Start the era of black technology

Chapter 591: The Faster You Enter the Infinite Loop

After more than two months, the new rocket has been assembled, and the relevant department applied for a launch meeting in the near future. Xu Ping’an received the notice early, but it was because Dr. Luck’s affairs had not taken care of it.

Now, I had to come over. After entering the guest house, Xu Ping'an was making tea while asking Xingling whether the rocket launch was smooth this time.

"This time it went well, you can let the rocket stay in space for a while and then come back," the Protoss said directly.

Xu Ping'an was taken aback. He stayed in space for a while and came back. What does it mean? Does the rocket have this function? Xu Ping's mind is full of questions.

Xu Ping'an had seen the drawings, but couldn't understand it. The Protoss said it was okay. Xu Ping'an didn't worry about it anymore. Why can the rocket stay in space for a while before returning.

This is too sci-fi, this is a major event that subverts the function of the rocket.

"I have to say that you have some ability to find these personnel. After combining various technologies, the rocket can stay in space for a period of time before returning."

"Lu Zi'an and Zhao Changkong are not satisfied just to develop a new generation of rockets, but have their own ambitions and want to compete with the space shuttle project on the island of Edreus."

"If there is no space shuttle, let the rocket stay directly in space and have the function of a space shuttle" Xingling explained, and Xu Ping'an understood what was going on.

"You said, would it be more eye-catching to send a white mouse directly" Xu Ping'an asked.

"You decide for yourself, I won't participate" The Protoss finished speaking and was silent.

Thinking while drinking tea, Xu Ping'an's expression on his face soon became firmer, and he picked up the phone to call Lu Zi'an enough, and hung up after talking.

This time it won't work. The rocket has been fixed, and new items need to be added with equipment. In this way, many aspects need to be modified, and the gains outweigh the losses.

Can only be left until the next time.

After a two-day rest, Xu Pingan took the car to the control center. Today is the time for the rocket to launch. According to the plan, the rocket will stay in space for two days before returning.

If it can land safely, it proves that the rocket launch is successful. At the same time, it represents the maturity of the second-generation rocket technology.

Although Xu Ping'an did not publicize, many people concerned about this matter, and they all wanted to know whether this rocket launch could be successful, especially Hughes and Leonardo.

The two are very nervous. The three have formed an alliance. The launch of the rocket is a matter of the Tianqi Group. The two consecutive failures made them more or less worried.

Although it is known that failure will increase the Apocalypse Group's background in rocket launches, continuous failure will hurt people's confidence.

With the loud noise of "boom boom boom", the rocket lifted off smoothly, and the control hall was constantly shouting.

"Report, the rocket has entered orbit"

"Immediately start the communication program to track the rocket and notify the Tianqi Island Control Center to also carry out signal tracking"

"Start Control Program"

"Control Speed ​​Track"

"Start the internal space test system"


A series of shouts began to appear, and time slowly passed, "Report, the communication connection has been completed, and the rocket is hovering at the predetermined orbit."

"Ahhhhhh" a huge cheer came out, and the first step plan was completed, and many people were excited.

Xu Pingan also began to clap his hands. Lu Zi'an shouted at this time, "It is not time to celebrate, closely monitor the rocket's movements."

Hearing Lu Zi'an's voice, the staff started to get busy. Lu Zi'an came to Xu Ping'an's side.

"Old Lu, I'll wait for the news of your success. Then you can relax." Xu Ping'an said with a smile, Lu Zi'an also nodded with a smile on his face.

outside world

With the passage of time, many people are dumbfounded. What is the situation, why did not see the rocket return, and whether the launch of Tianqi Group succeeded or failed.

When it was dark, Hughes couldn't help but call Xu Ping'an, asking about the result.

"Hughes, this rocket launch is different from the past. It needs to stay in space for two days for a lot of system tests. Only after these tests will it return to Earth," Xu Ping'an said with a smile.

Seuss was stunned, the phone was hands-free, and Leonardo, who was sitting across from Seuss, was also dumbfounded.

The rocket stayed in space for two days and then returned. What kind of technology is this? This is the fucking space shuttle technology. Does Xu Ping'an have mastered this technology?

The two looked at each other and saw the shock and fear in each other's eyes. The rocket technology of the Tianqi Group was too scary.

The United States is so powerful that it can't make a rocket stay in space for two days and then return. Apocalypse Group can do it.

This shows that the rocket technology of Tianqi Group is at the pinnacle of the global rocket industry!

This is really, and if you don't call it, it's already a blockbuster.

"Xu, what kind of technique is this?" Hugh asked calmly.

Xu Pingan smiled and said, "Hughes, the reason why my rocket failed twice in a row is because the researchers are too ambitious. They are not just making rockets."

"I'm doing research on the Interstellar Express. The rocket is sent directly to space, and various experiments can be carried out as needed. The number of days to stay is completely controllable..."

"If we can land smoothly after forty-eight hours, it means we have succeeded."

"In terms of rocket launch technology alone, Musk's SpaceX can't be compared, especially since we have absorbed the technology provided by Porsche, the technology is even more perfect" Xu Ping'an explained calmly.

Hughes and Leonardo then understood what was going on, and hung up after a few words of politeness.

"How can Porsche have this kind of technology, I don't believe it killed me," Leonardo said very positively.

Hughes smiled bitterly and shook his head and said, "I don't believe that if Porsche had this kind of technology, it would definitely not be sold, even if it was sold, it would be very easy to sell for two or three billion euros."

"It was sold to Tianqi Group for a mere hundreds of millions of dollars. I am worried that there will be nothing in it that we don't know."

Hughes said here, the relaxed expression on his face disappeared, and he frowned and began to think.

The expression on Leonardo's face also began to become solemn, "You mean, this is a game."


"If you think about it, Xu's accumulation of space technology relies on buying from the black market. People who are interested know this."

"In just a few years, it has accumulated to this level. Isn't it a bit too fast, so fast that people can't believe it"

"Also, you heard it just now. Next month, he plans to send a test satellite to take the animals to the sky. This is to prepare for manned spaceflight."

"How many years have passed since the United States launched a satellite to manned to the sky, even if he has data to support it, it is too fast, so fast that people can breathe out," Hughes said solemnly.

"I don't think there is any need to worry. It depends on how much materials Xu has purchased. Another thing is that the technology is developing too fast now. Don't forget, he has three major bases conducting research at the same time."

"What's more, there have been great breakthroughs in many hardware now. Let me give you an example. The first-generation rocket's four square circuit boards can now be replaced by only one chip."

"After those research teams absorb the purchased technology, they will definitely usher in a development peak. It is normal to have a breakthrough, but it is abnormal if there is no breakthrough," Leonardo said directly.

"The chip gap is so big," said Hughes, a little surprised.

Leonardo sighed and nodded and said, "It's so big. The chip technology in Xu's hands is not weaker than Qualcomm. This is the fundamental reason why I strongly oppose the restriction of Tianqi Group."

"Really let Tianqi Group fully develop computer hardware. Hey, several large hardware companies in the United States are not far from bankruptcy."

Only then did Hughes understand how much pressure Leonardo said he was under, but he didn't know. There were still some things Leonardo didn't say. If they really said it, Hugh would be even more shocked.

The Tianqi Advanced Materials Research Institute has been researching new lithography technology since its establishment. After so many years, there will be no gains at all. Leonardo believes that there are 100% results, but the Tianqi Group has blocked it.

The next day, many organizations and countries began to mobilize satellites to track this matter. The rocket was launched but did not come back. What the hell is Tianqi Group doing?

It turned out that the rocket was hovering in space, which was a bit unclear. No one dared to care about it and kept staring at it. Many people canceled a lot of work and stared at it.

Forty-eight hours later, Tianqi Space Mining Company began to start the return procedure, and the rocket began to move. Several organizations immediately received the news and began to stare at the rocket.

Time passed slowly, and the rocket returned smoothly. Eight flamethrowers sprayed blue flames, controlling the angle, and the rocket slowly landed to the designated location.

A huge cheer began to appear in the huge control room. Everyone was cheering, and many people were crying. It was not easy. Two failures accumulated a lot of pressure.

Now, these pressures are wiped out.

Lu Zi'an arranged for people to start calling, and many trains in Dunhuang were pulling food towards Tianqi Space Mining Company. Today, he is going to have a carnival and vent his inner joy.

Soon, the official website of Tianqi Space Mining Company and Tianqi Group issued a collective statement that the second-generation rocket was successfully launched. The rocket successfully returned to Earth after 48 hours in space and landed at the designated location.

A lot of people were shocked, and those organizations that got the details started to analyze the matter.

Musk was also discussing with several allies, and everyone had solemn expressions on their faces, frowning while holding red wine.

"Now I understand what you said, the later you fail, the better"

"Tianqi Group has experienced two failures and gained too many benefits, which allowed him to perfect a lot of technology. This time it can allow the rocket to stay in space for forty-eight hours."

"This is completely something that the space shuttle can do. In terms of rocket launch technology, Apocalypse Group is at the pinnacle of this industry." Boeing President Kenman lost with emotion.

Bombardier's President Peel also nodded to the side, "I really can't imagine the space technology of Apocalypse Group has grown so fast, this is unreasonable."

"This is normal"

"According to the information I have, Xu Pingan spent up to 6 billion euros in collecting space technology on the black market, and there were more than 20 rocket drawings."

"Some time ago our manned spaceflight data was sold by insiders, and all the orders for manned spaceflight data on the black market were gone. Now these people have got what they want."

"Although the data is outdated, all kinds of hardware are now available. A group of people can study alternative products and use it directly. It will not take long."

"It's just that he absorbed the space shuttle technology so quickly, which was beyond my expectation." Gates said these words solemnly.

"In fact, we don't need to worry. This success will definitely give Xu great confidence. I have already verified it with Airbus's Norton"

"Xu Ping'an is 100% going to carry out the design of holding a space-transforming spacecraft. Isn't that what we say we need? The faster he absorbs, the faster he enters the endless loop"

"We all know his personality. He won't stop until this design is completed. At least it will cost him several years and tens of billions of dollars."

"Our goal has been achieved"

"The experimental data of the base has come out, and it is in full compliance with our tone. I propose to launch in December and establish the first experimental base directly on the moon." Musk looked at everyone after he said it.

Everyone nodded their heads, unanimously approved the plan, and proceeded at the end of December, to complete this goal first. Anyway, the big guys are still wrangling, let's talk about it first.

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