Start the era of black technology

Chapter 530 The software they have studied for three years is eliminated [third more]

Xu Ping'an was completely stunned. It turned out to be this kind of result, and a worried expression appeared on his face. He was very clear about the nature of these people in Europe and the United States, and to such an extent, it is not a good thing for the country.

After a long while, Xu Ping'an sighed, "Let's take one step and say one step, and do everything you want."

"Go, you arrange a place to accompany me for a drink" Xu Ping'an finished speaking and stood up.

"Mr. Xu, I have an appointment with Mi Jian, do you think..." Zhu Hongyun said embarrassedly.

"Inform them together, we haven't had a drink together for a long time, we have a big drink today, and I will give you a break tomorrow morning, is it enough" Xu Ping'an said directly.

"Enough, enough" Zhu Hongyun said with a smile on his face.

When I walked out with Xu Ping'an, I started to call, one by one, the location was chosen by Zhu Hongyun, a rotisserie, where the chef would grill it for you or you would grill it yourself.

Zhu Hongyun definitely chooses to roast himself. In terms of barbecue, Zhu Hongyun is very good.

Let Liu Wenjun and Darina take the car home first. Xu Ping'an and Zhu Hongyun set off, not too far from where Zhu Hongyun and the others lived. They took the elevator directly to the fifth floor, a huge private room. Inside.

At first, Mi Jian and the others couldn't let go. After two glasses of wine, they let go. Mr. Xu is still Mr. Xu of the year, and he feels that he has not changed.

A few people drank it together for almost three hours. The two boxes of Jiannanchun were wiped out and they didn't drink less. I ate a lot of beef and pork. I had eaten it many times anyway. I have forgotten how many times.

When Cui Tianyi went to pay the bill, Xu Ping'an stopped him, waved his hand at Xu Zhengyang, and Xu Zhengyang went to pay directly. He ate more than 3,000 for a meal without wine.

It's still the benefits of the heavens. This is Xu Pingan's emotion. If you are abroad, if you don't want more than 10,000 euros, it will definitely not be finished.

Arrange for someone to take Zhu Hongyun and the others home, and get in the car to return home, take a shower and rest directly.

In the early morning, Xu Ping'an got up early to exercise. After breakfast and arrived at the company, he had a meeting with Ye Changlin, Ding Zhijun, Qiao Yicheng and Duan Zhihai, and left work early.

The next day, I took a single-person aircraft directly to FZ, inspected Apocalypse in an all-round way, and listened to the reports from Bulsen and Carroll in the office.

Last year, Tianqi Solar continued to maintain high profitability, turning over 9.8 billion euros to the headquarters.

The reason why it is less than the previous year is that a large part of the production capacity last year was to make up for the previous year's orders. Judging from last year's order volume, orders are decreasing.

The main reason is that the large-scale farmers in Europe and the United States have almost bought it, but there are still many countries that cannot afford it, and there are still many gaps in the global market.

"Burson, do you have any plans for the current situation?" Xu Pingan asked.

Burson and Carol looked at each other, "Boss, the two of us have discussed this issue. We think it’s time to lower the price."

"We will fully promote the construction of carbon crystal solar panels and microgrids in Asia and the Middle East. Last year, the continuous income of microgrids increased by more than 40 million compared with the previous year. This year should continue to grow, with a minimum increase of more than 10 million."

"After the price drops, many countries in Africa, South America, the Middle East and Asia will place orders for the first time. They have been cheating on this product for a long time, but they have been holding on because of the price." Sen said directly.

Xu Pingan thought about it, cut the price, and was prepared for this, but he didn't expect it to come so soon. "How much is the expected price reduction and how the original dealer inventory is calculated".

"Boss, the inventory of our dealers is not large, at most about 10 million inventory, we will send personnel to check the dealer's inventory before reducing the price, and give certain subsidies."

"They will not suffer any losses. For their goods at Waipu, based on 20% of their inventory, they will definitely not lose money, but will make an extra profit," Burson said directly.

"Don't do this in advance. Wait for my notice. When the time comes, we will cooperate with other products to reduce prices. This will have a greater impact on the momentum. At the beginning, it will be good in the name of a limited time promotion."

"In this way, consumers will seize the time to rush to buy, which is convenient for dealers to clear inventory, and at the same time, it is also convenient for you to receive new orders." Xu Ping'an finished taking a sip of tea.

"Boss wise," Burson said directly.

"You are also very wise. I didn't expect that the living area could bring in millions of income every month. Looking back, I plan to take a piece of land in Hangzhou and follow this model," Xu Pingan said with a smile.

Burson and Carol also laughed. The living area is in 26 buildings, where thousands of employees have settled in, including more than 30,000 family members, and the various supporting facilities are very comprehensive.

It only rents but does not sell. Monthly room rent, facade rent, kindergarten and school rent, property fees, water and electricity fees, even if the price is low, add up to more than 3 million yuan in income for Apocalypse.

If you charge according to the market price, the profit can increase by more than one million. This is a net profit. It is really a one-time investment to benefit for decades.

Xu Pingan stayed in FZ for two days, then left, flew directly back to the headquarters in City J, got off the plane and went home to rest. Now Xu Pingan has realized the benefits of having an airport in the city, which is convenience.

I stayed at home for a few days to accompany my parents. Now Xu Hong and his wife don’t travel abroad. They don’t go there at home, nor do they travel domestically. Once they were bitten by a snake for ten years, they were afraid of the rope.

Song Xinyun came to City J last night. This time, he came here to accompany Xu Ping An, and to seek support, computer special effects, new projects of computer special effects, and several companies could not satisfy Song Xinyun.

The price is not low, and the effect is very poor. It gives people a feeling of fifty cents special effects. After discussing with the company, I found that I can only go to Xu Ping An for help. After all, Tianqi Technology is very strong.

"You don't need to find a technology company for this special effect. Just publish the project to Tianqi University of Science and Technology. The effect that those students make is better than those companies you find."

"I don't know the technical strength of those companies, but I know one thing. The software they use is the outdated software in the United States. Only this kind of software can integrate with the software of some domestic companies."

"Take Flash as an example. The special effects companies in the US have long abandoned this software, but in China, it is still crazy to promote it and it just doesn't upgrade."

"It's been more than five years since the alternative software H5 came out. My Tianqi Group has fully adopted H5 because this software is more powerful and safer than Flash."

"At present, in China, only our Tianqi system fully uses this software. Many foreign companies have announced that they will completely abandon Flash next year and use H5 for office use."

"Students in many domestic universities are still learning Flash. They don't know that when they graduate, they face very few choices because the software they have studied for three years is eliminated."

"Tianqi University of Science and Technology has been operating with H5 since its establishment. In the future, you don't need to find any technology company, just send your needs to the Weather University Project Department."

"Maybe the special effects of your entire film need to be pushed back to the beginning. I think it's worth it. When you see the effect, you will be satisfied" Xu Ping An said seriously, looking at Song Xinyun.

"The gap is so big" Song Xinyun had an expression that he couldn't imagine.

Xu Pingan smiled and said, "You don't want to think about why foreigners who have lived that way want to study at Tianqi University of Science and Technology, because they can learn real technology here."

"Once there is no exam at Tianqi University of Science and Technology, they immediately return to school in China because they know very well that other universities cannot give them the strength."

"So far, the students of Tianqi University of Science and Technology have been divided by companies in their junior year. They receive three to four thousand or even tens of thousands of salaries each month. Why are those companies willing to pay such a price? Think about it." .

"Then you will take me there tomorrow, OK" Song Xinyun said while looking at Xu Ping'an.

"I'll make a call. Let the person in charge of the project come over and communicate with you. You'd better show your considerations, and it's best to show him the previous special effects."

"This can be considered as a whole. If he proposes that all special effects need to be redone, you can directly agree. Don't be afraid to spend money, I will pay the cost."

"You have failed several times, don't you want to win," Xu Ping'an said, touching Song Xinyun's head.

Song Xinyun sighed and said, "Of course I want to win, and I have thrown away a lot of money. If I don't succeed, I really have no confidence."

"I want you to fail again, and honestly come back to the family and teach your son," Xu Ping said directly, Song Xinyun blushed on his face and hit Xu Ping's chest.

"Why don't you call Isabella, Miao Yiyi and the others came back to teach their children," Song Xinyun said directly.

"Isabella is still young, and Miao Yiyi is busy filming. Wouldn't it be okay for you to end the company and stay home?" Xu Ping'an said with a smile.

"No, I must succeed. I don't succeed. I won't think about these things." Song Xinyun said with a stubborn face, Xu Ping shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Give you a suggestion, don't think about entering the international market. Let the people accept your film first is the first step. Make a little effort on the plot."

"The biggest difference between domestic films and foreign films is that it drags out the plot junk. Of course, this has a lot to do with those who study European films in China."

"Business is business, don't play with gimmicks that everyone can't understand, call rubbish as art" Xu Ping'an said directly.

"I see, this time I hired a well-known domestic screenwriter to shoot," Song Xinyun said directly.

Xu Ping'an smiled and shook his head. "If you make the main theme movie, you can find them. If you want to succeed commercially, you can do a market survey to see what movies people need to watch now."

"Besides the main melody movies, we must also look at other big-selling movies in China and analyze it carefully. Otherwise, you will still lose money."

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