Start the era of black technology

Chapter 577 Patience is their greatest magic weapon

More than ten days passed slowly, and the reason for the rocket launch failure had been found. After targeted modification and simulation by the supercomputer, Lu Zian and Xu Ping'an reported.

"Do you really think it's okay? I don't understand these drawings. Now I will ask you if it's really okay." Xu Ping'an asked Lu Zian's face.

"Yes, we have conducted three internal audits and passed the supercomputer simulation. There is absolutely no problem," Lu Zi'an said very positively.

"If you are sure, let's arrange to start purchasing"

"This time, a trial launch must be carried out. Only after the trial launch is successful, can the satellite be installed," Xu Ping'an said while looking at Lu Zian.

Lu Zi'an said with joy, "I understand, this time we will definitely succeed."

He didn't notice the trace of helplessness in Xu Ping'an's eyes. The Protoss checked the design, and there were still problems. There was no problem with God. He would definitely be finished when he returned.

The second-generation rocket is too ambitious. It is not only a launch function, but when necessary, it can be directly used as a small test chamber in space.

According to the plan of Zhao Changkong and others, this is the prototype of a new space station, modular docking, multiple rockets can form a space workstation, and can be quickly divided into multiple modules when necessary.

More importantly, the second-generation rocket will serve as the carrier of the space shuttle. In the future, after the completion of the space shuttle on the island of Edreus, this rocket will also be sent to space.

There is a good saying, too much stride is easy to get involved, it is not an exaggeration to use this sentence to describe the second-generation rocket.

Forget it, just treat it as paying tuition, more than 100 million, I can afford it.

Xu Pingan could only comfort himself.

Soon, Tianqi Group started a major purchase again and placed orders with various suppliers. Only six suppliers' products were fine-tuned, and the total cost increased by more than 10 million euros.

To adjust the products of the six suppliers, it needs to be remodeled and redesigned, all of which need to be spent. The rest of the accessories are readily available, and the order will be sent over for assembly soon.

On Apocalypse Island, the leader of Murphy began to reassemble the test satellite, and the Institute of Botany and the Institute of Biological Preparations prepared samples to send to Apocalypse Island.

It can be shipped to Apocalypse Mining Company for relaunch in about two months.

On the other side of Idrius Island, it is out of the holiday period. Christmas is the Spring Festival in the West. It takes a half-month holiday and restarts in January.

According to the financial process of Tianqi Group, after they start work, the year-end bonus will be issued. Therefore, employees of Tianqi Group in the western world are very willing to spend money during their holidays.

As time entered January, the enterprises in the celestial dynasty began to get busy, especially the finances, they were even more busy. This year, the income was large, the expenses were large, and the financial work was also very busy.

Days passed, year-end bonuses were issued, holidays began, and the Spring Festival came.

This year, Song Xinyun came to Xu Ping'an to celebrate the New Year. After the new year, Xu Ping'an must accompany Song Xinyun home. Xu Ping'an deliberately refused to agree. After thinking about it, he agreed.

On the phone, Mabo was blackmailed severely. Song Xinyun's IQ would certainly not have thought of this incident. Mabo instigated 100%.

Mabo also simply admitted "Peace, brother, I have entered the marriage grave, and you and San Dezi will also be with you."

"You wait, I'll never finish with you" Xu Ping'an said very upset.

Mabo hung up with a hahahaha laugh, which made Xu Ping'an very depressed.

A few days later, the arrival of Song Xinyun made Xu Hong and his wife very happy, and Xu Ping'an was very upset by the old couple's attitude towards Song Xinyun.

Settling accounts with Song Xinyun at night, this is Xu Ping'an's plan.

The Spring Festival came as scheduled. After the Spring Festival, Xu Ping'an drove Song Xinyun with his relatives. This was forced by Xu Hong and Qin Caixia, and Xu Ping'an had to implement it.

No way, they took Song Xinyun with relatives for a few days, and then the two took a plane to Quanzhou, and Xu Ping An officially visited Song Xinyun's parents.

Song Zhemin and Xu Pingan talked in detail in the study for nearly two hours. Song Xinyun and his mother didn't know what they were talking about. They just keenly noticed that Song Zhemin's eyes were deeply shocked, and it was obvious that he was scared.

When Xu Ping An went to rest after lunch, Song Xinyun came to his father's study and asked solemnly, "Dad, is he threatening you?"

Song Zhemin was taken aback, and soon understood, shook his head and said, "No, I was shocked by the way he placed you and Miao Yiyi and Isabella."

"He is too ambitious, sigh...".

"Dad, please tell me in detail. I have asked him many times, but he refused to say." Song Xinyun became interested. As long as Xu Ping'an didn't threaten Dad, other things weren't a big deal.

"Don't ask, I promised him not to talk about this, Xinyun, you are not young anymore, if possible, be a mother early," Song Zhemin looked at Song Xinyun with deep meaning and said.

What does it mean to be a mother? Does Xu Ping'an mean that he will marry himself only if he is pregnant, frowning and asking "what does he mean?"

"This is not what he meant, it was what I meant. You had a child earlier, and your mother and I can help with the child," Song Zhemin said with a straight smile.

Song Xinyun's face was blushing. Why did his father also think with Xu Ping An, insisting that he have a child, there is no way to explain this kind of thing, and he turned and left his father's study.

Xu Pingan stayed in Quanzhou for a few days and poured Mabo viciously twice before it came out. On this day, the two were drinking tea in Mabo's villa.

This is Mabo’s own villa. No one is allowed to come. This is a small harbor unique to Mabo. When you are upset and thinking about things, you will live here alone.

Xu Mingyang has been here, Lin Yide has been here, and Xu Pingan is the third person to have been in this villa.

After several years of development, Zide Tea Company can be regarded as the true leader of tea in the heavenly dynasty. There are only more than 30 tea bases, which secretly control 40% of the country's tea production.

Every move can affect the price of the domestic tea industry. Ma Bo's achievements have made Ma Ziqiang and his wife very proud. It is not an exaggeration to describe Ma Bo's performance as being more blue than blue.

Mabo has also truly achieved the position of a tea tycoon.

Three cups of tea were in the water, and the two began to discuss things. Ma Bo asked straightforwardly, "What do you think of Song Xinyun and the three, and how do you plan to arrange it?"

"Don't intervene in this matter, Song Zhemin, I promise I won't bother you" Xu Ping'an said calmly, and Ma Bo was taken aback.

He looked at Xu Ping'an suspiciously. Song Zhemin didn't bother him. How could this be possible, but Xu Ping'an didn't look like a joke. Did he give Song Zhemin any promise?

"Ping An, I feel that I don't understand you more and more. Marriage matters are not a trifle."

"Look at me, I was romantic at the beginning, but now I don't guard my wife and children honestly. Family is our ultimate destination" Mabo said with a serious face.

"I know that I will give them a home. You can rest assured of this." Xu Ping'an said this sentence very positively.

"Forget it, I won't ask you anymore, you just need to know it in your heart"

"I plan to enter the international tea market this year, what do you think," Mabo asked, looking at Xu Ping'an.

"With such confidence, you in the country will be settled" Xu Ping'an asked with a smile.

Mabo also smiled, "Let me put it this way, I have the final say on the fluctuation of domestic tea prices, you understand what I mean."

Xu Pingan was shocked after listening, then laughed, and gave Mabo a thumbs up, "Tell me, how do you plan to enter the international tea market".

"It's very simple, launch my high-end brand, take the high-end route, the price is higher than Lipton's, I can promote sales, but the price will not change"

"I am very patient, and I have made plans to not make money for three years"

"When foreign brands entered the celestial dynasty, they also lost money for many years, but their prices have not been lowered. Time is used to determine their products as high-end brands."

"I also plan to go this way. With the domestic market supporting me, I am fearless" Mabo said in a very grand manner.

"Which market are you going to enter" Xu Ping'an asked.

"It's very simple. The four markets, China, Japan, South Korea, and the United Kingdom, are launched together, and a team is set up to operate this high-end tea."

"Packed tea with a slightly higher price than Lipton has also entered the market. Slowly, I don't intend to generate much sales immediately. As long as it exists in major supermarkets, I will be satisfied."

"One year, two years, three years, as long as there is a slight growth every year, I can accept it"

"Foreigners are very shrewd. My high-priced products have always existed, and they have been in your eyes. After a long time, you will slowly accept them, rely on quality, and occupy market share step by step."

"Patience is their greatest magic weapon"

"This is worth learning," Mabo said with a serious face.

"Well, if you maintain this kind of patience, I believe your tea company will become the leading global tea company."

"In this way, the tea bags have a shelf life, and you can directly contact Feng Xia for purchase in half a year. You can give me a preferential price," Xu Ping'an said with a smile.

Mabo also smiled and said with relief, "Don't worry, you can't run away."

Xu Pingan’s words were given to Mabo. Once it was produced, it could only be scrapped after the expiry date. By selling the tea industry to Xu Pingan half a year in advance, this loss was avoided.

Mabodo has a strong resilience, so he can concentrate on entering the high-end tea market.

This kind of individually packaged tea leaves are all tea powders, and they are all made with tea leaves below the second level. Even the stalks of the tea will not be overlooked, and the cost is very low.

After the tea stems are crushed, the brewed taste is stronger and can be sold as a high-quality tea industry. You don't even know what the shreds are in those bags.

Lipton’s tea bags are sold with the cheapest materials at the price of the first-class tea industry. The profits in it have gone. Now Mabo is involved in this market and must be supported.

Xu Pingan stayed here in Quanzhou for a few days and met with many people, especially the relatives of Song Xinyun's family. They were all shocked.

It turned out that Song Xinyun's man was Xu Ping'an, which they would never have thought of.

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