Start the era of black technology

Chapter 553: These don't belong to them anymore

While inspecting, Xu Ping'an received a call from Gavin, and one person walked aside to answer the call, while the others were waiting in place.

"Boss, they did have an air crash"

"The wreckage of the plane was found, right on the border between Lithuania and Latonia. At present, the Swiss airline to which the plane belongs is investigating the cause of the accident."

"Everyone on the plane has died, and the number of people is right. According to the news, Li Wanshan has left Estonia and his destination is the United Kingdom. What should we do," Gavin asked.

"Go ahead," Xu Ping'an said directly.

No way, everyone is dead, and you can't trace the whereabouts of the funds.

"Okay" Gavin said directly, and the two chatted for a while before hanging up the phone.

Xu Ping An took a few deep breaths, communicated with Protoss for a while, walked back calmly, and continued to inspect. Along the way, he saw a lot of research equipment being installed, and everyone was very busy.

In Europe, stock exchanges in many countries began to fluctuate. A mysterious fund began to attack a certain fund. Those who discovered this phenomenon either followed up or left their positions.

He left because he was worried about being accidentally injured. Obviously, the attacked fund was targeted by predators. From the perspective of attack intensity, the attacker's financial strength is very strong.

Japan, the branch of the Apocalypse Investment Company, Yoko Watanabe calmly issued an attack order.

In the celestial dynasty, Ji Xueyi also issued an attack order,

Acting together in many places, the pertinence is very obvious, this time is a classic case, more than a dozen funds were attacked at the same time.

Moreover, the attack lasted only one day, and these attacked funds collapsed.

Banks compulsorily liquidate positions and begin settlements. A lot of funds began to be concentrated in one account. What many people don't know is that these funds flowed out directly after they flowed in.

The destination turned out to be a bank in Afghanistan. In the future, if anyone wants to investigate, he should send personnel to Afghanistan to investigate. I just don’t know if the investigators have the guts to go there.

When Li Wanshan got off the plane, he received a call. His whole head was blind, and he could only say a word, trying to recover the loss as much as possible.

As a result, at night, Li Wanshan was completely dumbfounded.

All the funds were forced to liquidate their positions, their accounts were locked, and even the general managers of a few funds had run away, and Li Wanshan did not sleep all night.

The next day, Li Wanshan made a phone call for statistics, and immediately dismantled the phone, took out the phone card and threw it away.

According to statistics, it is not only the loss of compensation, but also a lot of money owed to the bank. The name Li Wanshan must be small. Go home and discuss it with your family.

The eldest brother and father had just had an accident. Someone started to deal with these funds. Someone must have targeted them, otherwise there is no such coincidence.

This revenge must be avenged!

This is Li Wanshan's idea.

The three cars rushed all the way, and within a few hours they reached the suburbs of Liverpool and drove straight to a farm. Li Kunlun's family and Li Wanshan's family were all waiting in the farm.

When I bought the farm, I bought four farms directly at a big price. The farms were divided into two, one for each family, and the area was not small.

Li Wanshan was still careless. He didn't meet anyone and didn't think much about it. It was not until he entered the villa that something was wrong. The group was pointed at by a group of people in black with a dozen automatic rifles.

The gun tip also has a silencer

Li Wanshan was really stupid at this moment. The sweat on his face and body came off, and he raised his hands with the bodyguard.

"With their guns down, I dared to resist and kill directly" a captain-like figure gave the order.

Soon, everyone was searched and disarmed, and then they were admitted with their arms backwards. The bodyguards were taken away, but Li Wanshan remained.

The captain-like person sat on the sofa and watched Li Wanshan "I don't want to die, just hand over your secret funds quickly."

"Who are you, what hate do I have with you?" Li Wanshan has calmed down at this moment. After all, in the heavenly dynasty, the dirty things in the family secretly were handled by Li Wanshan alone, and he still had a certain amount of courage.

Although the person in front of him speaks the Chinese dialect, he is definitely not a Chinese native, because the accent is wrong, and it is obviously the accent of a foreigner who speaks the Chinese dialect.

"It doesn't matter who we are, it's important that you answer my question, otherwise..." This person smiled happily when he said here.

Just when Li Wanshan was confused, a man in black drew a dagger and stabbed Li Wanshan directly in the thigh.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Li Wanshan screamed and fell directly to the ground, holding his thigh with his hand, blood flowed from the gap between his fingers, his face was sweaty and painful. Emoji.

The captain said slowly, "You have fifteen seconds to think about it. When the time comes, I don't get the answer I want, and you will get a knife on the other leg, fifteen, fourteen,... ........."

When the captain counted to one, another person beside him stabbed Li Wanshan's other leg very quickly, and Li Wanshan knelt directly on the ground.

"It's dead if you say it, or it's dead if you don't say it, kill me." Li Wanshan still had a certain degree of rigidity.

This life is worth it, and I have enjoyed it. There are more than a dozen people who died in my own hands. There is nothing to regret.

"Kill you, NONONO" the captain said directly.

Looking at Li Wanshan with a smile on his face, "I tell you the truth, the order I received is to get your secret funds, and I can't kill you, we just want money to die."

"But if you want to fight to the end, then you can't blame me. The order didn't say that you can't play with you."

"Don't force me"

When the captain said the last sentence, his tone had become cold.

Li Wanshan was also taken aback, his face began to show hesitation, for a long time, the captain was a little impatient while waiting, staring at Li Wanshan with cold eyes.

"In the words of your celestial court, you can't see the coffin without crying, take his family out," the captain said.

In a short time, Li Wanshan's family was brought over by several people, including his wife, son, daughter-in-law, two daughters, and young grandsons. Li Wanshan was stupid.

"The old rule, 15 seconds to consider the time, if you don't tell, your wife will be loved by several people, fifteen, fourteen,............" the captain started counting Count it up.

Li Wanshan wanted to struggle, and was held tightly by the two next to him. The captain did not stop counting, and continued to count at the inherent speed, until he reached one. Li Wanshan still did not say.

"What's coming at me? What kind of ability to bully women" Li Wanshan said with red eyes.

"Really, don't you think we don't know your details"

"Ten Dynasty, the real-name system of school teachers in XX County reported that you were involved in the tofu project when you built the school. You led people to destroy the teacher’s door, and you defiled his wife and daughter. Finally, you built a room where they were buried. Public toilet"

"At that time, this teacher also begged you to let his family go, why didn't you agree to him?" The captain unceremoniously said the secrets in Li Wanshan's heart, and Li Wanshan was silly.

This is the secret in Li Wanshan's heart. At the beginning, he was young and eager to do things regardless of the consequences. Afterwards, the family spent a lot of money to save him.

Only the eldest brother and father knew about this. How did these people know about it for decades? Li Wanshan looked at this man with fear.

"On the twenty-seventh, twenty-eighth, twenty-ninth, greet his wife, I can’t hear what I want to hear, so I will transfer you to Billy’s squadron." The captain turned and looked at the side. The three said.

The three people next to him all looked uncomfortable. Billy’s team was all crooked. They were really transferred. One night passed. They must have been broken. They looked at each other. One of them bit the bullet and said, "Head, his wife." Like this, we can’t be tough.”

"You can eat Viagra if you can't get up. You have 30 minutes. Now the countdown starts," the captain said unceremoniously.

Li Wanshan's wife immediately struggled, but it was a pity that her mouth was sealed, and her eyes were red looking at Li Wanshan. The daughter and son next to her were also struggling.

"Wait a minute" Li Wanshan shouted.

"You promise not to hurt us" Li Wanshan said directly.

"Of course, what we want is money"

"I'm not afraid of you calling the police. We know your identities very well. After calling the police, I'm afraid those policemen are even darker than us. If you don't talk about knocking the bones, you won't stop."

"However, don't try to deceive us. We also have some clues. If the gap with us is too large, I will let you experience what is better than death," the captain said coldly.

Li Wanshan hesitated for a moment, his face trembling and nodding, the captain waved his hand, and a person next to him came over with a notebook phone and looked at Li Wanshan.

"Union Bank of Switzerland, the account number is XXXXXXXX and the password is XXXXXXXXXXXX" Li Wanshan said the account number and password.

The man next to him immediately started to operate, and soon passed the verification "head" and handed the notebook to the captain. The captain took it and sneered.

He picked up the ashtray next to him and threw it at Li Wanshan with a "pop", and Li Wanshan began to leave blood on his head.

"Two billion euros, you fool me, do you really think we don't know how your secret funds were set up? No tears without the coffin," the captain said while looking at Li Wanshan with cold eyes.

After speaking, they waved their hands, and the three of them looked uncomfortable. They dragged Li Wanshan's wife to the next room, and Li Wanshan began to struggle.

"I have so many secret funds, and the rest are in my elder brother's grasp. I really don't know." Li Wanshan began to cry frantically, while the captain closed his eyes without looking at Li Wanshan.

After a while, the captain opened his eyes and glanced at Li Wanshan in disgust, "blocking his mouth" and then closed his eyes.

Time slowly passed more than ten minutes, and Mrs. Li Wanshan's screams and pops came over. Li Wanshan's eyes were wide and frantically struggling, and the others were also struggling frantically.

But everyone was held down by two people and couldn't resist.

After more than half an hour, the three came out "head, she passed out in a cool manner, we will hand her to the table".

The captain opened his eyes and looked at Li Wanshan. The person next to him removed the tape on his mouth, "I will give you fifteen seconds. After fifteen seconds, they will be your two daughters and daughter-in-law."

"Fifteen, fourteen, thirteen,..." As the captain counted, Li Wanshan's son, daughter-in-law, and two daughters all began to struggle.

"I said" Li Wanshan shouted loudly.

The captain smiled and looked at the person next to him, who immediately began to prepare.

"Citibank, account number XXXXXXXX password XXXXXXXXXX" Li Wanshan collapsed directly to the ground after speaking. This is the family's secret account. It is the two brothers who know this account and password.

Soon, the person operating the computer handed the computer to the captain with a look of astonishment. The captain was shocked when he saw it. It was so fucking black, there were more than 40 billion US dollars.

There was a struggling expression on the captain's face, and it took a while to hold back the greed in his heart. The strength of the organization is very clear. If you are greedy for the money, getting out of the car is worse than the person in front of him.

"Take out the documents and let them sign. It's damn cheap to them. If it wasn't for the order, I would never spare them."

"You immediately transfer the funds to this account." The captain finished speaking, took out a note and handed it to the team members. The team members immediately started operating and transferred the funds away.

Next to him, someone had already brought a stack of documents for Li Wanshan to sign. Not only Li Wanshan wanted to sign, but his wife, son, and daughter wanted to sign. These documents showed their family’s assets in the UK.

These assets add up to absolutely more than 3 billion pounds, and soon, these are not theirs.

Hearing what the captain said, Li Wanshan moved in his heart. He actually had an order not to kill his family. He was just asking for money, who was it, and why did they do it.

The three generations of father and son worked so hard to get these huge sums of money. Now, they don't belong to them at all, and they are ruining future generations.

As the saying goes, retribution is unhappy. It is not that it is not reported but that the time has not arrived. When the time is up, everything will be cleared immediately.

You are exploiting the people, and someone has come to exploit you.

Good people deceive the sky and not deceive,

People and evil people are not afraid of heaven!

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