Start the era of black technology

Chapter 544 Tianqi Group has opened the curtain of rising in the space field! [Second more]

There are many countries and groups concerned about the launch of Tianqi Group’s rockets. Once Tianqi Group succeeds, it will be necessary to redefine Tianqi Group.

Tianqi Group has many labels on its body, including technology groups, international clean energy giants, arms giants, dietary supplement giants, and so on.

If it succeeds this time, you can add another label, the international space giant.

This means that Apocalypse Group already has solid space technology. There are really not many countries in the world that master this technology. Private companies are currently Musk's SpaceX in the United States.

What's more, this time the rocket launched by Tianqi Group is even more unique. The body of the rocket is one meter more in diameter than the average rocket. This is a remarkable innovation.

Time slowly passed, and it was time for the rocket to launch. The whole process was broadcast when the rocket was set up. According to statistics, XX TV's conversion to the rocket set up this time has reached an amazing 3.1.

People who watched through video sites even broke live records. Several video sites released data, which shocked everyone. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as national attention.

It is said that XX TV has already reached more than 200 million in advertising revenue alone, setting a new record, making countless TV stations envy and hate.

Early in the morning, Xu Ping'an got up early for a run and exercise. After the exercise, he took a shower before going to eat breakfast. After the meal, he drove directly to the command center.

Soon, the senior executives of Tianqi Group that arrived yesterday also appeared one after another. The general managers of all branches of the Tian Dynasty appeared, and the general manager of Poseidon Kyle, the lawyer Bruce, and the European financial director Niels also appeared.

In front of the huge display screen, Xu Ping'an settled in, and the rest of the people all found their seats and sat down. This is the current major event of Tianqi Group. They all came over after calling Xu Ping'an for instructions.

The photographer of XX Satellite TV gave everyone a close-up, which was seen by the TV, computer, and mobile phone, and understood, and continued to watch the live broadcast.

The broadcast of XX Satellite TV is different from some stations. There are not so many false reports. Everything is reported based on facts. It doesn't speak much of the truth and knows consumer preferences.

Interstitial advertisements are also a good time to choose, not to arouse people's disgust.

Time slowly passed, and when it was time for the rocket to launch, Lu Zian asked Xu Ping'an for instructions. Xu Ping'an nodded, and Lu Zian gave the order.

"Ten, nine, eight, seven... two, one"


The sound of "boom boom boom" began to come.

A huge flame began to spurt from the bottom of the rocket, and the rocket began to rise slowly, and soon it flew away from the metal frame and quickly flew towards the sky.

At this time, the picture was repeated, and the picture captured by the satellite was cut out. The rocket was flying according to the predetermined orbit. The host began to explain that the rocket had already flown out of two kilometers.

Today the rocket was launched, and Tianqi Group rented a satellite to track it, striving to be foolproof.

Soon, the satellite came into space, and the head of the rocket was opened directly, and a lot of national flags popped up with the slogan Long live the motherland hung on it.

Seeing this picture, ordinary people started to get excited. Wei Dongshuo, Chen Qingshan, Zhang Jianbin, Qiao Liangqing, Xiao Jianguo, and others all shook their heads and smiled bitterly when they saw this picture.

This Xu Ping'an is really smart.

If you don't keep your hands, you won't be able to hit, or if you don't hit, you'll die of depression.

It means that the rocket can eject the satellite smoothly. This technology has been verified. There are shouts in the control room, and everyone is busy, collecting various data.

Soon, the top of the rocket slowly closed again, turning into a complete rocket, head down, and began to fall towards the earth.

The top of the atmosphere rubbed against the atmosphere, and flames began to appear, and the body of the rocket slowly ejected flames from time to time to adjust the orientation of the rocket, when it dropped to a certain height.

The ejector on the arrow body began to spray with full force, began to adjust the shape of the rocket, and slowly turned into the head. After adjustment, it began to slowly fall toward the rocket launch center.

Everyone watched nervously, watching whether the rocket in the picture was spraying flames, the speed of descent was gradually reduced, and when it reached a certain height, the six huge spray ports began to work.

Emitting blue flames, the rocket began to slowly land. As time passed, the rocket slowly landed to the predetermined position of the launch platform.


Everyone began to cheer, and Xu Ping'an jumped up excitedly, roaring loudly, and everyone began to applaud. This time the rocket test launch was successful.

Seeing this picture, many people sighed for a long time, and Tianqi Group opened the curtain of its rise in the space field!

In the United States, many people closed their eyes, sighed long, and looked helpless. The Tianqi Group succeeded, and there was one more competitor.

The entire Apocalypse Space Mining Company was excited, and many of them shed tears. It was not easy. Everyone has tightened their nerves during this period, and now they can finally relax.

"Mr. Xu, now that the rocket has been launched successfully, what do you think?" The beautiful host came to Xu Pingan and asked in a daze.

"Happy, I am too educated"

"I don't know what to say. I'm going to celebrate with those employees. It must be a big celebration." Xu Ping'an said a little incoherent.

"Mr. Xu, don't you want to say something to the audience watching in front of the TV?" The host continued to ask.

"I want to celebrate. All Tianqi Group's products will be celebrated with large-scale promotions. This is a milestone in the growth of our Tianqi Group......."

Xu Ping'an said and ran away, getting excited with the others. Seeing Xu Ping'an like this, the host looked helpless.

TV sets, computers, mobile phones, everyone in front of them is stupid.

What did Xu Pingan say, all Tianqi Group’s products will have a big promotion to celebrate this, is it true?

This sentence quickly spread all over the world at an incredible speed, directly logging in to the number one hot search in many countries, and everyone is discussing this matter.

In Dunhuang City, a lot of trucks started to eat, pulling all kinds of food and drinks to the Tianqi Space Mining Company. Today, Tianqi Space Mining Company is going to carnival.

Drink beer casually, eat high-end food casually, and relax.

This period of time is too depressive, and it must be vented.

Xu Ping'an was scurrying around holding beer glasses, clinking glasses with many people and drinking with him, his chest was wet and he didn't care. This scene was broadcast truthfully.

Through the screen, you can feel the joy in Xu Ping'an's heart.

The video website is full of barrage, with blessings, congratulating Tianqi Group on the successful launch of the rocket.

Xu Ping'an had forgotten how much he had drunk. When he woke up, he found himself lying on the bed undressed, and his head felt uncomfortable. Xu Ping'an knew in his heart that this was a sequelae of a big drink.

I shook my head and sat up, picked up the water on the table next to him, and drank it directly.

Honey water is enjoyable, and the stomach feels much better.

Looking at the time, it was already past five o'clock and it was almost dawn.

I took a shower, changed my clothes and went straight to breakfast. I was too hungry. I didn't exercise today. I had to take a good rest after I was full.

After eating a big meal and alleviating the famine, he returned to the room, opened all the windows, boiled water to make tea, drank a few cups of tea, and then lay down on the bed to rest.

When I woke up, it was already ten o'clock.

After getting up, it didn't take long for the two assistants and many people to come over. Anyway, Xu Ping's room was big enough, and everyone was talking and laughing together.

"Boss, you said yesterday that all Tianqi Group products are on sale. Is it true?" Kyle asked from the side.

Xu Ping'an was taken aback, looked at Kyle, then at other people, and asked "Did I say?"

"Mr. Xu, you said it, and this sentence was broadcast live, now it is the number one in the hot search"

"Our rocket launched successfully and became the second most searched" Huo Minghai said directly from the side, everyone laughed.

Everyone understands that Xu Ping'an was too excited yesterday and spoke incoherently, but once the words came out, it was impossible to take it back. Promotions of various products were unavoidable.

"Boss's words have been ranked first in many countries' hot searches. It seems that many countries are waiting for us to carry out sales promotion" Niels said with a smile.

"Well, let's make a promotion. We have never carried out a promotion. It's time to come once, and celebrate with everyone," Xu Ping'an said with a smile.

After making tea and chatting with everyone for a while, they left the room to eat together. Xu Ping'an just drank a bottle of beer at noon today and stopped drinking. It was uncomfortable to drink.

Everyone didn't drink much and just tasted it. After the meal, Xu Ping'an called Lu Zi'an and others to a meeting.

Outside, many countries began to report on this incident, and Tianqi Group, a private enterprise of the Tian Dynasty, repeated the successful rocket test launches and started to comment on this incident.

The words always mentioned that the days when the United States monopolized the repeated launch of rocket technology is over.

A professional media conducted a detailed analysis and reported that the technology used in the launch of Tianqi Group's rocket this time is more advanced than that of Musk's SpaceX Rocket Company.

Especially the U-turn technology when the rocket returns is even more unusual. This technology should belong to Tianqi Group exclusively.

In addition, the media began to analyze the materials used by Tianqi Group's rockets. In terms of materials, the technological content is very high. In short, if there is no topic, you must look for topics.

In the meeting room, Xu Ping'an first affirmed everyone's achievements, and then began to assign tasks to Lu Zi'an and others, and directly applied for the rocket launch application in February. Tianqi Group's weather satellite has been successfully developed and will be launched in February.

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