"Let's go, come with me to greet you. The two of them are definitely not ordinary people." Xu Ping'an finished speaking and stood up, Ding Zhijun followed and went downstairs together.

After Xu Ping An and Ding Zhijun went downstairs, they met with the three in the living room and chatted for a while. Xu Ping An and the middle-aged man went to the study to talk, and no one knew what they were talking about.

Only knowing that they were going downstairs more than an hour later, both of them had a relaxed expression on their faces. Wei Dongshuo and Chen Qingshan were relieved to see them.

Xu Pingan enthusiastically invited everyone to lunch, but the three of them refused. After being polite for a while, the three of them left, and took Ding Zhijun to send them to the car and leave.

In the living room, Xu Ping'an took a sip of tea, "No need to relocate, don't ask why, I don't know anything today."

"Understand" Ding Zhijun said directly.

After discussing for a while, they ate lunch directly. The two eliminated a bottle of liquor. Xu Ping'an arranged for someone to take Ding Zhijun to the hotel to rest. Tomorrow Ding Zhijun would leave the headquarters and return to the mobile phone company.

Xu Pingan made a call to Saen in the room. In January, he arranged for the test team to come to the sky for the ninth docking test, and everything began to be normal.

As time passed slowly, a plane departed from Tianqi Island and headed straight to Tianqi Space Mining Company. The plane was carrying a test satellite. The passing staff also brought a mouse and a monkey.

The two animals have been inspected for a long time, and each index of the body has detailed data. After the plane has landed, the tracking inspection will continue until it landed on the rocket.

Time is tight, with only four days to recover. After getting off the plane, the two animals were tested immediately. Time passed slowly. On this day, the test satellite began to load.

After another three days, the rocket has completed its commissioning work and the final preparations have begun. One day later, the rocket successfully launched.

This time, the rocket will stay in space for a week.

Xu Pingan didn't feel much, but the pressure on many companies was suddenly increased.

Tianqi Group is now starting to conduct animal experiments, stating that it intends to conduct experiments before manned spaceflight. After the experiments are completed, the next step is to send personnel to heaven.

After staying at home for a while, Xu Pingan took Huo Minghai, Wu Sikai, and Aubrey, and set off directly to Tianqi Island. It was time for the annual meeting.

Just when Xu Pingan arrived on Tianqi Island, SpaceX launched eight rockets together. This news was immediately grasped by many countries.

These rockets did not stay in space at all, but disintegrated directly when there was still some distance from the moon. Each of the eight rockets had a huge lunar rover falling towards the moon.

Soon, these lunar rover landed on the moon smoothly and began to drive towards the predetermined location. Slowly, these lunar rover converged, and sixteen astronauts got off the vehicle and started to work.

The docking procedure was initiated, and the eight lunar rover became a straight line, each of which extended a huge pipe to connect together.

At this time, the lunar rover began to move. Each of the eight vehicles erected a huge metal rod with a diameter of absolutely ten centimeters. The rods were spiral-shaped and more than three meters visually, and began to burrow with the help of machinery.

The drilling stopped halfway down. The astronauts started to move, adjusted the fixed position of the metal rod, started manual work with tools, and confined the metal rod and began to rotate.

The part where the metal rod penetrated into the ground showed four sharp objects spreading in all directions under the mechanical rotation, and it stopped after about ten revolutions.

This is a unique reinforcement procedure, which has now been completed, and the lunar rover is firmly fixed.

Seeing this picture, people in many countries were silent. They did not expect that the moon base would be completed in this way at one time, which caught everyone off guard.

At this time, SpaceX announced that the lunar research base is a joint project of SpaceX, Boeing, Microsoft, Bombardier, and the four companies.

After the base facilities are completed, countries around the world can apply to the base for scientific research, all for the future of mankind.

The lunar base project was completed, and the base picture was announced. The American flag on it was very conspicuous.

The words are also beautiful. All future human beings can still apply. From the control of the International Space Station, we can see the intentions of these people.

The press conference was held in the morning, and the United States issued a statement more than an hour later that the moon belongs to all mankind and that the United States did not violate the United Nations regulations on establishing a base on the earth.

This is a project of a private company, not an official one, and the government does not intervene. We encourage private companies to participate in the space project.

This is very beautiful, folk projects, ghosts will believe your words, whoever believes your words will end well.

Xu Ping'an was reading this news from his residence, and he sighed secretly in his heart. This is the foundation, and this is what he lacks.

However, they must not be so proud, they must be checked and balanced, otherwise, they will suffer.

It can be seen from which astronauts’ spacesuits that they are completely different from the original heavy spacesuits. The information on spacesuits of a certain country must have been leaked.

Xu Pingan sat on the sofa and began to think about what he needed to do to minimize the impact of this incident on Tianqi Group.

"Actually, you don't need to worry about anything" The Star Spirit's voice sounded in Xu Ping's mind.

"How do you say this" Xu Pingan asked.

"The lunar rover is only so big, how much equipment can be put in it, the projects that can be researched are limited, but the cost is not a small number, you don't need to mess around, just follow the plan," Xingling said directly.

Xu Pingan shook his head and said, "You are wrong. This is not so simple. The four companies spend a lot of money, but they can make money from the stock market."

"One more, you can also make a fortune by applying for trials from other countries."

"By letting other companies buy shares, you can make a lot of money, and gather the strength of multiple companies. This base will definitely develop very fast, and there is no need to worry about funding."

The Protoss didn't speak anymore. It was clear that Xu Ping'an was not telling lies, and he didn't speak for a while.

"If you want, I can directly control the meteorite and destroy this base without a trace." The voice of the Star Spirit came over again.

"No, I have other ways. You don't need to waste energy, not to mention that this is on the moon. The possibility of your exposure will increase wirelessly."

"I said that things that can be solved with money are not big things, let alone I don't need to spend much"

"Do you have any information about their base?" Xu Ping'an asked.

"If you want it," Xingling said directly.

"You prepare, let me make a call" Xu Ping'an said with a smile on his face.

After speaking, I opened my eyes, picked up the satellite phone and started dialing. After the call was connected, I ended up talking about the conversation. I stood up and stretched out and went for a walk.

The next day, in a courtyard of the Imperial Capital, a group of people stared solemnly at a large fax machine not far away, and two of them were walking around in the courtyard, constantly looking at their wrist watches.

There are many guards with guns and live ammunition around, and the protection is very tight.

The "Ding Ding Ding" phone rang, and everyone was startled.

The person who was talking to Xu Ping'an in J City the other day stood up, came to the fax machine with a serious face, picked up the phone, talked about a conversation, and directly activated the fax machine.

Soon, the signal light showed that the signal was connected, the fax machine began to work, and the drawings were printed out, and the few nearby were cautiously keeping them.

Time passed slowly, a new stack of paper was added, the original paper was almost used up, and continuity must be maintained.

The drawings were very clear, and time passed bit by bit. Finally, the fax was over, and more than 400 drawings were printed.

A group of people collected all the drawings and put them in a box, took out the handcuffs and handcuffed them on their wrists, got in the car and left the compound under the escort of everyone.

More than an hour later, in a small four-story building, seven or eight gray-haired old people were browsing the drawings of the viewers, making a sound of admiration from time to time.

"Old, is this drawing real" an old man asked from the side.

"I guarantee by my personality that this drawing is real, it is definitely the drawing of the moon base of their four companies, and the design is very clever."

"Look at this stack. This is the design of their lunar rover. The drawings are absolutely true. I can be sure of this." Gu said very seriously, and the questioner heaved a sigh of relief.

After speaking a few words to the crowd, I went to the side to call, and it took a while to come back, and the expression on his face became a lot easier.

The big guys have started a meeting, and the topic of discussion is Xu Ping'an. The drawing is so complete, and the credit is too great, and the big guys are embarrassed about how to reward them.

"I suggest that we don't think about rewards first, and arrange it first. Within a year, we must also establish our own base, otherwise, we will be too passive," a big man said seriously.

"Yeah, it is not appropriate to reward Xu Ping'an in an open and fair manner. Comrade Xiao Zhang said that Xu Ping'an spent a lot of money to get these materials, and many people have sacrificed several."

"I can completely imagine what the price would be to get such a confidential drawing!"

"Keep this credit in mind. When things go by, we are looking for an excuse to give rewards and secretly support, which is the kingly way."

"Although this kid can be very troublesome, I admire this patriotism." Another big man said, and many people nodded and approved this comment.

Tianqi Island, Tianqi Group’s annual meeting was successfully held. In front of everyone, Xu Ping’an directly analyzed the SpaceX lunar base project.

Many people have expressions of serious thinking. Obviously, these things Xu Pingan said are things they didn't consider. The space station can do everything that can be done on the moon base.

Moreover, this kind of space station construction does not have the slightest resistance to meteorites. You must know that the moon shows that it will often encounter meteorites. How long this base can exist.

Maybe a meteorite impact will destroy the base. At that time, all investment will be wiped out. You know, the four companies have invested 3 billion US dollars each.

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