Start the era of black technology

Chapter 585 [The Strongest Race in the Universe]

On this day, Apocalypse Blizzard Television put a ten-second video on the Internet, which directly caused a sensation.

The screen is Justice League VS Avengers. Every starring has appeared. Finally, please look forward to [the strongest race in the universe].

The two superhero camps are all about to charge and start the fight, and a very sci-fi metal box appears in the middle of the picture, and the mark on it shows the logo of the Apocalypse Group.

The logo was designed by the Protoss. According to the interpretation of the Pros, this logo represents auspicious meaning and stays away from all disasters. Whether it is effective or not, Xu Ping'an directly adopted it.

When this scene appeared, all fans were shocked, and the media were shocked.

What the hell is this? Apocalypse Blizzard Films actually shot this hero movie, but it is still a collection of superheroes from Marvel and DC. What the hell is this.

However, it is also a good scene to be able to make the Avengers and Justice League PK, which is exciting to think about.

There is no doubt that this will be a movie, and it is a movie related to the Tianqi Group. With so many superheroes, everyone is starting to look forward to it.

[The strongest race in the universe], the expectation value of this film is directly registered in the film expectation list of many countries, which kills everything.

On the Internet and in the media, all people began to talk about this movie. I have to say that there are experts in the private sector. It is correct. Many fans have begun to speculate whether this is a movie full of Tianqi Group advertisements.

Because, although the screen is short, the logo of Tianqi Group appears in each clip, and I am worried that excessive advertising will ruin such a movie.

As soon as this analysis article appeared, it was directly reposted by many people. It was noticed that the number of praises increased rapidly, and everyone began to worry.

With the passage of time, public opinion has intensified, and no one has noticed. The second test launch of the second-generation rocket of Tianqi Space Mining Company began.

However, although the Tianqi Group is very low-key, it is also mastered by many interested people. These people are very clear about the ambition of the new rocket of the Tianqi Group.

Another thing, ordinary people don't know, but these interested people know that the United States is promoting the legalization of private companies entering space in the United Nations, that is, private companies can occupy planets in outer space at will to establish research and development bases.

There is a lot of trouble at the moment, and everyone understands that it must be the US private space company that has made a breakthrough. The tycoons of the celestial dynasty have received reports from Xu Ping'an before, and they know exactly what happened.

If the goal of the United States is really achieved, needless to say, the next step will be to directly send an experimental base to the sky and establish a research and development base on the moon or other planets.

Once the United States completes this layout, the gap between countries in the world and the United States will grow wider and wider. I am afraid that there is really no chance to surpass it in the future.

This time it was an unprecedented collective opposition, and the quarrels all day were extremely troublesome.

Xu Pingan watched the live broadcast in the manor. As expected, the rocket entered space smoothly. As a result, it fell apart on the way back, and Xu Pingan sighed directly.

Many people breathed a long sigh of relief when they saw this picture. The pressure on their bodies suddenly relaxed. Space technology is not so easy to break through.

We have been developing for so many years and dare not make such an attempt. You Tianqi Group dare to conduct rocket research and development experiments of this specification. You deserve your rockets to play.

Some people frowned to watch this incident. Musk also watched a video with several allies. "This is not a good thing. Judging from the performance of the rocket this time, the next launch will be 100% successful."

"Why are you so sure" Gates asked.

"The rocket exploded before launching into space for the first time. This time, the rocket smoothly ascended into space and exploded on the way back."

"It can be seen that Tianqi Group has accumulated enough technology on this kind of rocket launch."

"After this failure, I will make some adjustments and focus on research. It can be 100% successful. This is how my Rocket Company came back then."

"Failed again and again, accumulated technology again and again, in exchange for the ultimate success"

"I propose that at the end of the year we will directly carry out the lunar base launch experiment. Even if it fails, we can accumulate a wealth of experience and data."

"As for the United Nations, let the government continue to wrestle with them. Anyway, they can't do anything with us," Musk said while looking at everyone.

Gates and several people can hear that Musk feels the pressure. This pressure is even greater than the successful launch of the Tianqi Group's rocket. This pressure comes from the accumulation of technology of the Tianqi Group.

After discussing with each other, the decision was unanimously adopted. A test launch will be conducted at the end of this year, and the action must be accelerated.

Not only Musk and others, but also many groups and many countries have made the same decision. The decision in the space field cannot let the United States dominate. The consequences are terrible, and it is necessary to fight.

India, after the failure of the moon landing, there has been no news. Recently, it has been revealed that the moon landing project will be restarted, and the lunar rover will be launched again at the end of this year.

Everyone feels the pressure, one after another, the targets of the major secret groups around the world are in outer space.

Xu Pingan held a video conference with Lu Zi'an and others, and immediately summed up the failure experience and redesigned and launched a new rocket assembly. The project was established immediately, and the related expenses would be transferred immediately.

With Xu Pingan's words, Lu Zi'an and others rose up again and began to seriously analyze the reasons for the failure, redesign the rocket, and strive to complete these tasks within one month.

The information provided by Porsche on Idris Island has been entered into the database, and James summoned the leaders of various project teams to start fine-tuning the overall project.

With this batch of technological enrichment, we can be bold enough. This opinion has won the support of everyone, and many projects currently under study have been upgraded.

On this day, James held a video conference with Lu Zian and Zhao Changkong, and proposed a solution to the problem of the rocket's return journey, and comprehensively optimized the original plan.

Exchanges between the two departments are very frequent. Many projects are joint cooperation and breakthroughs. They all belong to the same boss, and there is no problem of interest. Therefore, the cooperation went smoothly.

Tianchao, Longteng Rocket Company announced that the rocket design has been completed, and orders for rocket accessories have been placed. The assembly will be completed by September this year and the launch will begin in November.

As a result, the news was reflected. Although many media reported this incident, ordinary people were not very interested. This was the difference between the state of public attention when the Tianqi Group first rocket launched.

This made Long Sihai, the owner of the Longteng Rocket Company, very injured. He wanted to sell the exclusive broadcast rights for rocket launches to make some money. As a result, no satellite TV came to contact, not even a video website.

In the end, a certain official media bought the exclusive broadcasting rights for this time with 500,000 Tianchao dollars. An angry Long Sihai threw a cup directly in the office and panted while sitting on a chair.

It took a while to recover, and with a long sigh, he picked up a pen and signed it and sold it directly. Five hundred thousand is also money, which is incomparable with the weather and collective wealth.

You wait for me. After my rocket lifts off, I will let you know that our rocket is not inferior to the rocket of Apocalypse Group. Long Sihai sighed inwardly.

A few days have passed slowly, and the external media are still frantically hyping about the movie, and all kinds of news are flying all over the sky, without the slightest tension.

The news that asked Apocalypse Blizzard to explain was overwhelming, and Karlon also felt the pressure and called to communicate with Xu Ping An. After Xu Ping's approval was obtained, he issued a statement.

To put it bluntly, this is an advertising film. In the beginning, Tianqi Group did not have the idea of ​​filming, but only planned to invite these international superstars to shoot commercials.

As a result, the planning cases were escalated again and again, and various expenses went up wildly. In the end, Tianqi Group decided to shoot this movie. The investment and production cost of the entire movie reached more than 600 million euros.

The special effects personnel from the Apocalypse Technology Company, Apocalypse Game Company, Apocalypse Blizzard Game Company, and the three companies collectively worked together to complete the film.

It will make people feel the charm of the new generation of special effects when watching movies. Reality and illusion are difficult to distinguish.

After this statement was released, many people understood what was going on. However, looking at the 600 million euros production fee, many people showed great interest.

Many people have posted messages expressing their support, as long as the advertisement does not affect the whole plot, it is acceptable. Too many people want to see Justice League vs. Avengers.

Two days later, Tianqi Group’s official website also issued a statement to the effect that several products launched by Tianqi Group in the future will appear in this movie, which will subvert your imagination.

Everyone will find that the sci-fi product in the movie is about to become a reality, and in the near future, everyone can have this sci-fi product.

Because these products inside have already taken shape, many of them are taken in kind.

With the announcement of Tianqi Group, everyone's interest is even more aroused. Many people leave messages on Tianqi Group's official website and want to see what high-tech products are.

There are tens of millions of messages on the official website of the international version and the domestic version, which has completely aroused everyone's interest.

When Xu Ping An immediately arrived in Italy from France, Apocalypse Blizzard released an official trailer. On August 10, the strongest race in the universe landed in major theaters around the world.

Simultaneously released worldwide, the complete promo film began to be officially released.

Once the news was released, everyone began to watch the promo on major websites. In just one day, the volume of broadcasts at home and abroad reached hundreds of millions.

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