Start the era of black technology

Chapter 522 He is a man, not a god

One night passed, and Xu Ping'an took a special plane to leave the next day, and took the time to return to China. The space mining side has already assembled the first rocket and plans to launch a test launch.

After several months, the accessories were delivered to Tianqi Space Mining Company on time, and Lu Zi'an coordinated and arranged personnel for installation and testing. This is the latest reusable rocket.

It was the first time to launch, and I couldn't care about it. It had to be tested multiple times.

The plane landed slowly at Dunhuang Airport. Lu Zi'an and his team were already waiting outside the airport. Xu Ping'an walked out of the airport and boarded the car directly and went straight to the Space Mining Company.

The company has its own guest house, especially the largest one on the top floor. This is reserved exclusively for Xu Ping’an. No one is allowed to enter. It was only opened when Xu Ping’an came. It was cleaned three times yesterday.

"Go to the rocket launch site first, I want to see" Xu Ping'an said directly, and Xu Zhengyang, who was sitting in the co-pilot, immediately started to notify the team via walkie-talkie.

There was no word on the way. Soon, the convoy entered the Space Mining Company, went straight to the launch site, stopped at the edge of the launch site, and Xu Ping'an got off the car directly.

The rocket in the distance has been erected, with a black body. This is because the exterior is covered with the latest carbon fiber material, and the bottom is six huge brackets.

The overall rocket is much larger than the one used again. While Xu Ping'an was feeling emotional, the Protoss said in Xu Ping's mind that "the rocket is flawed, and it is expected to explode about five hundred and fifty meters away."

Xu Ping's mind was directly obsessed, and when he was about to ask the Protoss what was wrong, the Prossing once again said, "Humans accept the success after failure. If you succeed once, you will attract the attention of many organizations."

"Failing once is not necessarily a good thing. The loss of 100 million euros is worth it."

Hearing these words, Xu Ping'an began to ponder, turned his head and looked at Lu Zi'an and asked, "When is the launch time approved?"

"President, according to the skin of the relevant department, we can launch at any time within the last half month, and we only need to file with the relevant department three days in advance." Lu Zian answered truthfully.

"Have you checked it? Is there any monitoring device installed?" Xu Pingan continued to ask.

"President, we are very careful in launching this time. We have installed monitoring equipment in various parts. If it fails, we can know exactly which part of the problem is and can conduct a targeted review," Lu Zi'an said very positively.

Xu Pingan nodded and continued to ask, "According to your plan, which number can be launched?"

"According to our project team's investigation of the weather conditions, one o'clock in the afternoon the day after tomorrow is the best launch time" Lu Zi'an blurted out.

Xu Ping'an nodded and said, "Prepare as planned."

After speaking, he took out his phone and took a picture of the black rocket, turned around and got into the car. Everyone also got in the car, and the convoy drove towards the guest house.

Even in his guest house, Xu Zhengyang took people to conduct a test of the room first, and after confirming that there was no problem, he took people away and let Xu Ping'an rest.

Xu Pingan did not take a break either. Instead, he made a statement on the three major social applications of Weibo, Twitter and Facebook that the rocket of Tianqi Space Mining Company was launched on time at 1 pm the day after tomorrow.

Then it was accompanied by the photo just taken and sent out directly.

There were a lot of people staring at Xu Pingan's social account, and many people saw it, and immediately reposted it crazy. Many people were shocked that Tianqi Group could launch rockets by itself, so science fiction.

The news that Tianqi Group launched the first rocket directly ranked first in the hot search on all major platforms. Many media began to contact space mining companies, hoping to obtain live broadcast rights.

Lu Zi'an and others received a lot of phone calls and directly called Xu Ping’an to ask Xu Ping’s opinion. Xu Ping’s thought for a while, “Promise them, each live broadcast authorizes three million”

"Those who want to buy out on vacation, 200 million."

Anyway, this rocket is going to fail. It is necessary to recover a little loss. The money sent to the door is not for nothing. Although the mosquito's legs are thin, it is meat.

Only three hours later, Xu Ping'an was awakened by a phone call in his sleep. "President, XX TV bought 200 million vacation live broadcast rights" Lu Zi'an reported with a touch of excitement.

Xu Ping’an was also shocked. XX TV is courageous, so he said “Sold it, tell them that the launch date will not change. What they should do is up to them. If you can cooperate, you will cooperate with the key department directly. Closed".

"Yes, I will reply immediately" Lu Zi'an said with a look of excitement.

Xu Pingan communicated some details with him, then hung up the phone, in a good mood, and continued to sleep.

After receiving a reply, XX Satellite TV immediately processed the transfer, and then began the general mobilization, directly chartering a plane to send elite soldiers to the space mining company, and people from other departments immediately launched a publicity campaign and an advertising campaign.

The official website of Apocalypse Mining Company announced this news. XX Satellite TV has purchased the exclusive live broadcast rights, please contact our friends to watch the first rocket launch of Apocalypse Group through XX Satellite TV.

After the news spread, XX Satellite TV was overjoyed and moved even faster, especially in the advertising department, where there were crazy negotiations and various gimmicks flew all over the sky.

The network team has also begun to build momentum in major forums. This is the first time that a private enterprise of the Tian Dynasty has launched a rocket. Whether it is a success or a failure, and whether the Tianqi Group really has the rocket launch capability.

How to attract people, just say, everything is to attract traffic.

In the evening, XX Satellite TV reached an agreement with a video website, selling the live broadcast rights for 150 million yuan, and currently the negotiated advertising fee for Satellite TV has reached more than 70 million yuan.

The cost of 200 million yuan has been recovered and profitability has begun. In the middle of the night, the live broadcast team has already arrived at Tianqi Space Mining Company, and Lu Zian arranged for them to go directly to rest.

In the early morning of the next day, I divided the troops into two groups, set up equipment all the way, and started interviewing the heads of various departments all the way. After I learned that Xu Ping'an was also there, I asked for an interview.

Darina asked about Xu Ping'an, and Xu Ping'an directly agreed. At noon that day, the news of Xu Ping's interview had spread, and the people of XX TV began to turn around.

The interview column can also have advertisements, and we must work hard to create a new high for profit.

Soon, the price of 50 million was sold to an online video company for simultaneous live broadcast, which earned another 30 million.

Soon, Xu Ping’an’s interview began. The hostess shook hands with Xu Ping’an with excitement and sat down to start the interview. The topic was closely focused on this rocket launch.

As time goes on, the ratings are steadily increasing.

When asked about the gap between the Chinese private rocket companies and the U.S. private rocket companies, Xu Ping'an began to pretend.

"Private companies in the U.S. can do it, and Tianqi Group can do the same, and we can do it better in the future." The sentence was directly swiped, and the online video website was full of barrage.

Kou can go, I can go too!

These words are domineering,

As expected of Xu Pingan, just dare to say

No matter what the result is, I'll take the courage to you, I will give you,

I want to give you a monkey


The boss of the video website is also very excited, traffic, this is all money, the true value of 50 million.

Traffic is money, pop-up ads are money, and interstitial ads are money. Many ads are calculated based on your traffic. With such high traffic, the website has already begun to make money.

At the end of an interview, XX Satellite TV is already excited. It has already made a profit of 200 million. It will be profitable for the live broadcast tomorrow. This time the vacation buyout is really a wise decision.

There are as many as two hundred people active on the Internet within the satellite TV, leading various topics to stir up the topic of rocket launch, and earning hundreds of millions in just a few days. This opportunity is not common.

Everyone worked very hard for their own bonus.

This day passed. The next day, starting at 10 o'clock at noon, the live broadcast of XX Satellite TV began, reporting various details. By 12 o'clock, Xu Ping'an and a group of high-level officials had already appeared in the live lobby.

Watching through the huge LED screen, time passed bit by bit, and when it was almost a little bit, Lu Zi'an asked Xu Ping'an for instructions. Xu Ping'an nodded, and Lu Zian gave the order to launch on time.

"Ten, nine, eight...... Two, one, ignition" The controller pressed the ignition button.

"Boom boom boom" the rocket began to emit fierce flames, the rocket began to slowly lift off, many people began to get excited, the smooth lift off is worth celebrating, now it's up to see whether the rocket can rotate in the sky. Landed smoothly.

Everyone started to stare at the screen. Soon, the harsh voice of "Didi Didi" came to mind, and Zhao Changkong yelled "No" and began to operate in front of the computer.

"Boom boom boom" a huge explosion sounded from the speakers, and everyone watching the live broadcast could see clearly that the rocket exploded in the air, and this time the rocket failed to launch.

Xu Ping'an didn't realize it. The camera gave him a close-up with a painful expression with his eyes closed. The picture spread out, causing many people to cry.

Many people at home and abroad watched the launch of the Tianqi Group's rocket. After seeing the failure of the launch, many people were in a mixed mood.

It can be said that many people did not expect that the rocket launch of the Tianqi Group would fail. After careful consideration, it felt that the failure of the rocket of the Tianqi Group was normal.

He is a human being, not a god, and scientific research is not a trifle. Scientific research requires luck, and luck does not represent scientific research.

In many places, there are crazy celebrations, celebrating the failure of the Tianqi Group's rocket launch. Tianqi Group has put too much pressure on them. This failure also shows that space technology is not that simple.

If space technology is that simple, there are countries capable of launching rockets everywhere in the world. This is a major power weapon, and ordinary countries simply do not have this kind of strength.

People from XX TV began to pack their equipment, Lu Zi'an began to comfort people with tears in his eyes, while Xu Ping'an sat motionless.

After the TV crew left, Xu Ping'an opened his eyes and said, "Dalena, notify all department heads to have a meeting in ten minutes, and let Lu Zi'an arrange for someone to start searching for the rocket wreck."

Darina immediately went to convey Xu Ping'an's notice. Xu Ping'an stood up and took Liu Wenjun and the others towards the meeting room. Those who received the notice also began to gather in the meeting room.

Soon, everyone arrived in the meeting room. Seeing Xu Ping'an sitting in the main seat with his eyes closed, they all looked uncomfortable. Sitting in their own position without saying a word, the atmosphere in the meeting room was very depressing.

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