Start the era of black technology

Chapter 532 Our boss will never let go [second more]

After the clearance, Xu Ping An got up early and started running, laughing while running. He enjoyed it last night. Song Xinyun saw Xu Ping’s help so much for his own affairs, and he served Xu Ping’s well in the evening.

After running for more than an hour, during which time, Liu Wenjun and Darina also ran into each other. After running for a while, Xu Ping'an went to the gym for strength training.

It was another half an hour before I returned to the room in sweat. Just when I returned to the room, I heard the sound of water in the bathroom. I smiled and entered directly.

"Asshole, you go out......"

After a while, Xu Ping'an came out refreshed, changed his clothes and went straight downstairs to have breakfast. After Xu Ping'an finished breakfast, he saw Song Xinyun go downstairs.

In vain, Xu Ping'an gave a glance, did not speak, and went straight to dinner.

Xu Pingan drank a few cups of tea, went upstairs to change clothes, and then drove to the company. He had to make arrangements for the company's affairs. He was about to go abroad to Panama by himself.

The invitation has been sent to the company, and Feng Xia kept it. It was a surprise to see Feng Xia. It was too extravagant. It was not a big invitation card, but it was very heavy. It was made of special metal.

Feng Xia is also a person who has seen the world now. She could see the value of this kind of invitation card and locked it in the safe very carefully. At the same time, she called Xu Ping An to report the incident.

Under Xu Pingan's instructions, he arranged a hotel break for the person who gave the invitation card and was leaving tomorrow.

When he came to the office to make the tea, Feng Xia came over with the invitation card. Xu Ping'an took the card and looked at it. It was really heavy.

"Mr. Xu, there is another invitation." Feng Xia blushed and handed Xu Ping'an a red invitation again.

Seeing Feng Xia's expression, Xu Ping'an took it curiously, opened it, and saw that Feng Xia was about to get married, and she was shocked.

I quickly reacted and said with a smile, "When did you fall in love, it is confidential enough, what does the other party do?"

Feng Xia blushed when she heard Xu Pingan's words.

"His name is Dong Peng and he is the deputy director of the city's investment promotion office. We have known each other for two years. He is three years older than me and is also divorced. After these two years, I feel that he is a reliable person. I agreed a few months ago. His proposal" Feng Xia said directly.

It was a coincidence that Dong Peng and Feng Xia met Feng Xia as a member of the China Merchants Office when he came to the Tianqi Group to negotiate with Wu Sikai and knew that Feng Xia was a senior member of the Tianqi Group.

Xu Pingan is away from the headquarters for more than half of the year. Feng Xia is responsible for the daily routine of the headquarters. He has a lot of contact with Wu Sikai. He specially invited Wu Sikai to eat a meal and inquire about Feng Xia's information.

Wu Sikai immediately saw what Dong Peng meant. He teased Dong Peng for a while. Wu Sikai thought it was okay to see people. Dong Peng was a good person, and he knew something about him, and he was a very good person.

"Feng Xia, Lei Peng, these two people have a very unusual relationship with our president"

"Both of them are elderly people who started with the president. Although Lei Peng is now a head of warehouse in the headquarters, his treatment is for the deputy general manager of the branch. As a manager of the administrative department of the headquarters, Feng Xia is also paid for the deputy general manager of the branch. "

"You know our boss's temper. If you hurt Feng Xia with a playful mentality, let me tell you, our boss will never give up. You think about this." Wu Sikai first passed by Dong Peng solemnly. Speaking of the front, save the future regret.

Because Wu Sikai knew that Feng Xia was always single because of Xu Ping's heart disease. He also heard Xu Ping's talk about the reasons, and he was not at ease with any man.

"Lao Wu, don't worry, I'm serious, you know the situation in my family, and I'm not the kind of foolish person," Dong Peng said seriously.

I knew that Wu Sikai was not joking with him. Dong Peng knew a lot about Xu Ping’s temperament. It was a person who would be a little bit jealous of his superiors and superiors.

If you are crazy, it is really nothing good to eat..

Seeing Dong Peng's attitude, Wu Sikai only then told Dong Peng about Feng Xia's situation, and also deliberately wanted to complete the two.

Of course, afterwards, she also had a serious discussion with Feng Xia. After talking about Dong Peng's affairs, Feng Xia agreed to watch everywhere in order not to embarrass Wu Sikai. Then I knew that one contact would last for two years, and every aspect was more appropriate.

"Do I need to help you investigate?" Xu Ping'an looked at Feng Xia and said, knowing the trauma in Feng Xia's heart. He said this to help Feng Xia.

"I asked Chen Qilin to help me investigate. The character is good. His last marriage was also a victim. His wife carried him to enjoy outside. Not only did they spend all their savings, but also owed more than 700,000 yuan. external debt"

"The two divorced by agreement, and he has assumed all the foreign debts. Only when the family's house is sold can the foreign debt be paid off, and he is currently living in a rented house." Feng Xia briefly introduced Dong Peng's situation.

"According to you, this man is very nice"

"Congratulations, I am relieved to see that you have a complete family," Xu Ping'an said sincerely.

"Thank you" Feng Xia said directly.

"Let's go back and sell your three-bedroom and two-living house. The company's living area is currently under construction. I will keep one for you and sell it to you at a discount."

"Call Jihao Company, order two cars you like, and sell you the same 10% discount as my wedding gift to you," Xu Pingan said with a smile.

Xu Pingan knows Feng Xia's personality very well. She is soft on the outside and strong on the inside. You don't want to give it to Feng Xia directly. If you sell it to Feng Xia at a discount, Feng Xia can't refuse it, and it can be regarded as a gift from herself in disguise.

Feng Xia heard what Xu Pingan was out of, and asked with doubts, "Mr. Xu, can't you attend that day?"

"Not necessarily. I will be going abroad in the next few days. I cannot be sure when I will come back. I will come back as soon as possible. If I can't come back, let my parents attend your wedding instead of me."

"They usually treat you as a goddaughter, and now you are getting married, you will definitely be happy," Xu Ping'an said seriously.

After chatting with Feng Xia for a while, Feng Xia left. Xu Ping'an then opened the envelope sent with the invitation card and began to watch carefully. After reading it, there was a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Xingling, help me stare at the meeting place and people of Panama City entrepreneurs to see if there are any problems," Xu Ping'an said with a frown.

"Good Commander," the Protoss said and fell silent.

A few days passed slowly, and Xu Ping'an also told his parents about Feng Xia. The old couple seized the opportunity to scold Xu Ping'an severely.

Feng Xia is married, when will you get married

You are not young anymore, you don’t want to get married and you want the kids first. Your mom and I are not young anymore.............

It was a headache to make Xu Ping'an listen to it with a big head.

Song Xinyun, with the help of Ouyang Qingsong, signed an agreement with five outstanding students in the computer science department of the junior year. The monthly salary was 20,000 yuan. After graduation, the salary was doubled and he went to work directly at Xinyun Animation.

Even with Xu Ping’an’s bottom line, these five people were still a little unhappy. Until Ouyang Qingsong mentioned the beauty of Xinyun Animation, the five people were tempted and nodded and signed the contract.

When Ouyang Qingsong confessed to Song Xinyun, all five people blushed and embarrassed. Song Xinyun laughed hahahaha. They understood and understood very well. These people are all masters who study hard and have no time to make girlfriends.

"Teacher Ouyang, you are not wrong. Ninety percent of the employees in Xinyun Animation are beautiful women, and all of them have full-time undergraduate degrees. They are all intellectual beautiful women."

"According to company regulations, it is not allowed to fall in love between employees. It depends on your performance. If I am satisfied, I will not only give you special approval, but also organize some activities to create opportunities for you," Song Xinyun said while looking at the five students.

Although the five people didn't say anything, Song Xinyun could see clearly, and the eyes of several people were bright. Knowing your weaknesses, you can't get out of my palm.

After Ouyang Qingsong left, he began to discuss with five people about the special effects of the movie. Soon, Song Xinyun was surprised. The five people promised that within four months, the twelve special effects videos that Song Xinyun had already made would be completed and redone.

The effect guarantee satisfied Song Xinyun. The effect was not inferior to the two videos that Ouyang Qingsong showed Song Xinyun. This efficiency made Song Xinyun very satisfied.

"Look at your performance. If I am satisfied, you can participate in the company's annual meeting." Song Xinyun gave a goal and several students laughed.

Song Xinyun has a sense of accomplishment in her heart. It is so easy to settle a group of young students. I wish you a long time and hope that you will not be tossed by the leftover girls in the company.

On this day, Xu Pingan took a plane to go abroad, and Song Xinyun also returned to Jinling. After all, it was not a short time since he left the company and must go back to deal with the company's affairs.

After getting off the plane, there was a special car waiting outside the airport. Xu Ping’an walked out of the airport and a beautiful woman greeted her. “Mr. Xu, my Vance, welcome you to the party, please here, the convoy is already waiting”.

Xu Pingan nodded, followed the beauty in the car, went straight to the hotel, a holiday villa near the sea, with a private jetty, there are dozens of holiday villas, all with private beaches and jetties.

After arranging for Xu Ping's move in, Vance left. The security captain Custer sent by Buck took the instrument to check it again. No problems were found, and Xu Ping's moved in.

In the evening, just after dinner, Leonardo, the chairman of Qualcomm, came over and everyone was old friends. Xu Ping'an greeted Leonardo for tea together.

When the two were chatting, Hughes from the General Group also came over, and the three of them chatted together, and the topic shifted to this gathering without knowing it.

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