cost of 3 billion pounds for the first three years was used to treat poisonous fungi and seabed disinfection.

Article 4, the fourth year requires 2 billion pounds of expenses, the fifth year requires 1.5 billion pounds of expenses, and from the sixth year, the 1 billion pounds of expenses lasts for ten years.

The fee is prepaid, and the fee for the second year must be paid at the end of November each year. This cannot be changed.

With these sixteen years, the marine ecology that has collapsed can be saved.

Article 5: Fuel cargo ships are completely prohibited from appearing in the ecological restoration area and surrounding waters, and vessels without super paint are completely prohibited from appearing in the ecological restoration area and surrounding waters.

As long as these five items can be achieved, Tianqi Institute of Oceanography can sign this contract and have the confidence to restore the marine ecosystem here.

"This plan does not require a lot of investment from your two countries at one time, and your pressure will be reduced a lot. I hope you go back and hurry up and negotiate a result, because the Americans have already reached the Apocalypse Island."

"Gentlemen, five days is the limit. You know the urinary sex of Americans. I can't hold it. If we sign a contract with Americans, the contract on your side can only be postponed."

"We have limited manpower and it is impossible to carry out multiple marine ecological restoration projects at the same time," Xu Pingan said directly while looking at them.

Kalai was really surprised after listening. He understood the pressure Xu Pingan was facing. The U.S. people's urinary sex is very clear. The pollution in the coastal waters there is also very serious. The U.S. people must take action to control their own. Offshore ecology.

Kallai said with a serious expression, "Xu, we will definitely recover within five days, and we will submit this report for high-level review."

The three chatted for a while and the two of them said goodbye. After Xu Ping'an sent them away, they returned to the living room, took a sip from the teacup, and Isabella came over.

"Have you negotiated?" Isabella asked.

Xu Ping'an shook his head, "No, it's not a small difficulty, it costs a lot, and they are more cautious."

"I understand that the situation in the Kattegat Strait is only a little better than that on the English Channel. The two countries have negotiated to resolve this matter for almost a month and there is no news."

"British and French reacted so quickly this time, it's really a bit unexpected," Isabella said directly.

Xu Ping'an nodded, and he did not expect the two countries to react so quickly. "Isabella, the future of mankind is in outer space, not on the earth. The earth is destroyed by mankind too much."

"I have to increase investment in space projects. Maybe one day, the two of us can go to the moon," Xu Ping'an said with a smile.

"Pop" Isabella blushed and hit Xu Ping'an on the shoulder.

It is clear what Xu Ping'an is referring to. There are a lot of tricks to be with myself these days, and I must have learned it from those fox spirits, but the taste is really fascinating.

The two of them had a fight and went for a walk together. The weather is fine today, and it's good to take a walk and chat.

Four days later, Xu Ping'an received a call to formally negotiate. Xu Ping'an directly called Bruce, and Bruce, as a plenipotentiary representative, started negotiations with the personnel dispatched by the two countries.

Negotiations ended in one morning, with only a small modification. The annual cost of 3 billion pounds for the first three years was changed to 3 billion pounds for the first two years, and 2.5 billion pounds for the third year. Making changes.

The savings of 500 million pounds is not a small figure. After Bruce asked Xu Ping An for instructions, he signed an agreement with the representatives of the two countries. After the first funds were received, Tianqi Institute of Oceanography sent personnel to start operations.

Three hundred people will be recruited from French fishermen and two hundred from British fishermen. These 500 people are temporary workers and work for three to four months, mainly engaged in seabed cleaning.

At the same time, the Tianqi Institute of Oceanography began to carry out large-scale fungus cultivation work, and almost when the seabed was cleared, it began to arrange large-scale bacteria to solve this poisonous bacteria.

Soon, the official website of Tianqi Group, the United Kingdom and France, announced the incident, and the 16-year marine ecological restoration project on the English Channel was officially launched, with a total investment of up to 20 billion pounds.

This news really shocked the world. No one thought that Britain and France would be so determined. With the bans issued by the two countries, everyone felt the determination of the two countries.

The first prohibition prohibits all fishing operations within the English Channel.

The second prohibition prohibits all fuel oil vessels from passing through the English Channel, and warships are no exception.

Article 3 prohibits all fish and shellfish in the English Channel from being sold on the market.

There are a total of eight prohibitions. Violation of the penalties is very severe. In order to restore the marine ecology, both countries have made great determination and have begun to introduce subsidies to domestic fishermen.

The Apocalypse Institute of Oceanography has also issued an announcement that it will no longer accept orders for marine ecological restoration. The Bay of Plenty Contract and the English Channel Contract in New Zealand have already occupied all of our manpower. We really can't spare any manpower, so I can only apologize.

At the same time, I also understand the mood of various countries to manage the deterioration of marine ecology, and give all countries two suggestions.

First, a total ban on fuel oil cargo ships and fuel oil fishing vessels in polluted waters.

Second, a comprehensive inspection of oil spills on sea-going vessels and a comprehensive inspection of the collection of human excrement on sea-going vessels will produce some mitigation effects.

The reason for emphasizing the management of human excrement is that under normal conditions of marine ecology, it will not be affected by excrement, but has the effect of mutual promotion.

The marine ecology is already in the collapse stage, and excrement will aggravate this phenomenon. Collect excrement and prevent it from being discharged into the ocean, which can be somewhat reduced.

Even if it can slow down a little bit of marine ecological collapse, it is worth it.

With the announcement of the Apocalypse Institute of Marine Biology, many countries have begun to take action. Many countries have given specific time limits. The minimum is three months for oil spills and excrement within the specified time. deal with.

After the time is exceeded, once it is found that there is no perfect handling method, a heavy penalty will be imposed, depriving you of the right to ship activities at sea.

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