Start the era of black technology

Chapter 575 This price is really crazy and painful

Xu Ping'an stood on the stage and pressed down with both hands. The scene began to quiet down, and the flashlight disappeared. Then he took off his sunglasses, looked at the people below, and bowed.

"Everyone, sunglasses are definitely a great invention. If it weren't for the existence of sunglasses, I guess I would have to go to the ophthalmology department. I would not be able to hold it under the flashlight," Xu Ping said with a smile, and the reporters all laughed. Up.

Not everyone is worthy of our waste of film, other people do not have this treatment, there is no need to get some sunglasses.

A reporter in the audience suddenly had a spoof idea in his heart, raised his hand to Xu Ping'an and started taking pictures, the flash flickered.The flashy Xu Ping'an closed his eyes.

At this time, it seemed that everyone had received the signal, and there was another dense flash of flashes. Xu Ping closed his eyes and covered his face with his hands, making everyone watching the live laugh hahahaha.

It took a while to calm down, Xu Ping'an rubbed his face and said to the reporter below, "You are great, I take it."

There was a burst of laughter at the scene, and Xu Ping'an pressed down with both hands before calming down.

"Close to the subject, let's get to the topic" Xu Ping'an said, and the people below are beginning to take it seriously and stop making spoofs.

"Today, our Tianqi Group held a press conference. Many people are speculating that Tianqi Group will announce something important, and it will not be about new products."

"I want to say one thing here, congratulations, you got the answer, today we are going to launch a new product that will disrupt the industry" Xu Ping'an said this sentence confidently.

Everyone watching the live broadcast in financial institutions, large and small corporate conference rooms, started to get serious, and they all started to get nervous, and it was really a damn new product to subvert the industry.

"Now, there must be a lot of people wondering what new product it is and what industry it belongs to," Xu Ping'an said here and looked at the camera with a smile on his face.

"I won't tell you"

After Xu Ping'an said this sentence with a mean expression on his face, many people raised their middle fingers. Your sister, you are too mean.

"I'm not kidding, I just won't tell you" Xu Ping'an changed a very serious expression and said, everyone started to be surprised, what the hell was Xu Ping'an doing.

"This product is an epoch-making product. It will make a difference in human life. I will not say, let the inventor of this product give a detailed explanation."

"Please invite the inventor of this new product, Mr. Miao Yong." Xu Ping'an shouted out Miao Yong's name and immediately began to applaud.

Those who watched the live broadcast began to think about it. Miao Yong actually invented it. Is it still paint? Not necessarily. If it is paint, there is no need to hold a press conference.

Miao Yong walked to the front desk in casual clothes and hugged Xu Ping'an directly. They could see that the two had a good relationship, and Miao Yong had a heartfelt smile on his face.

The relationship between Xu Pingan and Miao Yong is not a secret. On the contrary, it is still a good story in the scientific community. Many people hope that they are Miao Yong and can meet Xu Pingan such a Bole.

Without Xu Pingan, there would be no Miao Yong today

Without Miao Yong there would be no super paint

It can be said that the two have made each other perfect.

On the stage, Xu Ping'an had already stepped aside, and the podium was handed over to Miao Yong, and the reporters below began to take pictures again.

It took a long time to calm down, and Miao Yong rubbed his eyes. "I now know why the president is holding a pair of sunglasses. This kind of taste is really uncomfortable."

The reporters below all laughed. Miao Yong's remarks are the truth. The celebrities who can talk and laugh freely under the flashlight are all trained, different from ordinary people.

"Close to the subject, let me introduce this new product to you. After many years, I finally got the result of research."

"This is the super oil" Miao Yong announced the name of the product loudly.

The big screen behind Miao Yong began to appear in the words "Super Engine Oil", and the financial companies who watched the live broadcast immediately began to do it.

"Motor oil companies, stocks of companies related to motor oil are immediately cleared out, fast, go, go, go, go..." Financial institutions immediately began to act.

Watching the live broadcast of the motor oil industry companies, everyone's faces have become gloomy, bastard, it turned out to be our industry, you Tianqi Group must die!!!!.

"Oil is an indispensable additive for engines, which can effectively reduce engine wear and increase engine life."

"Cars, airplanes, fighter jets, rockets, engines in these fields are inseparable from the engine oil"

"In the beginning, I didn't plan to study this project. Five years ago, when I went to the U.S. for a meeting, I was severely humiliated by the U.S. people, saying that we Chinese people couldn't make a good motor oil... ......."

"Seriously, this kind of humiliation made me unacceptable. After returning to China, I applied for special funds with the president and invested thoroughly in this research and development field."

"In the past five years, we have failed for five years and spent 1.4 billion euros each year."

"I feel a little embarrassed for such a huge cost. At this time, Mr. Xu Ping'an, the president, told me that money is not a big deal, and it must be paid out.

"People have insulted us to this level, and we have to make a breakthrough and use tangible products to shut them up and make them regret it."

"It is exactly the encouragement given by Mr. Xu Ping'an to keep me studying. Sometimes, five or eight experiments are carried out at the same time in one day, which is very costly."

"Fortunately, we have made a breakthrough and achieved success. I want to show those who insult me ​​from the oil company. You can't make the oil I developed." Miao Yong said this with an extremely serious expression.

Those who watched the live broadcast felt Miao Yong's determination. People in the global motor oil industry began to scold American motor oil companies. You are really fucking brainless.

Now it’s okay, not only will you finish playing with revenge, but we will also finish playing with it.

"What is the effect of our engine oil? Let me give you a simple example, everyone can understand it at a glance." When Miao Yong said here, everyone watching the live broadcast became serious again.

"The engine life of our domestic fighter aircraft is 1,500 hours, which is far lower than the 8,000 hours in the United States and 4,000 hours in Russia."

"If our domestic engine uses this oil of mine, the life of the engine can be extended from 1500 hours to 4500 hours"

"I'm not kidding, the relevant data has been verified in detail. The two major national testing agencies have tested our oil and fully recognize the data of our product" Miao Yong directly said that it was shocking. The data.

Those who watched the live broadcast saw this data, and everyone's faces were shocked. This oil is so powerful, many senior officials in many countries started to think about a problem when they saw this news.

Will this product be allowed to be exported? This is a product against the sky.

At the critical moment, this kind of engine oil is the existence that influences the battle situation, and, with this kind of engine oil, the maintenance cost of the fighter aircraft will be greatly reduced.

No matter how expensive the engine oil is, it is cheaper than the engine. This is a product that every country cannot do without.

"Although our product has been affirmed and recognized, I am not satisfied. This data can be improved again"

"For this reason, I led the team to conduct further research and developed four major categories: rocket engine oil, fighter engine oil, civil aircraft oil, and automobile engine oil."

"Take fighter-grade engine oil as an example. This kind of targeted research and development can extend the life of fighter engines to 5017 hours."

"The service life of ordinary civil hydrogen-powered aircraft engines has been increased even more. According to our calculations, at least it has doubled. If it is well maintained, the service life will be longer."

"So far, our product is considered a real success"

Miao Yong talked about relevant data endlessly, such as oxidation resistance, stability, carbon deposit cleaning performance, environmental protection, etc., the data is very comprehensive.

All those who watch the live broadcast have a sense of long knowledge. It turns out that there is still such a big knowledge about engine oil.

It's Miao Yong, really amazing.

"We will launch the above four types of products in the near future. If you are interested, you can contact Aubrey, general manager of Tianqi Paint, and he will be solely responsible for contacting."

"Thank you everyone" Miao Yong finished, bowing to the reporter and the camera, impeccable etiquette.

The reporters began to applaud. Amid the applause of everyone, Miao Yong came to Xu Pingan's side. The two shook hands and went to the backstage together, talking and laughing. Feng Xia came to the front desk to announce the end of the press conference.

The reporters began to leave in an orderly manner, hurried back to the hotel all the way, and began to write articles. This is not a trivial matter, but a product comparable to super paint was born.

Foreign countries have begun to fry, and the stock markets of many countries have begun to fluctuate greatly. Many companies are still in meetings. How to deal with this shock.

Our own products cannot be compared with Tianqi Group's products. If there is no good solution, the company may be bankrupt.

Just when everyone was puzzled, at two o'clock in the afternoon, the Tianchao News Agency issued a statement that Tianqi Group’s special oil for rocket engines and special oil for fighter engines are prohibited from exporting.

Only domestic and foreign companies that have been reviewed by the relevant departments of Tianchao can purchase these two products. Without a special procurement license, Tianqi Group cannot sell these two products.

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and this result was both unexpected and not unexpected.

When the Black Palace got the news that the export was banned, many people's faces were black. If you want to get this kind of engine oil, I'm afraid you need to pay a lot of money.

Countries that have a good relationship with the Chinese dynasty are beginning to contact the Chinese dynasty to see if they can purchase this engine oil.

The next day, major media around the world began to report this incident one after another. Miao Yong, once again became popular all over the world, and the arrogance of the Americans created an opponent that subverted their entire industry.

Scientists must not be insulted, this big title is very marketable.

Topics such as the like, perfect revenge, angry counterattack, etc. are endless, making many people feel very relieved after reading the report.

Another day later, the official website of Tianqi Group and Tianqi Paint Company issued statements one after another.

Starting today, Tianqi Paint Company officially changed its name to Tianqi Chemical Group.

The next day, the official website of Tianqi Paint Company was changed and the name was officially changed to Tianqi Chemical Group. At the same time, the price of super engine oil was announced.

The price of rocket-grade oil is two hundred euros per liter

The price of fighter-grade oil is 150 euros per liter

The price of ordinary civil hydrogen aircraft engine grade aircraft oil is 120 euros per liter, which is suitable for single-person aircraft.

The engine oil of a hydrogen car engine is ten euros a liter.

The prices of the four major categories and 20 small categories are all issued. Many people see the price pain for a while. Sure enough, each price is the highest price in the industry.

People who love cars are very caring about car maintenance, and they use the best ones. Seeing this price, many people chuckle with uncomfortable expressions on their faces.

It is indeed a product of Tianqi Group. The price is really crazy and painful.

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