Start the era of black technology

Chapter 517 A small circle independent of the world [second more]

"I don't have an invitation, do you have any questions?" Xu Ping'an said with a smile. Norton also laughed, thinking this was Xu Ping's humor.

"If the auction house knows that you are going to participate, it is definitely welcome with both hands and feet. However, this time it does not need to be so troublesome. I have a box. Let's go together. I just robbed a bottle of good wine." Norton said with a smile.

The two of them talked and laughed and went in together. They went through two security checks along the way very smoothly. When the last security check was reached, Norton took Xu Ping'an and walked to the side, not going through the security check lane at all.

This security check is for the people in the lobby on the first floor. The guests in the boxes on the second floor do not need security checks. When they were approaching the stairs, a beautiful blonde greeted him.

"Hi, Norton, you are a little late today" the beauty said very warmly.

Norton also smiled, shook hands with the beauty and said, "I met an old friend and said a few words, let me introduce you, this is Mr. Xu Pingan, President of Tianqi Group"

"This is the senior account manager of Christie's auction, Ms. Serena."

"Hello" "Hello" Xu Ping'an shook hands with Serena and said directly.

Serena was ecstatic in her heart. She didn't expect Norton to bring Xu Ping'an with her. Xu Ping'an's financial resources are notoriously strong, and she really has to look at it. Her commission will definitely not be less.

"You two, go to the private room for a break first. I'll go to that auction album to give Xu" Serena said with a smile on her face, full of affinity.

"Trouble you," Xu Ping'an said with a smile, and after a few greetings, the two went straight upstairs.

Serena looked excited and began to use the walkie-talkie to talk, "Head, here comes a big man, I need the most exquisite picture album."

"Who is it?" An old man's voice was heard on the intercom.

"Xu Pingan, President of Apocalypse Group, came with Mr. Norton, Chairman of Airbus Group," Serena said directly.

"Where are you?" The voice in the walkie-talkie became a bit quicker.

"At the top of the stairs" Serena said of her position.

"I'll arrange for someone to send it to you right away, and I'm sending some snacks, so take the opportunity," said the person in the intercom.

"Understand, never let the head down," Serena said directly.

Serena has worked at Christie’s for more than ten years and has been a senior account manager for five years. She knows very well that for those international giants, as long as they encounter items they like, the price is not a problem at all.

It didn't take long. Two people came over. One was holding an exquisite picture album, and the other was holding a large tray with some exquisite snacks on it.

Serena spoke a few words to the two, took the picture album, and took the person with the plate upstairs.

When Xu Pingan was talking to Norton, a knock on the door "Dangdangdang" sounded. Norton said "Come in" and Serena pushed the door in.

"Mr. Xu, this is the album from today's auction"

"Mr. Norton, our president learned that you are here, let me bring you some snacks" Serena was very good at talking, and while she said, she passed the picture album to Xu Ping An, and another person arranged the snacks neatly.

After a few greetings, "Mr. Norton, Mr. Xu, just press this button if necessary, and I will be there as soon as possible" Serena said directly.

Xu Pingan nodded with Norton, Serena took the waiter and left the private room, Xu Pingan smiled, "Does every private room have this kind of treatment?"

Norton also smiled and shook his head and said, "Xu, these snacks were given to me in name, but in fact it is your face. Their president Billy is a master who doesn't see rabbits or scatter eagles."

"I am so willing this time, and now I am definitely adjusting the auction products, and I will definitely add a few oriental antiques temporarily."

"It doesn't matter, take a look, just buy it if you like it, and it won't cost much" Xu Ping'an said indifferently.

"You at least need to buy one. Have you seen these snacks? This kind of nut is a specialty from the US, this kind of butcher is a specialty from Argentina, this tea paste is a specialty from Japan, this kind of raisin It’s a specialty from the Middle East,..."

"These snacks come from ten countries, and they are all high-quality products from the looks of them, and they are very careful," Norton said with a smile.

Xu Ping'an frowned. "So, it's a bit unreasonable if it's not enough to buy."

"This is the other party's plan, to thoroughly study the psychology of those of us," Norton said with a wry smile, and Xu Ping'an also smiled.

The two chatted for a while. Norton stood up and took out the red wine from the freezer next to him. After pouring two glasses, the two started tasting the red wine with Xu Pingan. About twenty minutes later, the auction officially began.

Xu Pingan also had a fork and tasted a few small snacks. The taste was really good. Neither of them cared about the first few lots. They were good things for the people sitting below, but for both of them, neither What a rare item.

Soon, a Patek Philippe born in 1840 attracted Norton's attention. Patek Philippe was formally established in 1839. This watch should be an early work of the factory.

The starting price is 100,000 Euros and the price is very low. This is the usual method of auctions. Give a low price to attract people's attention and let you start bidding.

The price rose very fast, reaching one million euros in an instant. Norton picked up the tablet and sent it directly at a price of 2.5 million. Soon, the price was displayed on the LED screen outside the box.

"Box No. 7 bid 2.5 million euros, which is the highest price today"

"This is the first batch of watches produced by Befe Dali. According to statistics, there are only three pieces left in the world. According to market analysis, the value of this watch is much more than that. It is a good product for preservation and collection."

"The fourth box bid 3 million euros. Good things are always scarce. Missing it will be a lifetime regret."


After several rounds of confrontation, Norton won the watch at a price of 5.3 million yuan. Xu Ping'an smiled and said, "Congratulations."

"Thank you, I'm sure to get Befe Dali, I don't want to tell you, the other two are in my collection room" Norton said with a smile on his face, Xu Ping'an was taken aback, then smiled and gave Norton a thumbs up .

The two touched their wine glasses and took a sip separately. Norton hesitated and took advantage of this opportunity to talk directly to Xu Ping An. Anyway, he needs to talk to Xu Ping An about this matter sooner or later.

"Xu, I have received invitations from several international companies in the United States. They know that I have a good relationship with you, and they want me to invite you to a party in Hawaii two months later," Norton said with deep meaning.

Xu Ping'an was taken aback, looking at Norton "what's the nature?"

"Private in nature, the participants are the heads of international giants. As far as I know, your celestial dynasty originally had no quota, because your national conditions are different from ours, and many entrepreneurs cannot be called entrepreneurs."

"The only person who meets the criteria is now that you are the chairman of the company. The content of this gathering must be kept confidential. Anyone who leaks will be excluded and does not belong to the corporate circle."

"The quota control is very strict. Japan has only two quotas, one quota in South Korea and one quota in India. This is the quota in East Asia. All companies with state-owned assets in the world are excluded."

"There are only six companies in the U.S. that have quotas, one in Mexico and none in Canada. The total number of participants will not exceed fifty," Norton explained in a low voice.

Xu Ping'an was a little dazed. There was not even a place in Canada. Is there any mistake? It seems that this corporate gathering is not that simple.

"What is the main content, coordinating the contradictions between enterprises, or..." Xu Ping'an asked tentatively.

"Xu, you underestimate this kind of gathering. This gathering is held once every two years. The location is uncertain and there are no fixed members. The list of participants is determined according to your company's strength."

"Every gathering has a theme, which basically establishes the direction of the company's future development. As for the conflicts between your companies to resolve by themselves, no one will participate."

"This small circle is very free, a small circle independent of the world. Any entrepreneur who knows the existence of this circle wants to join in."

"But the review is very strict, your assets are not at a certain level, your business development potential is not a certain standard, your influence, and overall strength, etc., can't get an invitation if you don't meet the requirements."

"As far as I know, five companies have been kicked out this year, and two of them were given to Tianchao, because both for the company and your Tianqi Group are companies with great potential."

"The notice I received is to invite you. As for the invitation to go to bed, I don't know for the company." Norton briefly explained.

Xu Pingan thought for a while and asked, "Norton, your Airbus is a company with an EU background, how could it join".

"Xu, it is a bit unprofessional if you ask this sentence. The European Union has absolute control over Airbus, but the European Union only has the right to distribute dividends, and the daily management of the company does not participate at all."

"One more thing, I did not participate in the name of the chairman of the Airbus Group. I am.... I have absolute controlling rights in this company." Norton whispered. Xu Pingan said something in his ear.

Xu Ping'an had a suddenly realized expression. This guy Norton hides so deeply. He still holds such a company in his hand. If outsiders don't know it, they may not know what happened.

"I'm going to participate, you call me a week in advance, I will be on time for the appointment," Xu Ping'an said directly. Norton was relieved a lot when he heard Xu Ping's words and nodded.

At this time, a golden antique of Eastern civilization was brought up. "Everyone, I solemnly introduce to you, and add an item, an unknown antique from Eastern civilization, a golden astrolabe."

"We cannot be sure that this is a product of that dynasty of Eastern civilization. According to the carbon fourteen test, this item has existed for more than five thousand years."

"It's hard for me to imagine how such a huge golden astrolabe was made in that magical land five thousand years ago. There are records of three thousand planets on it. It is said that this golden astrolabe possesses a mysterious power."

"We are not sure about other functions, but if you can't sleep, you can sit in front of this golden astrolabe and look at this astrolabe, you will fall asleep easily... ."

"We have asked eight authoritative experts to verify this. It is harmless to people. It will only make you feel relaxed, and you will fall asleep without knowing it. The reserve price is 100 million euros, and the bid price must not be less than 1 million euros." The auctioneer gave a brief introduction to this item.

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