Start the era of black technology

Chapter 546 You are really lucky to join the Tianqi Group! [Fourth more]

The next day, Bruce went to Blizzard, met with Moss, and directly took out the contract for Moss to sign. Moss looked at Bruce and did not sign immediately.

He hesitated on his face and said, "Who do you intend to take over Blizzard and let the founders of Blizzard come back, NO, they are outdated and not suitable for leading the current Blizzard."

"Although I left, I don't want Blizzard to sink."

"I can tell you after you sign this." Bruce was very composed. I can't say anything if you don't sign, the meaning is very clear.

Moss shook his head and smiled bitterly. He picked up his pen and said directly, "It's useless to sign. The Ministry of Commerce will not promise you to buy."

"You can rest assured that the Ministry of Commerce will agree, otherwise, there is no point in our acquisition of your shares."

"With your 31% of the shares, plus our current 38% of the shares, the total is 69%."

"The major shareholder Porter holds 7% of the shares. After your shares are sold, his shares will be sold to us. In this way, we will hold 75% of the shares."

"Do you know why we don't snipe you on the stock market, because this is completely unnecessary. This world is a capital world, and we are very sure that we can acquire you without having to do anything in the stock market."

"Now that we have 75% of the shares, we can delist at any time"

"What's more, we reached a deal a few months ago, otherwise, why do you think we stopped for so long in the middle of nothing," Bruce said unceremoniously.

After listening to Bruce's words, Moss sighed and signed directly, signing a total of four times and completing the share transfer.

"Now I can tell who is taking my seat," Moss said directly, looking at Bruce.

Bruce smiled, "Marstin, he will take your place and keep the company running stably".

"It turned out to be him" Moss was shocked.

I thought of a lot of people, but I didn't expect it to be Mustin. As a person who usually does a lot of work in the company and doesn't talk much, it is easy to be ignored.

For a long time, he shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Yes, he is a doer and will lead Blizzard well."

"The two conditions I said yesterday are still one. You can announce that the Blizzard Celestial Division has been merged into Apocalypse Games. We have begun to purchase the latest servers."

"The performance of this server is three times that of the server provided by your original agent, and the player's experience will be directly improved. From this point, you should be able to see that the acquisition of Blizzard by Tianqi Group is the best result."

"We are sincere to the company to the players, and no company can compare this," Bruce said directly.

Moss didn't know what to say. Bruce called Mustin directly and started the handover. According to the contract, Moss had to cooperate for one month, and the matter could be announced after one month.

With a month’s time and with the cooperation of Mastin, Tianqi Group can easily control Blizzard. If Moss violates the agreement, I am sorry, the transaction price will be directly halved.

For money, Moss could only cooperate, and after discussing with Mustin and Bruce for a while, Moss called the secretary and began to issue orders.

Soon, Activision Blizzard had a number of senior executives fired that day. In the next few days, they were layoffs, making everyone confused, because the cuts were all senior executives, and most of them were pulled up by Moss. People.

With the turmoil of Blizzard, the stock price began to fall. Blizzard didn't care. Bruce and Porter also completed the share transaction. On the other side of the sky, the Blizzard branch began to merge into Apocalypse Games.

Everything is going on in secret. The people who belonged to Mustin began to appreciate. A week passed slowly. Blizzard announced that this year's profit was lower than expected and it would cut some projects.

This news directly caused the stock price to plummet, and it fell for four consecutive days. Suddenly, Blizzard stopped trading, which made everyone confused. The relevant departments have already received Blizzard’s delisting application.

Many people suddenly realized that Tianqi Group had 75% of the shares and applied for delisting. This was a complete privatization.

The day before Christmas, Tianqi Group's official website and Blizzard's official website announced the news together. Blizzard was officially acquired by Tianqi Group and has been approved by the Ministry of Commerce.

A thunder shook everyone's nerves

The gaming world is in chaos

Major media around the world began to report this incident, and players on the other side of the celestial dynasty were also shocked. I didn’t expect Tianqi Group to successfully acquire Blizzard.

The next day, Blizzard’s official website issued a statement that President Moss resigned and Vice President Mustin will serve as president of the company.

Karlon, former vice president of Universal Pictures, will serve as general manager and deputy general manager of Blizzard Films and will be solely responsible for the development of World of Warcraft IP movies.

Apocalypse Group will invest 1 billion euros in Blizzard Film and Television to bring the World of Warcraft series to the big screen.

This news shocked all World of Warcraft players. Obviously, the World of Warcraft series of movies will kick off, and they have left messages expressing their support and firmly supporting this decision.

On the third day, Blizzard’s official website issued a statement that it will be delisted from the stock market. The stock holders can install the suspension money to sell the stock, and the company will directly recover it.

At the same time, the company name will be changed to Apocalypse Blizzard Game Company, and all agent qualifications will be reviewed, and those who fail to pass will be disqualified.

Many people saw that they were poking their lips. Obviously, this was a liquidation of a group of agents that the Tianchao agents had wooed some time ago.

It is indeed Xu Ping'an's consistent style. Many agents are regretful of beating their chests. Xu Ping's dispositions are too clear for them. Why did they get dizzy and follow the book together.

On the fourth day, Apocalypse Blizzard issued a statement that it will severely crack down on game studios and gold groups that appear in its games to maintain the financial balance of games.

When the news came out, those game studios in the Tian Dynasty were wailing. Many people directly cursed them. They all learned the methods of Tianqi Game Company. Now World of Warcraft also plays like this, how can they live.

Mustin’s task is very tight. In a series of adjustments within the company, Blizzard’s headquarters was cleared of more than 200 people in just a few days.

Many projects have been adjusted. Mastin is very aware of the current shortcomings of the company. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he has directly made drastic reforms, and the unreasonable products have been eliminated one by one.

At the same time, Ernst & Young acquired 12% of the shares, and the remaining holders said they would not sell anything, waiting for Apocalypse Group to issue a higher price.

As a result, Bruce attended the board of directors, raised 10 billion U.S. dollars, and paid in proportion to the shares. If you don't have the money, you can directly dilute the shares, which makes many shareholders feel painful.

They all opposed this decision, and the opposition was invalid. Blizzard must make strides forward in the next step, and will not stagnate in the deduction.

If you don’t want the shares to be diluted, you can choose to invest or sell the shares. The stock price is 30% discount.

After the announcement, Bruce directly announced that the meeting had ended, and he didn't bother to talk to these people.

On this day, Tianchao Tianqi Game Company announced that it will purchase the latest server with three times the original performance so that players can have a better experience.

At present, the server has begun to be assembled, and it is expected that it will be officially launched in ten days without delaying the entertainment of players.

When this news spreads, the players of the Celestial Empire are at ease. The servers of Tianqi Game Company are powerful, and the game playing is really smooth. The game experience will definitely be more comfortable in the future.

It is not only the server upgrades of Tianchao, but also the servers provided by agents from all over the world must be upgraded accordingly. If it is mandatory or not, the agency rights will be cancelled.

The only thing that makes these agents feel better is that this year's agency fee will not increase, and the original price will be maintained, and the contract will be signed for two years, which is enough to get you back the investment on the server.

A few days later, agents from various countries signed new agency contracts with Blizzard. The dozen or so agents who committed crimes with Cheng Lei were all cancelled and replaced with new agents.

After completing these, Mustin and Karlon set off with Bruce to go to the Tian Dynasty to participate in the annual meeting of the Tianqi Group.

For the first time attending the Apocalypse Group annual meeting, Mustin and Karlon were quite excited, because they had the opportunity to understand the Apocalypse Group intuitively and asked Bruce directly on the plane what he needed to pay attention to.

Karlon next to him has the same meaning. Looking at Bruce, I hope Bruce can explain it.

Bruce smiled and talked to Mustin and Karlon. "There is nothing special to pay attention to. I want to remind you that even if you lose tens of billions of dollars, you must tell the truth. If you violate it, Direct expulsion"

"The biggest taboo of the Tianqi Group is not to tell lies. If you find that you are expelled directly once, there is no emotion to tell. You must keep this in mind."

"Others are not very strict. You have done it in accordance with the company's regulations. You can communicate with the president at any time. You can argue with different opinions. The company advocates normal work disputes."

"Once a decision is made, it must be implemented, and no more disputes. When necessary, you can directly ask the president as a referee"

"If you fire someone because of a work dispute, what is waiting for you will be fired. Many managers have suffered this loss and left Tianqi Group. You must pay attention to this aspect."

The three communicated a lot on the plane, until the end, Bruce looked at the two with profound meaning and said with a smile.

"Don't be under pressure at this meeting. After all, you are a newly acquired company and there is no way to compare with other companies. For the profitability of other companies, you only need to be prepared."

"At the same time, you have to carry a certain amount of pressure. Only with pressure can you make progress. The real strength of Tianqi Group is stronger than that reported by the outside world. You are really lucky to join Tianqi Group!".

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