Start the era of black technology

Chapter 551 Xu Pingan's ambition to enter space is clearly revealed [second more]

Just the day before the rocket was launched, the relevant departments made an explanation on the subsidy. The subsidy needs to be applied for, and the subsidy cannot be granted without an application.

All funds dedicated to supporting the growth of domestic space industry companies can apply. Only five companies have submitted applications. After review, only two companies meet the conditions.

Xu Pingan smiled when he saw this reply and didn't care

Subsidies are not so easy to get. There is no free lunch in the world. You must pay for the money.

The successful launch of the Apocalypse Group's rocket involves a lot of technology. Why don't those people come to get it? It's because the Apocalypse Group does not require subsidies.

If you want technology, you can buy it with money and follow the business rules you specify.

Time passed quickly. Xu Ping’an arrived at the command center early the next morning, waiting for the rocket to launch. At eleven o’clock, the rocket ignited and lifted off.

The control hall is busy, all kinds of monitoring are turned on, collecting various data.

After a short time, a loud voice came, "The rocket has entered the scheduled orbit."

"Start the satellite launch procedure" Lu Zi'an said to Mai very calmly, and the satellite launch procedure began to run.

Xu Pingan could see clearly that the upper part of the rocket opened and two satellites bounced out one after another.

"Start the satellite program, start the control program..." The shouts continued, and Xu Ping'an smiled, and he knew it was successful.

"Link successful"

"Successful, wailing wailing" huge cheers appeared, and Xu Ping'an smiled and began to applaud. This is a leap forward.

"Keep calm, immediately contact the Tianqi Island Control Center for the transfer of satellite permissions" Lu Zi'an shouted very calmly, and everyone immediately began to get busy.

"Start the rocket return control program" Lu Zi'an shouted again, and the rocket returned safely to be considered successful.

Time slowly passed,

"Report, the satellite authority has been handed over, and news of Apocalypse Island has been received. They have already controlled the satellite."

After a while, the rocket slowly landed on the screen. This time the rocket was launched successfully.

Xu Pingan joined the crowd cheering, it was not easy, and finally took the first step into space.

On the Tianqi video website, the barrage was immediately full, and the pop-up windows that had been prepared began to appear.

[Congratulations to Tianqi Space Mining Company for the successful launch of the Double Star with One Arrow. A weather satellite and a marine ecological monitoring satellite are all tailor-made for the Tianqi Institute of Marine Ecology]

This is an external statement. There is no saying that these two satellites still have the function of detection. With two more eyes in the sky, the Tianqi Group will have a broader road in the future.

With the advent of celebration banners on the website, many media received news and began to report the news. This is the second launch of the Apocalypse rocket. The rocket can be reused. This is a huge selling point.

Many netizens left messages on social forums [I don’t know how the subsidized rocket company will feel when seeing this news, when will their rockets be launched, one year, five years, ten years... ........

Many people didn't feel much about seeing this post. They didn't expect that Tianqi Group had actually launched satellites, and the growth rate was really fast.

Wei Dongshuo and Chen Qingshan also watched the live video in the office. Seeing the scene of Rockets returning safely, the two looked at each other and both shook their heads and laughed bitterly.

The two didn't know whether to be happy or.............

The bosses of the two rocket companies were also depressed and wanted to vomit blood. Without comparison, there would be no harm. With comparison, the damage is really too great.

The next day, Tianqi Group announced the news directly on its official website. At the same time, the new plan was announced, and the new generation of five communications satellite projects was officially launched.

When these satellites are officially launched, it will be the time for Tianqi Group to enter wireless broadband.

It will let all the human body know what is called wireless transmission. The new generation of wireless data transmission technology will subvert your thinking and redefine the concept of wireless transmission.

Technology is really changing your life.

With this announcement, many people were shocked. Could it be that Tianqi Group has really made another breakthrough? What is the wireless technology that subverts thinking? Many people are not clear about the situation.

The media is lively, there are new hype topics, and wireless data transmission technology has begun to be frantically hyped, and many technology companies have jumped out to get hot.

There are companies all over the world, especially listed companies, and they are very enthusiastic. Only with enthusiasm can the stock price be increased. This year's hype topic has been found.

The people of the Celestial Dynasty were shocked, especially the communication company. After the Tianqi Group got the license, there was no action. Now it finally has the action, it turned out to be wireless transmission technology.

Wireless transmission technology is not a high-tech, mobile phones, WIF, Bluetooth, etc. are all wireless transmission technologies used, but no company dares to care.

The black history of Tianqi Group's products subverting the industry scares all companies.

The product of Tianqi must be the pinnacle!

This sentence has a market not only in the heavens, but also in the world. Many people believe this sentence.

Since Tianqi Group has called out to redefine wireless transmission, it will definitely not be simple, it is absolutely powerful and can't be careless.

Just when everyone was at a loss, a French media reported that the Apocalypse Group’s Idrius Island had recruited hundreds of R&D personnel who were engaged in a new generation of spacecraft projects.

The Tianqi Space Mining Company has also commissioned Korn Ferry International to start recruiting talents for rocket vehicles. This shows that Tianqi Group’s space program is ambitious.

This news has been unacceptable to many international giants. From the two rocket launches by Tianqi Group, it can be seen that Tianqi Group has accumulated a certain amount of space technology.

Now that there are so many senior talents to be recruited, what do you want to do?

Soon, more than forty international giant companies began to release the same recruitment information, and began to frantically gather talents in this field, which opened the curtain of the international giants' plans to enter space.

What makes domestic netizens feel uncomfortable is that apart from Tianqi Group, they can't come up with a second company that intends to enter space. Compared with the eight companies in the United States, it is pitiful.

Even Japan has five companies participating in this feast, and there is only one in the grand dynasty, and everyone feels suffocated.

Soon, an American media revealed that Tianqi Group had started a new round of large purchases. According to incomplete statistics, more than forty companies in the United States have received orders from Tianqi Group, with a total order amount of more than six billion US dollars.

The Black Palace has moved the idea of ​​banning the supply of goods, and it was collectively denied by others. This is related to the employment of many people. It is really necessary to issue an order to ban it, and then there will be big trouble.

More than 20 companies in Japan have received orders, and more than 100 companies in Europe and Australia have received orders. The specific amount is unknown. If estimated, conservative analysis shows that the purchase amount of Tianqi Group in this round is more than 20 billion euros.

Tianqi Group makes money fast and spends money fast.

The article ends with this sentence.

After the news spread, the Chinese were extremely shocked, and these international giants were in the foreground.

Let people really experience what is wealthy

What is an international giant

What is the power of capital

When everyone was shocked, Airbus Group announced that it had obtained an order from Tianqi Group to manufacture an aircraft using special materials. The cost of this aircraft was as high as 700 million euros.

The airframe is the ace aircraft of Airbus Group, the largest aircraft in the world.

The news stimulated Airbus Group's stock to start a new round of soaring, so that everyone who holds Airbus Group's stock laughed from ear to ear.

When other companies saw it, their eyes brightened, and they began to announce that they had also obtained orders from Tianqi Group. Not one company, but a large number of companies announced.

Including domestic companies is no exception. Due to this good news, the global high-end manufacturing sector is rising across the board, and the stocks of companies that announce orders from Tianqi Group are rising across the board.

It is a boost to the global stock market.

Domestically, the relevant departments know how many orders Tianqi Group has placed in the country. The total order is 54 euros, all of which are high-precision accessories, all for the space environment.

This is tantamount to telling everyone clearly that the 100 million subsidy I can't even see.

The bosses of the other two rocket companies, with a bitter face, clutching their chests in pain.

The happy Pi Dian Pi Dian received a subsidy of 100 million yuan, and a wave of tens of billions of euros from the Tianqi Group.

People can only die than people.

How much time has passed since this year, Tianqi Group is so fierce, directly disturbing the international situation

To show people around the world their determination to enter space

Xu Pingan's ambition to enter the outer space is clear and undisguised.

This competition is a space competition among international giants. The actions are not inferior to those countries. The combined investment of eight US companies in space is even greater than that of NASA.

No one thought of this.

Those bigwigs did not expect that this time the collective efforts of the international giants would shock the global bigwigs. Are these international giants crazy?

If there is no madness, space investment is a bottomless pit. Why are they so willing to throw money into it? Is there anything they have not mastered? They are all beginning to wonder.

Xu Pingan has already returned to City J. He has been with his parents for a few days. He drank the water from the golden astrolabe. If he didn't feel anything, he set off directly to inspect Tianqi Island.

Today's Tianqi Island is very different from before. It is three meters above sea level, with perfect drainage facilities, and the living area is occupied all the year round. Many researchers will let their families take over and live together.

The population of the island is definitely more than two thousand. There are hundreds of people in the security department, hundreds of people in marine ecology research, and there are more than 100 people on Murphy's side, and they are also showing a rapid increase.

Coupled with the staff of some supporting facilities, the number of personnel does not exceed two thousand talents.

Some people have consumption, and consumption has income.

Hubert no longer served as the general manager of Tianqi Island, but went to run an island resort hotel. Xu Ping'an allocated a sum of money to him and purchased several islands.

Using their relationship, the person looking for the Institute of Marine Ecology cleaned up the surrounding environment of several small islands, and then began to build a submarine hotel.

A huge glass ball is a room where you can lie on the bed and browse the underwater scenery. It is currently under construction and the technical content is not low.

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