Start the era of black technology

Chapter 505 Save Me Some Face [Two in One Chapter]

Several people discussed in the study for more than three hours before they ended. They had a drink together at noon and then they separated. The four people could take a day off before leaving France.

Xu Pingan was drinking tea in his room, and was talking to Protoss in his mind, "Protoss, you can calculate, based on the current progress, is it possible to complete the construction of the translatitude aircraft in my lifetime".

"The probability is only 1.8%, although it is very low, but according to your current layout, it will gradually increase, and it is expected to increase to the maximum standard in ten years."

"I will conduct a comprehensive analysis ten years later. At that time, it will be more accurate. If the feasibility is less than 20%, I will go to sleep and save energy to the greatest extent" Xingling said directly.

"With this kind of foundation now, plus your ten-year support, if it still can't reach 20%, I have no complaints." Xu Ping'an said this sentence seriously.

Although it was difficult, it was already on this road. Xu Ping'an didn't plan to look back, and was very yearning for the high-latitude world depicted by the Star Spirit.

One life is only a hundred years, and one must pursue something.

Xu Pingan took a few days off and attended several cocktail parties. He also held a private cocktail party, inviting all his friends to the party to consolidate the relationship.

After finishing this time, I set off to return to China. The New Year is almost here. The year-end awards of the various branches of the Celestial Dynasty have basically been issued, and various benefits have begun to be distributed one after another.

The duty schedule has been released, and the company has begun to take holidays step by step. Xu Ping'an stayed at the headquarters for a few days and stopped going to the company, and accompanied his parents at home to prepare for the New Year.

The only place where work is still working as usual is Idrius Island, where the progress of the project has not stopped, there is no Spring Festival abroad, and the personnel of the Tianchao Construction Group only rest for the two days of the New Year’s Day and the first day of the new year, and continue on the second day. start.

Tianchao Construction Group is very experienced in building deep-water port terminals, and the progress is very fast. Now, the desalination plant has begun to operate, there is no shortage of fresh water on the island, and the construction speed of various projects has been improved.

It is expected that the airport will be completed around April. At that time, the speed of other projects will increase further.

At the end of June, the deep-water port terminal can be completed, and the construction speed of Idrius Island will reach its highest peak.

There are quite a few people in the family during the New Year this year, many of whom are relatives who are oblivious. Now that the global economy is weak, a small number of companies such as Tianqi Group are maintaining rapid development.

Finding a stable job for the younger generation in the family is the first goal of many families. Tianqi Group is the best choice. It was busy until the fifth day of the fifth year when Xu Ping'an began to drive away from relatives.

On the seventh day of Xu Ping'an, he went to the company and left as a solo aircraft under the escort of bodyguards, and flew straight to Quanzhou. Usually, everyone could not spare time and agreed to meet in Mabo, Quanzhou on the eighth day of this year.

Li Rulong didn't have a rest in the National Year. He volunteered to be on duty until the fifth day and the sixth day. He took advantage of this time to rush to Quanzhou to meet with his brother.

Song Xinyun had already arrived in Quanzhou at this moment. After all, he and Ma Bo's family belonged to the same village. Knowing that Xu Ping'an and the others were going to meet, they stayed at their hometown for a few more days, accompanied Xu Ping'an and the others before returning to Jinling.

The last time an animated film failed, Song Xinyun was decadent and regained his fighting spirit again. The new animated film was put on the agenda again. This time he was patient and reformed the company.

The animation film department is working in a separate district, and the rest of the project teams have started to take on outsourcing activities to ensure the normal operation of the animation film department. The rent collected at the end of last year has been fully planned, and continued investment must be made to produce a big-selling work .

When approaching Quanzhou, Mabo sent Xu Pingan a hotel location, and Xu Pingan flew directly to the top of the hotel. Mabo was already waiting. After shutting down the single-person aircraft system, the two went downstairs with a smile.

Knowing Xu Pingan's habits, Mabo arranged a spacious large suite with excellent lighting effects. They made a pot of tea and talked in the living room.

"You are the first to come, the others will not arrive until tomorrow" Mabo said directly.

Xu Ping'an nodded and looked at Ma Bo seriously. "I just felt that something was wrong with you. Now I can be sure that something is really wrong with you. You look weak. You are too romantic."

"While going, brother, I'm dying of annoyance now" Mabo had an expression of impossibility.

Xu Ping An is really interested. "Tell me, what is it, I am very interested now."

Ma Bo let out a long sigh and began to tell. Song Xinyun's little and good girlfriend Qi Fei talked to Ma Bo somehow. Song Xinyun didn't know. He called Ma Bo on the fourth day of the fourth year and became pregnant.

What's more terrifying is that Qi Feiyu's pregnancy was discovered by his parents, and the two of them stopped doing it. They called Dad Mabo's phone directly, and asked for an explanation.

Qi Fei’s parents are not simple people. His father served as the deputy district mayor in Quanzhou, and his mother served as the deputy headmaster of a middle school. Since the establishment of the Ma family business, Ma Ziqiang and Qi Yunfeng have been dealing with each other.

The two are still in an old relationship. The rabbits still don't eat grass on the edge of the nest. Now that his daughter is pregnant by Mabo, how can Qi Yunfeng accept it?

Song Xinyun is currently accompanied by Qi Fei. Ma Bo excuses Xu Ping's for coming over today to be free. Otherwise, he will still be criticized at home, and Ma Bo is also extremely conflicted.

It's very happy to be with Qi Feiyu, but Mabo knows his own situation, so he can't do it with Qi Feiyu, but things have already come to the door and must be resolved.

"Hahahahahaha" Xu Ping'an was lying on the bed laughing and laughing. This day had been expected, but he hadn't waited until, I didn't expect to see it today.

It took Xu Ping'an for a while to finish laughing. After sitting up, he saw Mabo staring at him with a sullen face, and smiled awkwardly.

"Don't be happy too early. Tomorrow, Song Xinyun's father Song Zhemin will also come back, and he will have to talk to you. Song Xinyun has been with you for so many years, I see what you do," Mabo said with a sneer.

Xu Ping'an was stunned, if he made a mistake, he glanced at Ma Bo, "There is no reason for you, right".

"Yes, I arranged it. Brothers have to suffer together, so that you don't need to watch my jokes." Ma Bo admitted directly, and Xu Ping pointed at Ma Bo with a helpless look.

Seeing Xu Ping's expression, Mabo feels a little better, and finally someone can share a little bit of his own pain. The tossing Mabo is about to collapse these days.

"Don't be happy too early, I'm sure to pacify Song Zhemin, if you don't believe me, wait and see" Xu Ping'an said, staring at Ma Bo, and Ma Bo looked at Xu Ping'an suspiciously.

"You know what Isabella's identity is, I can handle his family, can I handle Song Zhemin?" Xu Ping'an added again, and Mabo's brows immediately frowned.

After a long while, Ma Bo's eyes lit up, staring at Xu Ping An, and Xu Ping's heart grew furry.

"Brother, you are the love saint, teach me how to arrange one-stop service for Hawaii vacation as long as I pass this level smoothly," Mabo said with a look of hope.

Xu Ping'an smiled bitterly and shook his head and said, "Boss, we are in different situations, and my method is not suitable for you."

Ma Bo sighed for a long time. The situation of the two is indeed different, and there is not much to learn from. "By the way, Young Master Lin must have experience in this kind of thing, you can ask tomorrow." Xu Ping An looked at Ma Bo and said.

"How long have you not contacted San Dezi" Ma Bo looked at Xu Ping'an suspiciously.

Xu Ping'an was taken aback for a moment, and he didn't understand what Mabo's words meant, "contact every month, brothers have calls every month," Xu Ping'an said truthfully.

"San Dezi is getting married this year, this time I will send an invitation by the way," Mabo said with an uncomfortable expression.

"Damn, how can this be done? In this way, you and I are not married. Isn't this embarrassing us?" Xu Ping'an was really a bit blinded at this moment.

"I don't want that much now. I've been playing for a year at most. I'm probably going to walk into the tomb of marriage. I discovered that last year, there was a woman in Qi Fei language by my side. I actually held back no mischief." Mabo frowned. Said.

I was a little scared of this state of myself. I took a woman for a year. Is this still me? As a famous playboy, this kind of thing is incredible.

Xu Ping'an looked at Ma Bo seriously, and then sighed, "Boss, you are tired of heart. To be honest, so am I."

"While going, your kid hugs left and right, so do you, lie to the ghost," Mabo said unhappy.

Xu Pingan smiled bitterly and shook his head. "There are three of them beside me. I used to go to parties and always wanted to meet a few beautiful women. Now I don't have this kind of thought. This is a manifestation of heart fatigue."

"Ping'an, I am really shameless to you. What are the three of them? Your two assistants are better than telling me that you have nothing to do with them." Ma Bo looked contemptuously, and Xu Ping'an could only be embarrassed. Smiled.

"Forget it, let's not talk about these disappointing words, what do you think about investing in rocket launches, have you too much money to throw away? Also, how did you get the approval of the Ministry of Telecommunications,... ..." Mabo asked many questions in a series.

"Let's talk about it later, or talk about it tomorrow, so that I don't have to repeat the explanation back and forth. They will definitely ask about these things when they come over tomorrow. I will explain them together during dinner," Xu Ping'an said directly.

I'm prepared for these things. Others are embarrassed to ask, and the brothers will definitely ask. Simply, everyone will explain it together.

"It's okay. I will have a good drink with me later. I can just find an excuse not to go home when I drink too much. I am really afraid of going home now, afraid of the ringing of my phone."

"Yesterday, there was an idea of ​​abandoning everything in my mind, finding a no-man's land, and staying quietly for a few days alone, so that I can truly relax," Mabo said with emotion.

"Don't say you are tired. In today's society, who is not tired? Those migrant workers are more tired than us. We are tired. We can make a lot of money in one year. Those migrant workers earn 60 to 70% of their income after working hard for a year. All contributed to the landlord and the hotel"

"In the end, there are a few people who can really make money. They look bright and beautiful, but how many people can understand the real pain inside" Xu Ping'an shook his head and said.

"This is why your recruiter refuses to dispatch labor," Mabo said while looking at Xu Ping An.

Xu Ping’an nodded, “This is just one of them. The labor dispatch company depends on the workers to survive and draws the hard-earned money of the workers. I do not appreciate this, so I reject all dispatched workers and do not cooperate with them.”

"As you can see, the employees in the various factories of my Tianqi Group are living very well and are loyal to the company. There is no such thing as a monk hitting the clock for a day, and they are serious about completing their work every day."

"Apocalypse's Burson told me one thing, and said that this incident gave him a great shock. When a strong typhoon comes, the factory needs to be reinforced, but the heavy rain arrived first."

"As a result, hundreds of employees spontaneously came to the factory to help voluntarily, helping the engineering staff to reinforce the plant, loving the factory as home, this is a scene that Burson and Carroll have not seen in decades of work."

"Can you see this kind of scene in the labor dispatch personnel? You can't see it at all, because many people are cheated to work, and they get paid and run away after a month."

"One mouth is a monthly salary of 8,000 or 10,000. As a result, all kinds of things add up to 8,000, and you can't get that much. It is already conscientious if you can give you three thousand. Business"

"No one cares about the life and death of your factory, and even many people want your factory to be killed by a typhoon. Working in Tianqi Group factory, employees have found a long-lost sense of belonging. This is the biggest difference between the two models."

"Many factories are now saying that they are short of people. In fact, what they lack is not normal workers. What they lack is super cheap workers. In their opinion, giving you two thousand yuan a month is a lot. Such companies are everywhere." .

Mabo was really stunned, and nodded for a while. "I heard my father tell you about this situation. They used to be like this in their business. Although they didn't make a lot of money, everyone's heart rested in the factory. on"

"Now I have repeatedly emphasized what is loyal to the company. Before emphasizing this matter, I should ask first, is the company loyal to its employees? If you don't treat workers as human beings, don't blame workers for being disloyal and not actively working."

"I have been taught, and I will change it when I look back. I have taken back several jobs that were outsourced to labor dispatch. Loyalty requires both parties to invest together. Many good traditional ideas have been discarded. This is a waste."

The two discussed some things about the development of the company, and went to dinner together. The two teamed up to kill a bottle of liquor. Mabo had already opened a room for himself, and went back to the room to rest after the meal.

The next day, Lin Yide, Zhang Wenyuan, Xu Mingyang, and Li Rulong all arrived in the morning. When they arrived, neither Xu Pingan nor Ma Bo had yet to get up.

Mabo was recently stressed and exhausted, so he took a good night's sleep with his alcohol.

Xu Ping'an was because after returning home, he played games until two o'clock in the middle of the night. He definitely couldn't get up in the morning. At eleven o'clock, he was still pulled up by Zhang Wenyuan.

In Xu Ping'an's room, the brothers sat down to have a tea and chat together. Now all of them are successful in their careers. Looking back on that year, I did not expect that so many years have passed since graduation.

While chatting, the topic shifted to Mabo without knowing it. Everything about Qi Fei was known, but everyone did not laugh, but instead looked at Mabo interestingly.

"Boss, take care of it, it's time for us to get married, I'm tired of playing," Lin Yide said with emotion.

"Lao Lin was right. At the beginning, we were more honest with a child, but now, when we are hugged by the boss, we should take care of ourselves. Marriage is an inevitable step in life. Sooner or later we have to go together" Zhang Wenyuan Looking at Mabo, he said directly.

After hearing this, Xu Ping'an smiled and touched Zhang Wenyuan with his cup, "You still know me, brother, I was ruined by the boss."

Ma Bohaoxuan squirted the tea out of his mouth and said with an unhappy expression, "The surname Xu, who forced me to make arrangements for him? What else? It is the boss's responsibility to carry the pot for the brothers. With you, San Dezi, you are crossing the river to demolish the bridge."

"Hahahaha" Xu Mingyang, Li Rulong and Zhang Wenyuan all laughed loudly.

During the Modu Youth Forum, Xu Pingan and Lin Yide forced Ma Bo together. Otherwise, Xu Pingan would have nothing to do with Miao Yiyi.

Xu Pingan and Lin Yide both smiled embarrassedly, and then began to give Mabo advice one after another, how to deal with this matter, everyone was talking, "ding ding...ding" Mabo's call It rang.

Mabo picked up the phone and took a look, his face was uncomfortable, and he made a silent motion to everyone, and then directly answered "Dad, what is it?"

"Where are you?" Ma Ziqiang asked.

"At the hotel, Lin Yide, Ping An, and all of them are here, we get together" Mabo said directly.

There was a silence on the phone, "Your Uncle Song is here too, take your friends to eat at home" Ma Ziqiang's voice came over.

Xu Pingan immediately folded his hands together and gave Mabo a begging expression. The others didn't even say a smile, and Mabo didn't want to go back. He could fully imagine the situation in his mind.

"Dad, there are a lot of people. They come with their partners. There are more than a dozen people in total. They can't sit down at the table at home. I'll accompany them to eat out." Mabo's brain reacted really quickly, so he asked directly. Made an excuse.

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome. Your mother, Xinyun, and Filipino will accompany the female family members. You little brothers can come home." Ma Ziqiang has obviously thought about what excuses the Mabo will make, and arrangements have been made. That's it.

Xu Pingan and Ma Bo both looked uncomfortable. When things reached this point, it was no good to refuse. Ma Bo could only bite the bullet and agreed, and finally said, "Dad, my brothers are here, here Let me save some face."

The phone hung up, and Ma Ziqiang looked at Song Zhemin, "Old Song, they will come over in a while, you have to stay steady and not speak, it is a kind of pressure on Xu Ping An itself."

"Be worried that things will be reversed, don't forget, the foreigner is not a simple person, with a strong identity background."

"I understand, I don't know what to say, I don't say anything, but Xu Ping'an knows better in his heart. He is very smart. Otherwise, Tianqi Group will not grow to where it is today."

"Now it has started to establish a private rocket launch company. This is the second private rocket company in China. However, his threat level is much greater than that of the first private rocket company," Song Zhemin said seriously.

"Why, you have other meanings when you meet him this time" Ma Ziqiang heard a different meaning from Song Zhemin's words.

Song Zhemin nodded, "Someone found me and wanted me to persuade Xu Pingan to form technical exchanges with a certain domestic research institute."

Ma Ziqiang was taken aback and looked at Song Zhemin seriously. "Old Song, this is not a joke. Technology is the foundation of enterprise development. Cooperating with those research institutes is equivalent to handing over technology to others. This kind of thing is impossible. do".

"I know, I mean, no matter how Xu Ping's answer is, I just said that I was rejected. He is now a big fan," Song Zhemin said directly.

Ma Ziqiang nodded his head to approve Song Zhemin's comment, how many technologies Tianqi Group hides, this sentence is very marketable, not only foreign people are interested, but also domestic people are very interested.

With Tianqi Group’s investment in scientific research each year, it is certainly not just such a small achievement. According to the results of various investigations, Tianqi Group has classified various technologies within it.

Both the first-level technology and the second-level technology are authorized externally, the third-level technology is reserved for their own use, and the fourth-level technology is secretive, and outsiders simply don't know how many.

In addition, now that the Tianqi Group’s communications satellite has been launched, the security of the system has been further improved. It is even more difficult for you to hack into the Tianqi Group’s database through the Internet.

Not to mention, Zhu Hongyun, director of the Cyber ​​Security Department of Apocalypse Group, is a powerful person. Regardless of Zhu Hongyun's usual chubby smile, he is generally recognized as a powerful person in computer technology.

In particular, some time ago, Zhang Jianbin's news that the main building of Tianqi Science and Technology Park had been installed to test artificial intelligence, which surprised many people with their jaw dropped.

While all the companies were still studying, Tianqi Group actually started testing. Although Xu Pingan said it was a castrated version, even if it was a castrated version, this technology is far ahead of the world's major technology companies.

When all factors add up, you can’t use Xu Ping’an to be strong. You really want to force Xu Ping’an to emigrate. When the time comes, it will become the laughing stock of all countries. Therefore, some people use this circuitous method to find ways. Get technology.

"Let’s stop interfering and let him deal with these situations by himself. I believe he will break through. The Tianqi Group is too big and many people want to take a bite."

"Now, I'm just scared of Ping An's means and I dare not say anything. I am worried that sooner or later something will force Xu Ping an to take a wrong step," Ma Ziqiang said with a serious face.

Having been in business for so many years, I have seen too many dark things. The business is treacherous and there are frequent waves. There are so many things that big fish eat small fish and snakes swallow elephants. There are countless things that can become large companies. Clear swords and arrows.

While the two were talking, Ma Bo and Xu Ping'an had already started to leave. Ma Bo's mother, Song Xinyun, and Qi Feiyu had already arrived at the hotel to pick up all the female relatives for dinner.

A few people met each other, and after a few words of greeting, they separated. Song Xinyun glanced at Xu Ping'an, and the meaning was very clear. No matter what my dad said, he had to bear it, Xu Ping'an returned a relieved look. .

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